Unimaginable arrogance

Why wasn't he?????

Because the Democrats told FL and MI that if they held their primaries out of order, their delegates would not be counted. (The GOP said the same thing, and then waffled and allowed half their delegates to be counted) Obama and most of the other democrats abided by that and didn't put their names on the ballot in those states. Hillary did.

Only by counting those two states do you get 'Hillary got more votes than Obama".
Well, that was stupid. and if he ends up doing more damage tot he country, that's just fine with them, because Hillary didn't get in.

This is the problem with you nuts, you personify Santayana's definition of a fanatic.

Nobody can do more damage to this country than one who would have the ability to load the courts with liberal judges. All these terrorist attacks that happened within our border is no accident either. Now we have a President that might address that problem as well.
The difference between ultimate arrogance (above) and humility (below):

CALGARY, Alberta - Former President George W. Bush, making his first public speech since leaving office in January, says he wants Barack Obama to succeed and that it's "essential" to support the new leader.

Bush declined to critique the Obama administration in Tuesday's speech, saying the new president has enough critics and that he "deserves my silence."

Bush: President Obama 'deserves my silence'
You gd republicans ,you Obama haters call him arrogant??? When you voted in the most untrustworthy arrogant pos in America??? Shame on you all
Only a douche bag would use a term like "brownshirt" to refer to patriotic Americans.
really? Yet you helped elect the biggest douche of all. What a world
Sorry, but Hillary was the biggest douche bag of all. Everyone who voted for her is a shameless douche bag. You need professional help if you can't admit that Hillary is a douche bag.
Brownshirts like you helped elect the biggest douche of all. What a world
Only a douche bag would use a term like "brownshirt" to refer to patriotic Americans.
really? Yet you helped elect the biggest douche of all. What a world
Sorry, but Hillary was the biggest douche bag of all. Everyone who voted for her is a shameless douche bag. You need professional help if you can't admit that Hillary is a douche bag.
Brownshirts like you helped elect the biggest douche of all. What a world
As I already stated, Hillary is the biggest douche bag of all. Seek professional help.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

Are you a Trump supporter? If you are, I understand now why your bar for what's arrogant is so low. Low bars and low thought are typical of Trump and his supporters. At least you are consistent.

Have any of the following crossed your mind?
  • Approximately half a million people live in Washington. A large quantity of them have and publicly share opinions about government and public policy. Some of them are solicited and some are not.
  • Obama's youngest daughter goes to school there.
  • This is 2017. You don't have to live in any particular place to be heard because we have inventions such as the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. We also have online and print editions of newspapers and other publications to which people can submit letters to the editor or even a real essay.
  • CNN and other cable news networks pay some of their news and commentary personalities millions per year. If Obama wants to, he could take a job doing something like that and it would not matter where he lives.
  • George W. has given some 200+ speeches since 2009. I'm sure you know the Clintons also give speeches. Obama will in all likelihood do the same. Obama isn't afraid of flying.
It's safe to say that lots of people will be asking for his opinions about all kinds of things. If he goes home to a house in Washington or one somewhere else has no bearing on that.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

The only way he stays the least bit relevant in politics is by raising money for the DNC. He can still do that and that will be how he wields his power. Kinda ironic when you listen to the left put down the rich. But they just be kidding.

When do the people who matter in Democratic organizations put down the rich? Are you talking about Bernie Sanders and E. Warren? I've never seen them or any other politician turn away lawful donations to their campaigns and causes no matter who makes the donations.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

Are you a Trump supporter? If you are, I understand now why your bar for what's arrogant is so low. Low bars and low thought are typical of Trump and his supporters. At least you are consistent.

Have any of the following crossed your mind?
  • Approximately half a million people live in Washington. A large quantity of them have and publicly share opinions about government and public policy. Some of them are solicited and some are not.
  • Obama's youngest daughter goes to school there.
  • This is 2017. You don't have to live in any particular place to be heard because we have inventions such as the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. We also have online and print editions of newspapers and other publications to which people can submit letters to the editor or even a real essay.
  • CNN and other cable news networks pay some of their news and commentary personalities millions per year. If Obama wants to, he could take a job doing something like that and it would not matter where he lives.
  • George W. has given some 200+ speeches since 2009. I'm sure you know the Clintons also give speeches. Obama will in all likelihood do the same. Obama isn't afraid of flying.
It's safe to say that lots of people will be asking for his opinions about all kinds of things. If he goes home to a house in Washington or one somewhere else has no bearing on that.

DumBama is staying there to be a pain in our ass. Watch how they run to him (or he to them) every time something controversial comes up. Like Bill Clinton, he won't be able to run in front of a camera fast enough.

Yeah, they can get to him anywhere in the country, but his kids can go to school anywhere in the country as well. That's a cheap excuse. It's all about the drama as usual with Democrats. He likely believes he will have more impact in the media if he's in Washington. Nobody will take him as serious if he's being interviewed in Hawaii or on a golf course somewhere.

I have nothing against him giving speeches. Let him make all he wants. But I don't want to see that bastard trying to interfere with this administration. It's no longer any of his business.
Where did "Bush" say mission accomplished?

Thx for proving my point.
No "mission accomplished" in that video.

You clearly missed, 1:44 "Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment. Yet it is you, the members of the United States military who achieved it." "it" being the mission which was the "accomplishment". I am sorry but I cannot continue to spoonfeed you and teach you how to parse simple English.

Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.

Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.

The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

Are you a Trump supporter? If you are, I understand now why your bar for what's arrogant is so low. Low bars and low thought are typical of Trump and his supporters. At least you are consistent.

Have any of the following crossed your mind?
  • Approximately half a million people live in Washington. A large quantity of them have and publicly share opinions about government and public policy. Some of them are solicited and some are not.
  • Obama's youngest daughter goes to school there.
  • This is 2017. You don't have to live in any particular place to be heard because we have inventions such as the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. We also have online and print editions of newspapers and other publications to which people can submit letters to the editor or even a real essay.
  • CNN and other cable news networks pay some of their news and commentary personalities millions per year. If Obama wants to, he could take a job doing something like that and it would not matter where he lives.
  • George W. has given some 200+ speeches since 2009. I'm sure you know the Clintons also give speeches. Obama will in all likelihood do the same. Obama isn't afraid of flying.
It's safe to say that lots of people will be asking for his opinions about all kinds of things. If he goes home to a house in Washington or one somewhere else has no bearing on that.

DumBama is staying there to be a pain in our ass. Watch how they run to him (or he to them) every time something controversial comes up. Like Bill Clinton, he won't be able to run in front of a camera fast enough.

Yeah, they can get to him anywhere in the country, but his kids can go to school anywhere in the country as well. That's a cheap excuse. It's all about the drama as usual with Democrats. He likely believes he will have more impact in the media if he's in Washington. Nobody will take him as serious if he's being interviewed in Hawaii or on a golf course somewhere.

I have nothing against him giving speeches. Let him make all he wants. But I don't want to see that bastard trying to interfere with this administration. It's no longer any of his business.
The President of the United States is Barack Obama.

Thx for proving my point.
No "mission accomplished" in that video.

You clearly missed, 1:44 "Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment. Yet it is you, the members of the United States military who achieved it." "it" being the mission which was the "accomplishment". I am sorry but I cannot continue to spoonfeed you and teach you how to parse simple English.

Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.

Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.

The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.

Yeah, because big-ears pulled us out to win votes.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? Who doesn't offer public criticism when they deem it necessary? The publishers of The Blaze do it daily. So does Trump, everyone on this forum, myriad editorialists, and so on and so on and so on. What makes it arrogant that Obama would do the same?

Because nobody will be seeking out his opinion. He's going to stay in Washington to intrude on the next administration as if they can't do the job without him. That's arrogant.

Are you a Trump supporter? If you are, I understand now why your bar for what's arrogant is so low. Low bars and low thought are typical of Trump and his supporters. At least you are consistent.

Have any of the following crossed your mind?
  • Approximately half a million people live in Washington. A large quantity of them have and publicly share opinions about government and public policy. Some of them are solicited and some are not.
  • Obama's youngest daughter goes to school there.
  • This is 2017. You don't have to live in any particular place to be heard because we have inventions such as the Internet, Twitter, and Facebook. We also have online and print editions of newspapers and other publications to which people can submit letters to the editor or even a real essay.
  • CNN and other cable news networks pay some of their news and commentary personalities millions per year. If Obama wants to, he could take a job doing something like that and it would not matter where he lives.
  • George W. has given some 200+ speeches since 2009. I'm sure you know the Clintons also give speeches. Obama will in all likelihood do the same. Obama isn't afraid of flying.
It's safe to say that lots of people will be asking for his opinions about all kinds of things. If he goes home to a house in Washington or one somewhere else has no bearing on that.

DumBama is staying there to be a pain in our ass. Watch how they run to him (or he to them) every time something controversial comes up. Like Bill Clinton, he won't be able to run in front of a camera fast enough.

Yeah, they can get to him anywhere in the country, but his kids can go to school anywhere in the country as well. That's a cheap excuse. It's all about the drama as usual with Democrats. He likely believes he will have more impact in the media if he's in Washington. Nobody will take him as serious if he's being interviewed in Hawaii or on a golf course somewhere.

I have nothing against him giving speeches. Let him make all he wants. But I don't want to see that bastard trying to interfere with this administration. It's no longer any of his business.

Well, if it's not his business, it's not yours or mine either, yet here we are airing our opinions.

If you know Obama can make speeches while living anywhere, and if you understand that physical placement is of no matter in the 21st century, why would you even reiterate an objection to his living in D.C. and assign significance to his doing so? What do you think is so special about his living in Washington instead of any other place? I've seen better arguments on an apron.


Have you raised kids? I don't know what makes you think anyone would force their child to change high schools if they don't have to. I don't know anyone would do that unless there's something really wrong with the school or the child being at the school.
Why should Obama be any different than anyone else? ...?

He shouldn't be different than all the presidents before him who had the class, dignity, and patriotism to let their successor govern without making a nuisance of themselves. Unfortunately, class, dignity, and patriotism are not qualities Obama has ever demonstrated a possession of or interest in.

It always seems to be a democrat who pisses on the valuable traditions of the presidency.
Thx for proving my point.
No "mission accomplished" in that video.
You clearly missed, 1:44 "Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment. Yet it is you, the members of the United States military who achieved it." "it" being the mission which was the "accomplishment". I am sorry but I cannot continue to spoonfeed you and teach you how to parse simple English.
Just quote me where he said mission accomplished. Shouldn't be that hard.
Funny how the left clings to BS as if gospel.

I assume those who take the banner "mission accomplished" as saying the war was over never went on a mission in their life. That ship's mission was accomplished. There mission was to support ground forces in the ME, that they accomplished. They did it through sacrifice of their lives, something that most of the left wing never had to do. So I have no problem with the Commander in Chief telling the crew that their mission was accomplished. Far better than a lot of what Obama told the military.
The mission was to topple the Iraq government and now the Middle East is in disarray.

Yeah, because big-ears pulled us out to win votes.
Why should President Obama send US soldiers to a hopeless cause after the mission was already accomplished?

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