unfortunately, illegal immigration is the litmus test

Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

And how does this issue really effect you?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.
1. more workers = less pay and higher prices for everyone--including you
2. this is a national security issue in many aspects--remember 9-11 where they murdered more American civilians in one day than they did at Pearl Harbor?
..you can't just have people come on over like a neighborhood street party
3. this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore
4. illegal and legal immigration cost schools $$$, overcrowd schools, etc which affect education which affects America's future...this cost you tax $$$$
5.illegals and legals suck $$$$ OUT of the US by sending it overseas
they are NOT helping the US economy
Globally, migrants sent an estimated $574 billion to their home countries in 2016
Migrants from Latin America and the Caribbean sent a record amount of money to their home countries in 2016
$$$ from the US was at one time the 3rd highest way of making $$$ in Guatemala
etc etc
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue
Huh? Color me surprised..but I've never heard a politician actually advocate for illegal immigration? Now, if you're getting to the DACA issue, different story. To support DACA is not supporting illegal immigration, IMO.

If this is where you are going..good luck..upwards of 70% of Americans support DACA...many Republicans are softening on the issue..because they wish to get elected.

I agree with your post as written though..if a politician were to say that he supported illegal immigration..then he's toast.
...they make it a law that police cannot detain illegals!!
...this illegal was given $190,000 of taxpayer money for ----------------------------------------------------being illegal [ committing a crime ] yes--$190,000 for being illegally in the US
...they found out he was illegal, detained him and he got $$$$$ for this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY IDIOTIC
violation of The City’s sanctuary ordinance
Man to receive $190,000 from SF for sanctuary city violation
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Your litmus test is dumb. Nobody "supports" illegal immigration. It's just that some people are grown ups and talk like grown ups and will acknowledge that illegal immigration is going to happen, and we need to reform how we handle it.
Illegal immigration doesn't have to happen. It's the result of open borders.

That were supposed to be sealed up when Reagan was president. AFAIK, Bill Clinton built the most of the border wall that's there.
1. more workers = less pay and higher prices for everyone--including you

It also means more consumers buying more shit and stimulating economic growth.

2. this is a national security issue in many aspects--remember 9-11 where they murdered more American civilians in one day than they did at Pearl Harbor?
..you can't just have people come on over like a neighborhood street party

Okay, 9/11 happened because the CIA gave a crazy person a shitload of money to build his own private military, and 19 of his agents LEGALLY got into this country and did it. So you really aren't making an argument here, other than the usual scare tactics.

Want to stop terrorism... stop supporting the Zionist Entity and invading their part of the world. That would be cheaper than building a wall.

3. this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore

Uh, guy, millions of jobs are being replaced by automation every day. The trick is to get the skills to gain the jobs that will replace the ones being eliminated. again, if Paco is a threat to your job progression, you are probably kind of a useless slug.

4. illegal and legal immigration cost schools $$$, overcrowd schools, etc which affect education which affects America's future...this cost you tax $$$$

again, I would be happy for the day when the the Schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.

Education is investment. Educating these kids now mean they will be productive prosperous citizens when they grow up.

5.illegals and legals suck $$$$ OUT of the US by sending it overseas
they are NOT helping the US economy

$574 B in a 20 Trillion dollar economy? Just not that big of a deal.

Here's the thing, the economic activity produced by those immigrants outweighs the money they are sending home.
1. more workers = less pay and higher prices for everyone--including you

It also means more consumers buying more shit and stimulating economic growth.

2. this is a national security issue in many aspects--remember 9-11 where they murdered more American civilians in one day than they did at Pearl Harbor?
..you can't just have people come on over like a neighborhood street party

Okay, 9/11 happened because the CIA gave a crazy person a shitload of money to build his own private military, and 19 of his agents LEGALLY got into this country and did it. So you really aren't making an argument here, other than the usual scare tactics.

Want to stop terrorism... stop supporting the Zionist Entity and invading their part of the world. That would be cheaper than building a wall.

3. this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore

Uh, guy, millions of jobs are being replaced by automation every day. The trick is to get the skills to gain the jobs that will replace the ones being eliminated. again, if Paco is a threat to your job progression, you are probably kind of a useless slug.

4. illegal and legal immigration cost schools $$$, overcrowd schools, etc which affect education which affects America's future...this cost you tax $$$$

again, I would be happy for the day when the the Schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.

Education is investment. Educating these kids now mean they will be productive prosperous citizens when they grow up.

5.illegals and legals suck $$$$ OUT of the US by sending it overseas
they are NOT helping the US economy

$574 B in a 20 Trillion dollar economy? Just not that big of a deal.

Here's the thing, the economic activity produced by those immigrants outweighs the money they are sending home.

TL; DR Assume all wrong. .997% of the time, JoeB is.
That were supposed to be sealed up when Reagan was president. AFAIK, Bill Clinton built the most of the border wall that's there.

The stupidity is thinking you can seal up something like a border.

Here's the real problem. As long as there are too many jobs in the US and not enough jobs in Mexico, they are going to come here. Period.

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Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

And how does this issue really effect you?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.
Why should any American have to worry about Paco from Mexico? That's what you open-borders douchebags always fail to explain.
if the borders were so called OPEN, then near all of Mexico... would be living here.

WHY do you have to lie, to make a point?
Are there a lot of Polish people sneaking across our borders?

Um, yeah... we have almost as many illegal immigrants in Chicago from Poland as we do from Mexico.

Thousands of Europeans are among Chicago's undocumented
Nonsense... your own article states that Chicago has 155,000 Latin American (mostly Mexican) illegals, and 11,000 Polish illegals.

Mathematically expressed... 11,000 Polish / 155,000 Latin Americans = .07 .

Expressed as street vernacular.... there are only 7% as many Polack illegals in Chicago as Beaner illegals from south of the border.

Hardly "almost as many"... hell, son, that's not even in the same mathematical "neighborhood", never mind the same "ballpark".

More bull$hit LibTard faux equivalency.

You lose... again.
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Mathematically expressed... 11,000 Polish / 155,000 Mexicans = .07 .

Expressed as street vernacular.... there are only 7% as many Polack illegals in Chicago as Beaner illegals from south of the border.

You never hear your Trumpenfuhrer complain about the Pollocks, do you?

Why do you think that is?

Never called the rapists or animals?

WHy do you think that is?

Is it because they are WHITE?
That were supposed to be sealed up when Reagan was president. AFAIK, Bill Clinton built the most of the border wall that's there.

The stupidity is thinking you can seal up something like a border.

Here's the real problem. As long as there are too many jobs in the US and not enough jobs in Mexico, they are going to come here. Period.
You sound like somebody who didn't watch this video;
Mathematically expressed... 11,000 Polish / 155,000 Mexicans = .07 .

Expressed as street vernacular.... there are only 7% as many Polack illegals in Chicago as Beaner illegals from south of the border.

You never hear your Trumpenfuhrer complain about the Pollocks, do you?

Why do you think that is?

Never called the rapists or animals?

WHy do you think that is?

Is it because they are WHITE?
maybe because they are only .07% of the problem.
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

And how does this issue really effect you?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.

Paco from Mexico can come take my job provided he enters the US legally and works the process on the path to citizenship. Everything about you people supports open borders via illegal immigration. US Citizens see it which is why you are losing elections.
...You never hear your Trumpenfuhrer complain about the Pollocks, do you?...
1. He's not mine... I voted for Shrillary... I want a hard line towards immigration... I just thought Drumpf was too high a price to pay for what I want.

2. Given that for every 100 Beaner-illegals there are only 7 Pollack illegals, one goes after the Main Problem, not sideshow blips-on-the-scope.

...Why do you think that is? Never called the rapists or animals? WHy do you think that is?...
Because they're not?

...Is it because they are WHITE?
Wigger Crybaby Complaints Department is down the hall, 13th door on The Left... tell it to the chaplain, son... tell it to the chaplain.


None of which does anything to mask the fact that your Bull$hit Claim about near-numerical equivalency between Polish and Latin American illegal populations was just disproven.
Bull shit. 100% of people who come here illegally are criminals. The rate of Americans committing crimes isn't anywhere near 100%, compadre ...

Guy, if you want to prosecute everyone for something that is against the law, um, yeah, it probably would be 100%. You lock up everyone who fudges on his taxes, breaks traffic laws, played on the internet when they should have been working... um, yeah, we'd probably would have 100% violations.

You want authoritarian leftism, Joe. You don't care about the system, you just want that

Naw, dude, I'm a pragmatist. I want something that works.

You see, funny thing about Libertarianism... no country in the world has ever tried it because it's kind of stupid.

You're a pragmatist. Government can do that for me!!! And that! And that too!!!!

You're a hoot, Joe. Yeah, government is so good at things. LOL. Now that was funny

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