unfortunately, illegal immigration is the litmus test

Well...we all know that if the illegals were fanatical republicans, Joey would be demanding their removal and calling them F**KING NAZIS!!!

So you are admitting the only reason you hate them is that when they do become citizens, they might vote Democratic?

Glad we cleared that up.
Well...we all know that if the illegals were fanatical republicans, Joey would be demanding their removal and calling them F**KING NAZIS!!!

So you are admitting the only reason you hate them is that when they do become citizens, they might vote Democratic?

Glad we cleared that up.
Nice deflection Joey.

You know damn well that if the illegals were likely to be R voters, should they be made legal, you and the entire Left would shit a brick.

So while I have no dog in this hunt, since I don't give shit either way, you being the fanatical D partisan should be able to see why many R voters do not like illegals invading the nation and granting them voting rights.
Well, that's certainly a good reason to vote for some open-borders douchebag.

I'm all for practical solutions to the problem. I don't even have a problem with better border security.

But here's the thing. As long as you have jobs Americans don't want to do and people willing to pay money to have them done, you will have illegals.
You mean cheap people who won't pay an American a living wage to do them.
Fine, then lets take our country back form those rich people by getting rid of their illegal labor.

Don't be silly. You don't want to do those lettuce picking and toilet cleaning jobs any more than I do.

It never ceases to amaze me how blatantly the Liberal Left wants to abuse our laws, are you suggesting we just pick and choose the laws you want to obey?

But we all do that all the time. You never speed, or blow through a yellow light, or fudge your taxes, or take a pen home from work? All these things are technically illegal... but most of us do them anyway.

It sounds like you have first hand knowledge, did you loose your dumpster job at Mickey D's?

No, guy, I'm not the on fretting over losing a no-skill job like you are. Not my fault you are a loser.

We issue illegals TIN's daily so their employers report their income legally, yet we don't want to enforce our immigration laws so your voting base doesn't dwindle?

We don't enforce it because- get this- we know our economy depends on some undocumented labor. We know there are jobs Americans, especially in a good economy, just don't want to do.

If you guys were serious about this, you wouldn't be talking about a "Wall" (Half of undocumented immigrants get in through other means) you'd go after the employers... but that never happens. Why do you think that is?

Please keep up this stupidity, President Trump was the first shoe to drop, the second shoe will come in November...

Trump lost the popular vote, and he's going to lose the House in November. Then we impeach his ass.
I'm loser according to you eh.
I used to be a COBOL programmer with a company car, pager, and expense account. Threw it away because I refused to be on call 24/7 because I wanted to get drunk at strip clubs. Later found out it was because I'm Bi-Polar. I can't handle high stress jobs. They won't give me disability. So I shouldn't be allowed to have a job that pays a living wage according to you. Well fuck you.
Every time Trump points out an American who was raped or killed by an illegal all the politicians who have sided with the illegals over Americans shut their pie hole for a while.

Why don't you shut your pie hole for a while. The fact is that just because a few are rotten apples does not make all of them rotten. There are bad Americans as well. Maybe we should get rid of Americans as well.

A "few"? Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders, Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.
Haha..you can’t sell that bullshit to sane people bud...save that retarded shit for your illegal buddies and other ignorant LefTards.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States

actually, Illegal immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives. It’s a phenomenon dubbed the “immigration surplus,” and while a small share of additional GDP accrues to natives — typically 0.2 to 0.4 percent — it still amounts to $36 to $72 billion per year.

In addition to the immigration surplus, immigrants grease the wheels of the labor market by flowing into industries and areas where there is a relative need for workers — where bottlenecks or shortages might otherwise damp growth.

Haha...even you aren’t retarded enough to believe that bullshit...the arithmetic is simple.

The average illegal Beaner family here in Mexifornia looks like this:
Fernando and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works for $10 dollars an hour CASH and averages 50 hours per week, Carlos grosses $500 per week in income.
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Fernando and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Fernando's family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Let me know what you don't understand...I'm happy to teach you more.
Haha..you can’t sell that bullshit to sane people bud...save that retarded shit for your illegal buddies and other ignorant LefTards.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States

actually, Illegal immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs

Immigration fuels the economy. When immigrants enter the labor force, they increase the productive capacity of the economy and raise GDP. Their incomes rise, but so do those of natives. It’s a phenomenon dubbed the “immigration surplus,” and while a small share of additional GDP accrues to natives — typically 0.2 to 0.4 percent — it still amounts to $36 to $72 billion per year.

In addition to the immigration surplus, immigrants grease the wheels of the labor market by flowing into industries and areas where there is a relative need for workers — where bottlenecks or shortages might otherwise damp growth.
Your link is all about legal immigration, not illegal.
I guess you thought that no one would actually read your link? Not a bad gamble..on this site.

The only reference to illegal immigration was to say it has slowed..that all immigration has slowed.

Issuance of green cards, or permanent resident visas, to new arrivals has been largely flat since 2008, but dipped in 2013 to a six-year low. Illegal immigration is near record lows, with migrant apprehensions along the Southwest border at levels last seen in the 1970s. Temporary work-based visas have risen slightly in recent years but remain below their 2007 peak. Plotting visas and migrant apprehensions as a share of the nation’s working-age population, reinforces the point that immigration is slowing in both absolute and relative terms.

i found this interesting though:

Yes, there are downsides
Immigration changes factor prices — it lowers the wages of competing workers, while raising the return to capital and the wages of complementary workers. In other words, the immigration surplus does not accrue equally to everyone. It goes primarily to the owners of capital, which includes business and land-owners and investors.

Complementary workers also benefit. The demand for these workers rises with more immigration. They may be construction supervisors, translators, pharmaceutical reps, or immigration lawyers. And consumers benefit from the lower prices of the goods and services that immigrants produce. But competing workers’ wages fall, at least in the initial transition period as the economy adjusts to the new labor inflow.

So..your article states that immigration is good for the owners and investors..however...it lowers the wages of competing..i.e. non-immigrant workers.

A mixed bag....however...your contention that ILLEGAL immigration benefits the economy remains unproven...at least, in the link.
It doesn't matter one little bit.

Our country, our rules.

Your Illegal Alien buddies are no longer welcome here.


For no better reason than it pleases us to adopt such an attitude.

That's all the reason we need.

Our country, our rules.

Silly man thinks it's his country.

It's the rich's country... and they want illegals because you are too fucking lazy.
You(r side) has yet to learn the Main Lesson of November 8, 2016...


You can no longer afford to be seen standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your own fellow countrymen...

Fun time's over, kiddies...

Time to throw your beloved Illegals under the bus...

Or sit out the NEXT four years, as well.
...What? They can't vote, unless they become citizens. And why couldn't the Republicans win their votes? Oh wait, that's right ..they're just not very good at getting votes from anyone who isn't white. Now, whose fault is that?
Better than the Democrats, who whore themselves out for the Latino vote... a shop-worn tactic that cost them dearly on November 8, 2016.
You(r side) has yet to learn the Main Lesson of November 8, 2016...


You can no longer afford to be seen standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your own fellow countrymen...

Buddy, one more time.

You lost the popular vote. The people didn't accept your racist crap.

And they stand ready to correct the mistake of November 2016.
But we all do that all the time. You never speed, or blow through a yellow light, or fudge your taxes, or take a pen home from work? All these things are technically illegal... but most of us do them anyway.

When I speed and get ticketed, I pay the fine or take Defensive Driving, you want to let them continue to stay illegally, not the same. The rest of your examples have basically the same hole in them, you get caught, deal with the consequences. You're the typical Liberal, the rules only apply when it benefits you, no accountability...

No, guy, I'm not the on fretting over losing a no-skill job like you are. Not my fault you are a loser.

I'm not suffering by any means, I live in a great city and state, and I do it legally. My company uses hispanic labor primarily and enforcing the laws will drive up my cost, but I am okay with that, it's the law...

We don't enforce it because- get this- we know our economy depends on some undocumented labor. We know there are jobs Americans, especially in a good economy, just don't want to do.

The majority of Americans don't want to pay for their livelihood. They want to help their own family's, pendejo...

The Mexican Labor Train has been going on for over a 100 years, where have you been puta? They have convinced your dumb ass to pay for all their needs...

If you guys were serious about this, you wouldn't be talking about a "Wall" (Half of undocumented immigrants get in through other means) you'd go after the employers... but that never happens. Why do you think that is?

The Wall is legitimate and if its not going to work, then why are you so apposed to it? As for employers being the "Bad Guy" you'll need to tell the IRS to quit issuing ITIN's to illegals...

Trump lost the popular vote, and he's going to lose the House in November. Then we impeach his ass.

For the Gazillionth time, we elect the POTUS via the EC, keep up the stupid rhetoric from Pelosi, Sanders, CNN, MSNBC, No Proof Mueller, then add to that the booming economy, you'll be lucky to gain much of anything come November, LOL...
When I speed and get ticketed, I pay the fine or take Defensive Driving, you want to let them continue to stay illegally, not the same. The rest of your examples have basically the same hole in them, you get caught, deal with the consequences. You're the typical Liberal, the rules only apply when it benefits you, no accountability...

Okay, nobody throws your family out of the country for speeding, and probabilities are, you do it again the next month after a few weeks of being extra careful.

The Wall is legitimate and if its not going to work, then why are you so apposed to it? As for employers being the "Bad Guy" you'll need to tell the IRS to quit issuing ITIN's to illegals...

Your Fuhrer has been "President' for nearly two years, why hasn't he told them to stop it?

Hint..hint... because he wants the employers to keep having access to cheap labor.

The reason why I'm against the wall is because we have roads and bridges and schools that are falling apart, and you guys want to piss away money on a wall in the desert they are going to probably tunnel under.

For the Gazillionth time, we elect the POTUS via the EC, keep up the stupid rhetoric from Pelosi, Sanders, CNN, MSNBC, No Proof Mueller, then add to that the booming economy, you'll be lucky to gain much of anything come November, LOL...

Buddy, sweety, if things were so great, why is Trump's approval rating still underwater...
Buddy, one more time. You lost the popular vote...
Incorrect. I voted for Shrillary. Against my better judgment. And I felt like taking a shower, walking out of the voting booth.

...The people didn't accept your racist crap...
What 'racist crap' would that be?

...And they stand ready to correct the mistake of November 2016.
Oh, you're gonna get a decent turnout, no doubt, but nowhere near what you think it's gonna be.


You idiots keep deluding yourselves that your stance on Illegal Aliens did not cost you the election.

Your elected leadership knows better; signing-off on spending bills rather than be seen shutting down the Gubmint again on behalf of your beloved Illegals.

The Imperial Cheeto knew you couldn't afford to be seen doing that anymore, either, and played your boys-and-girls like a fiddle, at budget-vote time.

Money talks, and Bull$hit walks... tee-hee.
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You idiots keep deluding yourselves that your stance on Illegal Aliens did not cost you the election.

no, it didn't. Look, just because you're a racist piece of shit who likes to validate his bigotry doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Your elected leadership knows better; signing-off on spending bills rather than be seen shutting down the Gubmint again on behalf of your beloved Illegals.

The Imperial Cheeto knew you couldn't afford to be seen doing that anymore, either, and played your boys-and-girls like a fiddle, at budget-vote time.

Money talks, and Bull$hit walks... tee-hee.

Buddy, the Dreamers are all going to get citizenship. It's only a matter of time.

YOu'll have to learn to like Tacos, buddy.
Okay, nobody throws your family out of the country for speeding

Based on your logic nobody is accountable for anything they do, FYI most of America is tired of this kind of crap...

What you and your fellow Liberals fail to understand is we have President Trump instead of President Clintoon II, break that piece of concrete your head is encased in, you just might get a clearer picture...

and probabilities are, you do it again the next month after a few weeks of being extra careful.

It's hard to believe how well you make my point and I don't have to say much...

Your Fuhrer has been "President' for nearly two years, why hasn't he told them to stop it?

Your math is a little exaggerated, explains a lot...

You still believe Obama was a success...

Hint..hint... because he wants the employers to keep having access to cheap labor.

Hint, Hint, we can enforce our laws and still have cheap labor, you do understand we bring thousands of Mexican laborers to America every year and the employers pay everything for them to be here?!

Quit believing all of your puppet masters that feed you crap 24/7...

The reason why I'm against the wall is because we have roads and bridges and schools that are falling apart, and you guys want to piss away money on a wall in the desert they are going to probably tunnel under.

Your ignorance never ends, did you forget about all those shovel ready jobs your boy Obama delivered?

Oh that's right, he didn't have a clue how to get our economy going...

Buddy, sweety, if things were so great, why is Trump's approval rating still underwater...

Are those the same polls that said Hillary was going to WIN!!!

Based on your logic nobody is accountable for anything they do, FYI most of America is tired of this kind of crap...

What you and your fellow Liberals fail to understand is we have President Trump instead of President Clintoon II, break that piece of concrete your head is encased in, you just might get a clearer picture...

But not because that's what the people wanted. He LOST the popular vote.

Hint, Hint, we can enforce our laws and still have cheap labor, you do understand we bring thousands of Mexican laborers to America every year and the employers pay everything for them to be here?!

Yeah, but if they are here with a green card, you have to follow the rules... that's the thing, and they can get a better job.

The thing is, we don't bring in enough legal immigrants to meet labor's needs.

Your ignorance never ends, did you forget about all those shovel ready jobs your boy Obama delivered?

Oh that's right, he didn't have a clue how to get our economy going...

What I remember is when Obama left office, my 401K was flush, my mortgage wasn't under water and my salary had increased by 80% over what it was when he took office.
Republicans had better hope that immigration issues never become a litmus test for voters. Voters overwhelmingly support DACA even people who voted for Trump. The exit polls in 2016 showed that voters supported amnesty and do not support building a wall. The reason that it did not hurt Trump was because immigration issues were the most important issue to 12% of voters.
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

And how does this issue really effect you?

If you have made such bad life choices you have to worry about Paco from Mexico taking your job, you'd have probably been replaced by a machine at some point.

Like you were.

So seriously Joe, you only don't see illegal aliens filling our jails, welfare rolls, medical facilities, schools, etc as a problem because you aren't the one paying for it. They are voting more money from the greedy rich and you're getting your share of the handouts, so you're happy

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