Uncomfortable FACT about Ferguson for conservatives...

Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

You mindless drone laughable lolberals are supporting fiction based racism over facts.

THAT'S a fact, bitch.

Try to let a fact sink into that cesspool waste of a mind in your pitiable noggin:

A police officer shooting a bully skell who has tried to grab his gun and who is charging the cop is not a cop who is acting irresponsibly or unreasonably.

Sorry that the fucking dumbass kid got his dopey ass killed. But blaming anybody but HIM for the consequences of his own dumbass thug behavior is absurd. It's so fucking pathetic, we expect it from you mindless drone drooling stupid libbies.
It was the dumb-ass kid's fault, yes. But the cop didn't have to kill him for being a dumb ass. Two wrongs do not a right make.

Didn't he? His life was in danger. The kid tried to take his gun after practically punching his lights out. The cop told him to stop, but the kid (who was six feet five inches tall and weighed over 250 pounds) kept running towards him after already being shot. What did you expect him to do? Sing Kumbaya?
Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

You think cops are supposed to fight criminals?
And this thread should go in the garbage bin. this with Ferguson had nothing to do with conservatives and everything to DO with you LIBERALS. and it was downright shameful
This should make all of you PRO-Brown real proud. I hope you along with this disgusting media in the country are ashamed for having a hand in innocent peoples businesses looted and torched. and their daily lives disrupted in other states by the thugs who jumped on this bandwagon without know all the FACTS


#Ferguson Grand Jury Reveals The Inconsistencies Of Witnesses Which Fed False Media Narrative

Yet it was these same witnesses that the media used to concoct its false narrative of the unarmed boy just shot down in the street.

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Some witnesses said Michael Brown had been shot in the back. Another said he was face-down on the ground when Officer Darren Wilson “finished him off.” Still others acknowledged changing their stories to fit published details about the autopsy or admitted that they did not see the shooting at all.

An Associated Press review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents reveals numerous examples of statements made during the shooting investigation that were inconsistent, fabricated or provably wrong. For one, the autopsies ultimately showed Brown was not struck by any bullets in his back.
Prosecutors exposed these inconsistencies before the jurors, which likely influenced their decision not to indict Wilson in Brown’s death.

Bob McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecutor, said the grand jury had to weigh testimony that conflicted with physical evidence and conflicting statements by witnesses as it decided whether Wilson should face charges.

“Many witnesses to the shooting of Michael Brown made statements inconsistent with other statements they made and also conflicting with the physical evidence. Some were completely refuted by the physical evidence,” McCulloch said.
The decision Monday not to charge Wilson with any crime set off more violent protests in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson and around the country, fueled by claims that the unarmed black 18-year-old was shot while surrendering to the white officer in the mostly African-American city.
Keep reading…

all of it here:
Ferguson Grand Jury Reveals The Inconsistencies Of Witnesses Which Fed False Media Narrative Weasel Zippers

We've gone a long way from "Hands up, don't shoot!" One thing I learned long ago that's served me well is that the Left lies ALL THE TIME and never fails to lie. Even when they say something that I don't yet know is a lie, I trust it is a lie and the proof inevitably and eventually comes. It's never failed. It reminds me of what Jesus said about Satan, who the Left serves, "He is a liar and the father of lies. When he lies, he speaks from his own nature, for there is no truth in him." I didn't have to wait for the facts to come in that eventually painted the original narrative as false, I already knew it was and the grand juries concurrence didn't take me by surprise.
People need to wake up to this disgusting media and shun most of them.

WaPo: CNN’s pre-announcement Ferguson coverage “breathtaking” in its uselessness
posted at 5:21 pm on November 25, 2014 by Ed Morrissey
It’s telling, Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple writes, that CNN’s transcript of their coverage from Ferguson yesterday was titled “Still No Decision from Ferguson Grand Jury.
For most of the day, CNN broadcast multiple reporters on the ground all afternoon when nothing at all was going on. A better title for this coverage, when not only was nothing happening but nothing was expected to be happening, would have been “Still Nothing to Talk About in Ferguson.” Wemple excerpts a number of breaking reports “on the ground” during the day to demonstrate the utter lack of news value in them, with this excerpt being a representative sample:

We are just in a waiting game right now Michaela and John, as you mentioned. We believe the grand jury is currently going over their proceedings and deliberating behind me in the justice center in St. Louis County. I can tell you there is a fairly large law enforcement presence here around the media staging area across the street just making sure everything stays peaceful but as you can see behind me, pretty quiet here, it’s a cold day here in the St. Louis area and perhaps that’s keeping people indoors for the moment. But people are certainly very anxious to hear what the decision will be and at this point we don’t know even exactly when that announcement will come following a decision that’s made.
This was particularly amusing:

And moments ago, host Jake Tapper chatted with correspondent Sara Sidner, who was on the ground outside of the Ferguson police station. The question for Sidner was whether there had been “any movement” by protesters or law enforcement in this critical spot. In a moment that has a good shot of getting repeated on the “Daily Show,” Sidner said yes, there had been some movement: “These gentlemen were not out here a few minutes ago,” Sidner said. “They now are out here.” The camera panned to show three people. At right is how it looked.
Thank you, Captain Obvious. Wemple concludes that CNN’s decision to go wall-to-wall on Ferguson all day made it look ridiculous:

Ask any cable talent: Filling airtime when news comes slowly or not at all is a skill acquired through grinding and unrewarding practice. The trick is not to get ahead of events, not to speculate too much, not to say anything stupid, not to pan to three people standing around, as if that’s indicative of anything. Yet once your network decides it’s going wall-to-wall, this stuff becomes inevitable and sometimes a little amusing. All of it, of course, is good for the media-blogging industry.

However, that’s not an impulse limited to CNN either. All of the major cable networks were giving Ferguson heavy coverage during the day, although perhaps not so much as CNN. Before yesterday, all of the cable nets gave breathless updates on the grand jury, on the status of protesters, and the marital status of Darren Wilson. Ferguson has been heavy-rotation fodder for months, including the arrival of show hosts to broadcast live from Ferguson.

ALL of it here:
WaPo CNN 8217 s pre-announcement Ferguson coverage 8220 breathtaking 8221 in its uselessness Hot Air
The inability to apprehend an unarmed suspect without the use of lethal force is a GROSS failure of police work.

After having already shot the guy three times. Pussy Wilson had to keep on shooting till finally the kid took two in the head.

14 shots at an unarmed kid to "protect and serve". And the right wingers on here love it. They are pussies too.

You've never been in fear for your life. It's almost cute to see people so sheltered that they've never in their life experienced real danger; never been to war, never had to face their own mortality. Your post causes me to think of you as a large child, so sheltered, so naive, so judgmental of those who actually deal with real life.

Go back to your video games and let the grown ups handle real issues.
If he were just a citizen you might be right.
But it was his job as a police officer to apprehend a violent suspect. Wilson said as much in a recent interview. Driving away was not an option.

Driving away was an option, and it would have allowed him to call for backup. Wilson failed as a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.
Wilson is a decorated officer for starters
Second, driving away is called dereliction of duty. Wilson had a duty to arrest an obviously violent criminal. Protect and Defend is a common police motto.

As usual you PROVE you are an idiot.

Experts Weigh Officer’s Decisions Leading to Fatal Shooting of Michael Brown

To many experts, Officer Wilson’s actions in the confrontation with Mr. Brown — as he described them to the grand jury — were within the bounds of standard police protocol. Officer Wilson testified to the grand jury that the two struggled over his service weapon while he was still in his police vehicle, and that later, after a brief chase, he fired the fatal shots at Mr. Brown because the teenager was coming toward him in a threatening way.

But while the precise timeline and exact circumstances of the shooting may never be fully known, several law enforcement experts challenged Officer Wilson’s assessment that nothing could have been done to change the deadly course of his confrontation with Mr. Brown.

From the time Officer Wilson first encountered Mr. Brown walking with a friend in the middle of the street on a hot afternoon in August, to the point the teenager lay dead on the pavement, there were several opportunities to de-escalate the confrontation, said Eugene O’Donnell, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a former New York City police officer. Mr. O’Donnell pointed in particular to the initial moments of the confrontation, when the officer and Mr. Brown are said to have struggled through the open window of the officer’s police cruiser.

“There certainly wouldn’t be a prohibition of him driving a little further along and regrouping, calling for help and thinking about nonlethal weaponry,” Mr. O’Donnell said, referring to Officer Wilson. “Just because you’re a police officer doesn’t mean you have to go into a situation headfirst.”
Gee, Monday Morning Quarterbacking. And even in your own stupid article it begins with many experts saying he followed standard police procedures.
I dont think you understand how this is supposed to work. You're supposed to present evidence that refutes my argument, not evidence that supports it.

The inability to apprehend an unarmed suspect without the use of lethal force is a GROSS failure of police work.

But Wilson testified that he can't be bothered with non lethal weapons...a stun gun was to cumbersome for whinny Wilson and pepper spray might get into his wittle eyes...

Wilson was an execution waiting to happen. He should NOT be a police officer.

What is the ultimate irony of you ignorant right wing turds is we see the brutal, heavy handed justice systems in ultra-conservative Islamic cultures. HOW do we tell you and them apart pea brain???
Tell us your qualifications for judging what is appropriate police work and what isnt.
Because you've already posted a story where many experts support what Wilson did. Wilson, a decorated officer btw.
I'd suggest reviewing the laws of self defense as well as police protocol on shooting so you don't look like the ignorant dumbass you appear to be.
Once again the far left narrative will always trump reality..

Actually while I see a lot of Hard Right(possibly far right in some cases) voices on this board, I see few no far left (or even Hard Left) views here,yet...

I don't think the far right here actually know what far left is. Do you know there are parties called 'The Socialist Workers party' who a no even far left. They are hard left...

The Communist Party is Hard Left...

I think the people who are making these statements are just showing themselves as Hard Right with little grasp for their place in the democratic order... These type of people are easy to manipulate and a useful fools...
LOL The conservatives on here think anyone who is liberal or progressive is a communist. They think Obama is a communist. :rolleyes-41:

Actually Obama's actions to stand in defiance, use executive action to change Federal laws that are already set in place, and intentionally circumvent the checks and balances of the Legislative Branch (which the United States Constitution clearly dictates how new laws are supposed to be passed), shows more of a sign of a man who wants to be a dictator over those who have the "rightful" authority in Washington granted by the people who elected them.
Forty years of progressive policy have brought us to this point...but it's a police problem!
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.
The population of Ferguson is 60% black. The police force is 94% white. That alone says a great deal. The people and the cops do not have a positive, healthy working relationship. It is really the responsibility of the police force to create a good environment, and they clearly have not done so.

"It is the responsibility of the police force to create a good environment, and they have clearly not done so."

Police are not responsible for creating "environments", Esmerelda...they are responsible for enforcing the law. When someone does what Michael Brown DID it's the responsibility of the police to enforce the law that protects that convenience store owner from strong arm robbery.

Let's be honest here...who's really responsible for the "environment" in Ferguson, Missouri? Is it the police force...or is it the citizens of Ferguson? This notion that "training" of the police to respond in a different manner is going to fix things is so laughably naive that I'm embarrassed for those who put it forward. Michael Brown is dead today because of choices that HE made...not because of choices the Ferguson Police made. HE woke up that morning and decided that he'd rob the local convenience store and bully the clerk. HE decided that after robbing that store he would walk down the center of the street and ignore a request from a police officer to get on the sidewalk. HE decided to reach into that police officer's car and assault the policeman.

Don't talk to the left about accountability and responsibility. It brings more ratings to their cause, as well as it's more news worthy, to lay excuses for the victim and bring attention elsewhere rather than ask yourself what actions had led that individual to place themselves in such a position.
It was the dumb-ass kid's fault, yes. But the cop didn't have to kill him for being a dumb ass. Two wrongs do not a right make.

Didn't he? His life was in danger. The kid tried to take his gun after practically punching his lights out. The cop told him to stop, but the kid (who was six feet five inches tall and weighed over 250 pounds) kept running towards him after already being shot. What did you expect him to do? Sing Kumbaya?
Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
Didn't he? His life was in danger. The kid tried to take his gun after practically punching his lights out. The cop told him to stop, but the kid (who was six feet five inches tall and weighed over 250 pounds) kept running towards him after already being shot. What did you expect him to do? Sing Kumbaya?
Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?
If he were just a citizen you might be right.
But it was his job as a police officer to apprehend a violent suspect. Wilson said as much in a recent interview. Driving away was not an option.

Driving away was an option, and it would have allowed him to call for backup. Wilson failed as a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.
Backup was already called.. and moments away.
Didn't he? His life was in danger. The kid tried to take his gun after practically punching his lights out. The cop told him to stop, but the kid (who was six feet five inches tall and weighed over 250 pounds) kept running towards him after already being shot. What did you expect him to do? Sing Kumbaya?
Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?
If he were just a citizen you might be right.
But it was his job as a police officer to apprehend a violent suspect. Wilson said as much in a recent interview. Driving away was not an option.

Driving away was an option, and it would have allowed him to call for backup. Wilson failed as a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.
Backup was already called.. and moments away.
How do you know it was moments away? How did Wilson know. He was on scene It was his responsibility.
Just so we get this fact clear going forward...

YOU folks on the right are supporting GOVERNMENT over individuals and over people.

However you want to twist it, that is an irrefutable FACT...

The history of mankind has been a struggle between those who want to increase freedom, opportunity and rights to all people and those who want to restrict them. The people who have always fought to increase freedom, opportunity and rights are liberals. The people who have fought to restrict them are conservatives.

I don't consider Looting and Setting Fire to businesses to be essential to our freedom, opportunity and rights.
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Well let's see.. he's sitting in an SUV. With backup on the way... GEE WHIZ... I don't know maybe put his window up? Maybe take a picture of the guy? If he's too much of a girlie boy to fight the guy he has no business getting out of the car.

So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.
So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?

What part of the police don't drive away from a crime scene is confusing you? He was doing his job. Are you suggesting that the police not do their job? Yeah, I'd love to see the world you live in where a little girl can beat up an angry, stoned young man who is 6 feet 5 inches tall and weighs 290 pounds. That would be an interesting visit.
Please show me a link where it says a cop's job is to shoot a guy twice in the head after having shot him 6 times including 2 shots to the chest... this for "resisting arrest." Please show me a link where it says a cop is supposed to get out of his SUV to enter a situation where he will surely die if he does not kill a large teenager, this as backup is merely moments away.
That is so distorted I wonderr what you are smoking.
WIlson's job as an officer was to protect and serve. His job was to protect the people of Ferrguson from an obviously violent criminal. His job was to apprehend that criminal. His job was not to cower in a car and let him get away. Wilson did his job. His job unfortunately led him to shoot an enraged black monster who was charging at him threatening his life and ignoring orders to stop.
Lesson: Do what police tell you.
wow ... Did you think of this? If Mike Brown was an ENRAGED BLACK MONSTER.. that cop would have been dead.
And he would have been had he not shot him first.
I suppose that you'd rather the Police let violent offenders run away as they cower in their cruisers? Officer Wilson's JOB is to arrest people like Michael Brown...not to wait for backup. Someone who's brazen enough to commit strong arm robbery at noon time...stroll down the middle of the street holding what you stole in your hand...refuse to obey a police officer's request to get out of the middle of the street...and then physically attack said police officer when it dawns on him that you're the guy they are looking for in a convenience store robbery? It's obvious that Michael Brown is not the "gentle giant" that he was made out to be. He had decided to be a thug that Saturday morning and it didn't end well for him.
So our police are suppose to fight someone who is 6 feet five inches tall and weighs over 250 pounds and risk getting the shit kicked out of them, or worse, killed, all because you think they are girlie men if they don't? What planet are you from, anyway?
What part of DRIVE AWAY or STAY IN HIS SUV is confusing you?
What part of a little girl could have beat this kid up after he was shot twice in the CHEST is escaping you?
If he were just a citizen you might be right.
But it was his job as a police officer to apprehend a violent suspect. Wilson said as much in a recent interview. Driving away was not an option.

Driving away was an option, and it would have allowed him to call for backup. Wilson failed as a peace officer. He is a thug with a badge.
Backup was already called.. and moments away.
How do you know it was moments away? How did Wilson know. He was on scene It was his responsibility.
From the police report. Wilson has a cop radio. Killing the boy was not his job.
I suppose that you'd rather the Police let violent offenders run away as they cower in their cruisers? Officer Wilson's JOB is to arrest people like Michael Brown...not to wait for backup. Someone who's brazen enough to commit strong arm robbery at noon time...stroll down the middle of the street holding what you stole in your hand...refuse to obey a police officer's request to get out of the middle of the street...and then physically attack said police officer when it dawns on him that you're the guy they are looking for in a convenience store robbery? It's obvious that Michael Brown is not the "gentle giant" that he was made out to be. He had decided to be a thug that Saturday morning and it didn't end well for him.
Wilson was not able to arrest the boy. He was only able to kill him and even then only from a distance. You don't pick a fight with someone that is your clear better in a fight... not unless you are well armed and intend to kill him from a distance.

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