
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The entire fake imaginary living Constitution in which the Progs get to make up whatever laws support their agenda.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Because it isn't a Muslim ban but is based on country of origin Syrian Christians are not exempt from the EO as far as I know. ETA: Assad has always protected Christians btw. The Christians are running from areas held by ISIS/al Nusra/FSA.

It is not a Muslim ban or you could have added pretty well every country on the planet to the list, because Muslims are part of every society globally.
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I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The entire fake imaginary living Constitution in which the Progs get to make up whatever laws support their agenda.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Not Christians. All religious minorities. Which would include minority Islamic sects. Heck it could mean Sunni in Iran.

Bingo. Yazedis come to mind.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?

Is there a "World Constitution" that we aren't aware of?

Does it give terrorists the right to traverse borders without vetting?

It's crazy but the left really seems to believe that the US Constitution is applicable to the planet for crying out loud.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?

Is there a "World Constitution" that we aren't aware of?

Does it give terrorists the right to traverse borders without vetting?

It's crazy but the left really seems to believe that the US Constitution is applicable to the planet for crying out loud.

When you realize their objective isn't to adhere to the Constitution, but to supplant it and overthrow the constitutional republic that IS the United States, it makes sense.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?
Rights to equal protection and many other rights apply to people on our soil.

And, that includes our airports.

The constitution is quite clear about that. It's a good read, not time wasted if you are interested.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?
Rights to equal protection and many other rights apply to people on our soil.

And, that includes our airports.

The constitution is quite clear about that. It's a good read, not time wasted if you are interested.

Not the airports in Syria. Sorry.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?
Rights to equal protection and many other rights apply to people on our soil.

And, that includes our airports.

The constitution is quite clear about that. It's a good read, not time wasted if you are interested.

But it confers no rights to those who want to immigrate. None to foreigners. It appears you thought I meant illegal aliens. Oh and by the way a real quick precis of rights on US soil is here.

Illegal Immigrant Rights | Lawyers.com
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?
Rights to equal protection and many other rights apply to people on our soil.

And, that includes our airports.

The constitution is quite clear about that. It's a good read, not time wasted if you are interested.

Not the airports in Syria. Sorry.
I stand by what I said.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?

Is there a "World Constitution" that we aren't aware of?

Does it give terrorists the right to traverse borders without vetting?

It's crazy but the left really seems to believe that the US Constitution is applicable to the planet for crying out loud.

When you realize their objective isn't to adhere to the Constitution, but to supplant it and overthrow the constitutional republic that IS the United States, it makes sense.
Yes. Krugman said something about that today in the NYT, I believe.

I think we may be seeing the alt-right ineptitude and unconstitutional direction of Banon.

The idea that he is now firmly in place in the NSC and the Joint Chief's of Staff are considered optional should be scary to anyone who loves our constitution and even slightly appreciates our military.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The entire fake imaginary living Constitution in which the Progs get to make up whatever laws support their agenda.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Link? Trump's EO specifies that, in conformance with the law, persecuted religious minorities will be prioritized. That is not Exceptions For Christians. That characterization is a Fake News Meme.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?
Rights to equal protection and many other rights apply to people on our soil.

And, that includes our airports.

The constitution is quite clear about that. It's a good read, not time wasted if you are interested.

But it confers no rights to those who want to immigrate. None to foreigners. It appears you thought I meant illegal aliens. Oh and by the way a real quick precis of rights on US soil is here.

Illegal Immigrant Rights | Lawyers.com
Good link!

Anyone on US soil is protected by our constitution. That soil can be here in the 50 states, but it also includes certain places in other countries which are considered US soil.

Citizens have more rights, such as the right to vote, to hold certain offices, etc.

But, key rights are given to "people", not just "citizens" as your link points out.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The entire fake imaginary living Constitution in which the Progs get to make up whatever laws support their agenda.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Because it isn't a Muslim ban but is based on country of origin Syrian Christians are not exempt from the EO as far as I know. ETA: Assad has always protected Christians btw. The Christians are running from areas held by ISIS/al Nusra/FSA.

It is not a Muslim ban or you could have added pretty well every country on the planet to the list, because Muslims are part of every society globally.

There are 40 other Majority Muslim countries that are not on the restricted list.
I want to know where it says in the Constitution that all provisions are applied to foreigners?

Is there a "World Constitution" that we aren't aware of?

Does it give terrorists the right to traverse borders without vetting?

It's crazy but the left really seems to believe that the US Constitution is applicable to the planet for crying out loud.

Does that really surprise you? They also think all of our money and resources belong to the entire planet. At lease they get 10 Points For Consistency.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The entire fake imaginary living Constitution in which the Progs get to make up whatever laws support their agenda.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Link? Trump's EO specifies that, in conformance with the law, persecuted religious minorities will be prioritized. That is not Exceptions For Christians. That characterization is a Fake News Meme.
There isn't anything "fake" about that.

Are you suggesting that the alt-right hero Bannon put that clause in there to advantage Jews?

Or, what?
The entire fake imaginary living Constitution in which the Progs get to make up whatever laws support their agenda.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Link? Trump's EO specifies that, in conformance with the law, persecuted religious minorities will be prioritized. That is not Exceptions For Christians. That characterization is a Fake News Meme.
There isn't anything "fake" about that.

Are you suggesting that the alt-right hero Bannon put that clause in there to advantage Jews?

Or, what?

You live in a hardened SJW bubble. Go eat Play-doh; the rest of us are interested in an adult conversation.
The problem is that a literal, and I mean LITERAL, reading of the 14th means that anyone here gets some equal protection. You can't blame judges. Not honestly.

The Fourteenth Amendment provides that “[n]o State shall ... deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Link? Trump's EO specifies that, in conformance with the law, persecuted religious minorities will be prioritized. That is not Exceptions For Christians. That characterization is a Fake News Meme.
There isn't anything "fake" about that.

Are you suggesting that the alt-right hero Bannon put that clause in there to advantage Jews?

Or, what?

You live in a hardened SJW bubble. Go eat Play-doh; the rest of us are interested in an adult conversation.
By suggesting that facts are "fake news"???

You're the one playing in the street.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.

No, it does not ban Muslims, it bans people from specific nations based on the lack of functioning governments in those nations. However, it does recognize that religious minorities in those nations are being oppressed and seeks to allow them the sanctuary they deserve.
Yes, anyone HERE. That doesn't include people over THERE who want to come HERE.
That's true, unless they were already over here, subjected themselves to our law, got a green card and went back for a visit, but are still legal residents here. Or is they have dual citizenship.

However, Trump's EO arguably creates exceptions for Christians, and that presents other problems. Not based on the 14th, however.

Link? Trump's EO specifies that, in conformance with the law, persecuted religious minorities will be prioritized. That is not Exceptions For Christians. That characterization is a Fake News Meme.
There isn't anything "fake" about that.

Are you suggesting that the alt-right hero Bannon put that clause in there to advantage Jews?

Or, what?

You live in a hardened SJW bubble. Go eat Play-doh; the rest of us are interested in an adult conversation.
By suggesting that facts are "fake news"???

You're the one playing in the street.

You didn't post a fact. You promoted a LW talking point that the EO orders discrimination against Muslims and preferences for Christians. It doesn't.

You are a boring shill. SRSLY

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