Unions: Is this time and money well spent?

That was then, this is now. Unions have outlived their usefulness. Today they just represent another deduction on your paycheck. Just ask what have they done for you recently
Can we assume you are saying regression is not possible? If so, why?

To answer your question, my union has done a great deal for me -- even now although I've been retired since 1985. My union was responsible for my salary level. It is responsible for my pension level and benefits. More recently it enrolled me (free of charge) in a dental plan that pays 2/3 of any treatment cost, which can be considerable at my age.

If you presently earn a good wage, even if you are not a union member you can thank the union movement for elevating the wage levels of the entire American working class. Rest assured that in spite of the recent decline in union presence and activity your employer knows what unions are and he wants no part of them, so he doesn't give you a reason to develop interest in becoming a union shop.

Again, unions are far from perfect. While some of them are as wonderful today as they were in the 40s, some of them are completely corrupt and/or incompetent. But please keep in mind that unions are democracies, their leadership is elected and their policies are voted on. And the reason some unions go bad is the same reason our Nation is going bad -- the indolent, apathetic, ignorant voting public (membership).

unions hurt workers by driving 30 million jobs and our manufacturing base off-shore. Common sense would force us to make them illegal again!!

So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced. I had a brother in law who worked for a factory that left for Mexico right after Nafta was passed. His place was non union. Factories offshored because they could, union and non union, not because they were going broke doing business in America. Do you see now why we say Ed is slow? Nice guy, but .....slow.
McDonalds is not unionized, has had record profits since the beginning of the Bush Recession, and still won't pay a decent wage.


McDonald's is paying a massive wage for what those people do. I've worked there. Flipping a burger over is not a $50,000 a year income job. It requires no skill, no ability, no talent. Why you people think that merely existing, and sucking air, make you 'deserve' a middle class income, is beyond me... but you are wrong.
The following movies are educational, entertaining -- and important.

Harlan County USA
Norma Rae
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront

I would add another: the little seen but excellent Charles Bronson movie "Act of Vengeance", in which he plays Joseph 'Jock' Yablonski, head of the United Mine Workers.

This is how I know our country is doomed. We have an entire political party, that is actually taken seriously, whose ideological basis is dramatized movies. I've caught so many of these films in fabrications, it's ridiculous. But I wager neither have you, have even considered looking at these films with a critical eye? Have you fact checked anything in any of them? Educational.... amazing. We're not such a dumb society, that anything on film, is considered divinely inspired. No wonder our economy is screwed up. If Obama simply published a film instead of press conferences, he'd convince half the country of anything he wanted. No wonder "Yes we can" was enough to fool the country.
McDonalds is not unionized, has had record profits since the beginning of the Bush Recession, and still won't pay a decent wage.
I know there has been some recent organizing activity by fast-food service workers but I don't think it has been strong enough -- yet. The union movement of the 30s and 40s succeeded at the cost of much blood, sweat, and tears. McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, et al, represent a substantial adversary which will not be easy to defeat.

Oh please. You are so clueless.

McDonald's especially, would LOVE to have a $20/hr minimum wage.

McDonald's knows that all the smaller chain stores, and independent shops would be forced out of business.

McDonald's on the other hand, would replace their workers with robots.

McDonald's recently added 64,000 people to its payroll in the United States, but job prospects in Europe for those so inclined to work in the fast food industry are looking pretty grim right about now. That's because the fast food giant is poised to add touchscreen kiosks in more than 7,000 of its restaurants in Europe in effort to replace actual, human cashiers.

You still don't get it do you? If the cost of labor is too high, they'll replace you with robots. That's how life works.

You think you are going to 'stick it' to McDonald's? Forget that. You are going to screw the employees over, by having their jobs eliminated, while McDonald's is going to end up making more money than ever before, because all their competition was eliminated by your stupidity.

You people think you are for the working man, and the evil republicans are for big business. In reality the reverse is true.

We want McDonald's to have to compete with small business. We want the most free-market possible so employers have to compete for employees.

*YOU* want to create a monopoly for McDonald's while eliminating people's jobs. You are the biggest stooge for the rich and wealthy there is.
McDonalds is not unionized, has had record profits since the beginning of the Bush Recession, and still won't pay a decent wage.


McDonald's is paying a massive wage for what those people do. I've worked there. Flipping a burger over is not a $50,000 a year income job. It requires no skill, no ability, no talent. Why you people think that merely existing, and sucking air, make you 'deserve' a middle class income, is beyond me... but you are wrong.

Also, McDonalds would like to open 1000 more restaurants but they can't because the next one they open probably will not be profitable. They don't make enough profits to open the next one. If they were forced to pay more at existing restaurants they might have to close the last 1000 they opened and lay off all the employees at those 1000 restaurants. Welcome to business school 101!
So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced.

Dear, I didn't say only union jobs were outsourced. I said liberal unions outsourced 30 million jobs and much or our manufacturing base and that unions should be made illegal again.

Common sense will tell you that if BWM can make their cars here paying workers $15 and hour or in Germany paying workers $67 an hour their biggest production facility will be here.

Simple but still over a liberals head- right?
So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced.

Dear, I didn't say only union jobs were outsourced. I said liberal unions outsourced 30 million jobs and much or our manufacturing base and that unions should be made illegal again.

Common sense will tell you that if BWM can make their cars here paying workers $15 and hour or in Germany paying workers $67 an hour their biggest production facility will be here.

Simple but still over a liberals head- right?

This makes even less sense. A liberal union outsourced 30 million jobs? Any links?
too stupid of course!! lower wages and lower prices don't hurt at all but do give 30 million a chance to get their jobs back!!

Their low paying, crappy jobs back.

dear, unions jobs were far far better than the low paid service jobs they have now, if they have jobs at all
Yeah, unions did a lousy job of building the slum called Manhattan.

what?? Unions shipped 30 million jobs offshore and destroyed our middle class so should be made illegal and declared treasonous!!


From a purely economic perspective, the problem isn't with unions but with the bargaining power of labor. Unions let workers increase bargaining power to decrease capital's monopoly as price setter.

How else can workers close the gap between wages and productivity gains? Workers should benefit from increased productivity gains instead of the vast majority going to capital. The savings accrued by capital ends up bidding up asset prices and creating the next bubble.
How else can workers close the gap between wages and productivity gains? .
it automatic under capitalism of course. Unless you offer the best products and jobs possible you go bankrupt! A childs would know this, just not a liberal.
So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced.

Dear, I didn't say only union jobs were outsourced. I said liberal unions outsourced 30 million jobs and much or our manufacturing base and that unions should be made illegal again.

Common sense will tell you that if BWM can make their cars here paying workers $15 and hour or in Germany paying workers $67 an hour their biggest production facility will be here.

Simple but still over a liberals head- right?

This makes even less sense. A liberal union outsourced 30 million jobs? Any links?

You confusing actions, and results. No Union openly tries to eliminate itself. Of course.

But by the fact they make themselves uncompetitive, they kill their own jobs.

Again, GM and Chrysler declared bankruptcy. Honda and Toyota did not. Which were unionized?

The only reason Ford didn't go bankruptcy, is because Ford, pushed for and got, concession from the Unions, back in 2006. You can go read about it.

Unions don't harm their members, when they are willing to do what is required to save the company. When they are not, they kill the company.

Hostess is perfect example. Little Debbie is non-union. They didn't go bankrupt. Hostess did. The company even went to the Unions, and gave them a plan to save the company. The union reject the plans, and went on strike, and the company instantly filed bankruptcy and sold off.

A new company bought the remains of Hostess, and reopened as a non-union shop, and now they are perfectly profitable.

Outsourcing, is the natural result of Unions forcing up wages, making your own employees unprofitable to use. In a free-market situation, where a company can pay any employee by how much the employee brings profit to the company, outsourcing would almost never happen.

You people on the left have no clue whatsoever. Outsourcing is massively expensive. I work for a company that recently outsourced to China, a large project. The cost of doing that was enormous. Flying to China, high cost of staying in a hotel. The cost of food. The cost in time, and shipping. Paying to ship materials there. Paying to ship finished goods back. The cost of dealing with the error, and translation. We had to fly a team back to China to fix quality issues. Paying for a translator.

If our labor rates were even remotely competitive, outsourcing would nearly be eliminated throughout the economy.

But you people drive up labor costs! Let's add on unemployment fees. Let's add on minimum wage rates. Let's add on FICA taxes. Let's add on mandatory health insurance coverage. Let's have OSHA, and all these other things, and benefits, and Medicare, and on and on and on....

and then you ask why people are outsourcing? Dude... look in the mirror! There's the reason right there.
So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced.

Dear, I didn't say only union jobs were outsourced. I said liberal unions outsourced 30 million jobs and much or our manufacturing base and that unions should be made illegal again.

Common sense will tell you that if BWM can make their cars here paying workers $15 and hour or in Germany paying workers $67 an hour their biggest production facility will be here.

Simple but still over a liberals head- right?

This makes even less sense. A liberal union outsourced 30 million jobs? Any links?

dear why do you think BMW just built its largest plant in the world in South Carolina rather than Detroit?
The following movies are educational, entertaining -- and important.

Harlan County USA
Norma Rae
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront

I would add another: the little seen but excellent Charles Bronson movie "Act of Vengeance", in which he plays Joseph 'Jock' Yablonski, head of the United Mine Workers.

This is how I know our country is doomed. We have an entire political party, that is actually taken seriously, whose ideological basis is dramatized movies. I've caught so many of these films in fabrications, it's ridiculous. But I wager neither have you, have even considered looking at these films with a critical eye? Have you fact checked anything in any of them? Educational.... amazing. We're not such a dumb society, that anything on film, is considered divinely inspired. No wonder our economy is screwed up. If Obama simply published a film instead of press conferences, he'd convince half the country of anything he wanted. No wonder "Yes we can" was enough to fool the country.

If our Country is doomed it is because of the mentality manifest in the above commentary.

Each of the movies I've listed is a dramatized but faithful representation of the facts pertaining to the respective themes and circumstances. My response to your empty insinuation that the situations in each example are other than factual is a challenge for you to apply your "critical eye" to those themes and circumstances and present some specific contradictions.

Those who might be interested in learning about the union movement and its advantages need only access those very educational movies via NetFlix, but a list of union-related books would have considerably less chance of being acted on. However, for the benefit of those who wish to learn how very necessary and beneficial unions are, the following is a list of books which I personally recommend.

There is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America
by Philip Dray

Triangle: The Fire That Changed America
by David von Drehle

Growing Up in Coal Country
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Trade Unions Under Capitalism
by Tom Clarke

Sweat and Blood: A History of U.S. Labor Unions
by Gloria Skurzynski

Power and Privilege: Labor Unions in America
by Morgan O. Reynolds

Why Unions Matter
by Michael D. Yates

Strike: Mother Jones and the Colorado Coal Field War
by Lois Ruby

Which Side Are You On?: The Story of a Song
by George Ella Lyon

and then you ask why people are outsourcing? Dude... look in the mirror! There's the reason right there.

The reason why businesses are outsourcing is elimination of government regulations which once prevented this kind of economic treachery.

This removal of profitable enterprises from the Nation which gave them life and enabled their growth should not be allowed. And it can be prevented by imposing a substantial exit tax on expatriating corporations and by imposing substantial import tariffs on any products they wish to sell to the world's biggest market.

You confusing actions, and results. No Union openly tries to eliminate itself. Of course.

But by the fact they make themselves uncompetitive, they kill their own jobs.

Again, GM and Chrysler declared bankruptcy. Honda and Toyota did not. Which were unionized?

The only reason Ford didn't go bankruptcy, is because Ford, pushed for and got, concession from the Unions, back in 2006. You can go read about it.

The status of American labor unions is not a black or white issue. As I've previously mentioned, unions are not perfect. Some are moderately defective others have become as corrupted as the U.S. Government obviously is. And in both examples the causes of the defects and the corruption are the same -- failed democracy.

Unions are democratic organizations. Their membership votes and their leaders are elected. The reason we end up with Presidents like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama is a lazy, careless, ignorant electorate, which is why unions like the UAW go bad.

While your hostile position clearly is to toss the baby out with the bath-water, I submit it is critically important for the future of the American Middle Class to become educated about the union movement and for them to either support or to actively participate in it.

You confusing actions, and results. No Union openly tries to eliminate itself. Of course.

But by the fact they make themselves uncompetitive, they kill their own jobs.

Again, GM and Chrysler declared bankruptcy. Honda and Toyota did not. Which were unionized?

The only reason Ford didn't go bankruptcy, is because Ford, pushed for and got, concession from the Unions, back in 2006. You can go read about it.

The status of American labor unions is not a black or white issue. As I've previously mentioned, unions are not perfect. Some are moderately defective others have become as corrupted as the U.S. Government obviously is. And in both examples the causes of the defects and the corruption are the same -- failed democracy.

Unions are democratic organizations. Their membership votes and their leaders are elected. The reason we end up with Presidents like Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama is a lazy, careless, ignorant electorate, which is why unions like the UAW go bad.

While your hostile position clearly is to toss the baby out with the bath-water, I submit it is critically important for the future of the American Middle Class to become educated about the union movement and for them to either support or to actively participate in it.

This includes the ignorance of union members themselves. I've seen quite a few union members in the past who've voted for anti union republicans. Going back to 1968 at least I remember union guys sporting Nixon Agnew bumper stickers on their vehicles. They bought into the republican b.s. same as the ones who voted for Reagan a few years later. Not many read the books you quoted and nowadays Fox news and right wing radio are the educators of the working class.
So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced.

Dear, I didn't say only union jobs were outsourced. I said liberal unions outsourced 30 million jobs and much or our manufacturing base and that unions should be made illegal again.

Common sense will tell you that if BWM can make their cars here paying workers $15 and hour or in Germany paying workers $67 an hour their biggest production facility will be here.

Simple but still over a liberals head- right?

This makes even less sense. A liberal union outsourced 30 million jobs? Any links?

dear why do you think BMW just built its largest plant in the world in South Carolina rather than Detroit?

Cheap labor, but I'll bet BMW in Germany is union. There's no solidarity among workers. The ownership class hasn't got it all yet, give them time and maybe the workers will say "enough is enough". Right now, workers are happy to work for any wages knowing that they're in competition with the world, including low wage countries. This is the meaning of globalization. Unlimited supply of cheap labor to skew the traditional supply and demand ratio of workers to jobs.

get rid of the ridiculous union protection rules that add to inefficiencies, such as only certain people can do this task, or you need three trucks to accomplish what one truck could.

You have obviously never worked in IT in a private corporation.
This is EXACTLY how corporate America has dumbed down and exhibited their opinion of the worker bee.
I used to work in 10 people shops where each person did everything, projects were completed in under 6 months and team members were paid well.
Today, projects consists of dozens, if not over 100 people, each of whom has their "specialty" and gets crumbs.
It's a joke.

the beauty of capitalism is that you must offer the best jobs and best products just to survive!!

And if you're lucky, your grandchildren just will survive if they're lucky. The beauty of naked capitalism and making the most profit above all else is a blessing for the capitalist class only, not the workers, not one bit.

The problem with the union issue is that it has become politicized. And when that happens, everything becomes dumbed down, simplified and binary. And when that happens, virtually nothing of substance can be accomplished.

Change the scope and approach of unions and you'll save them. Keep the collective bargaining for working wages and the ability to maintain and improve workplace safety. Jettison the long-term pension plans that massively increase costs for business and move to 401Ks; get rid of the ridiculous union protection rules that add to inefficiencies, such as only certain people can do this task, or you need three trucks to accomplish what one truck could.

But no, both sides would have to give in with this approach, and we can't have that. Instead, both "sides" continue to play politics as unions crumble and the middle class vanishes. Either unions remain exactly as they are or they disappear. Absurd.

The decay continues. A pox on both houses. Partisans need to find a new fucking hobby so the rest of us can try to improve things.


Gm's pensions were fully funded. What makes you think people shouldn't have pensions after a lifetime of work? Put the money in 401 k's. Ha ha. Wall street is a gambling casino where the crooks don't go to prison, they give themselves a bonus after the taxpayers bail them out.
Union workers:
Are better payed,
Have safer, better working conditions,
Have better benefits.
Well payed workers spend and secure credit and THAT builds a strong economy.

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