Unconditional Love

unconditional love? that does not mean you dont correct the person you love...as much as i love my hubby...he can be so wrong at times...he can be very stubborn and will try to mentally beat you down till you accept his version of the truth...i am just as stubborn and will fight his shit...doesnt mean i dont love him...just means we all have faults...i dont overlook faults..however...mine or his...

i have people in my life...i love but do not like....hard to explain

i love my kidlets unconditionally but still discipline their rude asses cause i love them enough to do that...
Unconditional love does not mean unconditional forgiveness
So you think that means that you allow your significant other do whatever they want to you even abuse you whether physically or emotionally? I wouldn't think so.
This year, we are approaching 46 years of marriage, and one of the primary contributions to longevity has been mutual respect, even when we disagree.

Personally, I believe that any kind of abuse, whether it is emotional or physical, is a deal breaker.


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