unemployment rises while Obama ends his jobs council

Adjusted employment figures are up for 2012 and the beginning of 2013.
I also heard that more people dropped out of the workforce than those that found jobs.

yes if we had same number working today as were working in 2000, 14 million more would be employed today!!

Can anyone explain how liberalism can create rather than destroy jobs???
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Jobs council that's funny I wonder if he'll listen to that council any more that he did his debt council.
I also heard that more people dropped out of the workforce than those that found jobs.

yes if we had same number working today as were working in 2000, 14 million more would be employed today!!

Can anyone explain how liberalism can create jobs???

Can anybody explain why we let the GOP create a system economically from 1994 to 2006 that cost us 14mm jobs? Those people should have gone to jail for life.
If history is any guide, Liberal economic policies do seem to work pretty well while Conservative economic policies tend to suck sometimes. Slashing taxes for the rich and peeling back regulations has done nothing to increase economic growth. From Lyndon Johnson to Bill Clinton the economy seemed to to just fine without cutting taxes for the rich. Ronald Reagan himself raised taxes numerous times, increased spending more than any President in the US history because Reagonimics was a joke his first two years in office. George the Disaster Bush reverted back to Reagonomics despite the fact that the tax and spend Liberal Bill Clinton left him a huge budget surplus and an unemployment rate that was under 5%. Bush did everything Conservatives always dreamed of doing when it comes to getting an economy moving. And the economy really did move. It moved all the way onto the railroad track and was derailed by a big ole train. So it's kind of hard to blame Liberal economics for today's economic woes when it seems to me no one proved better than Ronald Reagan that the economic policies of a Liberal are not so bad. Then again maybe it was all just a mirage. Maybe Bush didn't help cause the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Maybe this somehow is all Barack Obama's fault. I'm pretty sure Fox News could help us unveil this mystery.
Let's face it... Obama and his fellow Democrats have no intention of weening people off Welfare. Welfare recipients are at the highest numbers in history, and Democrats still need a voting base. If people want to call Welfare "a living", then I guess they deserve to live in squalor knowing they were manipulated by Democrats into an existence with no possibility of ever succeeding in life... For votes. I'll think about you 47%ers on Welfare when you're watching me take my boat out, while you're fishing for dinner. And I'll be sure to wave at people like John Kerry who will never know what it's like to hound the Mailman for a meager check on the first of every month.
"Welfare recipients are at the highest numbers in history," because of the GOP Great Recession

"Democrats still need a voting base" because they did so poorly in 2008 and 2012

tjvh, that 47% includes veterans and SS seniors, etc
"Welfare recipients are at the highest numbers in history," because of the GOP Great Recession

Last I checked, both parties had their hands well dug into the "Great Recession."

Since the GOP had the majority in the House all of the time, in the Senate for almost all of the time, and the Presidency with a complacent Clinton and a very complacent Bush ~~ the historians will score it, "The Republicans, with a Beatles minor beat of "with a little help from my friends."
I also heard that more people dropped out of the workforce than those that found jobs.

yes if we had same number working today as were working in 2000, 14 million more would be employed today!!

Can anyone explain how liberalism can create jobs???

Can anybody explain why we let the GOP create a system economically from 1994 to 2006 that cost us 14mm jobs? Those people should have gone to jail for life.

Can anybody explain why a liberal would pretend to be a conservative?
It will only get worse. I know it is not popular but the phillips curve is fairly realistic about money supply and jobs.
yes if we had same number working today as were working in 2000, 14 million more would be employed today!!

Can anyone explain how liberalism can create jobs???

Can anybody explain why we let the GOP create a system economically from 1994 to 2006 that cost us 14mm jobs? Those people should have gone to jail for life.

Can anybody explain why a liberal would pretend to be a conservative?

I have no idea why you pretend to be conservative, when you are not one.

Do you not get that the GOP is not conservative, merely a right wing progressive statist party?
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obama says that the rise in unemployment is a sign of economic recovery. The reduction of the GDP showing the economy is contracting is even more proof of economic recovery.

It's like the decomposition of a corpse just proves that the cure is working.
So it's kind of hard to blame Liberal economics for today's economic woes.

why hard when we are mired in a huge depression and the government is bigger and more liberal than ever before??

Do you forget that it started as a housing bubble brought on by liberal government that was massively organized to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford.

See why we are postive a liberal will be slow?
I also heard that more people dropped out of the workforce than those that found jobs.

yes if we had same number working today as were working in 2000, 14 million more would be employed today!!

Can anyone explain how liberalism can create rather than destroy jobs???

Get rid of the 14 million illegals, problem solved .Jail any business owner for hiring an illegal and jail any member of the Government including Obama for letting this shit get so out of control in the first place.

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