Unemployment rate drops to 7.4%

It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

see what I posted above....here-

I have been waiting for the hiring to really start up and the number to balloon as tons of folks head back to thew work force adding to the labor participation rate and, the dems start claiming ing that thats great because that means there are jobs.....you know, having your cake and eating it to, the number drops, thats good, it goes up, thats good, but this economy is one anemic bitch and it may it happen before obama leaves...

so, which is it?

if the number goes back up becasue the job market really opens up, is that a good thing?

I am speaking of jobs added. Not the rate. Jobs added is good. Period.
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It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

70% of those jobs are part-time jobs. Why is that a good thing? I'm not an American, but it would appear being American means learning to settle for less. Which in some cases it is good, but not in this particular circumstance.

The economy has added 5-6 million full time jobs since 2010. Stop the bull.
It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

see what I posted above....here-

I have been waiting for the hiring to really start up and the number to balloon as tons of folks head back to thew work force adding to the labor participation rate and, the dems start claiming ing that thats great because that means there are jobs.....you know, having your cake and eating it to, the number drops, thats good, it goes up, thats good, but this economy is one anemic bitch and it may it happen before obama leaves...

so, which is it?

if the number goes back up becasue the job market really opens up, is that a good thing?

I am speaking of jobs added. Not the rate. Jobs added is good. Period.

Not enough jobs have been added to get back to the pre-recession levels. We aren't even keeping up with population growth.

Let's compare Obama to Bush. I think that you'll see that neither gets high marks. However, Obama, is in a class all of his own. He is a deficit spending machine, and he's bankrupting this country. The fact remains that the standard of living for all American families is down. When Obama care hits full stride we'll really be screwed, and we can kiss full time employment, and quality healthcare good by.

"How do Bush and Obama compare on closer inspection? Just about like they do on an initial glance. According to the White House's Office of Management and Budget, during his eight fiscal years, Bush ran up a total of $3.283 trillion in deficit spending (p. 22). In his first two fiscal years, Obama will run up a total of $2.826 trillion in deficit spending ($1.294 trillion in 2010, an estimated $1.267 trillion in 2011 (p. 23), and the $265 billion in "stimulus" money that was spent in 2009). Thus, Bush ran up an average of $410 billion in deficit spending per year, while Obama is running up an average of $1.413 trillion in deficit spending per year -- or $1.003 trillion a year more than Bush."

Obama vs. Bush: On Debt | The Weekly Standard
It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

70% of those jobs are part-time jobs. Why is that a good thing? I'm not an American, but it would appear being American means learning to settle for less. Which in some cases it is good, but not in this particular circumstance.

The economy has added 5-6 million full time jobs since 2010. Stop the bull.

Actually I am referring to a Y/Y basis. 77% of the amount of jobs created for this year are part time jobs. Overall, you have more part-time work being created than full time.
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It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

see what I posted above....here-

I have been waiting for the hiring to really start up and the number to balloon as tons of folks head back to thew work force adding to the labor participation rate and, the dems start claiming ing that thats great because that means there are jobs.....you know, having your cake and eating it to, the number drops, thats good, it goes up, thats good, but this economy is one anemic bitch and it may it happen before obama leaves...

so, which is it?

if the number goes back up becasue the job market really opens up, is that a good thing?

I am speaking of jobs added. Not the rate. Jobs added is good. Period.

My what low standards you have for your country.
It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

see what I posted above....here-

I have been waiting for the hiring to really start up and the number to balloon as tons of folks head back to thew work force adding to the labor participation rate and, the dems start claiming ing that thats great because that means there are jobs.....you know, having your cake and eating it to, the number drops, thats good, it goes up, thats good, but this economy is one anemic bitch and it may it happen before obama leaves...

so, which is it?

if the number goes back up becasue the job market really opens up, is that a good thing?

I am speaking of jobs added. Not the rate. Jobs added is good. Period.

I knew you wouldn't answer....:lol:
It is like Groundhog Day around here. Every month we get a jobs report. For 41 straight months, the US economy has added jobs. Over 7 million jobs.

Yet, every month......without fail....we get a predictable stream of "conservatives" that come here and tell us how the news about adding jobs is bad news.

Do you fuckers even realize it? That you repeat yourselves every time one of these reports comes out? You come off as sore sports who are unhappy if the economy does well.....because it is not your guys who are leading the way.

Fucking sad. How about acting like fucking Americans for a change.

see what I posted above....here-

I have been waiting for the hiring to really start up and the number to balloon as tons of folks head back to thew work force adding to the labor participation rate and, the dems start claiming ing that thats great because that means there are jobs.....you know, having your cake and eating it to, the number drops, thats good, it goes up, thats good, but this economy is one anemic bitch and it may it happen before obama leaves...

so, which is it?

if the number goes back up becasue the job market really opens up, is that a good thing?

I am speaking of jobs added. Not the rate. Jobs added is good. Period.

If you once had a job earning $60,000 as a construction worker, and after a long period of unemployment, the only job available was for 30 hours per week stocking shelves at a grocery store for minimum wage, would you consider that good?
see what I posted above....here-

I have been waiting for the hiring to really start up and the number to balloon as tons of folks head back to thew work force adding to the labor participation rate and, the dems start claiming ing that thats great because that means there are jobs.....you know, having your cake and eating it to, the number drops, thats good, it goes up, thats good, but this economy is one anemic bitch and it may it happen before obama leaves...

so, which is it?

if the number goes back up becasue the job market really opens up, is that a good thing?

I am speaking of jobs added. Not the rate. Jobs added is good. Period.

If you once had a job earning $60,000 as a construction worker, and after a long period of unemployment, the only job available was for 30 hours per week stocking shelves at a grocery store for minimum wage, would you consider that good?

hes talkin' bout rates B ( only).....:lol:
I am speaking about jobs added. 41 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Sorry, losers. That is a good thing.

The economy is improving. So sad for you.
Here is some more interesting news. Those of you who take the time to read this should find the information very interesting.

"(CNSNews.com) – There were 988,000 discouraged workers in the United States in July, an increase of 136,000 from July 2012, according to data released today the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

“Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them,” the BLS explains.

While the overall unemployment rate declined to the lowest rate since December 2008 at 7.4 percent, those not in the labor force remains near an all-time high at 89,957,000. The previous high was 89,967,000 in March of this year.

The number of Americans who dropped out of the labor force was 240,000 in July – 78,000 more than the162,000 jobs added in the month.

The BLS labeled people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.

Also, 2.4 million Americans were “marginally attached to the labor force,” which means they are not working but “wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months.”

The labor force participation rate in July also ticked down to 63.4 percent, from 63.5 percent in June.

Total part-time workers, those working less than 35 hours per week as defined by the BLS, reached 28,233,000, increasing by 174,000 since June.

Those working part-time for "economic reasons" was essentially unchanged at 8.2 million in July, the BLS said.

In addition, 9.57 million people have left the labor force since February 2009, President Obama’s first full month in office.

On average, 163,037 Americans have left the workforce each month since then, with a high of 1,177,000 in January 2012.

In contrast, only 23,981 jobs have been added each month.

For the first 13 months of Obama’s presidency, the economy was losing jobs, starting with a decline of 651,000 jobs in February 2009. The economy did not begin to grow jobs consistently until October 2010, when 151,000 were added to the payrolls.

The more than a year of decline in payrolls lowers Obama’s jobs added average to just 23,981, which is 139,056 less than the number of Americans leaving the workforce each month.
- See more at: July: 988,000 'Discouraged' Americans Concluded There Were No Jobs for Them | CNS News

July: 988,000 'Discouraged' Americans Concluded There Were No Jobs for Them | CNS News
Here is some more interesting news. Those of you who take the time to read this should find the information very interesting.

"(CNSNews.com) – There were 988,000 discouraged workers in the United States in July, an increase of 136,000 from July 2012, according to data released today the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

“Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them,” the BLS explains.

While the overall unemployment rate declined to the lowest rate since December 2008 at 7.4 percent, those not in the labor force remains near an all-time high at 89,957,000. The previous high was 89,967,000 in March of this year.

The number of Americans who dropped out of the labor force was 240,000 in July – 78,000 more than the162,000 jobs added in the month.

The BLS labeled people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.

Also, 2.4 million Americans were “marginally attached to the labor force,” which means they are not working but “wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months.”

The labor force participation rate in July also ticked down to 63.4 percent, from 63.5 percent in June.

Total part-time workers, those working less than 35 hours per week as defined by the BLS, reached 28,233,000, increasing by 174,000 since June.

Those working part-time for "economic reasons" was essentially unchanged at 8.2 million in July, the BLS said.

In addition, 9.57 million people have left the labor force since February 2009, President Obama’s first full month in office.

On average, 163,037 Americans have left the workforce each month since then, with a high of 1,177,000 in January 2012.

In contrast, only 23,981 jobs have been added each month.

For the first 13 months of Obama’s presidency, the economy was losing jobs, starting with a decline of 651,000 jobs in February 2009. The economy did not begin to grow jobs consistently until October 2010, when 151,000 were added to the payrolls.

The more than a year of decline in payrolls lowers Obama’s jobs added average to just 23,981, which is 139,056 less than the number of Americans leaving the workforce each month.
- See more at: July: 988,000 'Discouraged' Americans Concluded There Were No Jobs for Them | CNS News

July: 988,000 'Discouraged' Americans Concluded There Were No Jobs for Them | CNS News

Here is some more interesting news. Those of you who take the time to read this should find the information very interesting.

Thanks for sharing yota, always nice to come across people looking for what's really going on beneath the surface. :)

"The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups." ― Henry Hazlitt
Here is some more interesting news. Those of you who take the time to read this should find the information very interesting.

"(CNSNews.com) – There were 988,000 discouraged workers in the United States in July, an increase of 136,000 from July 2012, according to data released today the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

“Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them,” the BLS explains.

While the overall unemployment rate declined to the lowest rate since December 2008 at 7.4 percent, those not in the labor force remains near an all-time high at 89,957,000. The previous high was 89,967,000 in March of this year.

The number of Americans who dropped out of the labor force was 240,000 in July – 78,000 more than the162,000 jobs added in the month.

The BLS labeled people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.

Also, 2.4 million Americans were “marginally attached to the labor force,” which means they are not working but “wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months.”

The labor force participation rate in July also ticked down to 63.4 percent, from 63.5 percent in June.

Total part-time workers, those working less than 35 hours per week as defined by the BLS, reached 28,233,000, increasing by 174,000 since June.

Those working part-time for "economic reasons" was essentially unchanged at 8.2 million in July, the BLS said.

In addition, 9.57 million people have left the labor force since February 2009, President Obama’s first full month in office.

On average, 163,037 Americans have left the workforce each month since then, with a high of 1,177,000 in January 2012.

In contrast, only 23,981 jobs have been added each month.

For the first 13 months of Obama’s presidency, the economy was losing jobs, starting with a decline of 651,000 jobs in February 2009. The economy did not begin to grow jobs consistently until October 2010, when 151,000 were added to the payrolls.

The more than a year of decline in payrolls lowers Obama’s jobs added average to just 23,981, which is 139,056 less than the number of Americans leaving the workforce each month.
- See more at: July: 988,000 'Discouraged' Americans Concluded There Were No Jobs for Them | CNS News

July: 988,000 'Discouraged' Americans Concluded There Were No Jobs for Them | CNS News

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate

Wow. You posted a link.

What a compelling argument.

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