Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist

Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist
LOL!!! You have no Understanding of the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist. GOD COMMANDS BELIEVERS TO FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU always..
Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist

"They are told that Satan is constantly looking for ways to make them fall from their faith, using their own family, friends, temptations, other religions, even their own mind, etc. Therefore, they are told to never trust anything except for God, Jesus, and the Bible. Everything else could be used as a weapon of Satan, even your own mind. Therefore, if you doubt your faith, then you are warned, “Watch out! That’s exactly what Satan wants you to do! Don’t fall into his trap! Don’t even trust your own mind, which Satan can use against you!Trust only in God and the Bible!” :laugh2:
Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist
LOL!!! You have no Understanding of the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist. GOD COMMANDS BELIEVERS TO FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU always..

you are a pefect exmaple
Its not what you believe , its how you live your life. Even the Pope said "atheist can go to heaven" . I live a Christian life, I think a person needs to live their life for this life and what ever will be will be. Not all Christians are the same, for instance, I do not believe Jesus was God, but a man who worshipped God in a different way than the Pharisees.
There were different Jews in those days as well.
We love getting input from atheists. Up yours.
Yes because we all know that following a sub priamtive religion with a triune dead man god makes a lot of sense
If your comfortable "following your own mind" I'm fine with that...just don't ask me for help when you hit the gutter.

we Jews think you fundy christers are pagan dolts lower then things that crawl on the ground
We love getting input from atheists. Up yours.
Yes because we all know that following a sub priamtive religion with a triune dead man god makes a lot of sense
If your comfortable "following your own mind" I'm fine with that...just don't ask me for help when you hit the gutter.

we Jews think you fundy christers are pagan dolts lower then things that crawl on the ground

Yes I do and have got that impression from reading many of your writings. Some of your Rabbis can be downright rabid.
We love getting input from atheists. Up yours.
Yes because we all know that following a sub priamtive religion with a triune dead man god makes a lot of sense
If your comfortable "following your own mind" I'm fine with that...just don't ask me for help when you hit the gutter.

we Jews think you fundy christers are pagan dolts lower then things that crawl on the ground

After reading the Bible, many people are mystified as to why grown, otherwise intelligent adults would believe that it is the direct communication or the "inspired Word" of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. To many people, it seems absolutely incredible that any reasonable person could maintain this belief in the face of our current scientific knowledge and the contemporary understanding of history, religion and mythology. To outsiders, the phenomenon of Christian belief is a puzzlement.

However, after a bit of research and reflection, the mystery is resolved. It soon becomes apparent that the whole bizarre Christian belief system is predicated, to a large degree, on two compelling ideas. The first idea is that maintaining faith in Bible claims is the most morally virtuous act one can perform and will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. The second belief is that doubting biblical claims represents the greatest evil imaginable and will be punished with an eternity of torture. These linchpin beliefs make it possible for Christians to accept thoroughly ridiculous biblical assertions not merely in the absence of evidence, but against the evidence-against reason.

The sanctification of "faith" and demonization of doubt short-circuits the thinking process. Since it is continually drilled into Christians' brains that faith must be maintained at all costs, anything which contradicts a Bible claim is automatically rationalized away as the arrogance of the "wise," as a ploy of Satan, or as a test of faith from God himself. So when it is explained and demonstrated to a Christian that the Bible is simply a collection of ancient writings masquerading as the "Word of God," this is dismissed as the delusion of unbelievers blinded by their sin. (See the wisdom of the world) When scientific discoveries are shown to clearly, directly and unambiguously contradict biblical pronouncements, these scientific discoveries are interpreted by the Christian as satanic trickery. If it is patiently and painstakingly evinced to the Christian that the Bible is filled from one end to the other with obscene cruelty and violence, pagan mythology and superstition, blatant contradictions, ludicrous claims and outrageous, blithering idiocy, the Christian smiles in the face of this, confident that his faith is being tested by God and that he will be rewarded accordingly in the Age To Come.

It must be understood that in the Alice-in-Wonderland Christian world view, the more difficult it is to believe in a biblical claim, the more one is glorified for believing it. Faith, believing no matter what the facts say, is the highest manifestation of moral righteousness. Developing and maintaining one's faith in the preposterous and the incomprehensible becomes the ultimate purpose of life. Tertullian's declaration, "I believe because it is impossible," is the boast of a man who celebrates his irrationality. While liberal Christians today may pay lip service to the notion of a reasonable faith, the sentiment of Tertullin's inane "I believe because it is impossible" is alive and well and continues to be spouted from church pulpits on Sunday mornings: "Brethren, did not Paul say that God will make foolish the wisdom of the world, and choose that which is foolish to shame the wise of the world? Brothers and Sisters, did not JEEEZ-ZUSS tell us that unless we become as little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven, that God has chosen to hide his light from the eyes of the wise and reveal himself to babes?" Reason and knowledge are ridiculed while biblical absurdities are held aloft as bless-ed revelation. This is how Christianity sustains itself. It is the only way that it can.

Thus the Christian faith's invisible attributes are now clearly to be seen. Behind all the sacraments and the rituals, the organ music and the angelic choirs, the praying lips and the arms thrust heavenward, behind all this, propping it all up, is the monstrous doctrine that gullibility and ignorance are divine.

Please don't try to explain this to a Christian though, for it has been most assuredly foretold that he would be mocked and persecuted for Jesus' sake by the "wise" of a fallen, perishing world. Yea, lo, verily, for it has been written...

Skeptic Ring
Its not what you believe , its how you live your life. Even the Pope said "atheist can go to heaven" . I live a Christian life, I think a person needs to live their life for this life and what ever will be will be. Not all Christians are the same, for instance, I do not believe Jesus was God, but a man who worshipped God in a different way than the Pharisees.
There were different Jews in those days as well.
Believe the Word of God and you will be able to live your life as a son of GOD. Put you faith anf trust ONLY IN GOD not any man or church leader!
We love getting input from atheists. Up yours.
Yes because we all know that following a sub priamtive religion with a triune dead man god makes a lot of sense
If your comfortable "following your own mind" I'm fine with that...just don't ask me for help when you hit the gutter.

we Jews think you fundy christers are pagan dolts lower then things that crawl on the ground

We Jews? You're a fraud, Guno, and you don't speak for anyone but your ignorant, hateful self.
It is scarcely necessary to specify "Christian" fundamentalist. They differ from other fundies of the world only in what national allegiances they hold, and what manner they employ in oppressing women.
Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist


Why does Joel Osteen, one of the most evangelical Christians ever, never talk about Hell then?

Never mind, I forgot I was talking to the world's leading ignoramus on religion.
We love getting input from atheists. Up yours.
Yes because we all know that following a sub priamtive religion with a triune dead man god makes a lot of sense
If your comfortable "following your own mind" I'm fine with that...just don't ask me for help when you hit the gutter.

This is precisely the attitude that gives a lot of us athiests the impression that most "Christians" are hypocrites. It's all "the bible says this and Christ said that but when push comes to shove they never seem to remember the things their Christ was supposedly here to teach them. So Guno whom I imagine you see as a sinner should not call out to you if he "hit the gutter". He would get no help or mercy from you?

John 8:7 ESV
And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Matthew 6:14-15 ESV
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matthew 9:11
11 And when the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

1 John 4:11 ESV
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

Romans 3:23 ESV
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

I could go on...and on. But what's the use, you never understood even when you read the words directly from your "Holy Bible".
Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist


Why does Joel Osteen, one of the most evangelical Christians ever, never talk about Hell then?

Never mind, I forgot I was talking to the world's leading ignoramus on religion.

Oh please, Joel Osteen? He of the 10 million dollar mansion and a church without even a cross? He probably doesn't want to scare any of the sheep who line up to be fleeced. He is definitely God's smiley face. And Pastor Rick Henderson says this about his brand of Evangelism;

The Prosperity Gospel is much like all other religions in that it uses faith, it uses doing good things to leverage material blessings from God. Essentially, use God to get things from God.

The New York Times described his "Church";

"Like many new evangelical churches, the building has no cross, no stained glass, no other religious iconography. Instead, it has a cafe with wireless Internet access, 32 video game kiosks and a vault to store the offering,"

Apparently it's a very successful commercial operation. More power to him. Congratulations Joel, the Corporate Christ (was there such a side to Jesus?) would be proud of you.
Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist

I wouldn't agree anything's controlling their's, or anyone's mind re: religious faith. Absent empiricism, I like to think no one believes in fairy tales. Probably a few exceptions on either size of the bell curve like, but by and large...

I think rather in the modern data age, there's just so much information out there about every little thing that many people suffer a kind of 'input overload.' And if they can moderate the imput with religion so they're only getting however much they can handle they'll do that. It's a kind of willing self-deception. Up until recently, they had a tiny world world-view which now is threatened with a wealth of scientific knowledge at our fingertips via the internet. And for many people that's a tempting lure to take a look. When they do, and realize everything they grew up with is wrong and empirically refutable, they run back home to mama as it were.
Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed.

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist

I wouldn't agree anything's controlling their's, or anyone's mind re: religious faith. Absent empiricism, I like to think no one believes in fairy tales. Probably a few exceptions on either size of the bell curve like, but by and large...

I think rather in the modern data age, there's just so much information out there about every little thing that many people suffer a kind of 'input overload.' And if they can moderate the imput with religion so they're only getting however much they can handle they'll do that. It's a kind of willing self-deception. Up until recently, they had a tiny world world-view which now is threatened with a wealth of scientific knowledge at our fingertips via the internet. And for many people that's a tempting lure to take a look. When they do, and realize everything they grew up with is wrong and empirically refutable, they run back home to mama as it were.

You touched upon an important issue when you wrote: "...everything they grew up with..."

People rarely choose what their religious beliefs are and rarely do they apply very hard standards to those beliefs. Overwhelmingly, people simply accept the religious beliefs of their parents and the predominant religion of their social circumstances. Religious belief is almost entirely a function of happenstance involving parentage and geographic location.

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