Unemployment Rate Lowest Since 2000

Very good news.

Next we need incomes to increase. There's clearly been significant residual slack in the labor force and pay, so maybe we'll that improve soon, too. That has to tighten up at some point.

Those who aren't paralyzed by a party-over-country ideology are hoping for the best and celebrating every success.

Deport 10 million illegals.
4% is as low as capitalism likes it. It causes problems if it goes any lower. In capitalism that is full employment. Thank you Obama.
The higher the Unemployment rate, the more Americans on Food Stamps and Welfare, the more Americans dependent on the government. the happier the Left is.
That's just very stupid partisan bullshit. If you don't have better than that then don't bother. We know the economy does better for more people under the Democrats. Lying about it won't help you.
How much are you getting paid to spew their talking points?
Great news except for the last eight years (under Obama) the unemployment figures have been a lie but now (under Trump) you want us to believe them? It's too late, that ship has sailed.
We said they were accurate, people like you and Trump said it was a lie.
I still don't buy it because it does not take into account the number of people who simply gave up trying to find a job. Even if you do take that into account, compared to Obama's Unemployment rate using the same formula, Trump's economy is STILL better.

No matter how you slice it, take both unemployment records using the exact same formula - no matter what that formula is, and Trump has the better economy.

Lower Unemployment Rate.
Fewer People On Food Stamps.
Fewer People on Welfare.
Stock Market Up Higher.
Snowflake Butt-Hurt Higher.
Terrific. Even the OP doesn't believe the numbers he posted. And here's another dead topic of discussion.
We know the economy does better for more people under the Democrats.
Yeah, and 'it won't cost a dime', 'It will pay for itself', and 'if you like your plan you can keep it'.

You have the same amount of evidence to back up that BS as you do that there was 'Trump Collusion'....which is ZERO. :p
How much are you getting paid to spew their talking points?
Great news except for the last eight years (under Obama) the unemployment figures have been a lie but now (under Trump) you want us to believe them? It's too late, that ship has sailed.
Is that your lame attempt to dismiss the painful truth? There's a problem calling something a lie when if you get elected it's now your turn to defend it. That's a very bad idea. Facts are not partisan and when you try to use them that way they bite you on the ass.
Terrific. Even the OP doesn't believe the numbers he posted. And here's another dead topic of discussion.
I was just using the same formula snowflakes used for Obama. What I do know / believe is that the economy, as proven, is better off now than under Obama.

As I said, compare the 2 economies using the same formula - whatever formula you want to use - and Trump's bests Obama's.
We know the economy does better for more people under the Democrats.
Yeah, and 'it won't cost a dime', 'It will pay for itself', and 'if you like your plan you can keep it'.

You have the same amount of evidence to back up that BS as you do that there was 'Trump Collusion'....which is ZERO. :p
It will pay for itself is now what the Trump people are saying about their tax cuts and they never do. I wouldn't go there if I were you.
The real unemployment using Trump's formula is 35%
You're such a troll. Again, the same formula used to figure out the unemployment rate under Barry is being used now. Butt-hurt and hatred is getting the best of you.

“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction. If you look for a job for six months and then you give up, they consider you give up. You just give up. You go home. You say, ‘Darling, I can’t get a job.’ They consider you statistically employed. It’s not the way. But don’t worry about it because it’s going to take care of itself pretty quickly.”
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

Donald Trump still does not understand the unemployment rate

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
Donald Trump on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 in a victory speech after the New Hampshire primary

Donald Trump repeats Pants on Fire claim that unemployment rate could be 42 percent

Now make another ignorant uninformed reply, Corky.
How much are you getting paid to spew their talking points?
Great news except for the last eight years (under Obama) the unemployment figures have been a lie but now (under Trump) you want us to believe them? It's too late, that ship has sailed.
Is that your lame attempt to dismiss the painful truth? There's a problem calling something a lie when if you get elected it's now your turn to defend. That's a very bad idea. Facts are not partisan and when you try to use them that way they bite you on the ass.

The tell-tale sign of desperation is when a snowflake responds to a post that contains links and evidence by posting only their opinion, saying what amounts to nothing more than, 'Uh-uh!'. :p
Terrific. Even the OP doesn't believe the numbers he posted. And here's another dead topic of discussion.
I was just using the same formula snowflakes used for Obama. What I do know / believe is that the economy, as proven, is better off now than under Obama.

As I said, compare the 2 economies using the same formula - whatever formula you want to use - and Trump's bests Obama's.
In seven more years, he won't make it that long, we can compare one eight year performance with another eight year performance. Right now Trump is still ridding on the Obama economy.
Painful truth? Truth that was painful for many Americans as they could only find part time jobs? Keep ignoring average Americans and see where it gets you.
How much are you getting paid to spew their talking points?
Great news except for the last eight years (under Obama) the unemployment figures have been a lie but now (under Trump) you want us to believe them? It's too late, that ship has sailed.
Is that your lame attempt to dismiss the painful truth? There's a problem calling something a lie when if you get elected it's now your turn to defend. That's a very bad idea. Facts are not partisan and when you try to use them that way they bite you on the ass.
The real unemployment using Trump's formula is 35%
You're such a troll. Again, the same formula used to figure out the unemployment rate under Barry is being used now. Butt-hurt and hatred is getting the best of you.

“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction. If you look for a job for six months and then you give up, they consider you give up. You just give up. You go home. You say, ‘Darling, I can’t get a job.’ They consider you statistically employed. It’s not the way. But don’t worry about it because it’s going to take care of itself pretty quickly.”
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

Donald Trump still does not understand the unemployment rate

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
Donald Trump on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 in a victory speech after the New Hampshire primary

Donald Trump repeats Pants on Fire claim that unemployment rate could be 42 percent

Now make another ignorant uninformed reply, Corky.
Oh wow, using big bold letters ... that is a sure sign that you are 'right' - beats actual facts every time.
How much are you getting paid to spew their talking points?
Great news except for the last eight years (under Obama) the unemployment figures have been a lie but now (under Trump) you want us to believe them? It's too late, that ship has sailed.
Is that your lame attempt to dismiss the painful truth? There's a problem calling something a lie when if you get elected it's now your turn to defend. That's a very bad idea. Facts are not partisan and when you try to use them that way they bite you on the ass.

The tell-tale sign of desperation is when a snowflake responds to a post that contains links and evidence by posting only their opinion, saying what amounts to nothing more than, 'Uh-uh!'. :p
We linked to Trump saying the unemployment number is a lie, the very heart of your OP (that even you don't believe). Great job killing your own thread.
'W * I * N * N * I * N * G'

Sad Day for Libs and Snowflakes, who just HATE making America great again... :p

Hiring Rebounded in October, Unemployment Rate Fell to 4.1%

"U.S. employers hired at a strong pace in October, and revisions showed the labor market weathered hurricane damage better than previously estimated.

Nonfarm payrolls
rose a seasonally adjusted 261,000 in October, a pickup from the prior month, the Labor Department said Friday.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 4.1%, its lowest level since December 2000."

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
'W * I * N * N * I * N * G'

Sad Day for Libs and Snowflakes, who just HATE making America great again... :p

Hiring Rebounded in October, Unemployment Rate Fell to 4.1%

"U.S. employers hired at a strong pace in October, and revisions showed the labor market weathered hurricane damage better than previously estimated.

Nonfarm payrolls
rose a seasonally adjusted 261,000 in October, a pickup from the prior month, the Labor Department said Friday.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 4.1%, its lowest level since December 2000."

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Painful truth? Truth that was painful for many Americans as they could only find part time jobs? Keep ignoring average Americans and see where it gets you.
How much are you getting paid to spew their talking points?
Great news except for the last eight years (under Obama) the unemployment figures have been a lie but now (under Trump) you want us to believe them? It's too late, that ship has sailed.
Is that your lame attempt to dismiss the painful truth? There's a problem calling something a lie when if you get elected it's now your turn to defend. That's a very bad idea. Facts are not partisan and when you try to use them that way they bite you on the ass.
Capitalism is not responsible for giving you a good paying full time job. If you want that you need something other than capitalism. And when the economy changes you either change with it or you are left behind like so many millions of Americans still.
'W * I * N * N * I * N * G'

Sad Day for Libs and Snowflakes, who just HATE making America great again... :p

Hiring Rebounded in October, Unemployment Rate Fell to 4.1%

"U.S. employers hired at a strong pace in October, and revisions showed the labor market weathered hurricane damage better than previously estimated.

Nonfarm payrolls
rose a seasonally adjusted 261,000 in October, a pickup from the prior month, the Labor Department said Friday.

The unemployment rate ticked down to 4.1%, its lowest level since December 2000."

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


That can't be true, that's a total lie (unless Trump or Fox says it now).
The higher the Unemployment rate, the more Americans on Food Stamps and Welfare, the more Americans dependent on the government. the happier the Left is.

Thanks be to the Bush era, but Cheney was eating well after he stole zillions from Americans. Bush took the guidelines off of the financial districts and the corruption became , ripping off the middle class.

BTW: Jobs have been booming in the cities since 1012, it just took longer to get into the country areas after the republicans crashed America last time.


The real unemployment using Trump's formula is 35%
You're such a troll. Again, the same formula used to figure out the unemployment rate under Barry is being used now. Butt-hurt and hatred is getting the best of you.

“The unemployment number, as you know, is totally fiction. If you look for a job for six months and then you give up, they consider you give up. You just give up. You go home. You say, ‘Darling, I can’t get a job.’ They consider you statistically employed. It’s not the way. But don’t worry about it because it’s going to take care of itself pretty quickly.”
— Donald Trump, remarks at an rally in Des Moines, Dec. 8, 2016

Donald Trump still does not understand the unemployment rate

"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
Donald Trump on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 in a victory speech after the New Hampshire primary

Donald Trump repeats Pants on Fire claim that unemployment rate could be 42 percent

Now make another ignorant uninformed reply, Corky.
Oh wow, using big bold letters ... that is a sure sign that you are 'right' - beats actual facts every time.

You represent the latest most desperate of the Trumptards...

...simply deny that Trump said when he is quoted.

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