Unimaginable arrogance

I can't even imagine the type of arrogance it takes to make these statements. For starters, all Barack Obama ever thinks about is Barack Obama and his "legacy". Second, he's so drunk with power that he doesn't even realize he will have no power to do anything about Donald Trump's policies.

"President Barack Obama used the final weekly address of his presidency to ensure the American people that despite leaving the White House in less than three weeks, he will remain vigilant of President-elect Donald Trump over the next four years to ensure the “progress” made by his administration is not undone under Trump."

Watch: Obama has no plans to leave your life after he vacates the White House on Jan. 20
Good for him.
Well that's odd. Good for him for being classless and arrogant? And people wonder why progressives are viewed as being so despicable... :eusa_doh:
It was not classless and it was not arrogant. You just want to label it as such while completely ignoring the classlessness and arrogance of someone thinking their riches allow them to grab any woman by the pussy.
When George W. Bush left office and was asked for his opinion he stated "President Obama deserves my silence" and added that "I hope he succeeds as president". That is class and humility. Obama claiming he will be "vigilant" to ensure his legacy is not "undone by Trump" is a disgrace. Obama is openly admitting he doesn't give a shit about what's good for the country - he just wants to make sure his "legacy" remains. Arrogant prick.
while completely ignoring the classlessness and arrogance of someone thinking their riches allow them to grab any woman by the pussy.
I noticed you haven't denounced one of those women for allowing him to grab anything he wanted because of his wealth and fame. All they had to do was pick up the phone and Trump would be sitting in prison right now. As he stated - "they let you". That's every bit as repulsive as Trump's actions. Their lust for money and fame set back women's causes for decades.
I noticed you haven't denounced one of those women for allowing him to grab anything he wanted because of his wealth and fame. All they had to do was pick up the phone and Trump would be sitting in prison right now. As he stated - "they let you". That's every bit as repulsive as Trump's actions. Their lust for money and fame set back women's causes for decades.

Wow, Dude, I can tell you have very little real world interaction with women.

Most women will tell you, unwanted grabbing or touching by men kind of comes with the territory.
while completely ignoring the classlessness and arrogance of someone thinking their riches allow them to grab any woman by the pussy.
I noticed you haven't denounced one of those women for allowing him to grab anything he wanted because of his wealth and fame. All they had to do was pick up the phone and Trump would be sitting in prison right now. As he stated - "they let you". That's every bit as repulsive as Trump's actions. Their lust for money and fame set back women's causes for decades.

More than likely Trump didn't grab anything. After the video came out is when these spotlight whores came out of the woodwork.

We all know guys like that; people that think it's impressive to tell how many women they slept with, how many women they dated, how many one night stands they've had. Most people around individuals like that just roll their eyes and say "Good for you" because they know he's FOS.
Your side has been doing that since the announcement that we were going to Iraq. Until this day, your ilk burns our American flag---the flag those solders fought for. Your leader released almost every damn prisoner we had in captivity thanks to those solders.

Because we didn't have a legal right to continue holding them. I'm sorry you don't get this.

Either we charge them with crimes or we release them at the end of hostilities.

That's the way it works, legally.

The way it works politically is you try and do what you said. DumBama ran on closing Gitmo before he even won the primaries.

It's so funny how you left always find excuses for this guy amid his multiple failures. Nothing that he does bad is ever his fault. Now go ahead and lie to yourself how if McCain or Romney been in charge, the same things would have happened. You know you can't because they would have been real leaders, not this pansy you elected to run this country.
So lets say we find out in a couple of months that 1) The Russians really did hack the voting process and 2) Trump knew that was going on and went along with it.

Would that be grounds for impeachment or not?

Sure it would, but you're not going to find anything chasing a fairytale. The left is going to do all they can to make this election look illegitimate. It's been the plan all along.
You clearly missed, 1:44 "Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment. Yet it is you, the members of the United States military who achieved it." "it" being the mission which was the "accomplishment". I am sorry but I cannot continue to spoonfeed you and teach you how to parse simple English.
Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.
Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.
The ME is not in disarray because of the Iraq war, where do you hear these things? Do you think that bombing Syria and Libya had anything at all to do with the "disarray?"
Yes, the illegal invasion of Iraq is the cause of the instability in the Middle East.
First of all what made the war illegal? Because you say so? What US law didn't Bush follow? Now you have a choice. Either realize what you are saying is a lie and quit. Or realize what you are saying is a lie and not quit thus proving to be a liar.

The instability we see in the ME didn't start until after Bush left office. How in the f..k you people keep trying to let Obama off the hook is simply amazing. Hillary got what she deserved in losing, you on the other hand should stop lying before Karma catches up with you.
Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.
Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.
The ME is not in disarray because of the Iraq war, where do you hear these things? Do you think that bombing Syria and Libya had anything at all to do with the "disarray?"
Yes, the illegal invasion of Iraq is the cause of the instability in the Middle East.
First of all what made the war illegal? Because you say so?
No; because the then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said so in September 2004 that: "From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it [the war] was illegal."
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq war illegal, says Annan
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

What US law didn't Bush follow?
The UN Founding Charter and the UN Security Council.

Now you have a choice. Either realize what you are saying is a lie and quit. Or realize what you are saying is a lie and not quit thus proving to be a liar.
It's you who has the choice, to believe George W Bush or the truth.

The instability we see in the ME didn't start until after Bush left office. How in the f..k you people keep trying to let Obama off the hook is simply amazing. Hillary got what she deserved in losing, you on the other hand should stop lying before Karma catches up with you.
You've got your dates mixed-up.
The way it works politically is you try and do what you said. DumBama ran on closing Gitmo before he even won the primaries.

There's just 40 people left down there. He's done a pretty good job.

It's so funny how you left always find excuses for this guy amid his multiple failures. Nothing that he does bad is ever his fault. Now go ahead and lie to yourself how if McCain or Romney been in charge, the same things would have happened. You know you can't because they would have been real leaders, not this pansy you elected to run this country.

If McCain got in, we'd be at war with Iran, and if Magic Underpants got in, we'd have Corporate America picking the last meat off the bones of the middle class. After Trump gets us into a recession (and yes, it's coming) we'll all realize how good we had it with Obama... except for the Racists. Trump could summon C'Thulhu and they'd still be glad the n****r was out of the White House.

Sure it would, but you're not going to find anything chasing a fairytale. The left is going to do all they can to make this election look illegitimate. It's been the plan all along.

An election where you lose the popular vote and a foreign power tampered with the process? I think that looks pretty illegitimate all on its own.
So lets say we find out in a couple of months that 1) The Russians really did hack the voting process and 2) Trump knew that was going on and went along with it.

Would that be grounds for impeachment or not?

Sure it would, but you're not going to find anything chasing a fairytale. The left is going to do all they can to make this election look illegitimate. It's been the plan all along.
Note that the whole "Da Ruskies did it, I tells ya!" story didn't really come out until after all the other attempts to halt Trump failed.
So lets say we find out in a couple of months that 1) The Russians really did hack the voting process and 2) Trump knew that was going on and went along with it.

Would that be grounds for impeachment or not?

Sure it would, but you're not going to find anything chasing a fairytale. The left is going to do all they can to make this election look illegitimate. It's been the plan all along.
Note that the whole "Da Ruskies did it, I tells ya!" story didn't really come out until after all the other attempts to halt Trump failed.

First they used it to try and sway the electors to vote against Trump in the states he won. Afterwards, they are going to use it to try and say Trump didn't win fairly.

It's the mantra they've been using the last three elections. They have to convince their sheep that they really didn't lose; the country is still heading full force to progressivism; the Republican party is one of old white men who are dying off.

By admitting that Bush and Trump won fair and square is admitting the people reject their commie progressive ideas and policies. They can't have any of that.
There's just 40 people left down there. He's done a pretty good job.

He sure has. Sending terrorists back out there to kill more people (possibly Americans) is a real good job. What do you consider a bad job for crying out loud?

An election where you lose the popular vote and a foreign power tampered with the process? I think that looks pretty illegitimate all on its own.

They didn't tamper with anything. More left-wing BS excuses from the party of excuses.
Note that the whole "Da Ruskies did it, I tells ya!" story didn't really come out until after all the other attempts to halt Trump failed.

You mean when it was actually DISCOVERED.

Here's the thing. EVERY Last poll had Hillary leading Trump in WI, MI and PA.

and suddenly the votes are counted, and she doesn't win those states?

Nope. Nothing to see here. Please ignore the fact that the Russians hacked the election.
He sure has. Sending terrorists back out there to kill more people (possibly Americans) is a real good job. What do you consider a bad job for crying out loud?

Getting us into another war for the Jews and Oil Companies on the other side of the world.

That will be an awful job.
Note that the whole "Da Ruskies did it, I tells ya!" story didn't really come out until after all the other attempts to halt Trump failed.

You mean when it was actually DISCOVERED.

Here's the thing. EVERY Last poll had Hillary leading Trump in WI, MI and PA.

and suddenly the votes are counted, and she doesn't win those states?

Nope. Nothing to see here. Please ignore the fact that the Russians hacked the election.
One, there is no credible evidence that anyone actually changed Hillary votes to Trump votes. If you have any, produce it or don't claim they did. "The Russians hacked the election" is a nice, gauzy, emotional phrase that doesn't really mean anything unless you can say what they actually did and how it changed the outcome. While you're at it, you can also explain why it is so horrible that a foreign country would be interested in the outcome of our election, to the point that they would try to influence it, when we routinely do the same thing around the world. Heck, we don't always even wait for an election. If we don't like a government, we've been known to violently topple it and put one we like better in its place.

Two, since the only "hacking" left that anyone's talking about is the DNC emails that came out right before the election, why does it bother you so bad that the truth was revealed and people were able to see the DNC for the corrupt organization it is? Obviously, you are VERY incensed that the truth cost Hillary the election (assuming that was what tipped the scales). She was a truly awful candidate, after all.

Three, if you were a lifelong democrat who decided to vote for Trump instead of Hillary, would you state that publicly? You know, don't you, that it was democrats voting for Trump that pushed him over the top in those states, right?
Note that the whole "Da Ruskies did it, I tells ya!" story didn't really come out until after all the other attempts to halt Trump failed.

You mean when it was actually DISCOVERED.

Here's the thing. EVERY Last poll had Hillary leading Trump in WI, MI and PA.

and suddenly the votes are counted, and she doesn't win those states?

Nope. Nothing to see here. Please ignore the fact that the Russians hacked the election.

Those polls are not science. They've been wrong in the past, wrong in the present, and will be wrong in the future.

This time they were not trying to predict the results, they were trying to shape the results. Word has it Hillary was so drunk that night she couldn't have accepted the presidency if she wanted. She was in no shape for a public appearance. Apparently even she knew the polls were trying to rig the election and that she was indeed going to lose.

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