Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat

Digest this blues
  • About 300 former national security officials, White House staffers, and other ex-officials signed a letter describing President Donald Trump's actions in a call with Ukraine as possibly constituting "an unconscionable abuse of power."
  • They said Trump, in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, "appears to have leveraged the authority and resources of the highest office in the land to invite foreign interference into our democratic processes."
  • A White House memo summarizing the call shows that Trump asked Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
  • The letter was coordinated by National Security Action, a pressure group that has long criticized Trump. Its signatories include many officials who served under Democratic presidents but also former Republican-era officials.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

About 300 former national security officials, diplomats, and ex-White House staff have signed a letter saying President Donald Trump appears to have committed "an unconscionable abuse of power" in a call with the leader of Ukraine and applauding the launch of impeachment proceedings against him.

The statement is signed by former intelligence officers, ambassadors, secretaries of state, major generals, chiefs of staff, and advisers from the US's leading defense and security bodies including the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the State Department.

It was organized by National Security Action, an activist group that opposes what it calls Trump's "reckless leadership."

LOL then impeach him DO IT you gutless bunch of empty nut sacks stop flapping your filthy liberal mouths and DO IT. Here I'll just laugh at you now to save time :auiqs.jpg:
You do know blues with those morons ass kisser repubs in the senate I hold little or no chance for him to get kicked out But being the 3rd ever to be impeached and a record of the proceedings will have to do

You fools keeping talking about yet, yet you have had the power to impeach him for the past 9 months and you do nothing but talk about it. Grow a pair. Eddie go iron your dress and do your nails.

Learn to pronounce

plural noun: facts
a thing that is known or proved to be true.


Learn to pronounce

plural noun: allegations
a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.

THUS the inquiry/investigation, to gather the facts to support or squash the allegations... ;)
It's not a formal inquiry because the house did not vote on it. Hence the subpoenas have NO TEETH

there is no way that is right or wrong, other than what the constitution states has to happen....

with Nixon, they had an investigation for three months before they took a full vote in Congress...
Feel free to join us in 2019. The year were we recognize that times and rules change.
who changed them?
I have supplied the link in a couple threads. I'm not looking that shit up again.
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.

And there's no limit to your utter stupidity. There is NO whistleblower. So now changing the law to allow INADMISSABLE hearsay to be the basis of a complaint is okay with you because you're a brain damaged leftard who hates Trump so much that law breaking is fine as long as it hurts Trump. An idiot like you just swallows anything your leftist masters give you without question. Are you proud that you've shown how dumb you are to the world now?
Speaking of swallowing Seems like you do your share with all the trump bullcrap
I don't trust either side, and I don't know how any honest person can.
Excellent straddle the issue response!
Digest this blues
  • About 300 former national security officials, White House staffers, and other ex-officials signed a letter describing President Donald Trump's actions in a call with Ukraine as possibly constituting "an unconscionable abuse of power."
  • They said Trump, in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, "appears to have leveraged the authority and resources of the highest office in the land to invite foreign interference into our democratic processes."
  • A White House memo summarizing the call shows that Trump asked Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
  • The letter was coordinated by National Security Action, a pressure group that has long criticized Trump. Its signatories include many officials who served under Democratic presidents but also former Republican-era officials.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

About 300 former national security officials, diplomats, and ex-White House staff have signed a letter saying President Donald Trump appears to have committed "an unconscionable abuse of power" in a call with the leader of Ukraine and applauding the launch of impeachment proceedings against him.

The statement is signed by former intelligence officers, ambassadors, secretaries of state, major generals, chiefs of staff, and advisers from the US's leading defense and security bodies including the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the State Department.

It was organized by National Security Action, an activist group that opposes what it calls Trump's "reckless leadership."

LOL then impeach him DO IT you gutless bunch of empty nut sacks stop flapping your filthy liberal mouths and DO IT. Here I'll just laugh at you now to save time :auiqs.jpg:
You do know blues with those morons ass kisser repubs in the senate I hold little or no chance for him to get kicked out But being the 3rd ever to be impeached and a record of the proceedings will have to do

You fools keeping talking about yet, yet you have had the power to impeach him for the past 9 months and you do nothing but talk about it. Grow a pair. Eddie go iron your dress and do your nails.
They had the power but not the numbers NOW due to your moron in the WH,we do
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.

And there's no limit to your utter stupidity. There is NO whistleblower. So now changing the law to allow INADMISSABLE hearsay to be the basis of a complaint is okay with you because you're a brain damaged leftard who hates Trump so much that law breaking is fine as long as it hurts Trump. An idiot like you just swallows anything your leftist masters give you without question. Are you proud that you've shown how dumb you are to the world now?
Speaking of swallowing Seems like you do your share with all the trump bullcrap

Didn't another poster already tell you to iron your dress and do your nails moron? Poor baby Eddie. Another fantasy blows up in his face.
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
Who exactly changed the rules and for what reasons? Last I check Trump appointed the leader of the CIA. You should get details before throwing out the deep state conspiracy theories.
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.

And there's no limit to your utter stupidity. There is NO whistleblower. So now changing the law to allow INADMISSABLE hearsay to be the basis of a complaint is okay with you because you're a brain damaged leftard who hates Trump so much that law breaking is fine as long as it hurts Trump. An idiot like you just swallows anything your leftist masters give you without question. Are you proud that you've shown how dumb you are to the world now?
Speaking of swallowing Seems like you do your share with all the trump bullcrap

Didn't another poster already tell you to iron your dress and do your nails moron? Poor baby Eddie. Another fantasy blows up in his face.
do you think I listen to ,much less believe any trump person here ? you should all be gelded to prevent any more of you showing up
Digest this blues
  • About 300 former national security officials, White House staffers, and other ex-officials signed a letter describing President Donald Trump's actions in a call with Ukraine as possibly constituting "an unconscionable abuse of power."
  • They said Trump, in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, "appears to have leveraged the authority and resources of the highest office in the land to invite foreign interference into our democratic processes."
  • A White House memo summarizing the call shows that Trump asked Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
  • The letter was coordinated by National Security Action, a pressure group that has long criticized Trump. Its signatories include many officials who served under Democratic presidents but also former Republican-era officials.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

About 300 former national security officials, diplomats, and ex-White House staff have signed a letter saying President Donald Trump appears to have committed "an unconscionable abuse of power" in a call with the leader of Ukraine and applauding the launch of impeachment proceedings against him.

The statement is signed by former intelligence officers, ambassadors, secretaries of state, major generals, chiefs of staff, and advisers from the US's leading defense and security bodies including the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the State Department.

It was organized by National Security Action, an activist group that opposes what it calls Trump's "reckless leadership."

LOL then impeach him DO IT you gutless bunch of empty nut sacks stop flapping your filthy liberal mouths and DO IT. Here I'll just laugh at you now to save time :auiqs.jpg:
You do know blues with those morons ass kisser repubs in the senate I hold little or no chance for him to get kicked out But being the 3rd ever to be impeached and a record of the proceedings will have to do

You fools keeping talking about yet, yet you have had the power to impeach him for the past 9 months and you do nothing but talk about it. Grow a pair. Eddie go iron your dress and do your nails.
They had the power but not the numbers NOW due to your moron in the WH,we do

You are lying, Dem's have had a majority in the House since day one. Eddie goddamn your pants are on fire brother. If I were mean I'd ask you to explain why key leaders in the Dem party are still against impeachment. What's the matter you afraid you can't beat Trump at the polls in 2020? You wetting yourselves daily? Your side shitting their pants in fear of team Trump?
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
Who exactly changed the rules and for what reasons? Last I check Trump appointed the leader of the CIA. You should get details before throwing out the deep state conspiracy theories.
I once hired a man who turned out to be a thief.

What's your point tard?
This has to be at least the third thread on this conspiracy bullcrap percolating through the rightarded blabbosphere. That crap has no purpose other than to discredit a whistleblower complaint the IG has already seen, investigated, and deemed both credible and urgent. That horse, as they say, has already bolted.

A coup d'état by means of a whistleblower complaint following the rules in place at the time would be a scurrilous animal, indeed. Putting it in motion anticipating a complaint and adjusting rules in advance would be more scurrilous, still. But then, there's no limit to the number of things the average rightard can believe before breakfast.

And there's no limit to your utter stupidity. There is NO whistleblower. So now changing the law to allow INADMISSABLE hearsay to be the basis of a complaint is okay with you because you're a brain damaged leftard who hates Trump so much that law breaking is fine as long as it hurts Trump. An idiot like you just swallows anything your leftist masters give you without question. Are you proud that you've shown how dumb you are to the world now?
Speaking of swallowing Seems like you do your share with all the trump bullcrap

Didn't another poster already tell you to iron your dress and do your nails moron? Poor baby Eddie. Another fantasy blows up in his face.
do you think I listen to ,much less believe any trump person here ? you should all be gelded to prevent any more of you showing up

So now because you can't get a date, real men should suffer. Get your panties out of a wad, fix your tampon, and get ready for 5 more years of Trump. I'd suggest castration, but it's painfully apparent you already have no balls.
Digest this blues
  • About 300 former national security officials, White House staffers, and other ex-officials signed a letter describing President Donald Trump's actions in a call with Ukraine as possibly constituting "an unconscionable abuse of power."
  • They said Trump, in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, "appears to have leveraged the authority and resources of the highest office in the land to invite foreign interference into our democratic processes."
  • A White House memo summarizing the call shows that Trump asked Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
  • The letter was coordinated by National Security Action, a pressure group that has long criticized Trump. Its signatories include many officials who served under Democratic presidents but also former Republican-era officials.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

About 300 former national security officials, diplomats, and ex-White House staff have signed a letter saying President Donald Trump appears to have committed "an unconscionable abuse of power" in a call with the leader of Ukraine and applauding the launch of impeachment proceedings against him.

The statement is signed by former intelligence officers, ambassadors, secretaries of state, major generals, chiefs of staff, and advisers from the US's leading defense and security bodies including the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the State Department.

It was organized by National Security Action, an activist group that opposes what it calls Trump's "reckless leadership."

LOL then impeach him DO IT you gutless bunch of empty nut sacks stop flapping your filthy liberal mouths and DO IT. Here I'll just laugh at you now to save time :auiqs.jpg:
You do know blues with those morons ass kisser repubs in the senate I hold little or no chance for him to get kicked out But being the 3rd ever to be impeached and a record of the proceedings will have to do

You fools keeping talking about yet, yet you have had the power to impeach him for the past 9 months and you do nothing but talk about it. Grow a pair. Eddie go iron your dress and do your nails.
They had the power but not the numbers NOW due to your moron in the WH,we do

You are lying, Dem's have had a majority in the House since day one. Eddie goddamn your pants are on fire brother. If I were mean I'd ask you to explain why key leaders in the Dem party are still against impeachment. What's the matter you afraid you can't beat Trump at the polls in 2020? You wetting yourselves daily? Your side shitting their pants in fear of team Trump?
There are 228 now wanting impeachment,,,,,,,Only needed 220 What I look forward to if it gets that far ,is to see which senate liars and cowards stand up for trump
Holy shit man. This really is a group effort. They are trying everything but assasination.
Is that next? It's not like you can trust them..
Patriots are patriotic. Who woulda guessed?
No assassination Just a hanging Remove the scum from the earth

I'll forward your post to the secret service.
Thanks Knew I could count on you A hanging is legal so is a firing squad Perhaps you'd prefer the chair ?
Holy shit man. This really is a group effort. They are trying everything but assasination.
Is that next? It's not like you can trust them..
Patriots are patriotic. Who woulda guessed?
No assassination Just a hanging Remove the scum from the earth

I'll forward your post to the secret service.
Ed is harmless and you better be careful. I once told a poster I was going to report them to the fbi and I got banned for a few weeks for it for threatening another member.
Holy shit man. This really is a group effort. They are trying everything but assasination.
Is that next? It's not like you can trust them..
Patriots are patriotic. Who woulda guessed?
No assassination Just a hanging Remove the scum from the earth

I'll forward your post to the secret service.
Thanks Knew I could count on you A hanging is legal so is a firing squad Perhaps you'd prefer the chair ?
Stop being a tard old man.

I enjoy your banter but no reason to be stupid

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