
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.

We can't help you all the time..
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
you should have told the store manger that his employees were being rude and offensive to customers
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
Agreed. I guess my question is do you think there is a difference between talking shit and being racist? Or do you think they are one in the same?
So lots of people that use the N-Word are not really racist, they are just talking shit!
Is that what you think?
According to what you said.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

I think what the kids in this situation were doing is more like the internet. They felt anonymous enough to talk racist shit because they assumed the target of their slurs couldn't understand what they were saying. They were right, but realized what they were doing was not cool, if the look on their faces is any indication.

I've seen several a-holes on this forum complain about the consequences when they post racist or other offensive shit on facebook or wherever and get spotted by their boss. Seems sort of like the same thing.
Agreed. I guess my question is do you think there is a difference between talking shit and being racist? Or do you think they are one in the same?
So lots of people that use the N-Word are not really racist, they are just talking shit!
Is that what you think?
According to what you said.
Not at all. You didn’t understand
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?
Following the libspeak narrative
I’m not making excuses for any kind of racist or offensive talk but to expand the conversation... what do you think of the fact that many people in the world just have an inherent tendency to talk shit and make fun of others? Whether it be a source of their own insecurities or to fulfill a need for drama or to feel superior, I notice if you open the door to criticize others, many people light up and love to keep that ball rolling. So whether it be somebodies nationality, sex, religion, outfit, weight, the way their voice sounds, height, intelligence etc.... it seems like our human need for drama and gossip hones in.... probably a reason why white trash reality TV is so popular. so my question to you is, Do you agree with my analysis and do you think this is the same thing as racism/bigotry?

This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?
Following the libspeak narrative
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
This reads exactly like an excuse. The workers behaved in a disgusting way, but you do a "whatabout" to make is a global issue.

Very transparent.
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?
Following the libspeak narrative
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
What do you think my transparency is showing?

That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?
Following the libspeak narrative
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
I went to sleep. That's ok with you, libby?
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I think it's the time in our culture that we need to have thought police to monitor what we think.
All in favor say, "I".

Who really cares? Expressing how a person feels is not on, or ever will be on my radar.
That you are programmed quite well.
Programmed for what?
Following the libspeak narrative
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
I went to sleep. That's ok with you, libby?
Sure, get all the rest you need. Got an answer to my question yet?
Programmed for what?
Following the libspeak narrative
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
I went to sleep. That's ok with you, libby?
Sure, get all the rest you need. Got an answer to my question yet?
Sure, it was the post where you were libspeaking. I know I know, which one right? Well, look at most of them.
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I think it's the time in our culture that we need to have thought police to monitor what we think.
All in favor say, "I".

Who really cares? Expressing how a person feels is not on, or ever will be on my radar.

Is making jackass racist comments "expressing how a person feels"? Are they bearing their souls and plumbing the depths of their feeeeeelings, or just being assholes? And if some punks are out in a public space with you looking at some 'X' (race, gender, religion, etc) people making jackass comments because they know they won't be heard or understood, you wouldn't even notice? Not talking about smiting them with your swift sword of justice, just asking if it wouldn't so much as catch your attention?
Following the libspeak narrative
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
I went to sleep. That's ok with you, libby?
Sure, get all the rest you need. Got an answer to my question yet?
Sure, it was the post where you were libspeaking. I know I know, which one right? Well, look at most of them.
That’s a total cop out. What specifically about my statement was libspeak?
What specifically did I say that was lib speak narrative?
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
I went to sleep. That's ok with you, libby?
Sure, get all the rest you need. Got an answer to my question yet?
Sure, it was the post where you were libspeaking. I know I know, which one right? Well, look at most of them.
That’s a total cop out. What specifically about my statement was libspeak?
I'm taking my ball and going home now because I refuse to debate you libs. I'm running away. I got nothing. I am a coward. I am 12 years old. I'm a misogynist. I'm a nazi, There, you can relax.
I suppose it's a positive sign that so far only a couple of douche bags have felt compelled to include pointless, STUPID racial slurs in their comments on this topic.
Tell them to F off and go about your business. I hear Antisemitic remarks frequently. It doesn’t bother me.
Tell them to F off and go about your business. I hear Antisemitic remarks frequently. It doesn’t bother me.

But you notice, right? And you do nothing? Keep your head down and move on?

I notice but I believe in free speech so I just shrug it off. I also notice hate speech vs Asians frequently to your point. I nod my head in disapproval but I dont make a stink. If you made a stink and they got in your face I would get your back through.
miketx where did you go? What did I say that is libspeak?
I went to sleep. That's ok with you, libby?
Sure, get all the rest you need. Got an answer to my question yet?
Sure, it was the post where you were libspeaking. I know I know, which one right? Well, look at most of them.
That’s a total cop out. What specifically about my statement was libspeak?
I'm taking my ball and going home now because I refuse to debate you libs. I'm running away. I got nothing. I am a coward. I am 12 years old. I'm a misogynist. I'm a nazi, There, you can relax.
I promise I won’t debate you. I just want to know what you think was libspeak from my statement that you responded to. I’m curious if you can even point to something you disagree with... My guess is you didn’t even read it but I’d love for you to prove me wrong.

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