Unemployment down to 3.9%

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that manufacturers added 24,000 workers in April, extending the 22,000 gain seen in March. It was the seventh consecutive month with robust growth in hiring in the sector, averaging 26,571 per month over that time frame.
BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000. All of a sudden the lying scum Right doesn't care about growing the government.

military jobs are government jobs, idiot.
Ed was citing the Current Employment Statistics, which does not include the military, or employees of the CIA, DIA, NGA, or NSA.

172 million are unemployed under Trump

Liberals are so desperate now they're counting babies.
Trump chose to include retirees, the handicapped, stay at home moms, high school students in condemning Obama’s employment numbers

Why not look at ALL unemployed

Unemployed means......NOT employed

172 million are not employed
You don't think there's any difference between not employed because you cannot find a job and not employed because you don't want/need a job or cannot work?
That is not the point, pingy, of course you are correct, but the point is Tramp and the lying scum Right did NOT accept that difference when Obama was president, so we are simply applying the same standard they used for Obama to Tramp.

JAN. 11, 2017 press conference
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number.

So...everyone on the Right is a lying scum to you?


Not everyone on the Right OR the Left is a 'lying scum.'

What an incredibly ignorant thing for you to say.
Actually it is intelligence guided by experience.
Holy shit, the leftist butthurt. Just can't take winning under any circumstance.

Yes, I can see when Obama begun...


Since Trump seems like a small uptick.
You gotta just love the abject STUPIDITY required to be a Tramp supporter!!!

When Obama left the LFPR was 62.9% it is 62.8% now under Tramp and to the lying scum Right that is a "small UPTICK." :cuckoo:
For some odd reason, these folks seem to think Trump started with a high UE rate..
That is because Russia Limbaugh told them that for instance that black UE came down from 16.8% under Obama to 6.8% under Tramp in just 1 (ONE) year. And of course, Trumpist DittoTards are STUPID enough to believe it without ever checking.

January 15, 2018
RUSH: In March of 2010, for example, black unemployment peaked at — are you ready for this? — 16.8%. And that was well above the peak unemployment rates for other demographics. So 16.8% in basically almost eight years ago down to 6.8%. And it’s happened in one year!
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that manufacturers added 24,000 workers in April, extending the 22,000 gain seen in March. It was the seventh consecutive month with robust growth in hiring in the sector, averaging 26,571 per month over that time frame.
BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000. All of a sudden the lying scum Right doesn't care about growing the government.

military jobs are government jobs, idiot.
Active duty Military are NOT counted by the BLS, IDIOT!

Civilian noninstitutional population (Current Population Survey)
Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 states and the District of Columbia who do not live in institutions (for example, correctional facilities, long-term care hospitals, and nursing homes) and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.

Ok, let me clarify, when military spending is up, civilian jobs are created, good paying blue collar jobs building ships, planes, tanks, armor, uniforms, boots, rations, etc. I should have been clearer in my earlier post. Mea culpa.
Doesn’t have to be military spending
It can be any government spending
Historically running against someone with an 3.9% unemployment rate meant getting your butt handed to you.

Seeing that the democrats have far more to defend this coming election I'd expect the republicans will hold onto both houses. Hell, if the democrats are stupid and run on diversionary politics the republicans could gain seats in the senate.
Boy, rough day for Democrats and their Fake Newsters. How they gonna spin this great news for America? Trump's on a roll. It's gotta sting. :)

US jobs report: Unemployment falls to 3.9%

Job growth accelerated in April, cutting the nation's jobless rate as U.S. employers added 164,000 jobs compared to the revised 135,000 in March.

While cold weather in March and April probably held back job growth, hiring is moderating as the labor market hits full employment.

The drop of two-tenths of a percentage point in the unemployment rate from 4.1 percent in March pushed it to a level last seen in December 2000.

For the April report, the unemployment rate came in at 3.9%, down from the prior month’s 4.1%, lower than expectations.

US jobs report: Unemployment falls to 3.9%

More Trump winning, it's warmer today than it was 3 months ago, must be Trump's winning that did it.

Aww, Full Employment got ya down? CNN and NBC told ya the sky was fallin, huh? :rofl:

It's ridiculous. You people are so partisan that you can't see beyond your partisanship.

I can't even be bothered to tell you why you're wrong, because you don't care.
Boy, rough day for Democrats and their Fake Newsters. How they gonna spin this great news for America? Trump's on a roll. It's gotta sting. :)

US jobs report: Unemployment falls to 3.9%

Job growth accelerated in April, cutting the nation's jobless rate as U.S. employers added 164,000 jobs compared to the revised 135,000 in March.

While cold weather in March and April probably held back job growth, hiring is moderating as the labor market hits full employment.

The drop of two-tenths of a percentage point in the unemployment rate from 4.1 percent in March pushed it to a level last seen in December 2000.

For the April report, the unemployment rate came in at 3.9%, down from the prior month’s 4.1%, lower than expectations.

US jobs report: Unemployment falls to 3.9%

More Trump winning, it's warmer today than it was 3 months ago, must be Trump's winning that did it.

I thought getting warmer was a 'bad thing' to y'all wingnuts. Boy, y'all can't seem to get your Talking Points straight. Trump's really gotten into your pea brains. I love it. :21:

Fucking hell, do you need a brain transplant or something?
For the first time in decades.The media is exploding with anger as usual. Why? Besides the fact that they hate America, it's because Trump has won again. As we know, according to them the whole world was supposed to fall to depression if Trump won. Instead, the unemployment rate of blacks fell to never before seen lows.

U.S. Jobless Rate Falls Below 4% For First Time Since Late 2000

As such, it's no surprise that the shills are lining up to tell us why this is bad, bad news.

Well, do you know about boom and bust?

You know who loses out big time in the bust periods? 7 million Americans lost their homes in the last bust, while Warren Buffett made something like $10 billion.

Is this a good thing? It's good people have jobs, it would be better if this were a permanent thing, rather than temporary.

The worst is that Trump is taking credit for something that was almost certain to happen no matter who was the president.
True enough...Obama did NOTHING for poor and middle class Americans who lost homes, jobs, and much of their net worth because of the actions of criminals on Wall Street and in the federal government.

He did bail out his buddies in the Big Banks, auto unions, and other Fortune 500 firms.

Yet...he is a man of the people....and recently accepted a $70 million pay check for a book he won't write.

Yes, often it's how you present yourself.

Obama wanted to be such a person, Trump just wants to appeal to the lowest of the low by acting like they do.

Obama didn't have that much choice in bailing out the large companies. Had he not done so, then it would have caused even more panic.

It's like being captain of a ship. The previous captain died having directed you into a massive storm, you have two choices, sink the ship or throw half the passengers off the ship.

Where he did wrong was to not force these companies to pay this money back.

The biggest worry is that the country put things in place to stop it from happening, and now they're getting rid of such things to allow it to happen again.

Also having president only being allowed two terms means that boom and bust is worse. Presidents spend 4 years making sure the economy is pumping, after that, who gives a fuck?
...manufacturers added 24,000 workers in April...
The changes over the past few years in manufacturing is truly remarkable:

...BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000...
That's mostly state & local.
Ed was citing the Current Employment Statistics, which does not include the military, or....
Here's the breakdown from opm.gov and bls.gov:

imho this looks good, better off all around since 2017.
Holy shit, the leftist butthurt. Just can't take winning under any circumstance.

Yes, I can see when Obama begun...


Since Trump seems like a small uptick.
You gotta just love the abject STUPIDITY required to be a Tramp supporter!!!

When Obama left the LFPR was 62.9% it is 62.8% now under Tramp and to the lying scum Right that is a "small UPTICK." :cuckoo:
For some odd reason, these folks seem to think Trump started with a high UE rate..

it was higher than it is today, that's the point, doofus
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that manufacturers added 24,000 workers in April, extending the 22,000 gain seen in March. It was the seventh consecutive month with robust growth in hiring in the sector, averaging 26,571 per month over that time frame.
BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000. All of a sudden the lying scum Right doesn't care about growing the government.

military jobs are government jobs, idiot.
Ed was citing the Current Employment Statistics, which does not include the military, or employees of the CIA, DIA, NGA, or NSA.

but it does include civilian jobs working on military projects-------------sooooooooooooo when military spending goes up, civilian jobs are created. Good civilian jobs with good pay and good benefits.
Holy shit, the leftist butthurt. Just can't take winning under any circumstance.

Yes, I can see when Obama begun...


Since Trump seems like a small uptick.
You gotta just love the abject STUPIDITY required to be a Tramp supporter!!!

When Obama left the LFPR was 62.9% it is 62.8% now under Tramp and to the lying scum Right that is a "small UPTICK." :cuckoo:
For some odd reason, these folks seem to think Trump started with a high UE rate..

it was higher than it is today, that's the point, doofus
It was higher when Oblama took office, but it wasn't for Boosh II..It's called a business cycle and presidents don't have much to do to influence them, they just happen..The gains during Trump are still small, wait and they will grow, and try not to crow like some drunk fan at a football show.
The problem now is not employment but inflation and low wages....Housing is becoming expensive in the nation.
Holy shit, the leftist butthurt. Just can't take winning under any circumstance.

Yes, I can see when Obama begun...


Since Trump seems like a small uptick.
You gotta just love the abject STUPIDITY required to be a Tramp supporter!!!

When Obama left the LFPR was 62.9% it is 62.8% now under Tramp and to the lying scum Right that is a "small UPTICK." :cuckoo:
For some odd reason, these folks seem to think Trump started with a high UE rate..

it was higher than it is today, that's the point, doofus
It was higher when Oblama took office, but it wasn't for Boosh II..It's called a business cycle and presidents don't have much to do to influence them, they just happen..The gains during Trump are still small, wait and they will grow, and try not to crow like some drunk fan at a football show.

get real, Trump's policies are working and you libs cant stand it. That's what this is all about. Trump is doing the JOB of president that Obama, Clinton, and both Bushes could not do. BTW, crooked Hillary LOST and will never be anything but a corrupt losing bitch.

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