UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.
Yet another example of liberals projecting their acts upon their opponents.

When you have a sycophantic media willing to spread your lies these rumors become more believable.

Which political party says all issues are centered around discrimination?

The Democratic Party.

Anyone who wants to stop illegal immigration must be a racist.
Anyone that respects the police must be racists.
Anyone who questions Obama’s policies must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks bringing hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists into this country is a bad idea must be a racist.
People in LA are assumed by Obama to be racists.
Anyone who believes in America first must be a racist.
Anyone who thinks all lives matter must be a racist.
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.
Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.
Your response is typically liberal and a great example of my point.
Classic conservative paranoia. #2
Classice liberal denial and continuing to prove my point with nothing but blanket accusations and name calling.
Who dening anything?
Classic conservative paranoia#3
Lot of irony in there Petey. Debate the issue. How is the GOP pro-Education?

First, name ONE educator that had their throats slit by a republican.

Making those who work for the government live on a budget isn't something done by people with a sinister agenda. They're just forced to be the adult in the room when whiny bed wetting liberals demand more and more money every year while the quality of education continues to decline.

So you can come down off your cross now pinko.

I served in a department of 24 Mathematicians and Physics at a regional university. It had a strong mission helping folks in the region escape poverty. After nearly a decade I left that job as I saw the position as no longer tenable under the GOP controlled State legislature. By the time I left, the department was down to 10. A lot of those folks were good men and women who were forced completely out or into early retirement by GOP idiots that decided to invest in chicken farms rather than tech industries.

That, by the way, is hardly a unique situation to life at State Universities. I see a lot of young teachers in K12 completely burn out due to the outright hostile environment they face from overwhelmingly GOP controlled State Legislators looking to score easy political points.

By the way, you're not helping yourself there Petey. Calm down, act like an adult, and join the debate. How is the GOP pro-Education?
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.
The GOP does have a problem with educators though. I don't think it comes from some lofty disagreement on topics, but is more about motivated self interest. Voters will vote for the party that they feel benefits them best and right now for educators at all level, that's been the DNC.

A lot of the conversation on the Right tends to put the blame for issues in education squarely on the teachers, which isn't just unfair, but also false. It tends to brush right past parental and funding issues that plague a lot of schools. A teacher is going to have a rough time managing a large classroom that gets larger due to budget cuts, especially when kids come to school without parents helping with homework. Some kids are coming to school having not ate, not bringing lunch money, or missing crucial supplies. Then when those kids fail, the blame is increasingly put on teachers.

On top of that, even if a teacher has a class full of really active and involved parents, there isn't much you can do to prepare the student for the world out there if you don't have the materials needed. There are a lot of aging books that aren't being replaced which are filled with demonstrably wrong things. A lot of schools are struggling to even put one computer in a classroom. That's insane considering how important fluency with a computer will be for students.

Are there bad teachers? Sure. But in the ease to appeal to voters a lot on the Right go too far and demonize all teachers. I've met a lot of new teachers at all levels (K12, College). A lot of them started Right leaning or even GOP registered voters. And almost all of them will change over the course of a few years to Democrats. Why? If one political party consistently uses you as the bad guy, you're not going to vote for them.

BTW: This is the source of Trump's problem right now. Blacks, Latinos, teachers, college educated white males, are all starting to feel like Trump is specifically smearing them and he is starting to lose with them all. The Conservative vision is a better life for all people regardless of race, but the message isn't taken seriously when you advance it by demonizing some.
Your right on some parts of this I agree with the parental and funding issues my main problem is not with teachers as a whole but the teachers union which in my opinion makes it all but impossible to fire bad teachers and fights to block or make more difficult any program that gives parents choices other than public schools.
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.
Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.
Your response is typically liberal and a great example of my point.
Classic conservative paranoia. #2
Classice liberal denial and continuing to prove my point with nothing but blanket accusations and name calling.
Who dening anything?
Classic conservative paranoia#3
You are sitting there callin me paranoid with no proof what so ever other than the fact I don't agree with you thus proving my point that liberals such as yourself like to demonize, villify,and insult those who don't agree with you. You may now continue your denial.
The ignorance in the OP is typical of todays left trying demonize and vilify any who disagree with them.

Wrong. Experience in watching the feet, not the lips, of conservatives is the basis for my observation that to dumb down Americans is one major goal of the Republican power elite. Those who support:
  • Vouchers so that taxes support private schools, not governed by elected school boards
  • Efforts to pack local school boards with conservatives and buy books which rewrite history
  • To brainwash not educate children and frame their thinking
Brainwashing is not limited to the young and impressionable, many adults are biddable - how else can one explain why 30-second commercials, demogrogues and charlatans - so effectively impact them vote even against their own self interests.
I served in a department of 24 Mathematicians and Physics at a regional university. It had a strong mission helping folks in the region escape poverty. After nearly a decade I left that job as I saw the position as no longer tenable under the GOP controlled State legislature. By the time I left, the department was down to 10. A lot of those folks were good men and women who were forced completely out or into early retirement by GOP idiots that decided to invest in chicken farms rather than tech industries.

That, by the way, is hardly a unique situation to life at State Universities. I see a lot of young teachers in K12 completely burn out due to the outright hostile environment they face from overwhelmingly GOP controlled State Legislators looking to score easy political points.

By the way, you're not helping yourself there Petey. Calm down, act like an adult, and join the debate. How is the GOP pro-Education?

Again, climb down off that cross you pseudo-intellectual democrook hack. I know plenty of teachers personally that say funds in school are wasted on kids who will end up in prison or remain in the ghetto doing menial jobs because no amount of money or resources will make a difference, You could give a teacher $1Million per year, one student and it will make no difference if the kid's parents aren't involved. You'll never get those kids into executive chairs. The best you can do is teach them the basics, and try to give them vocational schooling at a young age and even pay them through internships. That might inspire a work ethic.

Then you've got blankets of even more pseudo-intellectual libturd bureaucrooks with do nothing jobs, or jobs that interfere with the actual goal of teaching.

It's amazing how in the early 1900's we managed to educate a generation of Americans on shoe-string budgets and through a depression prolonged by regressive democrook policy, that put people on the moon.

Now we spend tens of thousands on each kid and are baffled because so many remain barely literate. So don't try and blame the people who are sick of wasting money funding careers of pseudo-intellectual democrook hacks. Blame yourselves for churning out generations of kids with ZERO critical thinking skills, because bed wetters like you stifle the free exchange of ideas with your safe spaces and PC thuggery.

Your response is typically false .
Classic conservative paranoia.
Your response is typically liberal and a great example of my point.
Classic conservative paranoia. #2
Classice liberal denial and continuing to prove my point with nothing but blanket accusations and name calling.
Who dening anything?
Classic conservative paranoia#3
You are sitting there callin me paranoid with no proof what so ever other than the fact I don't agree with you thus proving my point that liberals such as yourself like to demonize, villify,and insult those who don't agree with you. You may now continue your denial.
False every thing you've posted is based on that paranoia.
Your posts are peppered with paranoia language.
the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

yes because we all know the slack jawed billy bobs and ellie may goobers live in houses like that

sorry guy, I live in NC so i see what the dumph supporters are, who are mainly uneducated bitter white people
the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

yes because we all know the slack jawed billy bobs and ellie may goobers live in houses like that

sorry guy, I live in NC so i see what the dumph supporters are, who are mainly uneducated bitter white people

Yea like I never been up to North Carolina before weasel



UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.

Because the Democrat Plantation depends upon the functional illiterates they "graduate" from their Big City "Schools"

"Almost 80 percent of all New York City high school graduates who want to enroll in the City University’s community college system must first relearn basic reading, writing and math."

Approximately 80 percent of NYC high school grads can’t read well enough for community college

That's Democrats at work, Fredo
Your right on some parts of this I agree with the parental and funding issues my main problem is not with teachers as a whole but the teachers union which in my opinion makes it all but impossible to fire bad teachers and fights to block or make more difficult any program that gives parents choices other than public schools.
Yeah, unions are a tough issue. Unions have a cyclical life. They're necessary to protect workers, then become powerful and corrupt, then scaled back, then become necessary again. Tenure protection is probably too strong and should be balanced out by increased salary with reduced employment protection along with clearer timelines for contract renewal.

School choice is a tough thing as for many teachers they (justifiably) see it as unfair that Charter schools, Private schools, and voucher programs aren't held to the same standard as public schools. Most teachers would be fine with it if those schools did get held to the same standard. Instead, you get allegations of corruption in Florida and Ohio where Republican Governors let their business buddies run online schools and charter schools with no oversight and little in the way of standards. Or you get the voucher program in Louisiana where the state paid to send children to a church in Ruston where the school consisted of VCR tapes in the fellowship hall. Worse, the really good private schools in Louisiana straight up refused to participate in the voucher program.
the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

yes because we all know the slack jawed billy bobs and ellie may goobers live in houses like that

sorry guy, I live in NC so i see what the dumph supporters are, who are mainly uneducated bitter white people

Yea like I never been up to North Carolina before weasel





And that's just the middle of the state.
the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

yes because we all know the slack jawed billy bobs and ellie may goobers live in houses like that

sorry guy, I live in NC so i see what the dumph supporters are, who are mainly uneducated bitter white people

Yea like I never been up to North Carolina before weasel



i live here tard you show pictures as that is the norm, most of the nicer places are because of transplants from the north and companies bring people from the north and they built habitable places.

guess what states come in the top for trailer dweller living

Percent of Housing Units That are Mobile Homes statistics - states compared worldwide - StateMaster
Last edited:

Then you've got blankets of even more pseudo-intellectual libturd bureaucrooks with do nothing jobs, or jobs that interfere with the actual goal of teaching.
Yeah, most of your post is pointless namecalling. So it's really not worth the read. But this right here is a really good point. There is a growth in administrators at all levels (K12 and University). A lot of that is motivated by increased Federal/State scrutiny. Every time a new compliance law or accreditation standard is passed, a school inevitably ends up hiring a six digit administrator to make sure the institution is in compliance. Folks complain about red tape on corporations all the time and this is the same thing.
Yeah, most of your post is pointless namecalling. So it's really not worth the read. But this right here is a really good point. There is a growth in administrators at all levels (K12 and University). A lot of that is motivated by increased Federal/State scrutiny. Every time a new compliance law or accreditation standard is passed, a school inevitably ends up hiring a six digit administrator to make sure the institution is in compliance. Folks complain about red tape on corporations all the time and this is the same thing.

And who legislates all that red tape and forces schools and corporations to hire useless bureaucrooks who do nothing but "compliance" enforcement?

Why does every new compliance office have to be staffed with a 6 figure bureaucrook?

I'd call it "golden safety net" welfare for people who couldn't manage a McDonalds, but they got a degree because they regurgitated liberal psycobabble at a bed wetting libturd "educator" without questioning it. When I was a liberal we questioned authority, then I grew up and understood why everyone can't have free shit.

Then you wonder why people call you a pinko bed wetter.

UNC professor: Here’s why most UNC faculty members are Democrats

Not for the ignorant, not for the members of the New Right, but I repeat myself.

Dumbing down America and Americans, one major goal of the Republikan Party.

Republicans disdain knowledge if it goes against their political memes. Conservative media have been busy the last 25 years couching everything as us vs them, and demonizing anyone with an education or who is an educator. This is nothing new. Conservatives in all countries across the globe reject education and knowledge. Stalin killed tens of thousands of teachers and professors, Hitler whenever they went into a new country started rounding up the educated classes to either kill them or imprison them, Pol Pot set about purging anyone that had an education or was a teacher.

Republicans in America are not Pol Pot, but their rejection of knowledge is the same. People gravitate to the Democrat party because it is the one that allows rational thought to inform decision making. Republicans bring a snowball into Congress and throw it on the rug and claim it proves there is no Global Warming, ignorance on a grand scale.
the slope skulls consider education elitism

Funny in the south the uneducated sloop skulls have college sports team flags flying form their trailer houses and trump signs in their front yards next to the old car on cinder blocks, the nearest to college these mooks got was the college tee shirt section at walmart

Meanwhile in the real world not far from where you live guno in North Carolina

yes because we all know the slack jawed billy bobs and ellie may goobers live in houses like that

sorry guy, I live in NC so i see what the dumph supporters are, who are mainly uneducated bitter white people

Yea like I never been up to North Carolina before weasel



What's the point of these highly misleading photos of the exception not the average?

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