"Unite the Right".

The racist right is in full view today in Charlotte. You thought this type of right wing terrorism went out with the 1960s but Trump's followers are on the march with their torches and David Duke leading the way.

Over a statue of the general of an army that fought against the United States on US soil. Hey cons, put up a statue of your present hero David Duke in your backyard. Or hang one on the wall in your living room next to your fake statue of Jesus. I actually think this eruption of right wing violence is good in the long wrong, hopefully no one gets seriously hurt or killed. But in the long run, as in the 60s, the public needs to see exactly who conservatives are these days. They haven't changed.

One watches the videos and asks the same question conservatives LOVE to ask whenever there is a Muslim terrorist attack. "Where are all the moderate and good conservatives to condemn and denounce this and to point out these bad guys to the authorities before they harm people?" Trump only spoke up after his name was used by the racists in Charlotte to condone what they are doing. The rest of Republican-squish land has come out with generic milk-toast comments.

Right. Well when the right gets together, how does violence happen every time? It happens when leftists come there to battle them. Leave them alone and they'd leave you alone. But when troublemakers come along, don't blame the troublemakers.

Typical leftist.
Video of the incident shows a gray Dodge Challenger driving quickly down a narrow side street lined with walking protesters. The sports car rams into the back of a silver convertible, which hits the van in front of it. Soon the Dodge driver slams the car in reverse, going back up the street at a high rate of speed, dragging its front bumper. Several people chase the car. As the sports car retreats, a red athletic shoe falls off the bumper.

Charlottesville mayor: 1 dead during violence around 'Unite the Right' rally - CNN

Naw, my tweet picture is not the 2nd car. that was a convertable.




other two cars
Our First Lady speaks out...

“Our country encourages freedom of speech, but let’s communicate w/o hate in our hearts. No good comes from violence. #Charlottesville,”

Encouraging people to come together. That's a refreshing change from what we were hearing from Moochelle.
another trump tweet

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Still has not condemned White Nationalists

What did they do? Show up? Who instigated the violence? As disgusting as the supremacists are they have as much of a right to demonstrate as those that were unhappy that Trump was elected and rioted? Obama never condemned them, yet you want Trump to condemn the supremacists before the facts are all in?

If I were a white supremacists or a protester, I would have stayed away from the event today. Sad that people cannot protest peacefully.

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