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Corporations are turning America into a 3rd world nation.

You Republicans argue saying of course corporations go where the labor is cheapest. What is your solution Republicans? Is it to lower our standards? Bullshit!

No, you make laws and tax breaks to keep jobs here. Make it expensive for corporations to move out of the country.

Do you go to the most expensive place in town and buy all your needs or do you shop around. If you shop around you are doing what corporations do. Shop for better prices.

Nothing wrong with that.
. What is your solution Republicans?
100% stupid liberal has learned the solution 100 times and forgot it 100 times!!

1st, eliminate the highest corporate tax in the world and bring back 20 million jobs
2nd, make unions illegal and bring back 20 million jobs
3rd, sent 20 million illegals home and create another 20 million jobs....

and thus create 60 million new jobs for Americans with huge upward pressure on wages!!
Corporations are turning America into a 3rd world nation.

You Republicans argue saying of course corporations go where the labor is cheapest. What is your solution Republicans? Is it to lower our standards? Bullshit!

No, you make laws and tax breaks to keep jobs here. Make it expensive for corporations to move out of the country.

Do you go to the most expensive place in town and buy all your needs or do you shop around. If you shop around you are doing what corporations do. Shop for better prices.

Nothing wrong with that.
So only countries that make corporations pay zero in taxes win?

Screw that. If it's something that we can produce here, tariff the imports.

If we can't produce it here then we will trade.

That's what governments are for pal. To protect the citizens. Who runs America we the people or GE?

The rest I agree.
there is even less capitalism now; do you now understand,dear?

wrong of course, there is more now because Friedman figured out what caused the Great Depression and Bernanke applied that wisdom to the housing crisis thus insulating millions of capitalistic businesses from the housing/financial crisis.

Dear, you are a typical illiterate liberal and cant possibly understand above.
. What is your solution Republicans?
100% stupid liberal has learned the solution 100 times and forgot it 100 times!!

1st, eliminate the highest corporate tax in the world and bring back 20 million jobs
2nd, make unions illegal and bring back 20 million jobs
3rd, sent 20 million illegals home and create another 20 million jobs....

and thus create 60 million new jobs for Americans with huge upward pressure on wages!!
But GE pays zero in taxes, remember?

Why arent companies going to right to work states instead of mexico?
there is even less capitalism now; do you now understand,dear?

wrong of course, there is more now because Friedman figured out what caused the Great Depression and Bernanke applied that wisdom to the housing crisis thus insulating millions of capitalistic businesses from the housing/financial crisis.

Dear, you are a typical illiterate liberal and cant possibly understand above.
dear, your argument is just plain silly; it is socialism that is common practice now.
Screw that. If it's something that we can produce here, tariff the imports.


100% stupid you've learned that 100 times but are too stupid to remember

tariffs invite other tariffs then you have a Smoot Hawley Great Depression.
101 times for the idiot liberal
Screw that. If it's something that we can produce here, tariff the imports.


100% stupid you've learned that 100 times but are too stupid to remember

tariffs invite other tariffs then you have a Smoot Hawley Great Depression.
101 times for the idiot liberal
I'm on my smartphone or I would cut and paste a great article explaining how it wasn't smoot-hawley and you're dead wrong but I'm not so whatever dear
Screw that. If it's something that we can produce here, tariff the imports.


100% stupid you've learned that 100 times but are too stupid to remember

tariffs invite other tariffs then you have a Smoot Hawley Great Depression.
101 times for the idiot liberal
I'm on my smartphone or I would cut and paste a great article explaining how it wasn't smoot-hawley and you're dead wrong but I'm not so whatever dear

all agree that Smoot Hawley was a big part of the problem by collapsing world trade!! Thats when the world's economist turned to free trade, even liberal socialist European economists who today have China as their biggest trading partner.

See why we say stupid?

Do you understand?
But GE pays zero in taxes, remember?

too stupid when you lose money you don't pay taxes. They lost billions in financial crisis.
How much did CEO make that year?

enough to keep him from going to a better job. Do you understand??
Yes I know they and you think they are unreplaceable. My brother is a VP so I hear it all the time.

Do you understand this is why unions and governments have to protect workers or people or citizens? Your arguments make perfect sense if corporations are all powerful? Do you understand? What's our safe word? God your gay.
Yes I know they and you think they are unreplaceable.

100% stupid. I didn't say they were unreplacable just that they get paid according to the law of supply and demand just like everyone else. If they were worth less, owners would pay them $less and pocket the difference.

Do you lack the IQ to understand even that??
Corporations are turning America into a 3rd world nation.

You Republicans argue saying of course corporations go where the labor is cheapest. What is your solution Republicans? Is it to lower our standards? Bullshit!

No, you make laws and tax breaks to keep jobs here. Make it expensive for corporations to move out of the country.

Do you go to the most expensive place in town and buy all your needs or do you shop around. If you shop around you are doing what corporations do. Shop for better prices.

Nothing wrong with that.
So only countries that make corporations pay zero in taxes win?

Screw that. If it's something that we can produce here, tariff the imports.

If we can't produce it here then we will trade.

That's what governments are for pal. To protect the citizens. Who runs America we the people or GE?

The rest I agree.

Then don't complain when jobs leave America. Corporations do what you and I do, look for the best price.

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