Unemployment down to 3.9%

BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000. All of a sudden the lying scum Right doesn't care about growing the government.
military jobs are government jobs, idiot.
Active duty Military are NOT counted by the BLS, IDIOT!

Civilian noninstitutional population (Current Population Survey)
Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 states and the District of Columbia who do not live in institutions (for example, correctional facilities, long-term care hospitals, and nursing homes) and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.
Ok, let me clarify, when military spending is up, civilian jobs are created, good paying blue collar jobs building ships, planes, tanks, armor, uniforms, boots, rations, etc. I should have been clearer in my earlier post. Mea culpa.
But that doesn't change the fact that Obama was CONDEMNED for increasing government workers to bring down his UE numbers, which was actually a typical LIE from the lying scum Right (Obama actually REDUCED the number of government workers from 21,196,000 when he started to 20,803,000 when he left) Now suddenly since Tramp, like Reagan, has INCREASED government workers it is now a good thing. HYPOCRITE!!!!!

civilians working in defense companies are not government employees. you just keep making yourself look stupid
You just keep on lying when faced with the truth. You just keep making yourself look like a serial liar.
The left, the DC swamp, GOP RINO's they are livid that Trump is winning and proving them all wrong. You gotta love Trump he boldly got in their face and is now backing it up with wins Trump put an epic beat down on these fools. :eusa_clap:
Holy shit, the leftist butthurt. Just can't take winning under any circumstance.

Yes, I can see when Obama begun...


Since Trump seems like a small uptick.
You gotta just love the abject STUPIDITY required to be a Tramp supporter!!!

When Obama left the LFPR was 62.9% it is 62.8% now under Tramp and to the lying scum Right that is a "small UPTICK." :cuckoo:
BTW, that 164,000 headline number is a COMPLETE JOKE.


Because of the creative math the Fed used on the Establishment Survey called the 'Birth/Death Model'. This latest attempt by the government to distort the numbers to make them look better is based on the fact that the BLS does not know how many companies were born and how many died. So they guess. They use some sort of nonsensical mathematical model...but the bottom line is they guess.

And last month...they guessed to the tune of 260 thousand jobs. So that means they guesses that there were 260,000 more jobs created by new businesses then there were jobs lost to dying businesses. And that pathetic guess is added to the number.

CES Net Birth/Death Model
Don't let pinqy see this...he will freak.

I, like you, used to accept the U-3 as fact.

But now, like you, I realize that it is a joke. Set up to make the unemployment situation look much better than it really is. Easier to keep the masses quiet that way.

172 million are unemployed under Trump

Liberals are so desperate now they're counting babies.
Trump chose to include retirees, the handicapped, stay at home moms, high school students in condemning Obama’s employment numbers

Why not look at ALL unemployed

Unemployed means......NOT employed

172 million are not employed
You don't think there's any difference between not employed because you cannot find a job and not employed because you don't want/need a job or cannot work?
That is not the point, pingy, of course you are correct, but the point is Tramp and the lying scum Right did NOT accept that difference when Obama was president, so we are simply applying the same standard they used for Obama to Tramp.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

So...everyone on the Right is a lying scum to you?


Not everyone on the Right OR the Left is a 'lying scum.'

What an incredibly ignorant thing for you to say.
Holy shit, the leftist butthurt. Just can't take winning under any circumstance.

Yes, I can see when Obama begun...


Since Trump seems like a small uptick.
You gotta just love the abject STUPIDITY required to be a Tramp supporter!!!

When Obama left the LFPR was 62.9% it is 62.8% now under Tramp and to the lying scum Right that is a "small UPTICK." :cuckoo:
For some odd reason, these folks seem to think Trump started with a high UE rate..
Labor force participation rate about the same as obama left it. Not such an important number anymore?
So Sad!!!:boohoo:
So now it doesn’t matter? Cause under obama the unemployment rate went down, but it was really the participation rate that mattered. Hypocrisy is funny.

even using the same calculation methods, Trump's numbers are better.
remember how bad things were this time during the Obama term? its was total depression in 2010.
Obama was handed 2 wars, a recession, a housing bubble, auto industry was about to collapse... Trump was handed a strong economy and declining deficits. So far he's messed up one of the two.

you are totally fooling yourself trying to convince yourself Trump was handed a strong economy.:haha: He expanded everything Bushwacker got started INCLUDING a horrible economy.:haha:
President Trump is the vessel of American hopes. it is to him that we all look for our salvation.
yeah aat least there is some kind of hope for the first time since carter FINALLY having a president that has done some of the things he said would do,got to go way back to carter when we had one that did that.
Aw, come on: I know the truth irks you, Dschrute3. I have been pleased with the economy since 2016. It's running fine until the unwise GOP policies once again bust it. And, once again, I will be in position to do well because of GOP greed.

The election, though, is a referendum on Trump and GOP foolish.


the understatement of they year that the economy was good under obama.

remember how bad things were this time during the Obama term? its was total depression in 2010.:2up:
No one has denied that the Obama economy, which Trump is riding, is good.

Trump is the election focus, no matter how much the GOP will try to sell differently.

The American electorate is now wise to the GOP/Alt Right Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) propaganda.

Aw, come on. That's just the irrational butthurt talkin. This is great news for the country.

yeah but NONE of this is going to matter soon if Trump wont get the balls to stand up to Israel and cut off aide to the bastards,if he keeps Kissing Israels ass as every president since LBJ has,he is going to get us into world war three. If Israel has its way with Trump Israel with our aide will topple Syria and Iran and the next country they will coerce the united states to invade is Russia which will in fact start world war three.

Trump should stop saying make america great and say make the WORLD great.:mad: His forieng policys suck.:mad:

what planet do you live on? what a bunch of BS

you are in denial mode.LOL
So now it doesn’t matter? Cause under obama the unemployment rate went down, but it was really the participation rate that mattered. Hypocrisy is funny.

even using the same calculation methods, Trump's numbers are better.
remember how bad things were this time during the Obama term? its was total depression in 2010.
Obama was handed 2 wars, a recession, a housing bubble, auto industry was about to collapse... Trump was handed a strong economy and declining deficits. So far he's messed up one of the two.

Obama allowed two stupid wars to continue and did nothing but pansy around with murdering dictators, he sent pallets of cash to the Iranians and got nothing in return. There was no recession in 08, it was a simple market correction that was way overdue. Obozo bailed out the car companies in order to save the UAW and keep its money coming in to the DNC. Obama doubled the national debt. WTF is wrong with you? Did you spend the last 8 years under a rock?

So since you cant counter facts here care THIS is your rebuttal? I see you are admitting defeat.lol Anybody not living on a deserted island knows that to be true that Obama indeed DID allow two stupid wars to contiune and did nothing but pansy around with murdering dictaters and doubled the national debt.:biggrin:
Boy, rough day for Democrats and their Fake Newsters. How they gonna spin this great news for America? Trump's on a roll. It's gotta sting. :)

Except Trump aint responsible, Pres. Obama is. Trump still hasn't accomplished anything, other than making billionaires richer. He relies on poor, dumb rubes like yourself to keep these billionaires richer than they've ever been

That what CNN and NBC told ya? They lie. Movin on...
and now thanks to Trump,,we have more job openings than people looking,,,,McDonalds is so desperate, they may have to hire Monkeys and Goats

He has achieved near to Full Employment for the country. It's amazing.

Can you tell on here where Trump's term began?


Sorry near to or at Full Employment isn't good enough for y'all haters. But it is for rational common sense-thinking folks.
Some people at the top, or even higher paying middle class jobs will benefit from the tax cuts, and many of those at the bottom even the lower middle class, will not....

It's not going to be the exact same benefit to all involved, and never would be expected except maybe in a communist country.

but implying these tax cuts have been great for everybody is simply bull crud....
Not really seeing that, C4A.

The lower classes will benefit from higher child deductions, and the upper classes will see better dividends and a growing economy.

Thew losers are the inhabitants of blue states that will see their deductions for state and local taxes being capped at around $90k, so that only hurts the richest people in those states as well.

This tax cut is much more popular and effective than the left can admit to, just look at Paul Krugman whine, lol..
I'll summarize the thread, Trump made Obama look like a rank amateur again and the left's heads exploded. :auiqs.jpg:

For the past year, it's been nothing but bad news for the butthurt ones.

America is winning again, their worst nightmare.

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