
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

Those on the left wrong take the Constitution to mean what they want it to mean, without any regard for the actual words written therein. On that basis, they make up ersatz “Constitutional rights” that are nowhere mentioned or implied in the Constitution, while disregarding genuine Constitutional rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected therein.

When the Constitution is seen as a "living breathing document" it CAN mean whatever they want it to mean. A liberal Supreme Court could have bent it into whatever twisted shape they chose. Thank God that's not going to happen.
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Not That I care but Obama used the same section in the constituition to bar a number of individuals from travelling to the United States he did it twice in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014.... Really what is the fuss about as I recall during the threat of Communism from other countri es the United States had a ban on Communists travevelling here as well.... This is a tempest in a teapot....lol...
I love the way DJ Trump targeted the moosleems -- by targeting their rat hole countries.
yeah old lady is mouthing the same nonsense that Obama did, to justify the rejection of Christian refugees from Muslim countries. Obama said we couldn't admit them BECAUSE they were targeted for religious, not political, reasons.
Nobody is getting REJECTED based on their religion (nor were they before), all that is being done is that those subject to religious based persecution in their home country and are members of a religious minority in their home country are being bumped up in priority for their application for refugee status review.

All this "Muslim Ban" nonsense is completely fabricated, there is no specific religion based tests specified in the EO.

Everything coming from the Left at this point is fabricated. The Senate should simply go nuke, and shut them down.
I am praying that Trump starts arresting people

It is ILLEGAL to seek the overthrow of our duly elected officials, and it is ILLEGAL to commit sedition and incite violence, and it is ILLEGAL to move to negate the results of our LEGAL ELECTION PROCESS.

And they are engaged in a lot more illegal activity, that's just the beginning of it. RACKETEERING is illegal, and all the dem politicians are engaged in it, actively.

Throw their fucking asses in jail.

Start with the Governor of Oregon, Elizabeth Warren, and Schumer. Include the Clintons and Obama himself, if he opens his stupid mouth to encourage rioters again.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.

Dear Dummy:

Immigration Law applies to NON US CITIZENS.

Once you are a citizen, you can enjoy the rights listed under The Constitution.

We most certainly can discriminate against radical ideologies, and refuse to allow people in to the US from countries that promote things like Nazism, Communism, and Islamocism. We can ban immigration from Mexico because of the Drug Trafficking issues.

We should put a ban on Liberalism.

Are you wondering why we can hold terrorists at GITMO?
And why they do not have a right to a Trial by Jury, unless we specifically as a government would grant them such a right?
Ever wonder why terrorist we capture face military tribunals?
Or why we can detain them and interrogate them indefinitely?
Because you can water board a piece of shit, but you cannot water board a US Citizen.

Even Obama could not shut GITMO down, despite releasing and or transferring hoards of terrorists.

Because by International Law, and our own Immigration Laws, we don't have to grant the Rights Guaranteed to a Citizen to a Non Citizen.

Nor does any Nation, or Foreign National have a right To Immigrate To The US.

We permit them as a privilege to come here, and as immigration is only a privilege, it can be restricted or expanded at will.
I am praying that Trump starts arresting people

It is ILLEGAL to seek the overthrow of our duly elected officials, and it is ILLEGAL to commit sedition and incite violence, and it is ILLEGAL to move to negate the results of our LEGAL ELECTION PROCESS.

And they are engaged in a lot more illegal activity, that's just the beginning of it. RACKETEERING is illegal, and all the dem politicians are engaged in it, actively.

Throw their fucking asses in jail.

Start with the Governor of Oregon, Elizabeth Warren, and Schumer. Include the Clintons and Obama himself, if he opens his stupid mouth to encourage rioters again.
:wtf:You're joking, right? or were you perchance taking a stab at channeling Benito Mussolini?

"Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved." -- Benjamin Franklin
The premise of the OP is sound.

The Constitution provides equal protections for those from different countries of origin ONLY if they have become naturalized or were born here as 2nd generation. It does not provide equal protection for foreigners who are not or will not be citizens. The Constitution applies to US citizens.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?
Off the top of my head it might be constitutional in regards to non-green card holders and non-US citizens travelling abroad. Generally, non-citizens in foreign countries have no US const rights. But anyone here legally, and esp citizens, travelling abroad, have due process rights, and at the basic that requires notice and a hearing before a non-biased decision maker, including a right to bring an attorney with you.
Not That I care but Obama used the same section in the constituition to bar a number of individuals from travelling to the United States he did it twice in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014.... Really what is the fuss about as I recall during the threat of Communism from other countri es the United States had a ban on Communists travevelling here as well.... This is a tempest in a teapot....lol...

The fuss is over knowing they can't compete with Trumps work ethic and ability to get things done, so their strategy as admited before he was sworn in, is to bust on him every step of the way.
Trump did more in one week cleaning up 8 years of bad policies then Dems achieved in 8 years, there is no way they can compete.
So the ole demonize smokescreen tactic is to hide the great achievements like lowering the cost of a few major defense spending purchases and help fix gov't waste spending and over charges saving us much needed Billions of dollars. Bringing back jobs and manufacturing in preweeks before office to offset the former administration 8 years of loss & fleeing industry. Fixing the regulations strangling Businesses, fixing tax code and stimulate growth renegotiate lopsided unfair trade deals etc, work on imigration issues that were abused for political gains and illegal acts on the left of the isle. Etc etc...

This is like a hoarder in 8 years making a piled mess of a home (our country) and in 10 minutes someone cleans it out and
HaShevs (restores) it.
There is no way they can compete with that,
so if they take people away from the clean house and show them the dumpster they hope nobody will be wise enough to notice = in other words they are inadvertantly insulting the intelligence of their supporter base who they play like a fiddle and race bait.
The premise of the OP is sound.

The Constitution provides equal protections for those from different countries of origin ONLY if they have become naturalized or were born here as 2nd generation. It does not provide equal protection for foreigners who are not or will not be citizens. The Constitution applies to US citizens.
I'm seeing this mistake more often now, so let's just fix this:

- There are rights that citizens have and noncitizens do not have, such as voting and holding office.

- But, equal protection is for all persons in the US, regardless of how they got here or what their immigration status is.
The premise of the OP is sound.

The Constitution provides equal protections for those from different countries of origin ONLY if they have become naturalized or were born here as 2nd generation. It does not provide equal protection for foreigners who are not or will not be citizens. The Constitution applies to US citizens.
I'm seeing this mistake more often now, so let's just fix this:

- There are rights that citizens have and noncitizens do not have, such as voting and holding office.

- But, equal protection is for all persons in the US, regardless of how they got here or what their immigration status is.
Hmm...when national security is in question, I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the SCOTUS will say you're wrong. Opposing lawyers will argue against you saying "what good would protected rights be in a country that no longer exists as a safe homeland because foreigners took advantage of a sanctuary loophole to come here and blow the place up?"
The premise of the OP is sound.

The Constitution provides equal protections for those from different countries of origin ONLY if they have become naturalized or were born here as 2nd generation. It does not provide equal protection for foreigners who are not or will not be citizens. The Constitution applies to US citizens.
I'm seeing this mistake more often now, so let's just fix this:

- There are rights that citizens have and noncitizens do not have, such as voting and holding office.

- But, equal protection is for all persons in the US, regardless of how they got here or what their immigration status is.
Trump seems to be walking back not letting green card holders reenter the US. That was obviously unconstitutional. And the House staffers who worked early on with the WH were probably surprised to see that.

Since 9-11 I think I've seen maybe 15 people from overseas with green cards tied to education and employment connected to terror activity. So, we probably can screen those people with interviews and recommendations.

But Trump (and Obama) have legit questions about just regular old refugees in camps. Few people in camps know much about each other's earlier lives. To me it seems a bit far fetched to think ISIS is going to create "sleeper terrorists" because the more we piss off muslims who are here (like the asshole in Atlanta did yesterday harassing some woman he just saw with a hijab) the easier it is for them to recruit good old American born talent.

And, Trump has a very real issue that there are "boat loads" of people over here on expired visas.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?
So far I haven't seen anyone point to anything about it as being unconstitutional. Where most of this seems to come from is the false claim that it is a Muslim ban where people would be banned based on their religion which is not the case here.
The premise of the OP is sound.

The Constitution provides equal protections for those from different countries of origin ONLY if they have become naturalized or were born here as 2nd generation. It does not provide equal protection for foreigners who are not or will not be citizens. The Constitution applies to US citizens.
I'm seeing this mistake more often now, so let's just fix this:

- There are rights that citizens have and noncitizens do not have, such as voting and holding office.

- But, equal protection is for all persons in the US, regardless of how they got here or what their immigration status is.
Hmm...when national security is in question, I'll bet you dollars to donuts that the SCOTUS will say you're wrong. Opposing lawyers will argue against you saying "what good would protected rights be in a country that no longer exists as a safe homeland because foreigners took advantage of a sanctuary loophole to come here and blow the place up?"
You just aren't thinking this through.

Perhaps the largest confusion is about due process. Remember that due process can include a police officer shooting someone dead on the street.

People (not just citizens) have rights of equal protection, as the SCOTUS has demonstrated over and over and over again.

And, no, your idea of what that lawyer would say is ridiculous. That lawyer would be fully aware of the requirements of security enhancements to meet tests of due process and equal protection. And, that is more likely to be what the discussion would be about.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?
So far I haven't seen anyone point to anything about it as being unconstitutional. Where most of this seems to come from is the false claim that it is a Muslim ban where people would be banned based on their religion which is not the case here.
Country of origin is in the Constitution too, but read my last post for details on why that won't stick either.
The premise of the OP is sound.

The Constitution provides equal protections for those from different countries of origin ONLY if they have become naturalized or were born here as 2nd generation. It does not provide equal protection for foreigners who are not or will not be citizens. The Constitution applies to US citizens.
You're simply wrong. The scotus has ruled consistently that aliens on US soil have some const guarantees, even if illegally here. Philer v. Doe

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