Unions: Is this time and money well spent?

Damn those police unions...

Unions are victims of their own success. Virtually everything they campaigned for, such as the 40 hour work week, overtime pay, safety regulations, etc, have been put into law. Unfortunately, they act like it's still 1934. That's why they are increasingly being seen as useless, behind the times, and an arm of the DNC. They need to adapt and deal with the world the way it is today. Focus on making the Union Label mean superior quality and not just higher costs, for example, would go a long way.

Yeah, I agree with that. I support the police, but not police Unions. We're not against Unions we don't like, but support Unions we do like. That's what leftists do.

"WE HATE LOBBYISTS!... unless.... they are lobbyists for Green Peace and other groups we like, then it's ok, and we support that..... otherwise DOWN WITH LOBBYISTS" -Typical leftard.
Actually for many consecutive years Monsanto was declared the 'most evil corporation' in the world, in 2013 it had such an awful reputation it didn't even come close to the Fed or Halliburton.
Here's the vote breakdown:

Monsanto 51%

Federal Reserve 20%

British Petroleum 9%
Halliburton 5%
McDonald's 3%
Pfizer 2%
Merck 2%
Wal-Mart 2%
Nestle 1%
Other 7%
Monsanto Named 2013 s Most Evil Corporation In New Poll
You can give Monsanto blow jobs and pretend people left or right love Monsanto, but it won't change the truth that no corporation even comes close to being as sadistic and monopolistic as Monsanto.

Yeah, and how many of those polled, work at farms? In fact, I doubt most people even know how many products in their homes wouldn't exist without Monsanto.

I don't really care about opinion polls. And when I referred to reputation, I didn't mean just what ignorant random people think. Reputation to me, is those people who have used the product, and found it lacking. For example, I just got rid of a bad cell phone by Motorola. I bought that phone, because it was a Motorola phone. The phone was absolutely TERRIBLE.

Motorola's reputation has declined drastically with me, and others that have used their products and found them lacking.

If someone comes to me with that information, that's an opinion that matters. It's not "so and so said such and such, to some such people, that XCorp, is bad". Oh yippy skip. Ignorant know-nothing, says XCorp is bad. Oh looky there, an opinion pool of 500 ignorant know-nothings, where 51% said XCorp is bad.

Little hint for you: Opinion ≠ Fact.
Crazy for you leftists to grasp, I know.

Take my Relatives in southern Ohio, who have been farming on the same plot of ground for three generations. Who has the direct knowledge of the topic at hand? Your opinion poll, or my relatives who actually farm using Monsanto products? I'll take their words, over your opinion poll any day.

And which 'reputation' matters more: The reputation of a company to those who have used, and are using their products..... or the reputation of a company to people who have never used that companies products, and likely don't have a clue how many products they do buy, have used Monsanto products in their creation?

I'm going with the latter, over the former, any day.
I have no issues with labor unions in the private sector.

Public sector unions should be illegal. Period.

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yep, look at NEA... they use their monies for politics to push for what they want. now they want "bonuses " for a good teacher.
Yeah, and how many of those polled, work at farms? In fact, I doubt most people even know how many products in their homes wouldn't exist without Monsanto.

I don't really care about opinion polls. And when I referred to reputation, I didn't mean just what ignorant random people think. Reputation to me, is those people who have used the product, and found it lacking. For example, I just got rid of a bad cell phone by Motorola. I bought that phone, because it was a Motorola phone. The phone was absolutely TERRIBLE.
Seen plenty of documentaries about how their farmers don't own their own seed, on how Monsanto purposely spreads GMO into non GMO farms so they can sue other farmers, and the general nasty manner they conduct business if you get on the wrong end of the stick.

As for phones, Motorola has always made good phones, and I never had an issue with them. Nokia is hardier in my experience, as my last non smartphone Nokia (which I have but don't use anymore) managed to survive being in a water drain for 3 minutes and still work good as new. So your experience of Motorola isn't the usual one - unless it is a smartphone.

Also I didn't say 'fact', I said 'truth' meaning that there is no corporation probably out there with a worse rep than Monsanto.
Actually for many consecutive years Monsanto was declared the 'most evil corporation' in the world, in 2013 it had such an awful reputation it didn't even come close to the Fed or Halliburton.
Here's the vote breakdown:

Monsanto 51%

Federal Reserve 20%

British Petroleum 9%
Halliburton 5%
McDonald's 3%
Pfizer 2%
Merck 2%
Wal-Mart 2%
Nestle 1%
Other 7%
Monsanto Named 2013 s Most Evil Corporation In New Poll
You can give Monsanto blow jobs and pretend people left or right love Monsanto, but it won't change the truth that no corporation even comes close to being as sadistic and monopolistic as Monsanto.

While the debate about the impact of GM crops on the environment continues, the question of their effect on human health looks increasingly settled. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, Britain’s Royal Society, the European Commission, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, among others, have all surveyed the substantial research literature and found no evidence that the GM foods on the market today are unsafe to eat. One of the few dissenting research papers, a 2012 study in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology that found tumors in rats fed modified maize, was retracted by the journal last fall after questions were raised about the researchers’ methodology.
The bottom line of any pro-union vs anti-union discussion is, while unions are far from perfect entities, ultimately they are extremely beneficial for workers. The Union Movement was a critical factor in the rise of the American Middle Class. Without it the U.S. would still be a two-class society consisting of the rich and the obedient, groveling poor, working long, hard hours just to maintain a low living standard.

Opponents of unions are typically too young to remember what America was like before the union movement and how dramatically it changed the quality of life for the working class. It is very rare to hear a mature American speak against unions.

Those who are receptive to anti-union propaganda need to be reminded that were it not for unions there would be no 40-hour work week, no paid vacations, no worker safety standards, no minimum wage, no worker protections of any kind,

The following movies are educational, entertaining -- and important.

Harlan County USA
Norma Rae
The Molly McGuires
On The Waterfront
That was then, this is now. Unions have outlived their usefulness. Today they just represent another deduction on your paycheck. Just ask what have they done for you recently
, while unions are far from perfect entities, ultimately they are extremely beneficial for workers.

how is shipping 30 million union jobs off shore benificial? See why we have to be 100% positive a liberal will be slow? No other conclusion is possible.
Yeah, and how many of those polled, work at farms? In fact, I doubt most people even know how many products in their homes wouldn't exist without Monsanto.

I don't really care about opinion polls. And when I referred to reputation, I didn't mean just what ignorant random people think. Reputation to me, is those people who have used the product, and found it lacking. For example, I just got rid of a bad cell phone by Motorola. I bought that phone, because it was a Motorola phone. The phone was absolutely TERRIBLE.

Seen plenty of documentaries about how their farmers don't own their own seed, on how Monsanto purposely spreads GMO into non GMO farms so they can sue other farmers, and the general nasty manner they conduct business if you get on the wrong end of the stick.

As for phones, Motorola has always made good phones, and I never had an issue with them. Nokia is hardier in my experience, as my last non smartphone Nokia (which I have but don't use anymore) managed to survive being in a water drain for 3 minutes and still work good as new. So your experience of Motorola isn't the usual one - unless it is a smartphone.

Also I didn't say 'fact', I said 'truth' meaning that there is no corporation probably out there with a worse rep than Monsanto.

Yeah, like Michael Moron Docs I'm sure.

No, Monsanto did not intentionally contaminate seed. You are just wrong, and so are the idiots who push that crap. I've seen that garbage before, no need to spew lies over and over, thinking you'll convince me. You won't.

The real problem here is the patent laws, which are ridiculous. Monsanto is using the legal system as it is. And that is their right. If you have a problem with the patent laws, blame them, not Monsanto.
Actually for many consecutive years Monsanto was declared the 'most evil corporation' in the world, in 2013 it had such an awful reputation it didn't even come close to the Fed or Halliburton.
Here's the vote breakdown:

Monsanto 51%

Federal Reserve 20%

British Petroleum 9%
Halliburton 5%
McDonald's 3%
Pfizer 2%
Merck 2%
Wal-Mart 2%
Nestle 1%
Other 7%
Monsanto Named 2013 s Most Evil Corporation In New Poll
You can give Monsanto blow jobs and pretend people left or right love Monsanto, but it won't change the truth that no corporation even comes close to being as sadistic and monopolistic as Monsanto.

While the debate about the impact of GM crops on the environment continues, the question of their effect on human health looks increasingly settled. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, the World Health Organization, Britain’s Royal Society, the European Commission, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, among others, have all surveyed the substantial research literature and found no evidence that the GM foods on the market today are unsafe to eat. One of the few dissenting research papers, a 2012 study in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology that found tumors in rats fed modified maize, was retracted by the journal last fall after questions were raised about the researchers’ methodology.

The entire GMO issue is ridiculous on it's face. Corn, (American corn), is already as modified as one could get.


Modern corn is NOTHING like the wild plant it was before we modified it to our benefit.
I have no issues with labor unions in the private sector.

Public sector unions should be illegal. Period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yep, look at NEA... they use their monies for politics to push for what they want. now they want "bonuses " for a good teacher.
Should school administrators be allowed to organize such as the School Superintendents Organization or school boards or school principals, or how about veterans, corporations, businesses, doctors, and on and on?
I have no issues with labor unions in the private sector.

Public sector unions should be illegal. Period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yep, look at NEA... they use their monies for politics to push for what they want. now they want "bonuses " for a good teacher.
Should school administrators be allowed to organize such as the School Superintendents Organization or school boards or school principals, or how about veterans, corporations, businesses, doctors, and on and on?

it would be great!! everyone trying to get paid with union violence rather than in free voluntary transactions as our founders intended!!
I have no issues with labor unions in the private sector.

Public sector unions should be illegal. Period.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yep, look at NEA... they use their monies for politics to push for what they want. now they want "bonuses " for a good teacher.
Should school administrators be allowed to organize such as the School Superintendents Organization or school boards or school principals, or how about veterans, corporations, businesses, doctors, and on and on?

it would be liberal and great!! everyone from top management down trying to get paid by using liberal union violence rather than through free voluntary transactions as our founders intended!!
It is almost too obvious to type: unions should be restricted to competitive industries.

Consider the world of construction. In private sector construction, where the lowest responsive, competent bidder prevails, union contractors almost never win a job. In the public sector, where politicians have continually stacked the deck in favor of unions (Davis Bacon, etc) costs are dramatically higher and non-union companies are virtually shut out.
That was then, this is now. Unions have outlived their usefulness. Today they just represent another deduction on your paycheck. Just ask what have they done for you recently
Can we assume you are saying regression is not possible? If so, why?

To answer your question, my union has done a great deal for me -- even now although I've been retired since 1985. My union was responsible for my salary level. It is responsible for my pension level and benefits. More recently it enrolled me (free of charge) in a dental plan that pays 2/3 of any treatment cost, which can be considerable at my age.

If you presently earn a good wage, even if you are not a union member you can thank the union movement for elevating the wage levels of the entire American working class. Rest assured that in spite of the recent decline in union presence and activity your employer knows what unions are and he wants no part of them, so he doesn't give you a reason to develop interest in becoming a union shop.

Again, unions are far from perfect. While some of them are as wonderful today as they were in the 40s, some of them are completely corrupt and/or incompetent. But please keep in mind that unions are democracies, their leadership is elected and their policies are voted on. And the reason some unions go bad is the same reason our Nation is going bad -- the indolent, apathetic, ignorant voting public (membership).
McDonalds is not unionized, has had record profits since the beginning of the Bush Recession, and still won't pay a decent wage.
I know there has been some recent organizing activity by fast-food service workers but I don't think it has been strong enough -- yet. The union movement of the 30s and 40s succeeded at the cost of much blood, sweat, and tears. McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, et al, represent a substantial adversary which will not be easy to defeat.
McDonalds is not unionized, has had record profits since the beginning of the Bush Recession, and still won't pay a decent wage.
I know there has been some recent organizing activity by fast-food service workers but I don't think it has been strong enough -- yet. The union movement of the 30s and 40s succeeded at the cost of much blood, sweat, and tears. McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, et al, represent a substantial adversary which will not be easy to defeat.

dear, you cant defeat economics. If they pay more, prices go up so there are fewer jobs and fewer customers. Passing a law giving them or everybody a huge raise would accomplish nothing. Why not try college before you comment here?
That was then, this is now. Unions have outlived their usefulness. Today they just represent another deduction on your paycheck. Just ask what have they done for you recently
Can we assume you are saying regression is not possible? If so, why?

To answer your question, my union has done a great deal for me -- even now although I've been retired since 1985. My union was responsible for my salary level. It is responsible for my pension level and benefits. More recently it enrolled me (free of charge) in a dental plan that pays 2/3 of any treatment cost, which can be considerable at my age.

If you presently earn a good wage, even if you are not a union member you can thank the union movement for elevating the wage levels of the entire American working class. Rest assured that in spite of the recent decline in union presence and activity your employer knows what unions are and he wants no part of them, so he doesn't give you a reason to develop interest in becoming a union shop.

Again, unions are far from perfect. While some of them are as wonderful today as they were in the 40s, some of them are completely corrupt and/or incompetent. But please keep in mind that unions are democracies, their leadership is elected and their policies are voted on. And the reason some unions go bad is the same reason our Nation is going bad -- the indolent, apathetic, ignorant voting public (membership).

unions hurt workers by driving 30 million jobs and our manufacturing base off-shore. Common sense would force us to make them illegal again!!

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