Unions and lazy liberals have killed the middle class


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
The American middle class is "hollowing out" as the U.S. economy fails to compete effectively in a globalized world, Harvard economist Michael Porter told CNBC's "Closing Bell" this week.
"America used to be a uniquely productive, low-cost place to do business," Porter said on Thursday. "We had efficient infrastructure. We had limited regulation. We believed in the market."
But bit-by-bit this position has eroded. Regulatory costs have gone up, Porters said, the legal system is more cumbersome, infrastructure is eroding and the country is falling behind on skills.
That means the many Americans do not have the skills needed to earn a decent living and for the first time in 50 or 60 years, incomes are stagnating and the middle class, which Porter called the bedrock of America, is "hollowing out."
[ More From CNBC: Scenes From Fashion Week -- Lingerie Edition ]
"Being an American doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a high wage," in the era of globalized competition, Porter said. "You have to be productive, and we have to create a very low-cost efficient place to do business and we've let all that slip in America."
The country's budgetary problems are largely a symptom of this lost competitiveness and economic weakness. Without rising incomes and an improvement in the fundamental performance of the economy, there's been less tax revenue, he said.
(Read More: Automatic Spending Cuts Are a Joke: Druckenmiller)
To offset declining incomes, the government has had to make promises to help pay for health care, retirement and housing, but the economy can't afford them because it isn't performing, according to the economist.
America can return to competitiveness, Porter said, if the corporate tax code becomes more efficient, there's a sustainable budget compromise and the U.S. takes advantage of the shale revolution to move toward energy independence.
(Read More: Cheap Energy Luring Manufacturing Back to the US)
"Technology has given us this wonderful opportunity to have low energy costs," Porter said. "We have to seize that, rather than keep debating and discussing and fighting over it."
There is no doubt that the Democrats and their regulations have ruined the business climate here in the US. India and China let business be run without the expensive regulations that liberals have passed here over the last 40 years. Getting rid of unions and the epa, osha and the FTC and their consumer protection laws would make the US competative again. Ronald Reagan tried to stop the unions but Democrats fought him at every turn. But red states are passing right to work laws so companies don't have to pays so much for benefits and the over paid and lazy union workers can be fired and productive workers can be hired. Liberals can;t argue with this because it is true.
The American middle class is "hollowing out" as the U.S. economy fails to compete effectively in a globalized world, Harvard economist Michael Porter told CNBC's "Closing Bell" this week.
"America used to be a uniquely productive, low-cost place to do business," Porter said on Thursday. "We had efficient infrastructure. We had limited regulation. We believed in the market."
But bit-by-bit this position has eroded. Regulatory costs have gone up, Porters said, the legal system is more cumbersome, infrastructure is eroding and the country is falling behind on skills.
That means the many Americans do not have the skills needed to earn a decent living and for the first time in 50 or 60 years, incomes are stagnating and the middle class, which Porter called the bedrock of America, is "hollowing out."
[ More From CNBC: Scenes From Fashion Week -- Lingerie Edition ]
"Being an American doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a high wage," in the era of globalized competition, Porter said. "You have to be productive, and we have to create a very low-cost efficient place to do business and we've let all that slip in America."
The country's budgetary problems are largely a symptom of this lost competitiveness and economic weakness. Without rising incomes and an improvement in the fundamental performance of the economy, there's been less tax revenue, he said.
(Read More: Automatic Spending Cuts Are a Joke: Druckenmiller)
To offset declining incomes, the government has had to make promises to help pay for health care, retirement and housing, but the economy can't afford them because it isn't performing, according to the economist.
America can return to competitiveness, Porter said, if the corporate tax code becomes more efficient, there's a sustainable budget compromise and the U.S. takes advantage of the shale revolution to move toward energy independence.
(Read More: Cheap Energy Luring Manufacturing Back to the US)
"Technology has given us this wonderful opportunity to have low energy costs," Porter said. "We have to seize that, rather than keep debating and discussing and fighting over it."
There is no doubt that the Democrats and their regulations have ruined the business climate here in the US. India and China let business be run without the expensive regulations that liberals have passed here over the last 40 years. Getting rid of unions and the epa, osha and the FTC and their consumer protection laws would make the US competative again. Ronald Reagan tried to stop the unions but Democrats fought him at every turn. But red states are passing right to work laws so companies don't have to pays so much for benefits and the over paid and lazy union workers can be fired and productive workers can be hired. Liberals can;t argue with this because it is true.

There is no way liberals can argue with the truth.


Take from it what you will.
Yeah...right..America has the highest GDP in the world and the most advanced technology and how did that come from non-productive uneducated people who are non-competitive? Look to China as our disloyal American companies subsidize the Chinese labor force, while Americans subsidize it through their Apple purchases...The middle class is failing because it is becoming the lower class as jobs move offshore...and all of the while...your representatives probably have stock in the offshore disloyal companies...Make them bring the jobs home or declare themselves foreign entities...Then, the middle class will return...

The following chart from Rohlf (1999) presents trends in income distribution and inequality showing the aggregate income each fifth of households within the United States received:
1976 1986 1996
Lowest Fifth 4.4% 3.9% 3.7%
Second Fifth 10.4% 9.7% 9.0%
Third Fifth 17.1% 16.2% 15.1%
Fourth Fifth 28.8% 24.5% 23.3%
Highest Fifth 43.3% 45.7% 49.0%
(Us Census Chart 1997)
For all but the highest fifth, real share has reduced over time and this is why you, or your parents remember the 1970s as being more prosperous; because they were. The lowest fifth, the people who could least afford a reduction have dropped to 3.7%. The figures are the percent of “aggregate income” for each group.
The highest reduction was actually in the fourth fifth signaling an impediment to upward mobility. The disparity must be greater today. The demoralizing effect of income inequality can lead to social unrest. The chart should be important to all people below the highest fifth as it reflects losses in real income over a twenty year period (1976-1996) With this in mind, we should refute statements of parasitism by the poor and focus upon the highest fifth who are taking a disproportionate share of the nation’s wealth.
The American middle class is "hollowing out" as the U.S. economy fails to compete effectively in a globalized world, Harvard economist Michael Porter told CNBC's "Closing Bell" this week.
"America used to be a uniquely productive, low-cost place to do business," Porter said on Thursday. "We had efficient infrastructure. We had limited regulation. We believed in the market."
But bit-by-bit this position has eroded. Regulatory costs have gone up, Porters said, the legal system is more cumbersome, infrastructure is eroding and the country is falling behind on skills.
That means the many Americans do not have the skills needed to earn a decent living and for the first time in 50 or 60 years, incomes are stagnating and the middle class, which Porter called the bedrock of America, is "hollowing out."
[ More From CNBC: Scenes From Fashion Week -- Lingerie Edition ]
"Being an American doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a high wage," in the era of globalized competition, Porter said. "You have to be productive, and we have to create a very low-cost efficient place to do business and we've let all that slip in America."
The country's budgetary problems are largely a symptom of this lost competitiveness and economic weakness. Without rising incomes and an improvement in the fundamental performance of the economy, there's been less tax revenue, he said.
(Read More: Automatic Spending Cuts Are a Joke: Druckenmiller)
To offset declining incomes, the government has had to make promises to help pay for health care, retirement and housing, but the economy can't afford them because it isn't performing, according to the economist.
America can return to competitiveness, Porter said, if the corporate tax code becomes more efficient, there's a sustainable budget compromise and the U.S. takes advantage of the shale revolution to move toward energy independence.
(Read More: Cheap Energy Luring Manufacturing Back to the US)
"Technology has given us this wonderful opportunity to have low energy costs," Porter said. "We have to seize that, rather than keep debating and discussing and fighting over it."
There is no doubt that the Democrats and their regulations have ruined the business climate here in the US. India and China let business be run without the expensive regulations that liberals have passed here over the last 40 years. Getting rid of unions and the epa, osha and the FTC and their consumer protection laws would make the US competative again. Ronald Reagan tried to stop the unions but Democrats fought him at every turn. But red states are passing right to work laws so companies don't have to pays so much for benefits and the over paid and lazy union workers can be fired and productive workers can be hired. Liberals can;t argue with this because it is true.

There is no way liberals can argue with the truth.

No wonder you've only been thanked one time in one post. :eusa_whistle:

And speaking of "truth", aren't you the one who accuses Obama of being a Muslim? :eusa_liar:

You're just another phony fucking neo-con who marches in lock step with Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. :mm:
Income inequality and the reduction of the middle class actually began with Reagan (even though conservatives like to hold him up as their God)...My charts show that the CPI (Consumer Price Index) jumped dramatically in 1980 when Reagan took office..It was actually during the 1970's that America was doing the best...under labor unions...hmmm It was also during the early to middle 1980s that companies began to leave America, not because the cost of labor was too high, but because they wanted a higher profit margin....How much money does Apple need? The offshore movement destroyed the future of the middle class, especially those who worked in manufacturing.
Ronald Reagan made the world safe when he destroyed the Soviet Union and cleaned up the economic mess made by Carter. Only a fool criticizes the greatest President this country has ever known.
I am not a Republican or Democrat as there are things about both parties that irritate me...and I personally find them to be very similar in terms of paranoia around national security...Both, seem to believe in the reduction of civil liberties...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2hULhXf04]Charlie Brown Teacher Speaking - YouTube[/ame]
"Only a fool criticizes the greatest President this country has ever known." (he says)
He was not the greatest executive....He was a man who cared very little about others, except the 1%.
He did not destroy the Soviet Union...He collaborated with its leaders to limit nuclear proliferation after calling it the Evil Empire in the beginning. His daughter, Patty, had a lot to do with his change of heart. She was putting pressure on him, constantly by holding anti-nuclear rallies and refusing to speak to him. Patty was a liberal...OMG...Patty.. Before he died, he wrote a letter to Patty asking her to come see him...I learned this from Glen Beck...listening to Fox Radio...
I am not a Republican or Democrat as there are things about both parties that irritate me...and I personally find them to be very similar in terms of paranoia around national security...Both, seem to believe in the reduction of civil liberties...

Civil liberties have never suffered under a Republican administration. It is the liberals that kill babies and stop our freedom to worship God. Conservatives protect individual rights by supporting the Second amendment so we can fight the fascism and the socialism of the liberals.
I am not a Republican or Democrat as there are things about both parties that irritate me...and I personally find them to be very similar in terms of paranoia around national security...Both, seem to believe in the reduction of civil liberties...

Civil liberties have never suffered under a Republican administration. It is the liberals that kill babies and stop our freedom to worship God. Conservatives protect individual rights by supporting the Second amendment so we can fight the fascism and the socialism of the liberals.

Yea yea yea Republicans support civil liberties as long as they're the ones they like. Gay marriage, marijuana, the entire patriot act... where do republicans stand on those things?

That's not to say that Dems are any better on civil liberties but don't glorify a different type of evil. Plus wasn't this about unions? Why'd you stop commenting on them?
I am not a Republican or Democrat as there are things about both parties that irritate me...and I personally find them to be very similar in terms of paranoia around national security...Both, seem to believe in the reduction of civil liberties...

Civil liberties have never suffered under a Republican administration. It is the liberals that kill babies and stop our freedom to worship God. Conservatives protect individual rights by supporting the Second amendment so we can fight the fascism and the socialism of the liberals.

Yea yea yea Republicans support civil liberties as long as they're the ones they like. Gay marriage, marijuana, the entire patriot act... where do republicans stand on those things?

That's not to say that Dems are any better on civil liberties but don't glorify a different type of evil. Plus wasn't this about unions? Why'd you stop commenting on them?

The evil of unions is well known. Just like the evil of gay marriage and all addictive drugs legal or not. The rights to these things and other things like abortion are not guaranteed by the Constitution and hurt the country. The Patriot Act is what its name implies and true patriots support it. It is the stupidity of liberals that keep them from seeing this.
Civil liberties have never suffered under a Republican administration. It is the liberals that kill babies and stop our freedom to worship God. Conservatives protect individual rights by supporting the Second amendment so we can fight the fascism and the socialism of the liberals.

Yea yea yea Republicans support civil liberties as long as they're the ones they like. Gay marriage, marijuana, the entire patriot act... where do republicans stand on those things?

That's not to say that Dems are any better on civil liberties but don't glorify a different type of evil. Plus wasn't this about unions? Why'd you stop commenting on them?

The evil of unions is well known. Just like the evil of gay marriage and all addictive drugs legal or not. The rights to these things and other things like abortion are not guaranteed by the Constitution and hurt the country. The Patriot Act is what its name implies and true patriots support it. It is the stupidity of liberals that keep them from seeing this.

Like I said... Under a republican administration there have been no civil liberties they liked that have suffered... :cool:
Yea yea yea Republicans support civil liberties as long as they're the ones they like. Gay marriage, marijuana, the entire patriot act... where do republicans stand on those things?

That's not to say that Dems are any better on civil liberties but don't glorify a different type of evil. Plus wasn't this about unions? Why'd you stop commenting on them?

The evil of unions is well known. Just like the evil of gay marriage and all addictive drugs legal or not. The rights to these things and other things like abortion are not guaranteed by the Constitution and hurt the country. The Patriot Act is what its name implies and true patriots support it. It is the stupidity of liberals that keep them from seeing this.

Like I said... Under a republican administration there have been no civil liberties they liked that have suffered... :cool:

And like I said Republicans protect the individual rights God wants. Killing babies and men marrying men are not rights. Unions that protect lazy and overpaid workers hurt all hard working Americans. Will you liberals realize this before you completely wreck this country?


Take from it what you will.

I take from it that the OP is a frickin loon, but that's nothing new around here. Again, it's the poor and middle class who have caused all of our problems and they are the reason the economy isn't growing. All we need to do is cut social programs for the poor and middle class so we can give the wealthy even more tax cuts, then everything will be fine, lmao! Reading this stupid shit is better than reading the comics.
The evil of unions is well known. Just like the evil of gay marriage and all addictive drugs legal or not. The rights to these things and other things like abortion are not guaranteed by the Constitution and hurt the country. The Patriot Act is what its name implies and true patriots support it. It is the stupidity of liberals that keep them from seeing this.

Like I said... Under a republican administration there have been no civil liberties they liked that have suffered... :cool:

And like I said Republicans protect the individual rights God wants. Killing babies and men marrying men are not rights. Unions that protect lazy and overpaid workers hurt all hard working Americans. Will you liberals realize this before you completely wreck this country?

You will do well in this forum with your warped ideas.
Income inequality and the reduction of the middle class actually began with Reagan (even though conservatives like to hold him up as their God)...My charts show that the CPI (Consumer Price Index) jumped dramatically in 1980 when Reagan took office..It was actually during the 1970's that America was doing the best...under labor unions...hmmm It was also during the early to middle 1980s that companies began to leave America, not because the cost of labor was too high, but because they wanted a higher profit margin....How much money does Apple need? The offshore movement destroyed the future of the middle class, especially those who worked in manufacturing.

Reagan expanded the federal government more than any Democrat after him.

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