Understanding the Mentality and World View of the Christian Fundamentalist

The motivations behind christian fundamentalism and the literal fear that drives them

Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed. No question about it. Now keep in mind that heaven and hell are not some abstract concept or theory to them. No, they are absolute LITERAL FACTUAL truths! No less true than the fact that falling off a cliff is harmful or the fact that your body needs food and water to live. Therefore, they take them VERY seriously indeed. It’s no joke to them at all, especially when the eternal destiny of the soul is at stake. And that’s why they are so adamant that you become saved too, because in their minds, it is like watching you driving toward the edge of a cliff, and since they care about you, they want to warn you of the reality of the situation. That’s what it boils down to. It’s not about disrespect for your rights, freedom, or choices. It’s really about their 1) genuine concern for the eternal judgment of your soul, and their 2) sense of duty to God, after being given eternal life and being saved, to do his will to preach God’s message of Salvation to you, which is the least they could do for being given immortality.

Now think of the implications of this. Remember that this is all literal factual truth to them. Here’s what that means to someone who genuinely believes these things. It means that these are ETERNAL consequences in their minds. What that means technically is that an eternal heaven means a bliss and paradise for them that is never-ending without end, where billions of years or trillions of years have no measurement at all. After all, that’s what infinity means. On the other hand, an eternal hell also means a state of suffering and pain forever and ever. This means that even if one was suffering, tormented, and in extreme pain in hell for a billion years or a trillion years, it would still not stop because eternity means that time does not exist. It would go on and on and on. It NEVER ends, EVER! Think of that for a moment, not as some abstract theory that’s “out there” but as a literal fact that could ACTUALLY happen to you! If you seriously see that as a realistic possibility, you can understand why it is a VERY VERY VERY SCARY concept indeed!

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the ChristianFundamentalist

And those atheists leftists have nothing to fear. They can continue to rape the economy, continue wars abroad, and continue the genocide with the unborn believing that there will be no day of reckoning for them. All they have to be concerned with is maintaining power so that they will never have to answer for their sins.

I would much rather have people in charge who think that they will have to answer to God someday than sociopaths like Obama and Hilary.

Yet another fundamentalist committing the sin of lying! :eek:
Lying for Jesus
Lying for Jesus is a form of pious fraud which happens when some Christians believe that falsifying information is acceptable if that brings people to Jesus or somehow supports his historicity, saintliness or supposed godliness.

The practice has a long and venerable history in the Christian religion.

Sorry, I thought you said fundamentalists, for it is they who think that lying, under any condition, is a sin.

My bad. I guess you mean "Christians" like Obama who don't even go to church.

“The Bible disagrees with you.”

The bible was written by men, reflecting man's ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity – consequently the bible is completely devoid of any authority concerning secular matters.
The motivations behind christian fundamentalism and the literal fear that drives them

Basically, the Evangelical Christian has two powerful things controlling his/her mind and emotions – the fear of eternal punishment in hell and the reward of eternal paradise in heaven. Those are essentially the two most powerful things that can control someone’s mind, period. They are the ultimate brainwashing tools ever designed. No question about it. Now keep in mind that heaven and hell are not some abstract concept or theory to them. No, they are absolute LITERAL FACTUAL truths! No less true than the fact that falling off a cliff is harmful or the fact that your body needs food and water to live. Therefore, they take them VERY seriously indeed. It’s no joke to them at all, especially when the eternal destiny of the soul is at stake. And that’s why they are so adamant that you become saved too, because in their minds, it is like watching you driving toward the edge of a cliff, and since they care about you, they want to warn you of the reality of the situation. That’s what it boils down to. It’s not about disrespect for your rights, freedom, or choices. It’s really about their 1) genuine concern for the eternal judgment of your soul, and their 2) sense of duty to God, after being given eternal life and being saved, to do his will to preach God’s message of Salvation to you, which is the least they could do for being given immortality.

Now think of the implications of this. Remember that this is all literal factual truth to them. Here’s what that means to someone who genuinely believes these things. It means that these are ETERNAL consequences in their minds. What that means technically is that an eternal heaven means a bliss and paradise for them that is never-ending without end, where billions of years or trillions of years have no measurement at all. After all, that’s what infinity means. On the other hand, an eternal hell also means a state of suffering and pain forever and ever. This means that even if one was suffering, tormented, and in extreme pain in hell for a billion years or a trillion years, it would still not stop because eternity means that time does not exist. It would go on and on and on. It NEVER ends, EVER! Think of that for a moment, not as some abstract theory that’s “out there” but as a literal fact that could ACTUALLY happen to you! If you seriously see that as a realistic possibility, you can understand why it is a VERY VERY VERY SCARY concept indeed!

Understanding the Mentality and World View of the ChristianFundamentalist

And those atheists leftists have nothing to fear. They can continue to rape the economy, continue wars abroad, and continue the genocide with the unborn believing that there will be no day of reckoning for them. All they have to be concerned with is maintaining power so that they will never have to answer for their sins.

I would much rather have people in charge who think that they will have to answer to God someday than sociopaths like Obama and Hilary.

Yet another fundamentalist committing the sin of lying! :eek:
Lying for Jesus
Lying for Jesus is a form of pious fraud which happens when some Christians believe that falsifying information is acceptable if that brings people to Jesus or somehow supports his historicity, saintliness or supposed godliness.

The practice has a long and venerable history in the Christian religion.

Guno, do you have this thread or not?
In reality Christianity is about charity and forgiveness. guno, however, doesn't care about facts that don't buttress his hate of ethnic groups other than his own.

Hell is the suffering that comes from selfishness and hate both in this world and the next. guno should know all about that.

So Christians who hate gays are going to spend eternity in hell with all of those gays?

How ironic!
Please recognize that some gay activists also indulge in hate. When discussing the activist group Act Up, which desecrated Communion hosts at a Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Andrew Sulivan said: Some of the most anti-Catholic bigots in America are gay.

“The Bible disagrees with you.”

The bible was written by men, reflecting man's ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity – consequently the bible is completely devoid of any authority concerning secular matters.
It is written:
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

I need to go now. Bye, guys.
In reality Christianity is about charity and forgiveness. guno, however, doesn't care about facts that don't buttress his hate of ethnic groups other than his own.

Hell is the suffering that comes from selfishness and hate both in this world and the next. guno should know all about that.

So Christians who hate gays are going to spend eternity in hell with all of those gays?

How ironic!

How, not even close.
Op your premise is incorrect. Christians don't fear hell. Why would they? If they are in Christ, then Christ died for their sins, so Hell isn't an option for them.
You just want them to fear. We don't. Nor do we go to hell for not setting our beliefs aside to embrace yours.
My question to you is, "Why should we set our beliefs aside? Who are you to decide my values for me?"

“It is written:”

It is written by men, ignorant, hateful, fearful men subject to the stupidity of bigotry, intolerance, and arrogance, where citing bible verses is just as meaningless and irrelevant as citing nursery rhymes.
Take their lies about gays for example. They have every right to not condone gays but they are sinning when lie about it being a "choice".

Well they are not 'lying', in the sense that they are not intentionally trying to deceive someone or convince someone of something that they know to be false. They simply don't understand what certain scripture actually says, what it is referring to, or the history of it. In other words, they are not "lying" because, to the best of their understanding, they think what they are saying is the absolute truth.

Now what I think you can often stick them on is a complete refusal to entertain even the mere possibility that they may be incorrect and total stubbornness in the face of historical and literary evidence. For example, those who dismiss historical evidence because the one presenting it happens to be an atheist or agnostic. Or perhaps those who claim the Bible has never changed and when you put two manuscripts in front of their face of the same book that are completely different they still insist that the Bible is inerrant.

I think you can also get many of them on the hypocrisy shown when they attempt to oppress certain demographics of society which stands in direct contrast to the message of love, goodwill, charity, and treating your neighbors as you would yourself preached by Jesus, Paul, and the rest of the apostles. On those things, you have a point.


You overlook that in the OP it is stating that people who attempt to save you are doing so out of a sincere desire to help you. You may not wish to receive their help, but in their minds they are trying to do something nice for you. Those who react with hostility, such as Guno, overlook, or do not care, that they are trying to give you something they consider beautiful and wonderful. Slamming the shit out of them, regardless of how misguided you feel they are, shows a true lack of character. Furthermore, there is nothing more hypocritical than people like Guno slamming Christian fundamentalists for their intolerance of other perspectives.

So there is plenty of hypocrisy, intolerance, and 'forcing one's beliefs upon others' to go around. They are not Christian traits, nor are they even religious traits. They are human traits which can be seen in politics, race relations, economics, you name it, and atheists can be every bit as guilty of such things as people of faith.
It may help to understand the fact that Christians not embracing homosexuality does not constitute hatred for those who do.
No one has asked to set Christian beliefs aside.

When you demand LGBT to engage in hetero marriage, you are forcing your ways on them. If they marry each other, they are not forcing their ways on you. You may marry as you wish.

“It is written:”

It is written by men, ignorant, hateful, fearful men subject to the stupidity of bigotry, intolerance, and arrogance, where citing bible verses is just as meaningless and irrelevant as citing nursery rhymes.
Don't forget the ignorant, hateful, fearful men subject to the stupidity of bigotry, intolerance, and arrogance, who cite atheist thinkers.

Persecution of Christians in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
These fags are just pissed that they know they are burning in hell. It's cool that you think the way that you do though. That you have no choice but to fuck dudes and suck cock.
These fags are just pissed that they know they are burning in hell. It's cool that you think the way that you do though. That you have no choice but to fuck dudes and suck cock.
Your post clearly shows you do not know Jesus. Sad.
Lying for Jesus

The practice has a long and venerable history in the Christian religion.
Of course your ethnic group sometimes practices deception.

In reality Christianity is about charity and forgiveness. guno, however, doesn't care about facts that don't buttress his hate of ethnic groups other than his own.

Hell is the suffering that comes from selfishness and hate both in this world and the next. guno should know all about that.

So Christians who hate gays are going to spend eternity in hell with all of those gays?

How ironic!
Please recognize that some gay activists also indulge in hate. When discussing the activist group Act Up, which desecrated Communion hosts at a Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Andrew Sulivan said: Some of the most anti-Catholic bigots in America are gay.

You don't get to justify your own sins by pointing fingers at others.
Clownie can you site the verse that says Christians not embracing homosexuality is a sin???
These fags are just pissed that they know they are burning in hell. It's cool that you think the way that you do though. That you have no choice but to fuck dudes and suck cock.
Your post clearly shows you do not know Jesus. Sad.
1. I'm using liberal thought process.
2. I'm not a christian.
Your post makes no sense other than you are not a Christian.

Then your post does not matter.
Very simple. Buy a Bible. Everyone who followed Jesus Christ was a Christian fundamentalist. If you're not a fundamentalist? You're not a follower of Jesus Christ.

And if you hate Christian fundamentalists? You are an enemy of Jesus Christ.

That's a load of crap. But then, every religion believes it is the one and only religion.

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