unfortunately, illegal immigration is the litmus test

It doesn't matter one little bit.

Our country, our rules.

Your Illegal Alien buddies are no longer welcome here.


For no better reason than it pleases us to adopt such an attitude.

That's all the reason we need.

Our country, our rules.

Silly man thinks it's his country.

It's the rich's country... and they want illegals because you are too fucking lazy.
Pure BULL SHIT. You democrats want illegal aliens for VOTES, PERIOD, END OF STORY. You don't dont' give a flying FUCK about them personally or their plight.

Sorry, but it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE what you ass clowns are up to.

They cannot and do not vote.

You're a lying fuck. They can and do vote, and your lying is pathetic, just like the fake news you brain wash yourself with, dumbass twit.
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

And how does this issue really effect you?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.

It affects everyone. Why it would need to be explained to you is pretty embarrassing, don’t you think?

It effects our economy positively. We'd tank without undocumented immigrants.
It doesn't matter one little bit.

Our country, our rules.

Your Illegal Alien buddies are no longer welcome here.


For no better reason than it pleases us to adopt such an attitude.

That's all the reason we need.

Our country, our rules.

Silly man thinks it's his country.

It's the rich's country... and they want illegals because you are too fucking lazy.
Pure BULL SHIT. You democrats want illegal aliens for VOTES, PERIOD, END OF STORY. You don't dont' give a flying FUCK about them personally or their plight.

Sorry, but it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE what you ass clowns are up to.

They cannot and do not vote.

You're a lying fuck. They can and do vote, and your lying is pathetic, just like the fake news you brain wash yourself with, dumbass twit.

Please. Prove it. For once.
Any politician who advocates "immigration reform" (legalizing border jumpers, aka "illegals"), will be creamed in any election
Why do you think that? The support for reform with a path to citizenship polls in like the 70s.
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

That is so much bullshit. It is so much more complicated than that. Voters are closer to Democrats than they are Republicans and the KKK on this.
Every time Trump points out an American who was raped or killed by an illegal all the politicians who have sided with the illegals over Americans shut their pie hole for a while.

Why don't you shut your pie hole for a while. The fact is that just because a few are rotten apples does not make all of them rotten. There are bad Americans as well. Maybe we should get rid of Americans as well.
It doesn't matter one little bit.

Our country, our rules.

Your Illegal Alien buddies are no longer welcome here.


For no better reason than it pleases us to adopt such an attitude.

That's all the reason we need.

Our country, our rules.

Silly man thinks it's his country.

It's the rich's country... and they want illegals because you are too fucking lazy.
Pure BULL SHIT. You democrats want illegal aliens for VOTES, PERIOD, END OF STORY. You don't dont' give a flying FUCK about them personally or their plight.

Sorry, but it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE what you ass clowns are up to.

You assholes have no clue what you are talking about. Shut up unless you have something to say that makes sense.
It doesn't matter one little bit.

Our country, our rules.

Your Illegal Alien buddies are no longer welcome here.


For no better reason than it pleases us to adopt such an attitude.

That's all the reason we need.

Our country, our rules.

Silly man thinks it's his country.

It's the rich's country... and they want illegals because you are too fucking lazy.
Fine, then lets take our country back form those rich people by getting rid of their illegal labor.
And how does this issue really effect you?

It never ceases to amaze me how blatantly the Liberal Left wants to abuse our laws, are you suggesting we just pick and choose the laws you want to obey?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.

It sounds like you have first hand knowledge, did you loose your dumpster job at Mickey D's?

We issue illegals TIN's daily so their employers report their income legally, yet we don't want to enforce our immigration laws so your voting base doesn't dwindle?

Please keep up this stupidity, President Trump was the first shoe to drop, the second shoe will come in November...
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

And how does this issue really effect you?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.

It affects everyone. Why it would need to be explained to you is pretty embarrassing, don’t you think?

It effects our economy positively. We'd tank without undocumented immigrants.

Haha..you can’t sell that bullshit to sane people bud...save that retarded shit for your illegal buddies and other ignorant LefTards.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.

Total Governmental Expenditures on Illegal Aliens

Total Tax Contributions by Illegal Aliens

Total Economic Impact of Illegal Immigration

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
What? They can't vote, unless they become citizens.

WTF? Are you insane, drunk, on drugs or a democrat?

I live in a border state. One of those big red racist states that requires ID to vote. Guess what it takes to get a state drivers license? Just say yes when asked if you are a citizen. No proof required. Don't speak English? No problem. The state will ask you in Spanish. No proof required of citizenship.

Show up and vote with your state issued ID on a ballot screen in Spanish if you can't read or speak English.

These people are criminals. They broke the law to enter our country. You think they have any qualms about lying to get an ID? With that state issued ID, they can now have access to all the freebees our welfare state offers on forms printed in Spanish. Can't read or write? No problem. A Spanish speaking state employee will fill the form out for you. And do they ever take advantage of that. It's a huge democrat party magnet. You think this system was set up by accident?

Then there's the army of "immigration lawyers" who make a killing legitimizing these criminals for decades, clogging up our overloaded system. Which party do you think that army of lawyers donates to?

If conservatives were flooding our borders, democrats would be screaming bloody murder about illegal immigration and voter fraud.
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Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Your litmus test is dumb. Nobody "supports" illegal immigration. It's just that some people are grown ups and talk like grown ups and will acknowledge that illegal immigration is going to happen, and we need to reform how we handle it.
like acknowledge illegal drugs is going to happen and we should give all those drug runners amnesty because they are just trying to pay the rent?
Bank robbery is going to happen, and we need to reform how we handle it? If I rob a bank can I give the money to my family before they arrest me and throw me in jail?
After all why deprive my family of the money they so desperately need.
We are either a country of laws or were not.

Here's why we need to keep strict control of immigration legal or illegal.

Watch the damn video, I'm getting tired of posting it. Enlighten yourself. And then shut the fuck up and let us seal the border and turn this illegal flood into a dribble.
It doesn't matter one little bit.

Our country, our rules.

Your Illegal Alien buddies are no longer welcome here.


For no better reason than it pleases us to adopt such an attitude.

That's all the reason we need.

Our country, our rules.

Silly man thinks it's his country.

It's the rich's country... and they want illegals because you are too fucking lazy.
Well, that's certainly a good reason to vote for some open-borders douchebag.
Pure BULL SHIT. You democrats want illegal aliens for VOTES, PERIOD, END OF STORY. You don't dont' give a flying FUCK about them personally or their plight.

Sorry, but it's COMMON KNOWLEDGE what you ass clowns are up to.

Illegal aliens can't vote... so there's that.

The right wants them for cheap labor... that's why you'll never get rid of them.
Well, that's certainly a good reason to vote for some open-borders douchebag.

I'm all for practical solutions to the problem. I don't even have a problem with better border security.

But here's the thing. As long as you have jobs Americans don't want to do and people willing to pay money to have them done, you will have illegals.
It affects everyone. Why it would need to be explained to you is pretty embarrassing, don’t you think?

Has no effect on me at all.

Not even a little bit.

I mean, I know it bothers the bigots, but it's kind of a non-issue. The kind of jobs I apply for they wouldn't even qualify for.
Fine, then lets take our country back form those rich people by getting rid of their illegal labor.

Don't be silly. You don't want to do those lettuce picking and toilet cleaning jobs any more than I do.

It never ceases to amaze me how blatantly the Liberal Left wants to abuse our laws, are you suggesting we just pick and choose the laws you want to obey?

But we all do that all the time. You never speed, or blow through a yellow light, or fudge your taxes, or take a pen home from work? All these things are technically illegal... but most of us do them anyway.

It sounds like you have first hand knowledge, did you loose your dumpster job at Mickey D's?

No, guy, I'm not the on fretting over losing a no-skill job like you are. Not my fault you are a loser.

We issue illegals TIN's daily so their employers report their income legally, yet we don't want to enforce our immigration laws so your voting base doesn't dwindle?

We don't enforce it because- get this- we know our economy depends on some undocumented labor. We know there are jobs Americans, especially in a good economy, just don't want to do.

If you guys were serious about this, you wouldn't be talking about a "Wall" (Half of undocumented immigrants get in through other means) you'd go after the employers... but that never happens. Why do you think that is?

Please keep up this stupidity, President Trump was the first shoe to drop, the second shoe will come in November...

Trump lost the popular vote, and he's going to lose the House in November. Then we impeach his ass.
Haha..you can’t sell that bullshit to sane people bud...save that retarded shit for your illegal buddies and other ignorant LefTards.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States

actually, Illegal immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives. It’s a phenomenon dubbed the “immigration surplus,” and while a small share of additional GDP accrues to natives — typically 0.2 to 0.4 percent — it still amounts to $36 to $72 billion per year.

In addition to the immigration surplus, immigrants grease the wheels of the labor market by flowing into industries and areas where there is a relative need for workers — where bottlenecks or shortages might otherwise damp growth.
It affects everyone. Why it would need to be explained to you is pretty embarrassing, don’t you think?

Has no effect on me at all.

Not even a little bit.

I mean, I know it bothers the bigots, but it's kind of a non-issue. The kind of jobs I apply for they wouldn't even qualify for.
Well...we all know that if the illegals were fanatical republicans, Joey would be demanding their removal and calling them F**KING NAZIS!!!

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