unfortunately, illegal immigration is the litmus test

Our system was genius. It protects small States from pure tyranny of the majority. You just like tyranny of the majority. Unless you don't like the majority answer, then you want the courts to step in and fix it.

Still not the point I was making.

Our system is retarded because it gives the most backward ass states a bigger say than the states that are making the country happen.

Finally, a glint of honesty from you. You dislike the electoral college because you disagree politically with the smaller States. That's because you're a big blue city slicker who hates Christians and has never seen a gun. Liberty is handouts to you.

And the smaller States don't have a bigger say. Our system was set up to protect both large and small States. The larger States can say no in the house, the smaller ones in the Senate. The default answer to a government program is no. The big blue State you live in can say no to the small States in the house, you can't railroad them. But they can say no in the Senate, and you want to steamroll them.

You're the tyrant, Joe
Any politician that supports illegal immigration is for breaking the law for votes.
Any politician against illegal immigration is for law and order.
A politician defined by one issue

Interesting that any politician who supports illegal immigration will also be an abortion supporter...and anti gun...and pro homosexual...and feminist....the sickness of liberalism destroys all moral sense.
1. more workers = less pay and higher prices for everyone--including you

It also means more consumers buying more shit and stimulating economic growth.

2. this is a national security issue in many aspects--remember 9-11 where they murdered more American civilians in one day than they did at Pearl Harbor?
..you can't just have people come on over like a neighborhood street party

Okay, 9/11 happened because the CIA gave a crazy person a shitload of money to build his own private military, and 19 of his agents LEGALLY got into this country and did it. So you really aren't making an argument here, other than the usual scare tactics.

Want to stop terrorism... stop supporting the Zionist Entity and invading their part of the world. That would be cheaper than building a wall.

3. this is not 1850 or 1950 anymore

Uh, guy, millions of jobs are being replaced by automation every day. The trick is to get the skills to gain the jobs that will replace the ones being eliminated. again, if Paco is a threat to your job progression, you are probably kind of a useless slug.

4. illegal and legal immigration cost schools $$$, overcrowd schools, etc which affect education which affects America's future...this cost you tax $$$$

again, I would be happy for the day when the the Schools have all the money they need and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.

Education is investment. Educating these kids now mean they will be productive prosperous citizens when they grow up.

5.illegals and legals suck $$$$ OUT of the US by sending it overseas
they are NOT helping the US economy

$574 B in a 20 Trillion dollar economy? Just not that big of a deal.

Here's the thing, the economic activity produced by those immigrants outweighs the money they are sending home.
real nice --higher prices lower wages!! what don't you understand about that??
turns the US into a third world country
$574 B in a 20 Trillion dollar economy
that's a common --a few million here a few million there..a billion there..it all adds up
no it doesn't outweigh anything
You're a pragmatist. Government can do that for me!!! And that! And that too!!!!

You're a hoot, Joe. Yeah, government is so good at things. LOL. Now that was funny

Did you mail get delivered today? Did you drive on a road that was well-maintained? Did the fire department respond promptly to house fires? Was the water that came out of your facet free of contaminants?

Um, yeah government does all those things, just fine.

Again- Libertarians- They love civilization, just not the work that goes into it.
Finally, a glint of honesty from you. You dislike the electoral college because you disagree politically with the smaller States. That's because you're a big blue city slicker who hates Christians and has never seen a gun. Liberty is handouts to you.

Uh, guy... I was in the army for 11 years, I saw plenty of guns.

But, yeah, I don't particularly want the small states getting outsized says in who the president is. They have their outsized representation in the Senate. The president should be one person, one vote, just like any other civilized country.

And the smaller States don't have a bigger say. Our system was set up to protect both large and small States. The larger States can say no in the house, the smaller ones in the Senate. The default answer to a government program is no. The big blue State you live in can say no to the small States in the house, you can't railroad them. But they can say no in the Senate, and you want to steamroll them.

I'd be happy to not have the inbred, bible thumping fucks in the Jesusland with their hands in my pocket...

Hey, guess what, without the blue states, there'd be no money to support the poor red states. The Inbreds in Alabama get 2 dollars back for every dollar they send to Washington, while the folks in IL only get .71 back on the dollar... that's all kinds of fucked up.
Mathematically expressed... 11,000 Polish / 155,000 Mexicans = .07 .

Expressed as street vernacular.... there are only 7% as many Polack illegals in Chicago as Beaner illegals from south of the border.

You never hear your Trumpenfuhrer complain about the Pollocks, do you?

Why do you think that is?

Never called the rapists or animals?

WHy do you think that is?

Is it because they are WHITE?
maybe because they are only .07% of the problem.

Left wing nuts only understand race, nothing else. Race is their focus in life, they are racist so everyone else must be racist.
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You're a pragmatist. Government can do that for me!!! And that! And that too!!!!

You're a hoot, Joe. Yeah, government is so good at things. LOL. Now that was funny

Did you mail get delivered today? Did you drive on a road that was well-maintained? Did the fire department respond promptly to house fires? Was the water that came out of your facet free of contaminants?

Um, yeah government does all those things, just fine.

Again- Libertarians- They love civilization, just not the work that goes into it.

So government can do everything smoothly or efficiently or it can't do anything at all in any way. Loser black and white thinkers like you and LoneLoser are just stupid
Finally, a glint of honesty from you. You dislike the electoral college because you disagree politically with the smaller States. That's because you're a big blue city slicker who hates Christians and has never seen a gun. Liberty is handouts to you.

Uh, guy... I was in the army for 11 years, I saw plenty of guns.

But, yeah, I don't particularly want the small states getting outsized says in who the president is. They have their outsized representation in the Senate. The president should be one person, one vote, just like any other civilized country.

And the smaller States don't have a bigger say. Our system was set up to protect both large and small States. The larger States can say no in the house, the smaller ones in the Senate. The default answer to a government program is no. The big blue State you live in can say no to the small States in the house, you can't railroad them. But they can say no in the Senate, and you want to steamroll them.

I'd be happy to not have the inbred, bible thumping fucks in the Jesusland with their hands in my pocket...

Hey, guess what, without the blue states, there'd be no money to support the poor red states. The Inbreds in Alabama get 2 dollars back for every dollar they send to Washington, while the folks in IL only get .71 back on the dollar... that's all kinds of fucked up.

Just bigotry and ignorance. And if you ever saw a real gun you'd cry. You weren't in the military Joe. I keep telling you watching the Power Puff Girls isn't being in the military. And you know nothing about guns, you think they are useless for self defense. You're a liar
So government can do everything smoothly or efficiently or it can't do anything at all in any way. Loser black and white thinkers like you and LoneLoser are just stupid

Again, if you want to keep arguing straw men, knock yourself out.

You see, the thing is, I have no problem with private enterprise in most endeavors, as long as consumers and workers are protected..

But some things, I think the government just simply can do better. I think they can run health care better because every single industrialized country that has single payer health care has a better system than we do.

Just bigotry and ignorance. And if you ever saw a real gun you'd cry. You weren't in the military Joe. I keep telling you watching the Power Puff Girls isn't being in the military. And you know nothing about guns, you think they are useless for self defense. You're a liar

Buddy, i know what I did... MOS 76Y... look it up. It's something only someone who did it would actually know.

But as always, I can tell you are losing an argument with me when you start speculating what my life is or was.

Back to the point... most civilians don't need guns and a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. that's why it's a terrible idea to let any unqualified idiot own a gun.

The Army didn't let us handle guns with live ammo until we spent three weeks training on them.
So government can do everything smoothly or efficiently or it can't do anything at all in any way. Loser black and white thinkers like you and LoneLoser are just stupid

Again, if you want to keep arguing straw men, knock yourself out.

You see, the thing is, I have no problem with private enterprise in most endeavors, as long as consumers and workers are protected..

But some things, I think the government just simply can do better. I think they can run health care better because every single industrialized country that has single payer health care has a better system than we do.

Just bigotry and ignorance. And if you ever saw a real gun you'd cry. You weren't in the military Joe. I keep telling you watching the Power Puff Girls isn't being in the military. And you know nothing about guns, you think they are useless for self defense. You're a liar

Buddy, i know what I did... MOS 76Y... look it up. It's something only someone who did it would actually know.

But as always, I can tell you are losing an argument with me when you start speculating what my life is or was.

Back to the point... most civilians don't need guns and a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. that's why it's a terrible idea to let any unqualified idiot own a gun.

The Army didn't let us handle guns with live ammo until we spent three weeks training on them.
76Y isn't that the code for File Clerk?
Damn I remembered that. I was one of the guys in the recruitment video pretending to be a 76Y for the film. Long time ago.

Army MOS 76Y | MOSDb
Describes job duties for Army MOS 76Y Unit Supply Specialist.
76Y isn't that the code for File Clerk?

Nope. That was 75B.
Army MOS 76Y | MOSDb
Describes job duties for Army MOS 76Y Unit Supply Specialist.

I scored high enough on ASVAB to get any job I wanted so I picked COBOL Programmer. I missed 1 question on the 6th test and they flunked me out. While waiting to be reassigned at Fort Benjamin Harrison they had me act in a recruitment film for 76Y. All I had to do was answer the phone and scribble something on a piece of paper. I ended up becoming a 31M10.
So government can do everything smoothly or efficiently or it can't do anything at all in any way. Loser black and white thinkers like you and LoneLoser are just stupid

Again, if you want to keep arguing straw men, knock yourself out.

You see, the thing is, I have no problem with private enterprise in most endeavors, as long as consumers and workers are protected..

But some things, I think the government just simply can do better. I think they can run health care better because every single industrialized country that has single payer health care has a better system than we do.

Just bigotry and ignorance. And if you ever saw a real gun you'd cry. You weren't in the military Joe. I keep telling you watching the Power Puff Girls isn't being in the military. And you know nothing about guns, you think they are useless for self defense. You're a liar

Buddy, i know what I did... MOS 76Y... look it up. It's something only someone who did it would actually know.

But as always, I can tell you are losing an argument with me when you start speculating what my life is or was.

Back to the point... most civilians don't need guns and a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. that's why it's a terrible idea to let any unqualified idiot own a gun.

The Army didn't let us handle guns with live ammo until we spent three weeks training on them.
76Y isn't that the code for File Clerk?
Damn I remembered that. I was one of the guys in the recruitment video pretending to be a 76Y for the film. Long time ago.

Army MOS 76Y | MOSDb
Describes job duties for Army MOS 76Y Unit Supply Specialist.

Joe thinks that MOS 76Ys are Rambos. He's shot every kind of gun you know. He says that people on shooting ranges are pretending in their minds to kill people, which he knows because he shoots guns on shooting ranges.

Joe has convinced me that he shouldn't be allowed to own a gun ...
So government can do everything smoothly or efficiently or it can't do anything at all in any way. Loser black and white thinkers like you and LoneLoser are just stupid

Again, if you want to keep arguing straw men, knock yourself out.

You see, the thing is, I have no problem with private enterprise in most endeavors, as long as consumers and workers are protected..

But some things, I think the government just simply can do better. I think they can run health care better because every single industrialized country that has single payer health care has a better system than we do.

Just bigotry and ignorance. And if you ever saw a real gun you'd cry. You weren't in the military Joe. I keep telling you watching the Power Puff Girls isn't being in the military. And you know nothing about guns, you think they are useless for self defense. You're a liar

Buddy, i know what I did... MOS 76Y... look it up. It's something only someone who did it would actually know.

But as always, I can tell you are losing an argument with me when you start speculating what my life is or was.

Back to the point... most civilians don't need guns and a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy. that's why it's a terrible idea to let any unqualified idiot own a gun.

The Army didn't let us handle guns with live ammo until we spent three weeks training on them.
76Y isn't that the code for File Clerk?
Damn I remembered that. I was one of the guys in the recruitment video pretending to be a 76Y for the film. Long time ago.

Army MOS 76Y | MOSDb
Describes job duties for Army MOS 76Y Unit Supply Specialist.

Joe thinks that MOS 76Ys are Rambos. He's shot every kind of gun you know. He says that people on shooting ranges are pretending in their minds to kill people, which he knows because he shoots guns on shooting ranges.

Joe has convinced me that he shouldn't be allowed to own a gun ...
Ruined my hearing firing a 70 cal machine gun. I was a Radio Man WTF was I doing with a 70 cal machine gun. On the shooting ranges they let us fire a lot of different shit that had nothing to do with our MOS's.
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Describes job duties for Army MOS 76Y Unit Supply Specialist.

I scored high enough on ASVAB to get any job I wanted so I picked COBOL Programmer. I missed 1 question on the 6th test and they flunked me out. While waiting to be reassigned at Fort Benjamin Harrison they had me act in a recruitment film for 76Y. All I had to do was answer the phone and scribble something on a piece of paper. I ended up becoming a 31M10.

Thank you... I knew you'd get it eventually.

Actually, being a Supply Sergeant was a lot more than that. (I got out at the rank of E-6). I meant you were responsible for tracking millions of dollars in very expensive equipment, ordering lots of operational supplies to keep a diverse unit able to function in the field.

It was a job I really enjoyed, to be honest. Lots of problem solving, occasionally having to write up investigative reports when some knucklehead crashed a vehicle into a tree.

31M isn't a bad MOS. That's a ratrig operator, correct? (It's been like 26 years, so I'm surprised I retain any of this stuff.)

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