Union Boss salaries- They have a lot in common with the people they represent

As been posted anyone who thinks unions are not good for society thinks that work place deaths and accidents lower productivity and lower living standards for workers ras good things

A lot of people have said that the unions were invaluable in their heyday. But now, unions and the management that lead them are as corrupt as the CEOs they hate so much and the politicians they bribe.

quite the contrary, Democracy can be an economic system.

Such as- instead of having the factory run by a few greedy assholes trying to make the stockholders happy, it's run by the employees, and they vote on the best courses of action.

Incidently, not a big stretch, in Japan and Germany the Unions have a say in who the CEO is.

Unfortunately, what we've done with our economy has let the Foxes run the Henhouse, and not surprisingly, we don't have any hens left.

Better the foxes than you wolves.



Well, yeah, I guess you are frightened of working people... probably because they are doing the work while you collect welfare and type here all day...

Do you actually work or sit on your ass all day just to collect your due?

Or are you one of those who are paid to go pound heads of people that cross the lines or won't sign the card saying they want to be a member of your club?

As been posted anyone who thinks unions are not good for society thinks that work place deaths and accidents lower productivity and lower living standards for workers ras good things

A lot of people have said that the unions were invaluable in their heyday. But now, unions and the management that lead them are as corrupt as the CEOs they hate so much and the politicians they bribe.


Unions are on the ropes in a bad economy. They are fighting to preserve what little worker rights are left

Once the unions are gone like Republicans want......all workers will suffer
As been posted anyone who thinks unions are not good for society thinks that work place deaths and accidents lower productivity and lower living standards for workers ras good things

A lot of people have said that the unions were invaluable in their heyday. But now, unions and the management that lead them are as corrupt as the CEOs they hate so much and the politicians they bribe.


Unions are on the ropes in a bad economy. They are fighting to preserve what little worker rights are left

Once the unions are gone like Republicans want......all workers will suffer

Are you sure all workers are not suffering now?

I don't see union management fighting to preserve anything except for the plush salaries they command these days.

Funny, if there is anyone who really can be compared to a pimp, it would be your average CEO.

A union shop is more like a brothel where the hookers get a fair share.

A union boss making $1M isn't fair worth value of a leach that does nothing but round up workers and take their dues. Union bosses are nothing but pimps and you're their whore.

Okay. Fine. They do.

And they have to answer to us.

You don't play by OUR rules, you don't play in our house.

Pay your people a decent wage, employ Americans and provide a safe and clean work environment... Or you aren't allowed to sell here. Period.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Company CEOs are in charge of everyone in a company and they have to answer to the BOT and shareholders.

A union boss is just a leach that gets the workers of the company to blackmail the CEO and company into giving them more money or else they will shut it down. :cuckoo:
Better the foxes than you wolves.



Well, yeah, I guess you are frightened of working people... probably because they are doing the work while you collect welfare and type here all day...

Do you actually work or sit on your ass all day just to collect your due?

Or are you one of those who are paid to go pound heads of people that cross the lines or won't sign the card saying they want to be a member of your club?


I'm not a member of a union, guy. WIsh I was. In fact, I think that all shops with more than 10 people working in them should have a union by law.

But you cross a picket line, you deserve to get your ass kicked.
Most amuzing are the morons that claim it was Romney's fault the Indiana steel producer shut down and all those jobs were lost.
The 1959 United Steelworkers of America strike started the end of the steel industry in America. When the Indiana steel company that Bain Capital tried to save collapsed 50 other steel companies in America also failed.
How can any company that depends on a constant supply of steel ever rely on an American union shop steel producing company?
They can't so starting in the late 50s they went overseas for reliable stocks of steel for the production of their products.
The strike of 1959 was the first time American companies WERE FORCED to go overseas to get the needed steel for the production of their products. Union workers destroyed the American steel industry just like they destroyed the American auto industry and EVERY OTHER industry in America they used their extortion tactics on.
Unions are the worker's enemy.

If you can't even get your basic facts straight, I'm not sure why you are making your point.

GST Steel was based out of Kansas City. And yes, the 750 people got past that strike in 1959 and lasted another 40 years until Mitt Romney came into their lives.

It should also be pointed out that a lot of these steel companies didn't invest in modern stuff after WWII, while Germany and Japan had to rebuild new plants out of necessity (as we blew the ones they had up.)

I'm really wondering what this hatred of unions you have is Gawdog.

Did you try to cross a picket line and get that ass-kicking you had coming.

Yeah it was Kansas City, what's the difference?
If I did cross a picket line Joe you or any one union member could not kick my ass.
Or anyone's ass.
You thugs have to gang up a dozen a piece and beat on defenseless citizens one at a time.
I know. I have numerous videos of you guys doing it. I was the guy the companies hired to document you and your mobs beating women and men.
I sent many of your kind to prison. Yes, that makes me happy, no hatred at all.
Amazing people support you guys and your violence and how you destroy the property of others.
Stalin would be proud.
Most amuzing are the morons that claim it was Romney's fault the Indiana steel producer shut down and all those jobs were lost.
The 1959 United Steelworkers of America strike started the end of the steel industry in America. When the Indiana steel company that Bain Capital tried to save collapsed 50 other steel companies in America also failed.
How can any company that depends on a constant supply of steel ever rely on an American union shop steel producing company?
They can't so starting in the late 50s they went overseas for reliable stocks of steel for the production of their products.
The strike of 1959 was the first time American companies WERE FORCED to go overseas to get the needed steel for the production of their products. Union workers destroyed the American steel industry just like they destroyed the American auto industry and EVERY OTHER industry in America they used their extortion tactics on.
Unions are the worker's enemy.

If you can't even get your basic facts straight, I'm not sure why you are making your point.

GST Steel was based out of Kansas City. And yes, the 750 people got past that strike in 1959 and lasted another 40 years until Mitt Romney came into their lives.

It should also be pointed out that a lot of these steel companies didn't invest in modern stuff after WWII, while Germany and Japan had to rebuild new plants out of necessity (as we blew the ones they had up.)

I'm really wondering what this hatred of unions you have is Gawdog.

Did you try to cross a picket line and get that ass-kicking you had coming.

I visited the Bethlehem Steel plant in the mid seventies. It was obvious that they had not invested in their industrial plant since the government handouts of the 40s. They went out of business within five years

So you support the mob beating on individuals that cross picket lines.
Why should a business invest in anything NOT knowing if their workers will show up or not?
If you can't even get your basic facts straight, I'm not sure why you are making your point.

GST Steel was based out of Kansas City. And yes, the 750 people got past that strike in 1959 and lasted another 40 years until Mitt Romney came into their lives.

It should also be pointed out that a lot of these steel companies didn't invest in modern stuff after WWII, while Germany and Japan had to rebuild new plants out of necessity (as we blew the ones they had up.)

I'm really wondering what this hatred of unions you have is Gawdog.

Did you try to cross a picket line and get that ass-kicking you had coming.

I visited the Bethlehem Steel plant in the mid seventies. It was obvious that they had not invested in their industrial plant since the government handouts of the 40s. They went out of business within five years

So you support the mob beating on individuals that cross picket lines.
Why should a business invest in anything NOT knowing if their workers will show up or not?

Im sorry....not sure of what or when you are referring to
Well, yeah, I guess you are frightened of working people... probably because they are doing the work while you collect welfare and type here all day...

Do you actually work or sit on your ass all day just to collect your due?

Or are you one of those who are paid to go pound heads of people that cross the lines or won't sign the card saying they want to be a member of your club?


I'm not a member of a union, guy. WIsh I was. In fact, I think that all shops with more than 10 people working in them should have a union by law.

But you cross a picket line, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

That's right. Compliance by force. Way to go. That is the American way.

/sarcasm off

Thugs like you are what is wrong with the unions.

Well, yeah, I guess you are frightened of working people... probably because they are doing the work while you collect welfare and type here all day...

Do you actually work or sit on your ass all day just to collect your due?

Or are you one of those who are paid to go pound heads of people that cross the lines or won't sign the card saying they want to be a member of your club?


I'm not a member of a union, guy. WIsh I was. In fact, I think that all shops with more than 10 people working in them should have a union by law.

But you cross a picket line, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

Really? You think unions should dictate what any of us are and are not allowed to do? And you can't see how unAmerican that is? And why that is giving unions in general a really bad image and name? And why 'thugs' enters into the vernacular so often?
Do you actually work or sit on your ass all day just to collect your due?

Or are you one of those who are paid to go pound heads of people that cross the lines or won't sign the card saying they want to be a member of your club?


I'm not a member of a union, guy. WIsh I was. In fact, I think that all shops with more than 10 people working in them should have a union by law.

But you cross a picket line, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

Really? You think unions should dictate what any of us are and are not allowed to do? And you can't see how unAmerican that is? And why that is giving unions in general a really bad image and name? And why 'thugs' enters into the vernacular so often?

Do you have recent examples of union thuggery?
I'm not a member of a union, guy. WIsh I was. In fact, I think that all shops with more than 10 people working in them should have a union by law.

But you cross a picket line, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

Really? You think unions should dictate what any of us are and are not allowed to do? And you can't see how unAmerican that is? And why that is giving unions in general a really bad image and name? And why 'thugs' enters into the vernacular so often?

Do you have recent examples of union thuggery?

February, 2011 - Madison WI:

At the rally supporting the bill we agreed with most of what we heard, especially “Joe the Plumber” and the last young woman who spoke: they seemed to say everything we hear around our kitchen table and from friends and family in our everyday lives.

But then there was the mob that everyone had to go through to get to and from the area for the support rally. I wish I had video taped trying to leave. I had no sign, and was not an active participant – but I experienced first-hand the intimidation and hostility of either union mercenaries, or even worse, of the good people who have been getting whipped into an exhausted and desparate state by the union sponsored liberal rhetoric and atmosphere.

They stood blocking the way, leaving only a narrow two-person-wide space for thousands to funnel through. It was scary, claustrophic, and made me feel panicked. They glared, yelled, and one guy pushed me so hard I flew two feet forward. I thought my husband was going to lose it, so we stopped and just stood to the side where we were. I watched a lot of people from the rally pass in front of me experiencing the same thing. I saw middle class, working class people who looked liked my sister, my mother, my son or daughter, my neighbors… being taunted and intimidated by a mob hoping to provoke mayhem or violence. I looked for police help to secure a path or help with our exit, but I only saw them standing in isolated clusters amongst themselves, the nearest over 50 feet away from the crowd.
Video: Union Thuggery and Intimidation In Madison, WI « Nice Deb

This kind of scenario is reported again and again at Tea Party Rallies, at Town Hall meetings, and in legislatures across the land where votes that will likely go against the unions are being cast.
Really? You think unions should dictate what any of us are and are not allowed to do? And you can't see how unAmerican that is? And why that is giving unions in general a really bad image and name? And why 'thugs' enters into the vernacular so often?

Do you have recent examples of union thuggery?

February, 2011 - Madison WI:

At the rally supporting the bill we agreed with most of what we heard, especially “Joe the Plumber” and the last young woman who spoke: they seemed to say everything we hear around our kitchen table and from friends and family in our everyday lives.

But then there was the mob that everyone had to go through to get to and from the area for the support rally. I wish I had video taped trying to leave. I had no sign, and was not an active participant – but I experienced first-hand the intimidation and hostility of either union mercenaries, or even worse, of the good people who have been getting whipped into an exhausted and desparate state by the union sponsored liberal rhetoric and atmosphere.

They stood blocking the way, leaving only a narrow two-person-wide space for thousands to funnel through. It was scary, claustrophic, and made me feel panicked. They glared, yelled, and one guy pushed me so hard I flew two feet forward. I thought my husband was going to lose it, so we stopped and just stood to the side where we were. I watched a lot of people from the rally pass in front of me experiencing the same thing. I saw middle class, working class people who looked liked my sister, my mother, my son or daughter, my neighbors… being taunted and intimidated by a mob hoping to provoke mayhem or violence. I looked for police help to secure a path or help with our exit, but I only saw them standing in isolated clusters amongst themselves, the nearest over 50 feet away from the crowd.
Video: Union Thuggery and Intimidation In Madison, WI « Nice Deb

This kind of scenario is reported again and again at Tea Party Rallies, at Town Hall meetings, and in legislatures across the land where votes that will likely go against the unions are being cast.
So your example of union thuggery is people in unions standing.ROTFL
Do you have recent examples of union thuggery?

February, 2011 - Madison WI:

At the rally supporting the bill we agreed with most of what we heard, especially “Joe the Plumber” and the last young woman who spoke: they seemed to say everything we hear around our kitchen table and from friends and family in our everyday lives.

But then there was the mob that everyone had to go through to get to and from the area for the support rally. I wish I had video taped trying to leave. I had no sign, and was not an active participant – but I experienced first-hand the intimidation and hostility of either union mercenaries, or even worse, of the good people who have been getting whipped into an exhausted and desparate state by the union sponsored liberal rhetoric and atmosphere.

They stood blocking the way, leaving only a narrow two-person-wide space for thousands to funnel through. It was scary, claustrophic, and made me feel panicked. They glared, yelled, and one guy pushed me so hard I flew two feet forward. I thought my husband was going to lose it, so we stopped and just stood to the side where we were. I watched a lot of people from the rally pass in front of me experiencing the same thing. I saw middle class, working class people who looked liked my sister, my mother, my son or daughter, my neighbors… being taunted and intimidated by a mob hoping to provoke mayhem or violence. I looked for police help to secure a path or help with our exit, but I only saw them standing in isolated clusters amongst themselves, the nearest over 50 feet away from the crowd.
Video: Union Thuggery and Intimidation In Madison, WI « Nice Deb

This kind of scenario is reported again and again at Tea Party Rallies, at Town Hall meetings, and in legislatures across the land where votes that will likely go against the unions are being cast.
So your example of union thuggery is people in unions standing.ROTFL

Not what she stated...try again.
While not referring to violence in general, here is an interesting page regarding labor "leaders" and their corruption.

Union Facts : Crime and Corruption

Nearly fifty years after John F. Kennedy first condemned corrupt leadership in the American labor movement, it is still plagued by rampant corruption, embezzlement, racketeering and influence from numerous organized crime organizations. From penny-ante theft to multi-million dollar embezzlement schemes, labor leaders continue to violate the trust of the members they claim to represent.

The labor movement is nothing but the sum of its many parts—millions of working Americans who’ve entrusted union leaders to spend a portion of their hard earned salary for the benefit of the collective good. Financially speaking, the sum of the movement's parts totals more than $10 billion dollars annually in mandatory dues and controls another $400 billion in financial assets in strike funds, pension plans, and health care benefits.

In fact, in just the last five years, hundreds (maybe thousands) of labor leaders at all levels of the movement have been convicted of embezzlement, corruption, racketeering, or engaging in organized crime. The problem is rampant, getting worse, and yet the unions seemingly refuse to address it.

Do you have recent examples of union thuggery?

February, 2011 - Madison WI:

At the rally supporting the bill we agreed with most of what we heard, especially “Joe the Plumber” and the last young woman who spoke: they seemed to say everything we hear around our kitchen table and from friends and family in our everyday lives.

But then there was the mob that everyone had to go through to get to and from the area for the support rally. I wish I had video taped trying to leave. I had no sign, and was not an active participant – but I experienced first-hand the intimidation and hostility of either union mercenaries, or even worse, of the good people who have been getting whipped into an exhausted and desparate state by the union sponsored liberal rhetoric and atmosphere.

They stood blocking the way, leaving only a narrow two-person-wide space for thousands to funnel through. It was scary, claustrophic, and made me feel panicked. They glared, yelled, and one guy pushed me so hard I flew two feet forward. I thought my husband was going to lose it, so we stopped and just stood to the side where we were. I watched a lot of people from the rally pass in front of me experiencing the same thing. I saw middle class, working class people who looked liked my sister, my mother, my son or daughter, my neighbors… being taunted and intimidated by a mob hoping to provoke mayhem or violence. I looked for police help to secure a path or help with our exit, but I only saw them standing in isolated clusters amongst themselves, the nearest over 50 feet away from the crowd.
Video: Union Thuggery and Intimidation In Madison, WI « Nice Deb

This kind of scenario is reported again and again at Tea Party Rallies, at Town Hall meetings, and in legislatures across the land where votes that will likely go against the unions are being cast.
So your example of union thuggery is people in unions standing.ROTFL

No, but you'll apparently need a remedial reading course before you will likely get a clue.
How come the union bosses do not make union scale?
Because THEY DO NOT BELONG to a union?
I'm not a member of a union, guy. WIsh I was. In fact, I think that all shops with more than 10 people working in them should have a union by law.

But you cross a picket line, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

Really? You think unions should dictate what any of us are and are not allowed to do? And you can't see how unAmerican that is? And why that is giving unions in general a really bad image and name? And why 'thugs' enters into the vernacular so often?

Do you have recent examples of union thuggery?

Union Thuggery » Goldwater Gal

Did you try to cross a picket line and get that ass-kicking you had coming.

Yeah it was Kansas City, what's the difference?
If I did cross a picket line Joe you or any one union member could not kick my ass.
Or anyone's ass.
You thugs have to gang up a dozen a piece and beat on defenseless citizens one at a time.
I know. I have numerous videos of you guys doing it. I was the guy the companies hired to document you and your mobs beating women and men.
I sent many of your kind to prison. Yes, that makes me happy, no hatred at all.
Amazing people support you guys and your violence and how you destroy the property of others.
Stalin would be proud.

Honestly, you sound like a little pissant who got his ass kicked a bunch of times.

But you can be a tough guy on the internet. ANd rich. And successful. And have a 12 inch penis.

Scabs need to be beaten. Then they'll learn not to be scabs.

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