Unimaginable arrogance

One, there is no credible evidence that anyone actually changed Hillary votes to Trump votes. If you have any, produce it or don't claim they did. "The Russians hacked the election" is a nice, gauzy, emotional phrase that doesn't really mean anything unless you can say what they actually did and how it changed the outcome.

There was no evidence Obama was born in Kenya, you guys said it for 8 years.

There was no evidence that Hillary leaked classified information, you guys said it for years.

There was no evidence Hillary had any fault in Chris Stevens Death, you guys said it for years.

Now you guys want "evidence"? You just don't want an actual investigation. Nope, you had results in states that contradicted every poll, but nothing to see here.

While you're at it, you can also explain why it is so horrible that a foreign country would be interested in the outcome of our election, to the point that they would try to influence it, when we routinely do the same thing around the world. Heck, we don't always even wait for an election. If we don't like a government, we've been known to violently topple it and put one we like better in its place.

So now you are defending the Russians imposing Trump on us because we've done the same thing in the past? Really?

Two, since the only "hacking" left that anyone's talking about is the DNC emails that came out right before the election, why does it bother you so bad that the truth was revealed and people were able to see the DNC for the corrupt organization it is? Obviously, you are VERY incensed that the truth cost Hillary the election (assuming that was what tipped the scales). She was a truly awful candidate, after all.

No, she was a perfectly fine candidate. We are just an awful country.

Well, 46% of us, anyway.
Three, if you were a lifelong democrat who decided to vote for Trump instead of Hillary, would you state that publicly? You know, don't you, that it was democrats voting for Trump that pushed him over the top in those states, right?

Here's the thing... no such thing happened.

Trump actually got a lower percentage of the vote than Romney did.

What probably did happen, assuming the Russians didn't rig the vote, which they probably did, was that enough people looked at the polls, figured that Hillary was well enough ahead of Trump, that they could do a protest vote for Stein or Johnson or McCullah and still not have to worry about an Orange Nazi Buffoon taking over the country.
One, there is no credible evidence that anyone actually changed Hillary votes to Trump votes. If you have any, produce it or don't claim they did. "The Russians hacked the election" is a nice, gauzy, emotional phrase that doesn't really mean anything unless you can say what they actually did and how it changed the outcome.

There was no evidence Obama was born in Kenya, you guys said it for 8 years.

There was no evidence that Hillary leaked classified information, you guys said it for years.

There was no evidence Hillary had any fault in Chris Stevens Death, you guys said it for years.

Now you guys want "evidence"? You just don't want an actual investigation. Nope, you had results in states that contradicted every poll, but nothing to see here.

I never said any of those things. Thus, you have no position from which to criticize me being skeptical now.

While you're at it, you can also explain why it is so horrible that a foreign country would be interested in the outcome of our election, to the point that they would try to influence it, when we routinely do the same thing around the world. Heck, we don't always even wait for an election. If we don't like a government, we've been known to violently topple it and put one we like better in its place.

So now you are defending the Russians imposing Trump on us because we've done the same thing in the past? Really?

How is it defending something (that may or may not have happened) to note that we do the same things? You're getting all upshook at the mere possibility that someone from outside the country swayed enough voters by exposing the truth about Hillary and the DNC and cost her the coronation, but think what we do around the world is of no consequence?

Two, since the only "hacking" left that anyone's talking about is the DNC emails that came out right before the election, why does it bother you so bad that the truth was revealed and people were able to see the DNC for the corrupt organization it is? Obviously, you are VERY incensed that the truth cost Hillary the election (assuming that was what tipped the scales). She was a truly awful candidate, after all.

No, she was a perfectly fine candidate. We are just an awful country.

Well, 46% of us, anyway.
Dude, Hillary lost to Trump (must I remind you of your opinion of his political acumen?) and you're saying she was a "perfectly fine candidate". Do you have ANY idea how ludicrous you sound?
Three, if you were a lifelong democrat who decided to vote for Trump instead of Hillary, would you state that publicly? You know, don't you, that it was democrats voting for Trump that pushed him over the top in those states, right?

Here's the thing... no such thing happened.

Trump actually got a lower percentage of the vote than Romney did.

What probably did happen, assuming the Russians didn't rig the vote, which they probably did, was that enough people looked at the polls, figured that Hillary was well enough ahead of Trump, that they could do a protest vote for Stein or Johnson or McCullah and still not have to worry about an Orange Nazi Buffoon taking over the country.
One, what exactly did the Russians do to "rig the vote"? I have yet to see any credible assertion of what they did.

Two, what does it say about the democrat candidate's quality that democrat voters were casting protest votes against her? You say she was a perfectly fine candidate. Perfectly find candidates don't cause protest votes.

Three, she lost. Trump will be the next president, and that makes a lot of people very happy. Millions of them, in fact.
One, there is no credible evidence that anyone actually changed Hillary votes to Trump votes. If you have any, produce it or don't claim they did. "The Russians hacked the election" is a nice, gauzy, emotional phrase that doesn't really mean anything unless you can say what they actually did and how it changed the outcome.

There was no evidence Obama was born in Kenya, you guys said it for 8 years.

There was no evidence that Hillary leaked classified information, you guys said it for years.

There was no evidence Hillary had any fault in Chris Stevens Death, you guys said it for years.

Now you guys want "evidence"? You just don't want an actual investigation. Nope, you had results in states that contradicted every poll, but nothing to see here.

While you're at it, you can also explain why it is so horrible that a foreign country would be interested in the outcome of our election, to the point that they would try to influence it, when we routinely do the same thing around the world. Heck, we don't always even wait for an election. If we don't like a government, we've been known to violently topple it and put one we like better in its place.

So now you are defending the Russians imposing Trump on us because we've done the same thing in the past? Really?

Two, since the only "hacking" left that anyone's talking about is the DNC emails that came out right before the election, why does it bother you so bad that the truth was revealed and people were able to see the DNC for the corrupt organization it is? Obviously, you are VERY incensed that the truth cost Hillary the election (assuming that was what tipped the scales). She was a truly awful candidate, after all.

No, she was a perfectly fine candidate. We are just an awful country.

Well, 46% of us, anyway.

Hacking from Russia is happening as much as we hack them............. the DNC emails specifically was a type of phishing any of us might get in our mail boxes. Podesta was stupid and opened it up.

DNC is not a government agency and the servers were never even examined.

China hacked us. This was a scam to get a key and it opened a door to an unexpected treasure that was handed to wiki.

That phish might have gone out to thousands (100x) of emails across the country that same day and a few hundred might have opened it. You think "Putin" cares what they all write on their emails?

Kids are out there trading codes on the dark web and among themselves, even trading info they find on computers.

To say the emails were ordered by putin or a plot to bring down the election is a leap off the grand canon. Corruptions and lies were uncovered and it was leaked. It opened our eyes to the truths of what goes on behind the well staged scene. We got a peek behind the curtain of the "great and powerful Oz" because a little dog tugged on a corner of material. Neither Dorothy or the witch or any other planned or ordered or knew he would do it.
I never said any of those things. Thus, you have no position from which to criticize me being skeptical now.

You work on the assumption that I see you personally as that important.

Spoiler Alert- I don't. I was talking about the Right Wing in general.

Don't worry, "The Russians Hacked the Election" will be the theme in people's mind long after people have forgotten the details. It will actually be helpful to some of you wingnuts. "Yeah I voted for the creep, and I lost my job. But it wasn't my fault. It was those Damned Russians!!!"

How is it defending something (that may or may not have happened) to note that we do the same things? You're getting all upshook at the mere possibility that someone from outside the country swayed enough voters by exposing the truth about Hillary and the DNC and cost her the coronation, but think what we do around the world is of no consequence?

I'm sorry, what "Truth" was that? That people in the DNC didn't like Bernie Sanders all that much? Or maybe it was all the fake news that showed up in Facebook feeds that stupid people believed. Or maybe the russians really did hack the voting machines...

But it's okay, because Nixon overthrew Allende back in the 1970's....

Dude, Hillary lost to Trump (must I remind you of your opinion of his political acumen?) and you're saying she was a "perfectly fine candidate". Do you have ANY idea how ludicrous you sound?

No, Ludicrious is electing Trump because you guys think you are going to get something out of while he's busy wrecking the country. You "Von Papen" Republicans are the worst of the lot. You know it's wrong, you are going along with it anyway.
To say the emails were ordered by putin or a plot to bring down the election is a leap off the grand canon. Corruptions and lies were uncovered and it was leaked. It opened our eyes to the truths of what goes on behind the well staged scene. We got a peek behind the curtain of the "great and powerful Oz" because a little dog tugged on a corner of material. Neither Dorothy or the witch or any other planned or ordered or knew he would do it.

Again, I'll take the word of 17 intelligence agencies over an idiot who doesn't know the difference between 'canon" and "canyon".

you see, the thing is, what was 'revealed" in those emails weren't a big deal, but the way the Russians packaged them (with the help of the MSM) made them look more serious than they were.

But again, the Russians did more than that. The fake news stories, and perhaps hacking the actual vote count.
To say the emails were ordered by putin or a plot to bring down the election is a leap off the grand canon. Corruptions and lies were uncovered and it was leaked. It opened our eyes to the truths of what goes on behind the well staged scene. We got a peek behind the curtain of the "great and powerful Oz" because a little dog tugged on a corner of material. Neither Dorothy or the witch or any other planned or ordered or knew he would do it.

Again, I'll take the word of 17 intelligence agencies over an idiot who doesn't know the difference between 'canon" and "canyon".

you see, the thing is, what was 'revealed" in those emails weren't a big deal, but the way the Russians packaged them (with the help of the MSM) made them look more serious than they were.

But again, the Russians did more than that. The fake news stories, and perhaps hacking the actual vote count.

its arthritis
I never said any of those things. Thus, you have no position from which to criticize me being skeptical now.

You work on the assumption that I see you personally as that important.

Spoiler Alert- I don't. I was talking about the Right Wing in general.

Don't worry, "The Russians Hacked the Election" will be the theme in people's mind long after people have forgotten the details. It will actually be helpful to some of you wingnuts. "Yeah I voted for the creep, and I lost my job. But it wasn't my fault. It was those Damned Russians!!!"

Which is my point. There's no substance to "The Russians Hacked the Election". It's just an otherwise meaningless emotional term designed to generate fear and outrage in gullible lefties and democrats (but I repeat myself). Good to know that you see it too.

How is it defending something (that may or may not have happened) to note that we do the same things? You're getting all upshook at the mere possibility that someone from outside the country swayed enough voters by exposing the truth about Hillary and the DNC and cost her the coronation, but think what we do around the world is of no consequence?

I'm sorry, what "Truth" was that? That people in the DNC didn't like Bernie Sanders all that much? Or maybe it was all the fake news that showed up in Facebook feeds that stupid people believed. Or maybe the russians really did hack the voting machines...

Present the evidence of such modifications to the machines or admit you're wildly speculating, hoping desperately somebody will dredge up something.

But it's okay, because Nixon overthrew Allende back in the 1970's....

Dude, Hillary lost to Trump (must I remind you of your opinion of his political acumen?) and you're saying she was a "perfectly fine candidate". Do you have ANY idea how ludicrous you sound?

No, Ludicrious is electing Trump because you guys think you are going to get something out of while he's busy wrecking the country. You "Von Papen" Republicans are the worst of the lot. You know it's wrong, you are going along with it anyway.
I know I'm happy that Hillary won't be in the White House without a visitor's pass. That's a good thing, and if we have to take Trump to get it, so be it.

So, to recap, you're admitting that the "hacking" didn't really have any impact on the election and that it's only a political ruse. Good to know that you're only screaming into a hurricane.
Don't worry, "The Russians Hacked the Election" will be the theme in people's mind long after people have forgotten the details.

Now you're starting to learn something. Yes, it will be on the minds of uninformed voters just like Bush was selected and not elected, or that Diebold rigged the election for Bush. Both a total lie, but again, it sticks in the minds of the sheep and that's all that counts. Democrats know how to pull the strings.
Three, if you were a lifelong democrat who decided to vote for Trump instead of Hillary, would you state that publicly? You know, don't you, that it was democrats voting for Trump that pushed him over the top in those states, right?

Here's the thing... no such thing happened.

Trump actually got a lower percentage of the vote than Romney did.

What probably did happen, assuming the Russians didn't rig the vote, which they probably did, was that enough people looked at the polls, figured that Hillary was well enough ahead of Trump, that they could do a protest vote for Stein or Johnson or McCullah and still not have to worry about an Orange Nazi Buffoon taking over the country.

Then don't blame the Russians, blame the Democrat voters.
Which is my point. There's no substance to "The Russians Hacked the Election". It's just an otherwise meaningless emotional term designed to generate fear and outrage in gullible lefties and democrats (but I repeat myself). Good to know that you see it too.

No, "Make America Great Again" is a meaningless emotional term. People should be outraged that the Russians did what they did, and we need to keep an eye on what Trump is going to give Putin in return for his "help".

Present the evidence of such modifications to the machines or admit you're wildly speculating, hoping desperately somebody will dredge up something.

Actually, it's more on the Trumpkins to prove they didn't... not on me to prove they did. All I have to say is things like, "Every poll had Hillary leading in Wisconsin, and then that happened?" and "Hey, there are no paper ballots in PA".

I know I'm happy that Hillary won't be in the White House without a visitor's pass. That's a good thing, and if we have to take Trump to get it, so be it.

Isn't that like cutting off your nose to spite your face. I honestly wonder how fucked up you have to be to know Trump will ruin millions of lives, but man, you finally showed that bitch, you did.
Then don't blame the Russians, blame the Democrat voters.

Nope, I still blame the Russians...

Now Trump can easily allay these gripes by 1) Supporting a full and complete investigation and 2) Keeping sanctions on Russia until they vacate the Ukraine.

You blame the Russians even though it was your leader that didn't take cyber threats seriously; your leader that didn't do anything about it?

I'll tell ya, when DumBama first came in, all the things he did completely wrong you blamed on GW. After that, you blamed all his failures on the Republican Congress. Now you are blaming his faults on Putin. Then you wonder why we call the Democrat party the party of excuses? You leftists seem to have millions of them.
You blame the Russians even though it was your leader that didn't take cyber threats seriously; your leader that didn't do anything about it?

What was he supposed to do about it, exactly? I'm curious. (That and we didn't know it was the Russians for sure until after the election.)

I'll tell ya, when DumBama first came in, all the things he did completely wrong you blamed on GW. After that, you blamed all his failures on the Republican Congress. Now you are blaming his faults on Putin. Then you wonder why we call the Democrat party the party of excuses? You leftists seem to have millions of them.

Except I don't think he did anything all that wrong. He sheperded an economic recovery despite the best efforts of the GOP to sabotage it. He got us the fuck out of Iraq.

Failure is what Bush was- Recession and War. Obama brought us peace and prosperity.

Not to worry, Trump will bring back Recession and War, and you'll lap that shit up.
Except I don't think he did anything all that wrong. He sheperded an economic recovery despite the best efforts of the GOP to sabotage it. He got us the fuck out of Iraq.

Failure is what Bush was- Recession and War. Obama brought us peace and prosperity.

Not to worry, Trump will bring back Recession and War, and you'll lap that shit up.

He may. After all, the stock market is as phony as Commie Care. Trillions dumped into the market that is nothing more than a bubble. All bubbles burst.

The recovery was in spite of DumBama--not because of him. Can you name me one positive thing he's done for our US businesses? Was it burdening them with Commie Care? Higher corporate taxes? The thousands of new regulations on businesses? What was it?

Obama is the most anti-business President we've ever had in this country.

What was he supposed to do about it, exactly? I'm curious. (That and we didn't know it was the Russians for sure until after the election.)

He's supposed to beef up our cyber security, put money into new technology, and hire the best in the country to stop Russia (just to name one country out of many) from constantly invading our electronic messaging.
He may. After all, the stock market is as phony as Commie Care. Trillions dumped into the market that is nothing more than a bubble. All bubbles burst.

So you are already making excuses for the Trump Recession. You work on that.

The recovery was in spite of DumBama--not because of him. Can you name me one positive thing he's done for our US businesses? Was it burdening them with Commie Care? Higher corporate taxes? The thousands of new regulations on businesses? What was it?

The Stimulus. The fact that he bailed them out when they made bad decisions and put in rules to keep them from fucking it up again.

The problem with capitalism is capitalists. They are too damned greedy. As we are about to find out again.

He's supposed to beef up our cyber security, put money into new technology, and hire the best in the country to stop Russia (just to name one country out of many) from constantly invading our electronic messaging.

Private corporations spend BILLIONS of dollars on that every year... and they still get hacked.

Point was, the Russians didn't hack the government.. they hacked a private entity.

And possibly state level actors... but we'll still have to find out about that.
So you are already making excuses for the Trump Recession. You work on that.

Not excuses, we've been saying that for years now. Do you really believe that the market is reflecting our economy?

The Stimulus. The fact that he bailed them out when they made bad decisions and put in rules to keep them from fucking it up again.

The problem with capitalism is capitalists. They are too damned greedy. As we are about to find out again.

The Pork Bill didn't have any effect on the economy. Do you really think that extra fifteen or twenty bucks in our paychecks stimulated anything? All it did was deplete the already troubled Social Security trust fund.

Our economy today is mostly due to lower fuel prices which the Democrats are against. Thanks to fracking, our fuel prices put money in the pockets of just about all Americans.

Private corporations spend BILLIONS of dollars on that every year... and they still get hacked.

Point was, the Russians didn't hack the government.. they hacked a private entity.

And possibly state level actors... but we'll still have to find out about that.

Yeah, find out. There is so much to find out. Hey! I'll give you some hacking I did on my own. I'll give you John Podesta's email password, it was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. Genius, huh? How could the Russians possibly have figured that out.
Not excuses, we've been saying that for years now. Do you really believe that the market is reflecting our economy?

Obviously not. When it hits 20K on the black guys watch, he must have cheated.

You see, whenever a brother succeeds, he must have cheated.

The Pork Bill didn't have any effect on the economy. Do you really think that extra fifteen or twenty bucks in our paychecks stimulated anything? All it did was deplete the already troubled Social Security trust fund.

Our economy today is mostly due to lower fuel prices which the Democrats are against. Thanks to fracking, our fuel prices put money in the pockets of just about all Americans.

Guy, get real. Gas is still pretty fucking expensive. I know it would fucking KILL you to give the black guy credit for anything, tho...

Yeah, find out. There is so much to find out. Hey! I'll give you some hacking I did on my own. I'll give you John Podesta's email password, it was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. Genius, huh? How could the Russians possibly have figured that out.

So Obama was supposed to go over to Podestas house and change his password? I'm still trying to get what you are arguing here, Ray.

Here's the thing. The Russians made a concerted effort to get Trump elected over the will of the American people. Aren't you a little curious as to why?
So Obama was supposed to go over to Podestas house and change his password? I'm still trying to get what you are arguing here, Ray.

Here's the thing. The Russians made a concerted effort to get Trump elected over the will of the American people. Aren't you a little curious as to why?

I'm arguing that the Democrats really cared less about the security of this nation yet alone their own emails. It wasn't an issue until they lost the election and needed a good excuse as to why.

If you're under the impression Russia (or any other country for that matter) just started hacking, then the Democrat party has you hook, line and sinker. Nations try to do this to each other all the time. Just look up what DumBama did with Israel's election. This isn't breaking news. The Democrats didn't care about hacking when they thought Hil-Liar had it in the bag. And if she won, there would be no word about Russia yet alone trying to seek revenge.

Guy, get real. Gas is still pretty fucking expensive. I know it would fucking KILL you to give the black guy credit for anything, tho...

Utter bull. Gasoline here is about $2.35 a gallon. How much cheaper do you want it? Natural gas prices are down as well, very important in the winter time. When the prices dropped, I have coworkers who saved over $150.00 a month between gasoline and natural gas alone. Again, more money in the pockets of Americans means more economic activity. That stimulates the economy.

And no, I don't credit DumBama. It has nothing to do with his race, it has to do with him trying to make fuel more expensive like when he shut down all those coal fired power plants and forced existing ones to invest millions and millions of dollars in cleaner energy. Where do you think those electric companies are going to get that money?

Obviously not. When it hits 20K on the black guys watch, he must have cheated.

You see, whenever a brother succeeds, he must have cheated.

He didn't cheat. Quantitive Easing is perfectly legal. But that doesn't discount the fact that those trillions of dollars pumped up the market to outrageous artificial levels. Why do you suppose the rich have never gotten richer under DumBama? It's because they knew the game was fixed.

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