Undeniable PROOF that the "deep state" is attempting a coup de'tat

The TDS is strong in this thread........


For 3 years your side has been doing this.........and now SUDDENLY YOU FINALLY HAVE HIM.......

Another year of the WHINING of liberals who's Queen lost the election.............

Biden is DONE...................choose your next candidate...............the 3 ring circus smoke screen means NOTHING........

Good luck with your candidates.............you are going to need it.
The TDS is strong in this thread........


For 3 years your side has been doing this.........and now SUDDENLY YOU FINALLY HAVE HIM.......

Another year of the WHINING of liberals who's Queen lost the election.............

Biden is DONE...................choose your next candidate...............the 3 ring circus smoke screen means NOTHING........

Good luck with your candidates.............you are going to need it.

By TDS you mean the Trump dick sucking by the wingnuts, right?

Impeachment hearings are going to happen, why not just listen in and see what happens? Maybe find your gag reflex.
The TDS is strong in this thread........


For 3 years your side has been doing this.........and now SUDDENLY YOU FINALLY HAVE HIM.......

Another year of the WHINING of liberals who's Queen lost the election.............

Biden is DONE...................choose your next candidate...............the 3 ring circus smoke screen means NOTHING........

Good luck with your candidates.............you are going to need it.

By TDS you mean the Trump dick sucking by the wingnuts, right?
Wow..................panties in a wad there............LOL

Did you see the accident that just happened...................hmmmm

Biden just got run over by a bus in the Ukraine and you are too stupid to realize it...........Choose your next............



Are they upset that Trump hasn't started new wars? It's possible. It's the only redeeming value he has.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

It never ceases to amaze me that leftwingers conclude that because DJT won the 2016 election against their will he is a criminal president.

And that as a consequence thereof they can conduct witch hunts, harass, frustrate his administration and effective perpetrate a Coup D. Etat.

I am so glad that the founding father declared that our right to bear arms shall not be infringed.


Left wingers didn't conclude that Trump was a criminal because he won the election. We knew he was a criminal before he ran. The Republican Party knew that too. That's why the "Never Trump" movement exists. Everyone who had every worked with him, done business with him, and even his friends, said he lacked the morality and the temperment to be President.

Trump cultists have everything backwards. Quite frankly, many decent Americans stayed home because they didn't like either candidate, thinking Trump would never be elected. Trump has never had a positive approval rating among the general public. He won primaries with 15% of the vote, but because of the large fields, no one received more votes, and he got all of the delegates for 15% of the votes. Nobody ever wanted a Trump Presidency, and quite frankly, it's been worse than anyone could have imagined. Hence, his approval rating has hovered somewhere around 40%.

Everything he's touched he's made worse, and he's destroyed America's credibility and standing in the world. Trump's policy isn't "America First", it's "America Alone". You've pulled out of all of your trade deals, and exports have dropped as a result. Illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low when he took office, now they're at a 15 year high. And the abuse of refugee families in detention facilities really hasn't gone over as well as Trump thought it would.

Americans really are a Christian nation, and while the 18% of evangelical Americans can be gulled into believing that Trump is God's imperfect vessel, the rest of the voting public isn't that gullible. Trump stole the Presidency using a combination of factors, including the Russian disinformation campaign. But he thought he was in the clear when he called the Ukrainian President and asked for dirt on Biden in exchange for Javellin missiles. He's not.

Trump will be impeached, because of his crimes, but in reality, he should never have been President in the first place. Republicans have a responsibility to vet the people they put on their ticket, and not run criminals. The press has a responsibility to tell the public about the history of those running for office so they have a role here too.

It appears that the Berners, socialists and other vegetables define "criminal" as any white dude who is a billionaire and dares defeat their candidate.



The TDS is strong in this thread........


For 3 years your side has been doing this.........and now SUDDENLY YOU FINALLY HAVE HIM.......

Another year of the WHINING of liberals who's Queen lost the election.............

Biden is DONE...................choose your next candidate...............the 3 ring circus smoke screen means NOTHING........

Good luck with your candidates.............you are going to need it.

By TDS you mean the Trump dick sucking by the wingnuts, right?
Wow..................panties in a wad there............LOL

Did you see the accident that just happened...................hmmmm

Biden just got run over by a bus in the Ukraine and you are too stupid to realize it...........Choose your next............




Yeah, I see support for either impeachment or at least an impeachment inquiry rising with the latter above 50%. You can call that 'TDS' if it makes you feel better. Just keep going down, down, down on Trump.
The TDS is strong in this thread........


For 3 years your side has been doing this.........and now SUDDENLY YOU FINALLY HAVE HIM.......

Another year of the WHINING of liberals who's Queen lost the election.............

Biden is DONE...................choose your next candidate...............the 3 ring circus smoke screen means NOTHING........

Good luck with your candidates.............you are going to need it.

By TDS you mean the Trump dick sucking by the wingnuts, right?
Wow..................panties in a wad there............LOL

Did you see the accident that just happened...................hmmmm

Biden just got run over by a bus in the Ukraine and you are too stupid to realize it...........Choose your next............




Yeah, I see support for either impeachment or at least an impeachment inquiry rising with the latter above 50%. You can call that 'TDS' if it makes you feel better. Just keep going down, down, down on Trump.
No one listens to people who have cried wolf for a solid 3 years...................No one cares anymore what you have to say or your FAKE OUTRAGE..........

Biden is toast because he used influence to get his son into the Millionaires club there..............He's a MORON........Brags about it in public..........

Guess your party DESERVES THE MORON candidate...............nah...............HE'S FINISHED........

Bring on the FAKE INDIAN.
Are they upset that Trump hasn't started new wars? It's possible. It's the only redeeming value he has.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

Can you name the law he broke? I need the specific law...
maybe I can help
Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his ...

https://www.vox.com › criminal-laws-trump-barr-giuliani-ukraine

2 days ago - The 4 possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower scandal, explained ... nonetheless important to know if the president and his associates broke the law. ... Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Impeachable Offenses New - Need to Impeach

https://www.needtoimpeach.com › impeachable-offenses

Federal law prohibits campaigns from soliciting anything of value from a foreign national. After journalists broke this story, Trump personally dictated a public ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told ...

https://www.alternet.org › News & Politics

Sep 1, 2019 - Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told CNN all about it. President Donald J. Trump attends a Korean Business Leaders ...

So in essence you can’t name any law he broke, just hyperbole...

That’s called a “Witch-hunt”, thanks for making it so easy to clarify...
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
The second hand information is accurate; Trump attempted to extort a foreign leader into providing damaging information against a potential political opponent in exchange for military aid.

The COUP happened three years ago when Trump became POTUS after losing the popular vote by more than 8 million ballots.

Whistleblower complaint, annotated

"In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President’s main domestic political rivals. The President’s personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well."

Trump lost by 3 million and that difference was all CA. He won the popular in the other 49 and the electoral. Why spread more propaganda?

Take away Texas and Clinton won by more. Your reasoning here is stupid.
I'm sure president Hillary takes solace in that!

And you guys talk about TDS? In the meantime you're still jerking off over Clinton.

Now, if you'd like to dispute my point that removing one state from the country's vote tally doesn't mean anything that's fine, we can argue that. But to bring up Clinton again and again and again, you sorry pathetic piece of crap. :21:
/—-/ Yup. We’ll smash Hildabeast in your face every time we can.
Are they upset that Trump hasn't started new wars? It's possible. It's the only redeeming value he has.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

It never ceases to amaze me that leftwingers conclude that because DJT won the 2016 election against their will he is a criminal president.

And that as a consequence thereof they can conduct witch hunts, harass, frustrate his administration and effective perpetrate a Coup D. Etat.

I am so glad that the founding father declared that our right to bear arms shall not be infringed.


Left wingers didn't conclude that Trump was a criminal because he won the election. We knew he was a criminal before he ran. The Republican Party knew that too. That's why the "Never Trump" movement exists. Everyone who had every worked with him, done business with him, and even his friends, said he lacked the morality and the temperment to be President.

Trump cultists have everything backwards. Quite frankly, many decent Americans stayed home because they didn't like either candidate, thinking Trump would never be elected. Trump has never had a positive approval rating among the general public. He won primaries with 15% of the vote, but because of the large fields, no one received more votes, and he got all of the delegates for 15% of the votes. Nobody ever wanted a Trump Presidency, and quite frankly, it's been worse than anyone could have imagined. Hence, his approval rating has hovered somewhere around 40%.

Everything he's touched he's made worse, and he's destroyed America's credibility and standing in the world. Trump's policy isn't "America First", it's "America Alone". You've pulled out of all of your trade deals, and exports have dropped as a result. Illegal border crossings were at a 50 year low when he took office, now they're at a 15 year high. And the abuse of refugee families in detention facilities really hasn't gone over as well as Trump thought it would.

Americans really are a Christian nation, and while the 18% of evangelical Americans can be gulled into believing that Trump is God's imperfect vessel, the rest of the voting public isn't that gullible. Trump stole the Presidency using a combination of factors, including the Russian disinformation campaign. But he thought he was in the clear when he called the Ukrainian President and asked for dirt on Biden in exchange for Javellin missiles. He's not.

Trump will be impeached, because of his crimes, but in reality, he should never have been President in the first place. Republicans have a responsibility to vet the people they put on their ticket, and not run criminals. The press has a responsibility to tell the public about the history of those running for office so they have a role here too.
/——/ TDS on display
Are they upset that Trump hasn't started new wars? It's possible. It's the only redeeming value he has.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

Can you name the law he broke? I need the specific law...
maybe I can help
Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his ...

https://www.vox.com › criminal-laws-trump-barr-giuliani-ukraine

2 days ago - The 4 possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower scandal, explained ... nonetheless important to know if the president and his associates broke the law. ... Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Impeachable Offenses New - Need to Impeach

https://www.needtoimpeach.com › impeachable-offenses

Federal law prohibits campaigns from soliciting anything of value from a foreign national. After journalists broke this story, Trump personally dictated a public ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told ...

https://www.alternet.org › News & Politics

Sep 1, 2019 - Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told CNN all about it. President Donald J. Trump attends a Korean Business Leaders ...

So in essence you can’t name any law he broke, just hyperbole...

That’s called a “Witch-hunt”, thanks for making it so easy to clarify...

There are dozens of crimes he committed, starting with "abuse of power", which is a crime under the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution were really, really concerned about a President who abused his power, and who accepted "favours" from foreign governments. They didn't want the American President personally beholding to foreign governments. That's why they were concerned about emoluments, and accepting gifts from foreign governments. Not to mention Trump is soliciting a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to his benefit. So that's three "high crimes" right there, and we haven't even started on the conspiracy to pressure the Ukraine.

That pressure included visits from Guliani, Mike Pence cancellation his attendance at Zelensky's Inauguration, signalling that the US government doesn't support his election, and withholding the Javelin missiles Ukrainians desperately needed to defend themselves from the Russians. 14,000 Ukrainians have died in the war with Russia. Zelensky was willing to agree to anything Trump wanted, just to get the promised aid.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

Can you name the law he broke? I need the specific law...
maybe I can help
Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his ...

https://www.vox.com › criminal-laws-trump-barr-giuliani-ukraine

2 days ago - The 4 possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower scandal, explained ... nonetheless important to know if the president and his associates broke the law. ... Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Impeachable Offenses New - Need to Impeach

https://www.needtoimpeach.com › impeachable-offenses

Federal law prohibits campaigns from soliciting anything of value from a foreign national. After journalists broke this story, Trump personally dictated a public ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told ...

https://www.alternet.org › News & Politics

Sep 1, 2019 - Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told CNN all about it. President Donald J. Trump attends a Korean Business Leaders ...

So in essence you can’t name any law he broke, just hyperbole...

That’s called a “Witch-hunt”, thanks for making it so easy to clarify...

There are dozens of crimes he committed, starting with "abuse of power", which is a crime under the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution were really, really concerned about a President who abused his power, and who accepted "favours" from foreign governments. They didn't want the American President personally beholding to foreign governments. That's why they were concerned about emoluments, and accepting gifts from foreign governments. Not to mention Trump is soliciting a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to his benefit. So that's three "high crimes" right there, and we haven't even started on the conspiracy to pressure the Ukraine.

That pressure included visits from Guliani, Mike Pence cancellation his attendance at Zelensky's Inauguration, signalling that the US government doesn't support his election, and withholding the Javelin missiles Ukrainians desperately needed to defend themselves from the Russians. 14,000 Ukrainians have died in the war with Russia. Zelensky was willing to agree to anything Trump wanted, just to get the promised aid.
/—-/ What abuse of power? You mean weaponizing the IC to spy on A political opponent ?
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

Can you name the law he broke? I need the specific law...
maybe I can help
Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his ...

https://www.vox.com › criminal-laws-trump-barr-giuliani-ukraine

2 days ago - The 4 possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower scandal, explained ... nonetheless important to know if the president and his associates broke the law. ... Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Impeachable Offenses New - Need to Impeach

https://www.needtoimpeach.com › impeachable-offenses

Federal law prohibits campaigns from soliciting anything of value from a foreign national. After journalists broke this story, Trump personally dictated a public ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told ...

https://www.alternet.org › News & Politics

Sep 1, 2019 - Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told CNN all about it. President Donald J. Trump attends a Korean Business Leaders ...

So in essence you can’t name any law he broke, just hyperbole...

That’s called a “Witch-hunt”, thanks for making it so easy to clarify...

There are dozens of crimes he committed, starting with "abuse of power", which is a crime under the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution were really, really concerned about a President who abused his power, and who accepted "favours" from foreign governments. They didn't want the American President personally beholding to foreign governments. That's why they were concerned about emoluments, and accepting gifts from foreign governments. Not to mention Trump is soliciting a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to his benefit. So that's three "high crimes" right there, and we haven't even started on the conspiracy to pressure the Ukraine.

That pressure included visits from Guliani, Mike Pence cancellation his attendance at Zelensky's Inauguration, signalling that the US government doesn't support his election, and withholding the Javelin missiles Ukrainians desperately needed to defend themselves from the Russians. 14,000 Ukrainians have died in the war with Russia. Zelensky was willing to agree to anything Trump wanted, just to get the promised aid.
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires

One other item of note. There is a direct benefit from Rogers’ retirement. His job at the NSA complete, Admiral Rogers is now free to testify…

For those less familiar, here’s a timeline of events transpiring at the NSA:

  • November 2015-April 2016 – The FBI and DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD) uses private contractors to access raw FISA information using “To” and “From” FISA-702(16) & “About” FISA-702(17) queries.
  • March 2016 – NSA Director Rogers becomes aware of improper access to raw FISA data.
  • April 2016 – Rogers orders the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance.
  • April 18 2016 – Rogers shuts down FBI/NSD contractor access to the FISA Search System.
  • April-September 2016 – Rogers continues his investigation.
  • September 26 2016 – DOJ’s NSD Head John Carlin files the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. The filing does not disclose the FISA Abuses. Carlin is aware of Rogers’ compliance review. The 2016 certifications are scheduled for Court approval on October 26, 2016.
  • September 27 2016 – Carlin announces he is resigning. Mary McCord will later assume his position.
  • October 15, 2016 – Carlin formally leaves the NSD.
  • Mid-October 2016 – DNI Clapper submits a recommendation to the White House that Director Rogers be removed from the NSA. Clapper’s effort fails.
  • October 20 2016 – Rogers is briefed by the NSA compliance officer on the Section 702 NSA compliance audit and “About” query violations.
  • October 21 2016 – Rogers shuts down all “About Query” activity. Rogers reports the activity to DOJ and prepares to go before the FISA Court.
  • October 21 2016 – DOJ & FBI seek and receive a Title I FISA probable cause order authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC. At this point, the FISA Court is unaware of the Section 702 violations.
  • October 24 2016 – Rogers verbally informs the FISA Court of Section 702(17) violations.
  • October 26 2016 – Rogers formally informs the FISA Court of 702(17) violations in writing.
  • October 26, 2016 – The FISA Court refuses to formalize the 2016 Section 702 certifications. A complete overhaul of Section 702 processes ensues.
  • November 17 2016 (morning) – Rogers travels to meet President-Elect Trump and his Transition Team in Trump Tower. Rogers does not inform DNI James Clapper.
  • November 17 2016 (evening) – Trump Transition Team announces they are moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey.
The DOJ & FBI were fully aware that Rogers initiated a compliance review in April 2016. They were aware of the review’s relative status.

The DOJ & FBI were both aware of Carlin’s fraudulent September 26, 2016 submission of the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. They knew it contained material omissions.

The FBI and DOJ’s NSD were quite literally racing against Rogers’ Investigation in order to obtain a FISA Warrant on Carter Page.

Carlin specifically didn’t disclose his knowledge of FISA Abuse in the annual Section 702 certifications so as not to raise suspicions at the FISA Court pre-FISA Warrant.

The DOJ & FBI apply for – and receive – a Title I FISA warrant on Carter Page the same day Rogers apprises both Agencies of ongoing FISA violations.

Neither the DOJ or FBI inform the FISA Court of Rogers’ notification when they make their FISA Application on Page.

None of this would have been uncovered without the actions of Admiral Mike Rogers.

He shut down the spying under Obama..........and it's backed by the courts............

Poor poor Dems.................

He also informed Trump.........and they moved Headquarters out of Trump Tower...........

Riddle me this..................which party was laughing it's ass off about Trump saying he was being spied on..........LOL

An Admiral with Duty, Honor and Integrity smoked your asses out.
Matters not why. The fact is all the evidence points to this activity and only someone who doesn't value American values & traditions can ignore it.

It never ceases to amaze me that right wingers look at the evidence and say the only possible conclusion is a "coup". The removal of a criminal President using the system set out in the Constitution, doesn't even meet the definition of a "coup".

Trump is and always has been a criminal president. He commits his crimes in plain sight and says "So what". American banks stopped lending to him in the mid-1990's. He was being sued in two states for fraud, and still Republicans let him run. Why? They knew far more about him than the public did and yet they allowed him to be their candidate. They promised to use their power to hold Trump in check, and then rolled over for him at every opportunity.

The the Republican Party doesn't at least offer someone better than a common thug as their Presidential candidate, they should expect the general public to revolt and vote them out. And that's what happened. The House Democrats take oversight more seriously than Republicans do.

Did you consider the impeachment of Bill Clinton a "coup"?

Can you name the law he broke? I need the specific law...
maybe I can help
Trump-Ukraine scandal: 4 possible crimes by Trump and his ...

https://www.vox.com › criminal-laws-trump-barr-giuliani-ukraine

2 days ago - The 4 possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine whistleblower scandal, explained ... nonetheless important to know if the president and his associates broke the law. ... Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Impeachable Offenses New - Need to Impeach

https://www.needtoimpeach.com › impeachable-offenses

Federal law prohibits campaigns from soliciting anything of value from a foreign national. After journalists broke this story, Trump personally dictated a public ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told ...

https://www.alternet.org › News & Politics

Sep 1, 2019 - Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily told CNN all about it. President Donald J. Trump attends a Korean Business Leaders ...

So in essence you can’t name any law he broke, just hyperbole...

That’s called a “Witch-hunt”, thanks for making it so easy to clarify...

There are dozens of crimes he committed, starting with "abuse of power", which is a crime under the Constitution. The framers of the Constitution were really, really concerned about a President who abused his power, and who accepted "favours" from foreign governments. They didn't want the American President personally beholding to foreign governments. That's why they were concerned about emoluments, and accepting gifts from foreign governments. Not to mention Trump is soliciting a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to his benefit. So that's three "high crimes" right there, and we haven't even started on the conspiracy to pressure the Ukraine.

That pressure included visits from Guliani, Mike Pence cancellation his attendance at Zelensky's Inauguration, signalling that the US government doesn't support his election, and withholding the Javelin missiles Ukrainians desperately needed to defend themselves from the Russians. 14,000 Ukrainians have died in the war with Russia. Zelensky was willing to agree to anything Trump wanted, just to get the promised aid.

Like I knew, you cannot name the law...

He didn’t brake any laws, he continues to embarrass the left leaning idiots we have to suffer with...

What are you willing to bet he is never convicted of a crime as POTUS? Or Impeached? How embarrassed are you willing to be?
Document Shows Ukrainian Prosecutor Saying Under Oath He Was Fired For Investigating Hunter Biden

Sunday on ABC's "This Week With George Stephanopoulos," President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani produced a copy of a sworn witness statement from the Ukrainian prosecutor at the center of this week's impeachment inquiry: Viktor Shokin. Shokin claims that he was forced out of office as Ukraine's top prosecutor because he was leading a "wide-ranging corruption probe" into an energy company that was paying Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, $50,000 per month to sit on its board.

The affidavit was uploaded six months ago by "The Hill" columnist John Solomon and was reportedly produced as part of an ongoing criminal case in Austria.


Sworn Testimony under penalty of perjury trumps "testimony" by an unknown individual with no personal knowledge alleging hearsay gossipy fiction

Speaking of swallowing Seems like you do your share with all the trump bullcrap

Yeah, but this one is really, really funny, and you should appreciate it. They actually, truly believe, the coup plotters changed the wistleblower form so that one of theirs (not a direct witness) can fill it out, so that their coup d'état meticulously follows the now changed rules.

Not one of the goofs is capable of actually seeing how utterly hilarious the very notion of that is.

They really swallow that pile of dog shit. Because coup plotters are nothing if not sticklers for rules. And forms. Don't forget the forms!
BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

This shit stinks to high heaven. I have withheld making such outlandish statements as in the title until now, but it is QUITE CLEAR there are operatives behind the scenes doing their best to usurp the will of the American voter.

They literally changed the rules protecting whistle blowers to create an avenue for this latest attack to come forward without the ability to challenge it.


the intel community secretly changed the rules governing whistle-blowers, including amending the required form, in order to allow 2nd hand information to suffice.
This is exactly why the whole charade is bull fucking shit!

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