Uncle Joe Wins Virginia, Minnie Mike Coming in Last

Ya know sumpin?? Of all the articles, links & YT videos about the Dem candidates chances of the nomination that I've read or seen of late.....if you read the comment sections (if allowed)…...very few people actually say they support either candidate for their policies or campaign promises. What they ARE saying is which candidate has the better chance of beating Trump.

IOW, they don't like their options available either and will vote for the 'lesser of two evils' by their way of thinking, just to get rid of Trump....which is totally partisan politics.

And btw..........none of them have mentioned much of Bloomberg. It's all about Sanders vs Biden
It appears Blacks prefer Dementia-Suffering Extortionists to Socialist-Communist 'Castro FanBoys', racist billionaires, and forked-tongue fake Native American pale-faces...
Wow ...they want Uncle Joe badly don't they....with Big Mike as Vice-Prez....perhaps? is that what they want ?? :dunno:

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