Unions: Is this time and money well spent?

So, according to you, only union jobs were outsourced.

Dear, I didn't say only union jobs were outsourced. I said liberal unions outsourced 30 million jobs and much or our manufacturing base and that unions should be made illegal again.

Common sense will tell you that if BWM can make their cars here paying workers $15 and hour or in Germany paying workers $67 an hour their biggest production facility will be here.

Simple but still over a liberals head- right?

This makes even less sense. A liberal union outsourced 30 million jobs? Any links?

dear why do you think BMW just built its largest plant in the world in South Carolina rather than Detroit?

Cheap labor, but I'll bet BMW in Germany is union. There's no solidarity among workers. The ownership class hasn't got it all yet, give them time and maybe the workers will say "enough is enough". Right now, workers are happy to work for any wages knowing that they're in competition with the world, including low wage countries. This is the meaning of globalization. Unlimited supply of cheap labor to skew the traditional supply and demand ratio of workers to jobs.

It is Union. German Union are completely different from American Unions. German Unions are pro-corporate. Pro-businesss. Pro-profit.

German Unions actually try to benefit the company, and increase employment and growth.

For example, German Unions actually support, and encourage outsourcing, and the use of Temp Employees. They actually want the company to remain competitive, and are willing to use cheaper labor to do it.

German Unions are willing to accept people earning low wages, when it's a low skill job, so the that company can remain profitable and growing in a competitive world environment.

American Unions are opposed to that, which is why again... which declared bankruptcy? Toyota or VW America? Or GM and Chrysler? American VW plants are not Unionized by UAW. In fact..... UAW met with the German Unions, and when the German Unions realized what they stood for, they cut off talks. The VW plant employees voted down Unionization. What shock. The works don't want to end up like Hostess, where the new Employer, after the Hostess Union killed the company, refuses to even accept application from former Union employees. Well done idiots. Screwed them over completely.[/QUOTE

I agree. Not all work places need a union either. Unions are needed where employers dont pay or treat their workers well.
Lol. Under modern
capitolism you would make next to nothing and have to work 60 hrs + a week.

100% stupid and liberal! Under capitalism you must provide best jobs and products in world or go bankrupt!! Please write 100 times on fridge and review daily!! hate to rock your ignorant liberal world my child!!
think about this: your a blue collar worker and your against an entity that guantees you a good wage, good bennies and safe, good working conditions.
Go figure.
Lol. Under modern
capitolism you would make next to nothing and have to work 60 hrs + a week.

100% stupid and liberal! Under capitalism you must provide best jobs and products in world or go bankrupt!! Please write 100 times on fridge and review daily!! hate to rock your ignorant liberal world my child!!

Profit is all that matters.
and im not a liberal. I just understand what is good for me and my country because im not brainwashed
think about this: your a blue collar worker and your against an entity that guantees you a good wage, good bennies and safe, good working conditions.
Go figure.

dear, if you're smart you're against an entitiy that will ship your job off shore, treasonously damage your country, and leave you unemployed or flipping burgers!! Simple enough?
think about this: your a blue collar worker and your against an entity that guantees you a good wage, good bennies and safe, good working conditions.
Go figure.

dear, if you're smart you're against an entitiy that will ship your job off shore, treasonously damage your country, and leave you unemployed or flipping burgers!! Simple enough?

you think unions sent jobs offshore?
Profit is all that matters.

dear, there is not profit until after you have produced the best products and jobs in the world!! Please rewrite 100 times. This is Econ 101. Why not try college?
lmao...What planet do you live on. What a crock of shit. You live in some kind of dream world

so everything made by capitolists are quality items then, right?

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