Unimaginable arrogance

You clearly missed, 1:44 "Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment. Yet it is you, the members of the United States military who achieved it." "it" being the mission which was the "accomplishment". I am sorry but I cannot continue to spoonfeed you and teach you how to parse simple English.
Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.
Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.

Yeah, because big-ears pulled us out to win votes.
Why should President Obama send US soldiers to a hopeless cause after the mission was already accomplished?

Why should he pull them out handing the country over to ISIS? I'll tell you why, to buy votes from his constituents.

A lot of Americans died over there and many more injured, only to be thrown away to try and stay in the White House for another four years. We won't even get into the deaths and torture of the Iraqi citizens by these maniacs.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

Are you a Trump supporter? If you are, I understand now why your bar for what's arrogant is so low. Low bars and low thought are typical of Trump and his supporters. At least you are consistent.

Have any of the following crossed your mind?
  • Approximately half a million people live in Washington. A large quantity of them have and publicly share opinions about government and public policy. Some of them are solicited and some are not.
  • Obama's youngest daughter goes to school there.
  • This is 2017. You don't have to live in any particular place to be heard because we have inventions such as the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. We also have online and print editions of newspapers and other publications to which people can submit letters to the editor or even a real essay.
  • CNN and other cable news networks pay some of their news and commentary personalities millions per year. If Obama wants to, he could take a job doing something like that and it would not matter where he lives.
  • George W. has given some 200+ speeches since 2009. I'm sure you know the Clintons also give speeches. Obama will in all likelihood do the same. Obama isn't afraid of flying.
It's safe to say that lots of people will be asking for his opinions about all kinds of things. If he goes home to a house in Washington or one somewhere else has no bearing on that.

DumBama is staying there to be a pain in our ass. Watch how they run to him (or he to them) every time something controversial comes up. Like Bill Clinton, he won't be able to run in front of a camera fast enough.

Yeah, they can get to him anywhere in the country, but his kids can go to school anywhere in the country as well. That's a cheap excuse. It's all about the drama as usual with Democrats. He likely believes he will have more impact in the media if he's in Washington. Nobody will take him as serious if he's being interviewed in Hawaii or on a golf course somewhere.

I have nothing against him giving speeches. Let him make all he wants. But I don't want to see that bastard trying to interfere with this administration. It's no longer any of his business.

Well, if it's not his business, it's not yours or mine either, yet here we are airing our opinions.

If you know Obama can make speeches while living anywhere, and if you understand that physical placement is of no matter in the 21st century, why would you even reiterate an objection to his living in D.C. and assign significance to his doing so? What do you think is so special about his living in Washington instead of any other place? I've seen better arguments on an apron.


Have you raised kids? I don't know what makes you think anyone would force their child to change high schools if they don't have to. I don't know anyone would do that unless there's something really wrong with the school or the child being at the school.

Oh yes, it is our business. We voted for a total change in this country and we don't need him there meddling with this new administration. And as for his daughter, he and his wife are both college graduates. Certainly they can educate their own daughter at home the rest of the way.

Like I said, he's staying there for the theater. I wouldn't doubt if he'll running to the White House every week to fight with Trump, because Trump is about to undo nearly everything Obama has done and Obama is going to be there to try and stop him every step of the way.
No-class, arrogant son of a bitch. We will probably need a Constitutional Amendment because of this son of a bitch just like the last democrat son of a bitch who thought more of himself than the country and the sensible traditions of the office. The DNC breeds scumbags like fleas.
Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.
Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.

Yeah, because big-ears pulled us out to win votes.
Why should President Obama send US soldiers to a hopeless cause after the mission was already accomplished?

Why should he pull them out handing the country over to ISIS? I'll tell you why, to buy votes from his constituents.

A lot of Americans died over there and many more injured, only to be thrown away to try and stay in the White House for another four years. We won't even get into the deaths and torture of the Iraqi citizens by these maniacs.
A lot of American families gave their sons to regime change in places where most could not find on a map. Lots of children lost their dads and American veterans scarred physically and mentally for a war caused by George W Bush, Dick Chaney, and Donald Rumsfeld in a totally useless escapade based on lies about weapons of mass destruction. How dare you mention the dead American heroes to make your party political point on an internet site. Shame on you and on all those far right war mongers who together are not worth one drop of American blood on a war of vanity. A rotten shame to make lives miserable for American families and countless thousands of children and families in the Middle East with wars to destabilize countries who meant no harm to anyone in America. What a shameless lousy shower you people are.
Nobody can do more damage to this country than one who would have the ability to load the courts with liberal judges. All these terrorist attacks that happened within our border is no accident either. Now we have a President that might address that problem as well.

All these terrorist attacks? YOu mean a few random shooting by losers who werent' white?

So when are you going to call Sandy Hook, Aurora, VA Tech, Charleston "Terrorist Attacks"? Then we can treat the NRA as a terrorist organization. That works for me.

On a serious note, Trump will probably make terrorist attacks more likely. Because they know he'll overreact.
Why should he pull them out handing the country over to ISIS? I'll tell you why, to buy votes from his constituents.

A lot of Americans died over there and many more injured, only to be thrown away to try and stay in the White House for another four years. We won't even get into the deaths and torture of the Iraqi citizens by these maniacs.

I'm sorry, exactly who was benefiting for all the guys who died over there? Were we sending a portion of the oil proceeds to their families?

The point was, Obama pulled out because it was a war over a lie that wasn't worth one more American life.
It is simply the best thing since sliced bread to have these arrogant, smug, elitists who have been telling all the regular americans that they are a bunch of racists, have their own bullshit fed right back into their own dirty mouth caverns.

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I can't even imagine the type of arrogance it takes to make these statements. For starters, all Barack Obama ever thinks about is Barack Obama and his "legacy". Second, he's so drunk with power that he doesn't even realize he will have no power to do anything about Donald Trump's policies.

"President Barack Obama used the final weekly address of his presidency to ensure the American people that despite leaving the White House in less than three weeks, he will remain vigilant of President-elect Donald Trump over the next four years to ensure the “progress” made by his administration is not undone under Trump."

Well, since the people DID vote for Obama and DIDN'T vote for Trump, that seems reasonable.

But, hey, if Trump really wants to hand over the Ukraine to Russia, we should all point out that the Russians bought his election to start with.
Did Putin make these people vote for Obama and not Trump?
We voted for a total change in this country and we don't need him there meddling with this new administration.

NO, "We" didn't. Most of us voted against the Siberian Candidate.

It doesn't matter what "most" did, it matters who won the election; something you won't get over in four years and possibly eight.

We won--you lost. Now take your so-called leader and come back in four years to try again. We have a country to run.
Why should he pull them out handing the country over to ISIS? I'll tell you why, to buy votes from his constituents.

A lot of Americans died over there and many more injured, only to be thrown away to try and stay in the White House for another four years. We won't even get into the deaths and torture of the Iraqi citizens by these maniacs.

I'm sorry, exactly who was benefiting for all the guys who died over there? Were we sending a portion of the oil proceeds to their families?

The point was, Obama pulled out because it was a war over a lie that wasn't worth one more American life.

So give the country to terrorists and let all the lives that were lost be in vain?

DumBama didn't give a shit about one American life. DumBama cares about one person--DumBama.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? ...?

He shouldn't be different than all the presidents before him who had the class, dignity, and patriotism to let their successor govern without making a nuisance of themselves. Unfortunately, class, dignity, and patriotism are not qualities Obama has ever demonstrated a possession of or interest in.

It always seems to be a democrat who pisses on the valuable traditions of the presidency.

Why shouldn't he be? Is Trump not different from every presidential candidate who's come before him?

You can talk about what you think someone else should and should not do. That's your prerogative, but that all it is.

People shouldn't say dumb ass things and make weak arguments yet they do. People shouldn't tell half of a story, yet they do. People shouldn't misrepresent facts, yet they do. People shouldn't talk about things of which they are ill informed, yet they do. I just joined the forum, but I think if I look through your 62K+ posts, I'll find instances of you doing every one of those things. The question is how hard and long I have to look, but judging from your comment above, I'm guessing it be long or hard.
Nobody can do more damage to this country than one who would have the ability to load the courts with liberal judges. All these terrorist attacks that happened within our border is no accident either. Now we have a President that might address that problem as well.

All these terrorist attacks? YOu mean a few random shooting by losers who werent' white?

So when are you going to call Sandy Hook, Aurora, VA Tech, Charleston "Terrorist Attacks"? Then we can treat the NRA as a terrorist organization. That works for me.

On a serious note, Trump will probably make terrorist attacks more likely. Because they know he'll overreact.

Let's hope he does the exact opposite of Obama, secures our borders, stops people from terrorist countries from coming here, and let's our border patrol do their job. As of January 20th, the Syrian dumping ground is closed.
I can't even imagine the type of arrogance it takes to make these statements. For starters, all Barack Obama ever thinks about is Barack Obama and his "legacy". Second, he's so drunk with power that he doesn't even realize he will have no power to do anything about Donald Trump's policies.

"President Barack Obama used the final weekly address of his presidency to ensure the American people that despite leaving the White House in less than three weeks, he will remain vigilant of President-elect Donald Trump over the next four years to ensure the “progress” made by his administration is not undone under Trump."

Watch: Obama has no plans to leave your life after he vacates the White House on Jan. 20
I know things other people don't know.

I know more than the generals.

I'm the only one who can do it.

This is true ignorant arrogance.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

Are you a Trump supporter? If you are, I understand now why your bar for what's arrogant is so low. Low bars and low thought are typical of Trump and his supporters. At least you are consistent.

Have any of the following crossed your mind?
  • Approximately half a million people live in Washington. A large quantity of them have and publicly share opinions about government and public policy. Some of them are solicited and some are not.
  • Obama's youngest daughter goes to school there.
  • This is 2017. You don't have to live in any particular place to be heard because we have inventions such as the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. We also have online and print editions of newspapers and other publications to which people can submit letters to the editor or even a real essay.
  • CNN and other cable news networks pay some of their news and commentary personalities millions per year. If Obama wants to, he could take a job doing something like that and it would not matter where he lives.
  • George W. has given some 200+ speeches since 2009. I'm sure you know the Clintons also give speeches. Obama will in all likelihood do the same. Obama isn't afraid of flying.
It's safe to say that lots of people will be asking for his opinions about all kinds of things. If he goes home to a house in Washington or one somewhere else has no bearing on that.

DumBama is staying there to be a pain in our ass. Watch how they run to him (or he to them) every time something controversial comes up. Like Bill Clinton, he won't be able to run in front of a camera fast enough.

Yeah, they can get to him anywhere in the country, but his kids can go to school anywhere in the country as well. That's a cheap excuse. It's all about the drama as usual with Democrats. He likely believes he will have more impact in the media if he's in Washington. Nobody will take him as serious if he's being interviewed in Hawaii or on a golf course somewhere.

I have nothing against him giving speeches. Let him make all he wants. But I don't want to see that bastard trying to interfere with this administration. It's no longer any of his business.

Well, if it's not his business, it's not yours or mine either, yet here we are airing our opinions.

If you know Obama can make speeches while living anywhere, and if you understand that physical placement is of no matter in the 21st century, why would you even reiterate an objection to his living in D.C. and assign significance to his doing so? What do you think is so special about his living in Washington instead of any other place? I've seen better arguments on an apron.


Have you raised kids? I don't know what makes you think anyone would force their child to change high schools if they don't have to. I don't know anyone would do that unless there's something really wrong with the school or the child being at the school.

Oh yes, it is our business. We voted for a total change in this country and we don't need him there meddling with this new administration. And as for his daughter, he and his wife are both college graduates. Certainly they can educate their own daughter at home the rest of the way.

Like I said, he's staying there for the theater. I wouldn't doubt if he'll running to the White House every week to fight with Trump, because Trump is about to undo nearly everything Obama has done and Obama is going to be there to try and stop him every step of the way.

Okay. I understand now. You are one of those people who thinks what he thinks because he wants to think it and for whom it's right because he thinks it. That's fine. You do you.
Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.

Yeah, because big-ears pulled us out to win votes.
Why should President Obama send US soldiers to a hopeless cause after the mission was already accomplished?

Why should he pull them out handing the country over to ISIS? I'll tell you why, to buy votes from his constituents.

A lot of Americans died over there and many more injured, only to be thrown away to try and stay in the White House for another four years. We won't even get into the deaths and torture of the Iraqi citizens by these maniacs.
A lot of American families gave their sons to regime change in places where most could not find on a map. Lots of children lost their dads and American veterans scarred physically and mentally for a war caused by George W Bush, Dick Chaney, and Donald Rumsfeld in a totally useless escapade based on lies about weapons of mass destruction. How dare you mention the dead American heroes to make your party political point on an internet site. Shame on you and on all those far right war mongers who together are not worth one drop of American blood on a war of vanity. A rotten shame to make lives miserable for American families and countless thousands of children and families in the Middle East with wars to destabilize countries who meant no harm to anyone in America. What a shameless lousy shower you people are.

I will mention it because those Americans are worth my mentioning. While those solders were enlisting to fight for our country, you and your kind were out there protesting them. I'm sure that if they knew we would be stupid enough to elect somebody with a name like Hussein and he was going to make things worse, they would have just stayed home if they knew it was going to be for nothing.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? ...?

He shouldn't be different than all the presidents before him who had the class, dignity, and patriotism to let their successor govern without making a nuisance of themselves. Unfortunately, class, dignity, and patriotism are not qualities Obama has ever demonstrated a possession of or interest in.

It always seems to be a democrat who pisses on the valuable traditions of the presidency.

Why shouldn't he be? Is Trump not different from every presidential candidate who's come before him?

You can talk about what you think someone else should and should not do. That's your prerogative, but that all it is.

People shouldn't say dumb ass things and make weak arguments yet they do. People shouldn't tell half of a story, yet they do. People shouldn't misrepresent facts, yet they do. People shouldn't talk about things of which they are ill informed, yet they do. I just joined the forum, but I think if I look through your 62K+ posts, I'll find instances of you doing every one of those things. The question is how hard and long I have to look, but judging from your comment above, I'm guessing it be long or hard.

Go ahead.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.

Yeah, because big-ears pulled us out to win votes.
Why should President Obama send US soldiers to a hopeless cause after the mission was already accomplished?

Why should he pull them out handing the country over to ISIS? I'll tell you why, to buy votes from his constituents.

A lot of Americans died over there and many more injured, only to be thrown away to try and stay in the White House for another four years. We won't even get into the deaths and torture of the Iraqi citizens by these maniacs.
A lot of American families gave their sons to regime change in places where most could not find on a map. Lots of children lost their dads and American veterans scarred physically and mentally for a war caused by George W Bush, Dick Chaney, and Donald Rumsfeld in a totally useless escapade based on lies about weapons of mass destruction. How dare you mention the dead American heroes to make your party political point on an internet site. Shame on you and on all those far right war mongers who together are not worth one drop of American blood on a war of vanity. A rotten shame to make lives miserable for American families and countless thousands of children and families in the Middle East with wars to destabilize countries who meant no harm to anyone in America. What a shameless lousy shower you people are.

I will mention it because those Americans are worth my mentioning. While those solders were enlisting to fight for our country, you and your kind were out there protesting them. I'm sure that if they knew we would be stupid enough to elect somebody with a name like Hussein and he was going to make things worse, they would have just stayed home if they knew it was going to be for nothing.
You have no right to use the name of loyal Americans who gave their lives under orders from politicians who fed lies to the mothers who lost their sons in a vainglorious illegal war. There is blood on the hands of George W Bush and the unelected merchants of war, Dick Chaney and Donald Rumsfeld. Your mentioning the names of young American heroes to further your Republican politics is sickening. Shame on you!
lol. a butthurt snowflake trumptard whines about obama. complains about arrogance. LOL
You have to love libtards - they are so stupid and reliant on government that they can't even come up with their own terms. They have to steal conservative terms and even then they don't use them properly. :lol:

Hey stupid? "Snowflake" applies to the idiot progressives who have a complete meltdown when they don't get what they want. I got exactly what I wanted - the American people told Hitlery Clinton to go home and stay there. It's fall down hilarious that you had no idea what that term meant. :lol:
You have no right to use the name of loyal Americans who gave their lives under orders from politicians who fed lies to the mothers who lost their sons in a vainglorious illegal war. There is blood on the hands of George W Bush and the unelected merchants of war, Dick Chaney and Donald Rumsfeld. Your mentioning the names of young American heroes to further your Republican politics is sickening. Shame on you!
Cry me a river. Saddam Hussein was a mad man who should have been removed from power decades ago. Every man and woman in the military signed up for it.

The real question is why did all of those men and women die under Obama to remove our allies like Mubarak in Egypt and Qaddafi in Libya? Because Obama wants to advance the cause of radical islam. He even helped the Muslim Brotherhood assume power in Egypt after he helped oust Mubarak.

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