unfortunately, illegal immigration is the litmus test

You idiots keep deluding yourselves that your stance on Illegal Aliens did not cost you the election.

no, it didn't. Look, just because you're a racist piece of shit who likes to validate his bigotry doesn't mean the rest of us are...
Like I said, you idiots are deluding yourselves.

Your Honor, the Defense rests.

Your elected leadership knows better; signing-off on spending bills rather than be seen shutting down the Gubmint again on behalf of your beloved Illegals. The Imperial Cheeto knew you couldn't afford to be seen doing that anymore, either, and played your boys-and-girls like a fiddle, at budget-vote time. Money talks, and Bull$hit walks... tee-hee.
Buddy, the Dreamers are all going to get citizenship. It's only a matter of time.
Doubtful, but time will tell.

Meanwhile, you go right on advocating for more and more Illegal Aliens to come across the Southern Border.

You (Blacks) have ALREADY slipped back to Third-String status in the American Demographic Jackpot... (1) = Whites, (2) = Latinos, (3) = Blacks.

Bringing MORE of them in does nothing more than entrench THEM as the second-largest racial-ethnic bloc in the country; making it impossible for you to catch up.

That's right, slick... ya'll just keep pilin'-on the Beans, so that your bloc vote slips closer and closer to obscurity... brilliant... just phukking brilliant...

Then again, nobody's ever accused LibTards (of any color) of being able to see any further down the road than the noses on your faces... emotive, knee-jerk folk.
...YOu'll have to learn to like Tacos, buddy.
Already underway... helluva lot better than black-eyed peas and collared greens and pigs knuckles, anyhoooo.

Besides... given a generation or two, they'll be voting like Centrist White Folk anyhow; they don't want to be stuck hanging around with you losers forever.

Thinking in ultimate multi-generational terms, either way it's a Win-Win for that segment of the population who will NOT cave-in to LibTard ideology.
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Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Your litmus test is dumb. Nobody "supports" illegal immigration. It's just that some people are grown ups and talk like grown ups and will acknowledge that illegal immigration is going to happen, and we need to reform how we handle it.

You support illegal immigration all day every day in every possible way, but you don't support illegal immigration. Got it.

Like you were.

So seriously Joe, you only don't see illegal aliens filling our jails, welfare rolls, medical facilities, schools, etc as a problem because you aren't the one paying for it. They are voting more money from the greedy rich and you're getting your share of the handouts, so you're happy

I don't get any handouts...

And I'm perfectly fine with taking money from the rich. They have plenty. I also wouldn't mind harvesting them for transplant organs, but that would be harsh.

Anyway, undocumented people can't get welfare and they commit less crime than people born here. So just not seeing a problem.

I'd trade one hard working immigrant for 10 White Trash libertarians.
You (Blacks) have ALREADY slipped back to Third-String status in the American Demographic Jackpot... (1) = Whites, (2) = Latinos, (3) = Blacks.

Sorry, Dude, I'm white.

That's right, slick... ya'll just keep pilin'-on the Beans, so that your bloc vote slips closer and closer to obscurity... brilliant... just phukking brilliant...

Then again, nobody's ever accused LibTards (of any color) of being able to see any further down the road than the noses on your faces... emotive, knee-jerk folk.

Uh, here's the thing. Progressive whites, blacks and Hispanics have common cause. The dumb ass white trash who keep bending over for the one percent, wondering why they can't get a good union job like Grand-dad had, are the ones careening towards irrelevance.
Like you were.

So seriously Joe, you only don't see illegal aliens filling our jails, welfare rolls, medical facilities, schools, etc as a problem because you aren't the one paying for it. They are voting more money from the greedy rich and you're getting your share of the handouts, so you're happy

I don't get any handouts...

And I'm perfectly fine with taking money from the rich. They have plenty. I also wouldn't mind harvesting them for transplant organs, but that would be harsh.

Anyway, undocumented people can't get welfare and they commit less crime than people born here. So just not seeing a problem.

I'd trade one hard working immigrant for 10 White Trash libertarians.

Bull shit. 100% of people who come here illegally are criminals. The rate of Americans committing crimes isn't anywhere near 100%, compadre ...
There is no such thing as a popular vote to lose, Joe

again, not the point I was making.

Yes, Trump won our flawed, awful system.

No, that's not what THE PEOPLE WANTED.

Our system was genius. It protects small States from pure tyranny of the majority. You just like tyranny of the majority. Unless you don't like the majority answer, then you want the courts to step in and fix it.

You want authoritarian leftism, Joe. You don't care about the system, you just want that
You (Blacks) have ALREADY slipped back to Third-String status in the American Demographic Jackpot... (1) = Whites, (2) = Latinos, (3) = Blacks.

Sorry, Dude, I'm white.
Could'a fooled me, but that's none of my business.

...Uh, here's the thing. Progressive whites, blacks and Hispanics have common cause...
Give Hispanics another generation or so and that will no longer be the case. Then again, you're accelerating the shift towards a Monolithic White Vote. Your choice.

...The dumb ass white trash who keep bending over for the one percent, wondering why they can't get a good union job like Grand-dad had, are the ones careening towards irrelevance.
At seventy-six percent of the population, you're gonna have to wait a while before your Wigger dreams come true.
Bull shit. 100% of people who come here illegally are criminals. The rate of Americans committing crimes isn't anywhere near 100%, compadre ...

Guy, if you want to prosecute everyone for something that is against the law, um, yeah, it probably would be 100%. You lock up everyone who fudges on his taxes, breaks traffic laws, played on the internet when they should have been working... um, yeah, we'd probably would have 100% violations.

You want authoritarian leftism, Joe. You don't care about the system, you just want that

Naw, dude, I'm a pragmatist. I want something that works.

You see, funny thing about Libertarianism... no country in the world has ever tried it because it's kind of stupid.
Give Hispanics another generation or so and that will no longer be the case. Then again, you're accelerating the shift towards a Monolithic White Vote. Your choice.

i promise you third and fourth generations Hispanics will still remember how their grandparents were treated like shit by Trump long after they've forgotten how to Speak Spanish. People don't forget shit like that.

Our system was genius. It protects small States from pure tyranny of the majority. You just like tyranny of the majority. Unless you don't like the majority answer, then you want the courts to step in and fix it.

Still not the point I was making.

Our system is retarded because it gives the most backward ass states a bigger say than the states that are making the country happen.
At seventy-six percent of the population, you're gonna have to wait a while before your Wigger dreams come true.

Well, here's the problem... The GOP only gets 55-60% of those whites to vote against their own economic interests. Educated, thoughtful white people stopped voting for the GOP after 2008, pretty much.
if i were president of the united states, i would build the wall & deport them all. on day 1.

would you vote for me?
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue
Huh? Color me surprised..but I've never heard a politician actually advocate for illegal immigration? Now, if you're getting to the DACA issue, different story. To support DACA is not supporting illegal immigration, IMO.

If this is where you are going..good luck..upwards of 70% of Americans support DACA...many Republicans are softening on the issue..because they wish to get elected.

I agree with your post as written though..if a politician were to say that he supported illegal immigration..then he's toast.

I know...when I read the OP, I wondered what he was talking about.
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Your litmus test is dumb. Nobody "supports" illegal immigration. It's just that some people are grown ups and talk like grown ups and will acknowledge that illegal immigration is going to happen, and we need to reform how we handle it.
Actual adults acknowledge that the way to 'handle it' is by enforcing the law.
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue
Huh? Color me surprised..but I've never heard a politician actually advocate for illegal immigration? Now, if you're getting to the DACA issue, different story. To support DACA is not supporting illegal immigration, IMO.

If this is where you are going..good luck..upwards of 70% of Americans support DACA...many Republicans are softening on the issue..because they wish to get elected.

I agree with your post as written though..if a politician were to say that he supported illegal immigration..then he's toast.
You are incorrect.
Support for DACA in the U.S. 2018 | Statistic

can't paste it here have to go there.

70% of Democrats maybe not Independants or Conservatives. In fact only 8% of Conservatives support DACA.
if i were president of the united states, i would build the wall & deport them all. on day 1.

would you vote for me?

Rounding up millions of people based on their race... where have we heard that one before?


No. The nazi we have in office now is bad enough.

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