unemployment rises while Obama ends his jobs council

I know you bill yourself as the foremost economics expert in the Universe, but would not DEMAND for medical devices be the biggest influence on hiring in the medical equipment business?

yes and demand is affected by cost of course!! And now BO has imposed a very high tax!!

Taxes are just passed on to the consumer,

yes dear and now the consumer has to pay a higher price so will buy less and the companies will hire less.

but an aging Boomer population will increase demand and thus hiring no matter what the tax is.

how can any tax amount not matter when people and government have a limited amount of money with which to pay the tax????????????
Again since you bill yourself as the most brilliant know-it-all in the Universe you would know that demand is effected by cost for trinkets like jewelry, but people buy medical devices out of need and if they could not afford the device after the small tax they probably could not afford it without the tax.
But you knew that already.
Again since you bill yourself as the most brilliant know-it-all in the Universe
dear, it merely appears that way to you because as a liberal you're a near illiterate. I've merely read a book or two on how capitalism works. A liberal will be too illliterate to attempt it so will always seem slow, so very very slow.

you would know that demand is effected by cost for trinkets like jewelry, but people buy medical devices out of need and if they could not afford the device after the small tax they probably could not afford it without the tax.
But you knew that already.

dear a 2.3 % gross receipts tax is not a small tax, and the entire point of BO care was to make health care less expensive , not more expensive because we cant afford it!!!

First, as Hoover Institution fellow Henry I. Miller notes, the “tax is especially pernicious because it is assessed on sales, not profits.” For instance, if a small firm is developing a new medical device, it is not uncommon for that firm to receive sales revenues of, say, $2 million in the first year of sales, but to have only made an actual profit on those sales of $75,000 after research and development costs are taken into account. Because the medical devices tax is applied to sales, however, it imposes a tax of $46,000 (2.3 percent of $2 million). That means that the tax confiscates more than 60 percent of the net profits on that device. So the company’s capital is siphoned off by the federal government and, therefore, cannot be plowed back into more research and development. The Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA) predicts (understandably) that product innovation will be “stifled” by the tax.
In addition, a PriceWaterhouseCoopers study released last August shows that investors, in anticipation of the burdensome tax, are already diverting investment dollars away from biotechnology and medical devices. As reported by business journalist Elizabeth McDonald, capital funding for the medical device industry during the third quarter of 2012 reached the lowest level since 2004. Investors are looking for profits and growth, both of which are made less likely by the Obamacare tax.
This isn’t the end of the story. There are still more negative impacts for medical device manufacturers. Reporter Mary Katherine Ham describes an Indiana-based company that has canceled plant expansion plans in anticipation of the impact of the devices tax. Ms. Ham also points to Abiomed, a Massachusetts-based company producing heart pumps, which will have an amount equal to 15 percent of its research and development monies taken away as a result of the new tax. Medical devices companies are also cutting down on employees. Ohio Republican Rep. Robert E. Latta refers to a Reuters report that shows medical technology companies already have cut 7,000 U.S. jobs. Moreover, a survey by AdvaMed indicates that 62 percent of companies contacted intend to cut jobs as one way to offset the effects of the tax. Even if companies have enough confidence in their markets that they try to pass along the tax to their customers, this will produce a further ballooning of the cost of health care — not a reduction, as President Obama promised.
Why was the tax implemented if it has so many drawbacks? Simply put, the tax is necessary to pay for the increased cost of the Obama-devised health care system.

Read more: SPARKS: Obamacare tax on medical devices hurts jobs and health - Washington Times
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Again since you bill yourself as the most brilliant know-it-all in the Universe
dear, it merely appears that way to you because as a liberal you're a near illiterate. I've merely read a book or two on how capitalism works. A liberal will be too illliterate to attempt it so will always seem slow, so very very slow.

you would know that demand is effected by cost for trinkets like jewelry, but people buy medical devices out of need and if they could not afford the device after the small tax they probably could not afford it without the tax.
But you knew that already.

dear a 2.3 % gross receipts tax is not a small tax, and the entire point of BO care was to make health care less expensive , not more expensive because we cant afford it!!!

First, as Hoover Institution fellow Henry I. Miller notes, the “tax is especially pernicious because it is assessed on sales, not profits.” For instance, if a small firm is developing a new medical device, it is not uncommon for that firm to receive sales revenues of, say, $2 million in the first year of sales, but to have only made an actual profit on those sales of $75,000 after research and development costs are taken into account. Because the medical devices tax is applied to sales, however, it imposes a tax of $46,000 (2.3 percent of $2 million). That means that the tax confiscates more than 60 percent of the net profits on that device. So the company’s capital is siphoned off by the federal government and, therefore, cannot be plowed back into more research and development. The Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA) predicts (understandably) that product innovation will be “stifled” by the tax.
In addition, a PriceWaterhouseCoopers study released last August shows that investors, in anticipation of the burdensome tax, are already diverting investment dollars away from biotechnology and medical devices. As reported by business journalist Elizabeth McDonald, capital funding for the medical device industry during the third quarter of 2012 reached the lowest level since 2004. Investors are looking for profits and growth, both of which are made less likely by the Obamacare tax.
This isn’t the end of the story. There are still more negative impacts for medical device manufacturers. Reporter Mary Katherine Ham describes an Indiana-based company that has canceled plant expansion plans in anticipation of the impact of the devices tax. Ms. Ham also points to Abiomed, a Massachusetts-based company producing heart pumps, which will have an amount equal to 15 percent of its research and development monies taken away as a result of the new tax. Medical devices companies are also cutting down on employees. Ohio Republican Rep. Robert E. Latta refers to a Reuters report that shows medical technology companies already have cut 7,000 U.S. jobs. Moreover, a survey by AdvaMed indicates that 62 percent of companies contacted intend to cut jobs as one way to offset the effects of the tax. Even if companies have enough confidence in their markets that they try to pass along the tax to their customers, this will produce a further ballooning of the cost of health care — not a reduction, as President Obama promised.
Why was the tax implemented if it has so many drawbacks? Simply put, the tax is necessary to pay for the increased cost of the Obama-devised health care system.

Read more: SPARKS: Obamacare tax on medical devices hurts jobs and health - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
First of all, any figures from any CON$ervative source are always bullshit, but even using your bullshit, the tax hit only stings the first year of a newly developed product. As you well know, if you give a corporation any kind of a deduction they will pervert it to the point where they will pay no tax at all. Corporations have only themselves to blame for this kind of small tax.
Why do Republicans complain about unemployment? They think that those who are unemployed deserve to be unemployed. Republicans think the government should do nothing to reduce unemployment, and that the government should do nothing to help the unemployed.
Corporations have only themselves to blame for this kind of small tax.

I love the contempt for saintly corporations that make the machines that save our lives . What on earth could be more stupid and liberal?????? The next time a surgical robot saves your life remember how these pure saintly corporations deserve to be blamed. Has a pure idiot libturd like you ever invented anything that saves millions of lives all around the world!! Do you pray each day that liberals don't slow them down enough so the next time one of your kids needs the next generation of a device it is ready to save the life of your child!!

See how utterly stupid a liberal will be?? Someone told you to parrot Marx and you simply do it like brain dead soldier.
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Corporations have only themselves to blame for this kind of small tax.

I love the contempt for saintly corporations that make the machines that save our lives . What on earth could be more stupid and liberal?????? The next time a surgical robot saves your life remember how these pure saintly corporations deserve to be blamed. Has a pure idiot libturd like you ever invented anything that saves millions of lives all around the world!! Do you pray each day that liberals don't slow them down enough so the next time one of your kids needs the next generation of a device it is ready to save the life of your child!!

See how utterly stupid a liberal will be?? Someone told you to parrot Marx and you simply do it like brain dead soldier.
SAINTLY corporations, that's rich!
Corporations have only themselves to blame for this kind of small tax.

I love the contempt for saintly corporations that make the machines that save our lives . What on earth could be more stupid and liberal?????? The next time a surgical robot saves your life remember how these pure saintly corporations deserve to be blamed. Has a pure idiot libturd like you ever invented anything that saves millions of lives all around the world!! Do you pray each day that liberals don't slow them down enough so the next time one of your kids needs the next generation of a device it is ready to save the life of your child!!

See how utterly stupid a liberal will be?? Someone told you to parrot Marx and you simply do it like brain dead soldier.
SAINTLY corporations, that's rich!

tell me what you think you idiot when one of their machines saves your kid's life!!!
Why do Republicans complain about unemployment? They think that those who are unemployed deserve to be unemployed. Republicans think the government should do nothing to reduce unemployment, and that the government should do nothing to help the unemployed.

Yea, let's go with a solid overstate and pretend it's a real thinker.
Why do Republicans complain about unemployment? They think that those who are unemployed deserve to be unemployed. .

dear, can you be slower and dumber??? Unions drove 30 million jobs offshore.

Republicans care about this while libturds like Obama are still proudly supporting unions!!

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