Unemployment rate drops to lowest since 2000

I wish people would do a town hall on these jobs numbers....most people I know, are working a full time and a part time. Most people I know are finding these jobs through temp services. Most people I know, aren't getting raises, aren't getting cost of living adjustments and have little to know savings. Most people I know are living from pay check to pay check and working longer hours. Most people I know are complaining about the high costs of gas, the new state taxes that are being imposed and the cost of things going up, not down and finally most of the people I know, never saw a dime of anything in the Trump tax cuts and never will.
You need to expand your circle of people. Wages are up, unemployment is down and GDP is up.

Wages are only up in certain areas. Many other areas have seen wage shrinkage, and overall wages are lagging behind inflation. Unemployment is down, but a big part of that is related to workforce participation shrinkage. But the deficit and debt are both ever rising.
I wish people would do a town hall on these jobs numbers....most people I know, are working a full time and a part time. Most people I know are finding these jobs through temp services. Most people I know, aren't getting raises, aren't getting cost of living adjustments and have little to know savings. Most people I know are living from pay check to pay check and working longer hours. Most people I know are complaining about the high costs of gas, the new state taxes that are being imposed and the cost of things going up, not down and finally most of the people I know, never saw a dime of anything in the Trump tax cuts and never will.
You must know a lot of uneducated dumbfucks if someone else is needed to find their jobs for them.
—nearly 100,000 jobs less in July than in June. Employers are nervous about the trade war.

LOL, Still trying to advance this baseless conclusion? Do you belong to some sort of intellectually dishonest club that you're trying to win the member of the month award in?

… Guess what... correlation STILL doesn't imply causation. :cool:
. . . except when the far right wants correlation to imply causation.
—nearly 100,000 jobs less in July than in June. Employers are nervous about the trade war.

LOL, Still trying to advance this baseless conclusion? Do you belong to some sort of intellectually dishonest club that you're trying to win the member of the month award in?

… Guess what... correlation STILL doesn't imply causation. :cool:

Sounds like your knowledge of such a club proves you’re a member. Just sayin….

The trade war has many casualties; this disappointing jobs report is just one of them. Sorry if that makes you more unhinged and angry than usual.
U.S. Economy Added 157,000 Jobs In July; Unemployment Dips To 3.9 Percent

Next months numbers should be a good indicator if this growth trend will continue.
If Obama only added 157,000 jobs, Trump would call it a disaster

The Great Obama was adding 200,000 jobs a month

There is a big danger to Trump undoing the damage .done by Obama and fixing the economy.

Due to the national epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness there is the danger of mass suicides by our Moon Bat friends.

There could be millions of needless deaths.
It’s racist
Too many whites seeking work have found it and too many blacks not seeking work have not.
when people have work, they are SEPARATED FROM THEIR CHILDREN at home. Trump keeps separating families.

Unemployment rate drops to lowest since 2000

Not true. It was lower just 2 months ago.
There is a big danger to Trump undoing the damage .done by Obama and fixing the economy.

Due to the national epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness there is the danger of mass suicides by our Moon Bat friends.

There could be millions of needless deaths.
And the danger is?
"July is just the ninth month since 1970 that unemployment has fallen below 4%. Our economy has added 3.7 million jobs since I won the Election. 4.1 GDP. More than 4 million people have received a pay raise due to tax reform. $400 Billion brought back from overseas." - President Trump
"Almost 500,000 Manufacturing Jobs created since I won the Election. Remember when my opponents were saying that we couldn’t create this type of job anymore. Wrong, in fact these are among our best and most important jobs!" - Trump
I wish people would do a town hall on these jobs numbers....most people I know, are working a full time and a part time. Most people I know are finding these jobs through temp services. Most people I know, aren't getting raises, aren't getting cost of living adjustments and have little to know savings. Most people I know are living from pay check to pay check and working longer hours. Most people I know are complaining about the high costs of gas, the new state taxes that are being imposed and the cost of things going up, not down and finally most of the people I know, never saw a dime of anything in the Trump tax cuts and never will.
It appears the people you know suck at life. Pick better people.

If your state passed new taxes, stop whining to us and take it up with your state.
I wish people would do a town hall on these jobs numbers....most people I know, are working a full time and a part time. Most people I know are finding these jobs through temp services. Most people I know, aren't getting raises, aren't getting cost of living adjustments and have little to know savings. Most people I know are living from pay check to pay check and working longer hours. Most people I know are complaining about the high costs of gas, the new state taxes that are being imposed and the cost of things going up, not down and finally most of the people I know, never saw a dime of anything in the Trump tax cuts and never will.
It appears the people you know suck at life. Pick better people.

If your state passed new taxes, stop whining to us and take it up with your state.
Stop whining to us???? 8 fuckin years of you ass ho's whining about Obama....I'm just getting started.
"Almost 500,000 Manufacturing Jobs created since I won the Election. Remember when my opponents were saying that we couldn’t create this type of job anymore. Wrong, in fact these are among our best and most important jobs!" - Trump

Last year, U.S. manufacturers produced about $6 trillion in gross output, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The biggest categories were food, beverages and tobacco products ($1 trillion), chemical products ($837 billion) and motor vehicles and parts ($701 billion).

What does this chart show?

If you want to see truth, it shows that black unemployment was reduced by 9 points by Obama and was continuing to drop when Trump took office. So why is Trump getting credit for low black unemployment?
How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs
Donald Trump's job record as president so far has been pretty good. It's just not as good as Barack Obama's.
Employers added 1,189,000 jobs in February through August, according to data released Friday.
That falls short of the 1,375,000 jobs created during Obama's last seven months.
That means Trump is trailing Obama by 186,000 jobs when you compare the end of one presidency to the start of another.
Here's another way to look at it: How is Trump faring on a straight year-over-year basis? He lags Obama there, too. There have been 1,189,000 jobs created under his watch so far, compared to 1,422,000 between February and August 2016.
Of course, Trump's seven-month record is far better than Obama's first seven months in office, when the economy lost 3.6 million jobs. That's because Obama was sworn in during the worst downturn since the Great Depression. The economy was hemorrhaging jobs.
By contrast, Obama handed Trump an economy that was close to what economists consider full employment. The unemployment rate on Inauguration Day was 4.8%, and it has fallen since then to 4.4%.
In fact, if Obama left a problem for Trump, it wasn't that the economy was too weak -- it was that the labor market was almost too strong. At full employment, businesses have an extremely difficult time finding available, qualified workers to fill job openings.
How Trump compares with Obama so far on jobs

If Obama left full employment for Trump why is Trump getting credit for full employment and turning around the economy?

Comparing the 'Trump economy’ to the ‘Obama economy’

Trump inherited low unemployment numbers from Obama. Since 2011, the unemployment rate has steadily declined from a high of 9.6 percent following the Great Recession. It was 4.8 percent in January, when Trump took the oath of office, and it was 4.1 percent in the December employment report. Below are the yearly averages since 2011.

If Obama reduced the national unemployment by rate by at least 4.8 percent, and unemployment was dropping when Trump took office, why are we giving credit to Trump for turning around an economy for a reduction of just 0.5 percent?

What President Trump Inherits
Candidate Donald Trump won the election claiming “our country is stagnant.” But President Trump actually inherits an economy experiencing steady if unspectacular growth in output, jobs and incomes.

Jobs & Unemployment

Jobs — The economy has added nearly 2.2 million jobs in the most recent 12 months. It has gained jobs for 75 straight months – the longest streak on record.

President Barack Obama was not so fortunate. When he took office, the economy had already lost 4.4 million jobs in the preceding 12 months.

During Obama’s first 13 months, the economy continued to shed another 4.3 million jobs. But as Trump enters office, employers are eager to hire millions more. The number of job openings continues to hold at near record levels.

The most recent figures show that as of the last business day in November, there were more than 5.5 million unfilled job openings — double the number in the month Obama took office in 2009.

The highest ever recorded in the nearly 16 years the Bureau of Labor Statistics has tracked this figure was in April 2016, when job openings topped 5.8 million. The figure has now been above 5 million every month for 22 months in a row.

Unemployment — Obama also leaves Trump an unemployment rate that is well below the historical norm.

Currently it stands at 4.7 percent. In all the months since 1948 the median jobless rate was 5.6 percent.

Thus Trump has been dealt a far better hand than Obama, who took office when the jobless rate was 7.8 percent and rising. It hit a peak of 10 percent in October of Obama’s first year.

Income and Poverty

Income — Trump enters the White House at a time when incomes have begun to rebound after years of stagnation. In 2015 median household income jumped 5.2 percent — the largest one-year percentage increase since records began in 1967.

What President Trump Inherits - FactCheck.org
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I wish people would do a town hall on these jobs numbers....most people I know, are working a full time and a part time. Most people I know are finding these jobs through temp services. Most people I know, aren't getting raises, aren't getting cost of living adjustments and have little to know savings. Most people I know are living from pay check to pay check and working longer hours. Most people I know are complaining about the high costs of gas, the new state taxes that are being imposed and the cost of things going up, not down and finally most of the people I know, never saw a dime of anything in the Trump tax cuts and never will.
It appears the people you know suck at life. Pick better people.

If your state passed new taxes, stop whining to us and take it up with your state.
Stop whining to us???? 8 fuckin years of you ass ho's whining about Obama....I'm just getting started.
You were whining about new state taxes. Why? Libs want higher taxes. They run on class warfare.
I wish people would do a town hall on these jobs numbers....most people I know, are working a full time and a part time. Most people I know are finding these jobs through temp services. Most people I know, aren't getting raises, aren't getting cost of living adjustments and have little to know savings. Most people I know are living from pay check to pay check and working longer hours. Most people I know are complaining about the high costs of gas, the new state taxes that are being imposed and the cost of things going up, not down and finally most of the people I know, never saw a dime of anything in the Trump tax cuts and never will.
It appears the people you know suck at life. Pick better people.

If your state passed new taxes, stop whining to us and take it up with your state.
Stop whining to us???? 8 fuckin years of you ass ho's whining about Obama....I'm just getting started.
You were whining about new state taxes. Why? Libs want higher taxes. They run on class warfare.

Actually conservatives do that. They blame the poor for everything and want to give the rich more. That's class warfare.

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