University Students Storm Out When Professor Says On Average Men Are Taller Than Women

A common argument we had was about what women wear. She would say that women had the right to dress like a hooker without fear of being attacked. I agreed with her completely, but pointed out that not all men in the world are 'good' guys and that dressing like that was dangerous. I didn't say they couldn't dress like hookers, I just said it could be dangerous. She lost her mind and was unable to process that it wasn't a perfect world where actions had consequences.

I get so tired of leftists who think "I have a right to . . ." somehow means that's how things are ACTUALLY gonna be.

Every woman should be free of rape and abuse. I'll go with that. But that is only reality in a perfect world, and this ain't that world. So the best a woman can do is understand that this ISN'T a perfect world where they're free of rape and abuse, and she's gonna have to adjust her behavior to be as safe as possible in the IMPERFECT world we've actually got.

The only logical, rational answer to "I should be able to dress like a hooker without being attacked" is "You should, but you probably CAN'T".

You know, that is a difference in the mentality of Europeans and Americans. In Europe, the women can dress however they want without much hassle, and all the beaches over there are topless at the whim of the woman. If she wants to go topless, she can, and guys don't really stare too much at them. I know that it took me a week or two to get used to it, but when I did, it wasn't much of a problem.

Bitch of it was, everytime I went to a new command that deployed, I'd have to spend the first week of the first deployment getting used to it again.
No wonder there are so many muslim rapists in Europe.

Actually, this was in the 80's and 90's, before the Muslim influx.
Sure it was.
A common argument we had was about what women wear. She would say that women had the right to dress like a hooker without fear of being attacked. I agreed with her completely, but pointed out that not all men in the world are 'good' guys and that dressing like that was dangerous. I didn't say they couldn't dress like hookers, I just said it could be dangerous. She lost her mind and was unable to process that it wasn't a perfect world where actions had consequences.

I get so tired of leftists who think "I have a right to . . ." somehow means that's how things are ACTUALLY gonna be.

Every woman should be free of rape and abuse. I'll go with that. But that is only reality in a perfect world, and this ain't that world. So the best a woman can do is understand that this ISN'T a perfect world where they're free of rape and abuse, and she's gonna have to adjust her behavior to be as safe as possible in the IMPERFECT world we've actually got.

The only logical, rational answer to "I should be able to dress like a hooker without being attacked" is "You should, but you probably CAN'T".

You know, that is a difference in the mentality of Europeans and Americans. In Europe, the women can dress however they want without much hassle, and all the beaches over there are topless at the whim of the woman. If she wants to go topless, she can, and guys don't really stare too much at them. I know that it took me a week or two to get used to it, but when I did, it wasn't much of a problem.

Bitch of it was, everytime I went to a new command that deployed, I'd have to spend the first week of the first deployment getting used to it again.
No wonder there are so many muslim rapists in Europe.

Actually, this was in the 80's and 90's, before the Muslim influx.
Sure it was.

First deployment I did in the Navy was in 1983. Last one I did was in 1999.
God forbid he had said "men have a penis, woman have a vagina".
This reminds me of that kid from the Kindergarten Cop film. :D :D :D

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My response to the actual point of this chat: Oh the bloody horror! What is so earth shattering about one gender being taller than the other?

Some people simply can't bear to be told that there's an inherent, immutable genetic difference between the sexes.
Okay now I get it. Her husband objected to an all Black day on campus where no white people were allowed on campus? So naturally every time they speak the sjw's must show up and put on their little fascist show?

First what a dumb idea for a campus.

Second the Administrator who approved the all black day should be removed.

They should have to pay the couple about a half a million dollars in settlement........

Students who repeatedly exhibit fascist behavior should be expelled from school.
All Black Day is by definition racist. Don't these fucks have two brain cells.
They can't accept biology and the reality that men are typically taller.

Sad how so called educated people
can't accept data and facts anymore if it doesn't play to their pc bs.
They can't accept biology and the reality that men are typically taller.

Sad how so called educated people
can't accept data and facts anymore if it doesn't play to their pc bs.
Society had better get a grip on this bullshit before we are all destroyed or in jail for refusing to use somebody's choice of pronouns. This is a systematic and willful destruction of societal norms at the whim of a few nutcases who believe they only maintain the Truth.
God forbid he had said "men have a penis, woman have a vagina".

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Society had better get a grip on this bullshit before we are all destroyed or in jail for refusing to use somebody's choice of pronouns.
since the first day I was here I said PC is going to be the death of america, the reason it does not go away is because it is the weapon of choice used by white liberals and everyone who keeps blaming minorities is falling right into the trap...just look around this forum, it isn't minorities that are Americas problem, it is white liberals, think about it, they can't use any of their favorite weapon "the race card" if you are just tackling the white liberal problem, they are the bane of America, no one else.

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