Unimaginable arrogance

Again, I can’t even begin to imagine the level of audacity it takes to be this arrogant...
This miserable PoS thinks she gets to have a say in how Americans live their lives and spend their money.

Poodle lives in mortal horror we might feed poor people than let rich people have fancy boats.
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.

Not really my job.

How many poor people did Daddy Warbuck feed sailing around in the SS Hubris?
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.
Trump gave at least $1 million to United Way. The foundation has supported Citymeals-on-Wheels and the National Network to End Domestic Violence, among others. Trump also focuses on New York, giving grants to outfits such as New York City Police Foundation, Ronald McDonald House of New York, and New Yorkers For Parks, among others. Trump also gives sums to Florida organizations. The foundation has also given assorted sums to celebrity charities such as the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which deals with domestic violence.

Trump also recently announced that he was donating $1.1 million of his own personal money to Marine Corps—Law Enforcement Foundation. He also helped net $4.5 million for some two dozen veterans groups including American Hero Adventures in Eugene, Oregon, which provides "stress relieving, and bonding activities to the combat wounded... and their families"; Navy Seal Foundation; and Veterans Airlift Command.
I can't even imagine the type of arrogance it takes to make these statements. For starters, all Barack Obama ever thinks about is Barack Obama and his "legacy". Second, he's so drunk with power that he doesn't even realize he will have no power to do anything about Donald Trump's policies.

"President Barack Obama used the final weekly address of his presidency to ensure the American people that despite leaving the White House in less than three weeks, he will remain vigilant of President-elect Donald Trump over the next four years to ensure the “progress” made by his administration is not undone under Trump."

Watch: Obama has no plans to leave your life after he vacates the White House on Jan. 20

I can't even imagine the amount of STUPIDITY it takes to make this statement. Obama was aware of Trump's ties to Russia and the lies he was telling. You bet your ASS he was going to be vigilant.

He's also leading a program to reverse gerrymandering. Obama isn't President. Neither is Bill Clinton. But all of the "Living Presidents" have come out against the treasonous asshole currently in the White House. Minimizing the damage by this treasonous weasel is job 1 for every American who cares about the country.

Even the Republicans in the Senate threw him under the bus last night. It won't be the last time.
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.

Not really my job.

How many poor people did Daddy Warbuck feed sailing around in the SS Hubris?
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.
Trump gave at least $1 million to United Way. The foundation has supported Citymeals-on-Wheels and the National Network to End Domestic Violence, among others. Trump also focuses on New York, giving grants to outfits such as New York City Police Foundation, Ronald McDonald House of New York, and New Yorkers For Parks, among others. Trump also gives sums to Florida organizations. The foundation has also given assorted sums to celebrity charities such as the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which deals with domestic violence.

Trump also recently announced that he was donating $1.1 million of his own personal money to Marine Corps—Law Enforcement Foundation. He also helped net $4.5 million for some two dozen veterans groups including American Hero Adventures in Eugene, Oregon, which provides "stress relieving, and bonding activities to the combat wounded... and their families"; Navy Seal Foundation; and Veterans Airlift Command.

Boy you sure picked the wrong hill to die on. Did the check clear? Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years. He is the least charitable President in history. In fact, he's under investigation for it's activities.

His Foundation has been dissolved for illegal fundraising, failing to file proper financial statements, and using donated funds for personal reasons. Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric may face criminal charges for breach of fiduciary trust, and have been barred from serving on the board of directors of any charity for the rest of their lives.

Trump's "Foundation" was yet another scam. Trump used the money to bribe public officials (fined by the IRS for that one), buy a portrait of himself, and sports memorabiliia, and to settle his court cases.
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.

Not really my job.

How many poor people did Daddy Warbuck feed sailing around in the SS Hubris?
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.
Trump gave at least $1 million to United Way. The foundation has supported Citymeals-on-Wheels and the National Network to End Domestic Violence, among others. Trump also focuses on New York, giving grants to outfits such as New York City Police Foundation, Ronald McDonald House of New York, and New Yorkers For Parks, among others. Trump also gives sums to Florida organizations. The foundation has also given assorted sums to celebrity charities such as the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which deals with domestic violence.

Trump also recently announced that he was donating $1.1 million of his own personal money to Marine Corps—Law Enforcement Foundation. He also helped net $4.5 million for some two dozen veterans groups including American Hero Adventures in Eugene, Oregon, which provides "stress relieving, and bonding activities to the combat wounded... and their families"; Navy Seal Foundation; and Veterans Airlift Command.

Boy you sure picked the wrong hill to die on. Did the check clear? Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years. He is the least charitable President in history. In fact, he's under investigation for it's activities.

His Foundation has been dissolved for illegal fundraising, failing to file proper financial statements, and using donated funds for personal reasons. Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric may face criminal charges for breach of fiduciary trust, and have been barred from serving on the board of directors of any charity for the rest of their lives.

Trump's "Foundation" was yet another scam. Trump used the money to bribe public officials (fined by the IRS for that one), buy a portrait of himself, and sports memorabiliia, and to settle his court cases.
/----/ "Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years."
Stop lying - you know perfectly well the President donates his salary every quarter to charity. You libtards have no shame. It's just lie, after lie, after lie...
Trump Donated His 2018 Third-Quarter Salary to an Organization That Funds Alcoholism Research
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.

Not really my job.

How many poor people did Daddy Warbuck feed sailing around in the SS Hubris?
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.
Trump gave at least $1 million to United Way. The foundation has supported Citymeals-on-Wheels and the National Network to End Domestic Violence, among others. Trump also focuses on New York, giving grants to outfits such as New York City Police Foundation, Ronald McDonald House of New York, and New Yorkers For Parks, among others. Trump also gives sums to Florida organizations. The foundation has also given assorted sums to celebrity charities such as the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which deals with domestic violence.

Trump also recently announced that he was donating $1.1 million of his own personal money to Marine Corps—Law Enforcement Foundation. He also helped net $4.5 million for some two dozen veterans groups including American Hero Adventures in Eugene, Oregon, which provides "stress relieving, and bonding activities to the combat wounded... and their families"; Navy Seal Foundation; and Veterans Airlift Command.

Boy you sure picked the wrong hill to die on. Did the check clear? Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years. He is the least charitable President in history. In fact, he's under investigation for it's activities.

His Foundation has been dissolved for illegal fundraising, failing to file proper financial statements, and using donated funds for personal reasons. Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric may face criminal charges for breach of fiduciary trust, and have been barred from serving on the board of directors of any charity for the rest of their lives.

Trump's "Foundation" was yet another scam. Trump used the money to bribe public officials (fined by the IRS for that one), buy a portrait of himself, and sports memorabiliia, and to settle his court cases.
/----/ "Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years."
Stop lying - you know perfectly well the President donates his salary every quarter to charity. You libtards have no shame. It's just lie, after lie, after lie...
Trump Donated His 2018 Third-Quarter Salary to an Organization That Funds Alcoholism Research

Yes, he "donates" his salary. $400,000 a year. How much does he bill the American public for his golf trips to Mar-a-lago. $1 million per weekend to go to Mar-a-lago or Bedminster. He's bill the American people more for golf carts for the SS than he would have received in salary. He bills the taxpayers for hotels, meals, golf carts for the SS to follow him around.

This is a classic con-man trick. "No, no, I can't take your money. I just want to help". It builds trust. And then you discover that while he was turning down the money you offered, he was cleaning out your bank account. Trump signed himself a multi-million dollar tax cut. What's a paltry $400,00.

One of the things Democrats are looking into is how much Donald Trump's business interests are billing the American taxpayers for Trump's weekly "vacations".
Last edited:
I can't even imagine the type of arrogance it takes to make these statements. For starters, all Barack Obama ever thinks about is Barack Obama and his "legacy". Second, he's so drunk with power that he doesn't even realize he will have no power to do anything about Donald Trump's policies.

"President Barack Obama used the final weekly address of his presidency to ensure the American people that despite leaving the White House in less than three weeks, he will remain vigilant of President-elect Donald Trump over the next four years to ensure the “progress” made by his administration is not undone under Trump."

Watch: Obama has no plans to leave your life after he vacates the White House on Jan. 20
too bad we couldn't give him 8 more years in the WH, and the moron there now 8 years in jail with his lying cheating family
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.

Not really my job.

How many poor people did Daddy Warbuck feed sailing around in the SS Hubris?
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.
Trump gave at least $1 million to United Way. The foundation has supported Citymeals-on-Wheels and the National Network to End Domestic Violence, among others. Trump also focuses on New York, giving grants to outfits such as New York City Police Foundation, Ronald McDonald House of New York, and New Yorkers For Parks, among others. Trump also gives sums to Florida organizations. The foundation has also given assorted sums to celebrity charities such as the Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation, which deals with domestic violence.

Trump also recently announced that he was donating $1.1 million of his own personal money to Marine Corps—Law Enforcement Foundation. He also helped net $4.5 million for some two dozen veterans groups including American Hero Adventures in Eugene, Oregon, which provides "stress relieving, and bonding activities to the combat wounded... and their families"; Navy Seal Foundation; and Veterans Airlift Command.

Boy you sure picked the wrong hill to die on. Did the check clear? Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years. He is the least charitable President in history. In fact, he's under investigation for it's activities.

His Foundation has been dissolved for illegal fundraising, failing to file proper financial statements, and using donated funds for personal reasons. Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric may face criminal charges for breach of fiduciary trust, and have been barred from serving on the board of directors of any charity for the rest of their lives.

Trump's "Foundation" was yet another scam. Trump used the money to bribe public officials (fined by the IRS for that one), buy a portrait of himself, and sports memorabiliia, and to settle his court cases.
/----/ "Donald Trump hasn't made a real donation to charity in years."
Stop lying - you know perfectly well the President donates his salary every quarter to charity. You libtards have no shame. It's just lie, after lie, after lie...
Trump Donated His 2018 Third-Quarter Salary to an Organization That Funds Alcoholism Research

Yes, he "donates" his salary. $400,000 a year. How much does he bill the American public for his golf trips to Mar-a-lago. $1 million per weekend to go to Mar-a-lago or Bedminster. He's bill the American people more for golf carts for the SS than he would have received in salary. He bills the taxpayers for hotels, meals, golf carts for the SS to follow him around.

One of the things Democrats are looking into is how much Donald Trump's business interests are billing the American taxpayers for Trump's weekly "vacations".
/---/ Caught in another lie - so you twist it around and move the goal posts like a good little PROG useful idiot.
pretzel logic.jpg
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.

And how much did of that did he earn by underpaying the poor schlubs who work for him?

Dragon lady already mentioned Trump's various charity frauds, for which he is under investigation...

My point, however, is that the country works a lot better if working class folks can make a decent living and rich folks pay their fair share. We've done this... it worked fine. Then republicans pretty much fucked it up.
/---/ Too cute by half - who is Daddy Warbuck? BTW, the President donated more to charity in one year than you will earn in a lifetime.

And how much did of that did he earn by underpaying the poor schlubs who work for him?

Dragon lady already mentioned Trump's various charity frauds, for which he is under investigation...

My point, however, is that the country works a lot better if working class folks can make a decent living and rich folks pay their fair share. We've done this... it worked fine. Then republicans pretty much fucked it up.
/----/ The Prog Pretzel factory is hard at work this morning.
pretzel logic.jpg
Again, I can’t even begin to imagine the level of audacity it takes to be this arrogant...
This miserable PoS thinks she gets to have a say in how Americans live their lives and spend their money.

Poodle lives in mortal horror we might feed poor people than let rich people have fancy boats.
You mean like they do in Venezuela?
too bad we couldn't give...the moron there now 8 years in jail with his lying cheating family
So what made you so racist? There had to be some event in your life that caused you to be furious that President Trump has unemployment at record lows for blacks and hispanics.
/——/ How many poor people did you feed yesterday? None I bet.
Not really my job.
And there you have it, Ladies & Gentlemen. Indisputable proof that the left doesn’t care about people at all. It’s just a tactic for power.

(Psst...stupid....it’s really not the government’s job to feed people. In fact, it’s illegal/unconstitutional for them to do so but you’re just too stupid to know it)
Poodle lives in mortal horror we might feed poor people than let rich people have fancy boats.
Oh pussy....cat, you don’t get to “let” people do shit. We live in the United States. As much as you stew in misery over it, we are FREE to make our own choices.

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