United States now has more Spanish speakers than Spain – only Mexico has more

Is that bad?

Being able to speak two languages is kind of cool.

Language is one of the few common traits that bind this nation together.

My bad.


A multitude of languages have always been spoken in the US.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

As it is today.

Before we had a policy of Assimilation.

Today we have a policy of celebrating "diversity".

Today is very different.
Is that bad?

Being able to speak two languages is kind of cool.

Language is one of the few common traits that bind this nation together.

My bad.


A multitude of languages have always been spoken in the US.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.
It's always been like this Especially in NYC.

YOu mention a single city and say it was always like that, in relation to the nation as a whole.

Something that happened in localized and limited areas now happening to the nation as a whole,

makes this completely different.
The USA has also more Irish than Ireland. More Spanish than Spain, and more German than Germany.
Time for the Trump administration to sign an order making American English our national language.

No, because if you do that, then next the Chinese will switch the national language to Chinese and you will not be able to switch it back to English.
The USA has also more Irish than Ireland. More Spanish than Spain, and more German than Germany.

If you had to choose to live in Ireland, or Germany, or Mexico, which would you choose?

I am very happy to be an American, even though I live in France, and my French is better than my English. The USA is the last country where taxation is not yet a predatory exercise in behavioral modification. Thanks to Trump. But after Trump, the socialist will capture America too. And then America will be like Mexico, only worse, with predatory taxation.
The USA has also more Irish than Ireland. More Spanish than Spain, and more German than Germany.

If you had to choose to live in Ireland, or Germany, or Mexico, which would you choose?

I am very happy to be an American, even though I live in France, and my French is better than my English. The USA is the last country where taxation is not yet a predatory exercise in behavioral modification. Thanks to Trump. But after Trump, the socialist will capture America too. And then America will be like Mexico, only worse, with predatory taxation.

SO, why do we want to turn America into Mexico?
Language is one of the few common traits that bind this nation together.

My bad.


A multitude of languages have always been spoken in the US.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

As it is today.

Before we had a policy of Assimilation.

Today we have a policy of celebrating "diversity".

Today is very different.

Immigrants today assimilate just as those who came before them did, culturally, economically, and linguistically.
The USA has also more Irish than Ireland. More Spanish than Spain, and more German than Germany.

If you had to choose to live in Ireland, or Germany, or Mexico, which would you choose?

I am very happy to be an American, even though I live in France, and my French is better than my English. The USA is the last country where taxation is not yet a predatory exercise in behavioral modification. Thanks to Trump. But after Trump, the socialist will capture America too. And then America will be like Mexico, only worse, with predatory taxation.

SO, why do we want to turn America into Mexico?

Because the socialist has programmed this into every university student with all those free student loans, and then there is only one step there to totalitarian centralized socialist government. All is needed is to make an election promise to rework the student loans as a socialist government income for the unemployed, and the American centralized totalitarian government is voted in forever. Those who are American and care for America would not help to do this, so the socialist have no choice but to use the Mexicans for this goal.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

By what metrics do you consider that worse than today?

It's numerical - by sheer weight of numbers. Was there some other metric to apply? It seemed like a straightforward comparison to me.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

By what metrics do you consider that worse than today?

It's numerical - by sheer weight of numbers. Was there some other metric to apply? It seemed like a straightforward comparison to me.

Time for the Trump administration to sign an order making American English our national language.

No, because if you do that, then next the Chinese will switch the national language to Chinese and you will not be able to switch it back to English.

There aren't enough Chinese in the US for something like that to happen.
There is no legal national language in the US, and there isn't going to be one.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

By what metrics do you consider that worse than today?

It's numerical - by sheer weight of numbers. Was there some other metric to apply? It seemed like a straightforward comparison to me.


See Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia - especially the chart under Demography - with number & % of foreign-born by decade:

"The United States admitted more legal immigrants from 1991 to 2000, between ten and eleven million, than in any previous decade. In the most recent decade, the ten million legal immigrants that settled in the U.S. represent an annual growth of only about 0.3% as the U.S. population grew from 249 million to 281 million. By comparison, the highest previous decade was the 1900s, when 8.8 million people arrived, increasing the total U.S. population by one percent every year. Specifically, "nearly 15% of Americans were foreign-born in 1910, while in 1999, only about 10% were foreign-born."[79]"

(My emphasis - more @ the URL)

Yep, the absolute numbers are higher from 1991 - 2000, but the % of foreign-born in the US population was about 150% of the 10% in 1999.
Time for the Trump administration to sign an order making American English our national language.

No, because if you do that, then next the Chinese will switch the national language to Chinese and you will not be able to switch it back to English.

There aren't enough Chinese in the US for something like that to happen.

Give it time. I have seen countries that went down the drain with such problems in time.
Hay muchos Latinos en Los Estados Unidos. Es el pais mas mejor y mucho mas grande que los otros Paises Latinos.

Pero El Inglés debe la lengua nacional in Los Estados Unidos.
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A multitude of languages have always been spoken in the US.

Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

As it is today.

Before we had a policy of Assimilation.

Today we have a policy of celebrating "diversity".

Today is very different.

Immigrants today assimilate just as those who came before them did, culturally, economically, and linguistically.

Tell the dead in Boston about how well immigrants are assimilating.


Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

By what metrics do you consider that worse than today?

It's numerical - by sheer weight of numbers. Was there some other metric to apply? It seemed like a straightforward comparison to me.

So because we had a big wave before and managed to deal with it, you assume that we can again.

That's assume that the immigrants are basically the same and the nation is basically the same.

Both are not true.
Nothing like now. This is a great wound to America.

To the US? No, the peak immigration to the US from non-English speaking backgrounds was probably in the 1890s to 1910 CE or so. We had massive immigration, due to various factors. We coped, the public schools in the big cities in the Northeast - where the population tended to come in - did yeoman duty in helping to teach & acculturate the children, & there was also adult education - mostly language lessons, as I recall.

As it is today.

Before we had a policy of Assimilation.

Today we have a policy of celebrating "diversity".

Today is very different.

Immigrants today assimilate just as those who came before them did, culturally, economically, and linguistically.

Tell the dead in Boston about how well immigrants are assimilating.


That is an inductive fallacy and an appeal to emotion. A clumsy one at that.

A student of mine (gasp! an immigrant!) a few years ago relied on a prosthetic device. Fortunately, a company that makes such devices provided her with one of these very expensive items for free. Why? Because someone heard about the circumstances by which she came to need the device and advocated with the company on her behalf. The student and her benefactor remain in contact to this day. Who was this kind benefactor you say? A brave and compassionate woman who lost her legs in the Boston Marathon bombing. What she didn't lose, to say the least, was her humanity. Who the fuck are you to use her experience for hateful, illogical spite where she used it to do good?

In case you were wondering, the student is a very bright young person of excellent character who graduated from high school with excellent marks and is now attending college here in the US, with a very bright future no doubt. Successfully assimilated linguistically, educationally, economically, and culturally.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it before pulling another fallacy.

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