Unemployment rate to 8.8%

yup, in 2 months we have added a net of....*scribble scribble*...*tap tap tap Cha-Ching!!!*...140k jobs....yeaaa baby!!!!!!!!!

* APRIL 1, 2011, 9:20 A.M. ET

Jobs Report Signals Improving Economy

The private sector has been adding jobs for about a year, though the pace hasn't been enough to return the unemployment rate close to prerecession levels. The Fed forecasts it will take another three years before the unemployment rate reaches the 5%-to-6% range.

The March breakdown showed continued gains in manufacturing, which added 17,000 jobs. In the services sector, education and health, leisure and hospitality showed gains. Employment in the battered construction sector was flat after adding 37,000 jobs in February.

Total government employment, meantime, fell by 14,000 as local governments, struggling with budget shortfalls, trimmed payrolls.

In a sign of the challenges still faced by the labor market, the report showed 45.5% of unemployed Americans, or 6.1 million people, were out of work for more than six months in March, up from 43.9% in February. The longer someone is without a job, the harder it is to find work.

Average hourly earnings of all employees were unchanged at $22.87. Over the past year, earnings have increased by 1.7%. Higher income helps support consumer spending, which has strengthened recently, but remains weak compared with previous recoveries.

Meanwhile, the average workweek for all employees on private payrolls was unchanged at 34.3 hours in March.

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yup, in 2 months we have added a net of....*scribble scribble*...*tap tap tap Kaching!!!*...130k jobs....yeaaa baby!!!!!!!!!

Damn it!

And I was hoping for the economy to fail
yup, in 2 months we have added a net of....*scribble scribble*...*tap tap tap Kaching!!!*...130k jobs....yeaaa baby!!!!!!!!!

Damn it!

And I was hoping for the economy to fail

I don't know why you quoted me there.....

wtf?? :eusa_eh:

hey, I am all aboard baby, the Obama recovery express, I said I would wait 3 months for net job growth before jumping the bandwagon screw'it, count me in NOW!!!!! Sham-Wow!!!!! Don't make me go Reagan on you RW.....:eusa_hand:
yup, in 2 months we have added a net of....*scribble scribble*...*tap tap tap Cha-Ching!!!*...140k jobs....yeaaa baby!!!!!!!!!

Where are you getting your math from? Jan 2011 was 130,308,000 and March 2011 was 130,738,000 By my math, 130,738,000 - 130,308,000 = 430,000
yup, in 2 months we have added a net of....*scribble scribble*...*tap tap tap Cha-Ching!!!*...140k jobs....yeaaa baby!!!!!!!!!

Where are you getting your math from? Jan 2011 was 130,308,000 and March 2011 was 130,738,000 By my math, 130,738,000 - 130,308,000 = 430,000

I know Obama is the messiah and all, he can part seas, stops tides, spin the Moon on its axis, but babies are born people grow up and we need approx. 120-150K jobs a month to tread water ( I low balled to 140K to defuse any assertions of exaggeration).....CHAAAA-CHINNNNGGGGG..;)
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The messiah thing is a tad old dont you think?

That is one right wing propaganda line that was a fail right from the first day you were told to use it
are those "burger flipping" jobs?

Factories added 17,000 jobs in March, marking the fifth straight month of gains. Retailers added nearly 18,000 jobs, after cutting them in February. Financial services expanded payrolls by 6,000, following two straight months of cutbacks. Education and health services expanded employment by 45,000, leisure and hospitality added 37,000 jobs.

You want fries with that?
yup, in 2 months we have added a net of....*scribble scribble*...*tap tap tap Cha-Ching!!!*...140k jobs....yeaaa baby!!!!!!!!!

Where are you getting your math from? Jan 2011 was 130,308,000 and March 2011 was 130,738,000 By my math, 130,738,000 - 130,308,000 = 430,000

I know Obama is the messiah and all, he can p[art seas, stops tides, spin the Moon on its axis, but babies are born people grow up and we need approx. 120-150K jobs a month to tread water ( I low balled to 140K to defuse any assertions of exaggeration).....CHAAAA-CHINNNNGGGGG..;)

Wait a minute...you're counting people added to the population as a job loss? What the hell?

If you want to look at population changes, we have to switch to the Current Population Survey (where the Unemployment numbers come from). It includes everyone 16 and older not in prison, the military, or mental institutes as opposed to the "new jobs" figure which is an establishment survey and only counts non-farm employment for businesses that contribute to Unemployment Insurance (so excludes agriculture, self-employed, and those who work in other people's houses).

So, the Adult Civilian Non-Institutional Population was 238,704,000 in January and 239,000,000 in March: Net Change = 296,000 Employment was 139,323,000 in Jan, and 139,864,000 in March: Net Change = 540,000

It's unemployment that's trickier...that went down 321,000 Jan - March, and Not in the Labor Force (everyone not working or looking for work) went up 76,000. But Not in the Labor Force did go down from Feb to March, and Labor Force increased by more than the population increase.
Good news for America is bad news for Republicans, as proven once again by this thread.
WASHINGTON – The unemployment rate fell to a two-year low of 8.8 percent in March and companies added workers at the fastest two-month pace since before the recession began.The Labor Department reported Friday that the economy added 216,000 new jobs last month, offsetting layoffs by local governments. Factories, retailers, education, health care and an array of professional and financial services expanded payrolls.

The second straight month of brisk hiring is the latest sign that the economy is strengthening nearly two years after the recession ended.

See: Unemployment rate falls to 8.8 pct., two-year low - Yahoo! News for the full article.

This is bitter news to the RW whose hopes for continued unemployment, more layoffs and a weakening economy are dashed by some good economic news. While cause and effect are not always easy to discern, it will be fun to read how RW trolls - and professional partisans - spin this bit of news to their own advantage.

No doubt the trolls will claim the House, now in the control of Republicans, has spurred this economic news by simply being in power (and the same trolls will continue to argue the government cannot create jobs). If such a claim is made, one might ask why under the Bush Administration while the R's held the Congress our economy tanked.
When I remember the Democrats moaning about how miserable the Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush economy was when we were suffering the intense pains of 4.5% unemployment, this seems disingenuous. However, the fact it is finally under 9% for the first time in two years is a Very Good Thing, and a definite silver lining to the hurricane we are suffering under.

Even so......
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KClpLzFftU"]This counts as whistling through the graveyard.[/ame]
Great news

Economy added 200,000 jobs

And 197K of them were part time due to Non Economic Reasons.

It's a good development, but hardly earth shattering.

When we start generating 200K plus of regular full time private sector jobs per month, then we'll have a Real Recovery.
When I remember the Democrats moaning about how miserable the Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush economy was when we were suffering the intense pains of 4.5% unemployment, this seems disingenuous. However, the fact it is finally under 9% for the first time in two years is a Very Good Thing, and a definite silver lining to the hurricane we are suffering under.

Even so......
This counts as whistling through the graveyard.

In an effort to continue to post the whole story, might not it be a good idea to show the rates of monthly unemployment from end of 2000 to today.2010?

Just asking.
When I remember the Democrats moaning about how miserable the Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush economy was when we were suffering the intense pains of 4.5% unemployment, this seems disingenuous. However, the fact it is finally under 9% for the first time in two years is a Very Good Thing, and a definite silver lining to the hurricane we are suffering under.

Even so......
This counts as whistling through the graveyard.

In an effort to continue to post the whole story, might not it be a good idea to show the rates of monthly unemployment from end of 2000 to today.2010?

Just asking.

Here you go: look them up for yourself. It's painfully easy.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

In an effort to assist, I'm very happy to post this graph from the Dept. of Labor. Notice the progression from the moment Mr. Bush took office until the day he left office. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, not to their own facts.
Great - you prove that Bush's policies helped the economy recover from the devastating double whammy of the DotCom crash and 9/11. Things got worse after the inevitable result of the 1997 CRA - Subjective Lending Standards - Everybody Deserves A House Regardless Of Their Ability To Pay policy reached its logical conclusion.

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