Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?
View attachment 305522 View attachment 305523 View attachment 305524 View attachment 305525 View attachment 305526 Interesting
Those look like Union Troops
See the blue uniforms and “US” Belt Buckle?
Nope confederacy

Confederates did not wear blue uniforms with union hats
They had CSA Belt Buckles
As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...


"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, you Dems are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328
Latin America holds voting on Sunday and some offer free public transport to the polls.
As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...

View attachment 305527

"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....View attachment 305528

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
CD87C8F2-5B15-4A6F-8C21-2025363EBF28.jpeg 955E1BC0-8F64-4308-A0B3-F3EE2A59CED4.jpeg
Slave owners were anti Christian, lazy, and hateful people. why not just hire people to work your fields and pay them a good wage?
What has already been erased is the fact that the North had slavery for 200 years.
No doubt it sounds like the Dems. I would easily lump the GOP in as well. They aren't about the poor or middle class.
As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...

View attachment 305527

"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....View attachment 305528

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
View attachment 305529 View attachment 305530

Here is the undoctored photo of the Louisiana Native Guard with their UNION officer

As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...

View attachment 305527

"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....View attachment 305528

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
View attachment 305529 View attachment 305530

Here is the undoctored photo of the Louisiana Native Guard with their UNION officer

View attachment 305531
F643B7C0-28CB-432C-BB0D-D074B28CD2CA.jpeg D340CA9C-5815-4F76-9580-96946E8285D0.jpeg C0AB12C0-C643-4096-95CD-57470645D3A6.jpeg
As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...

View attachment 305527

"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....View attachment 305528

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
View attachment 305529 View attachment 305530

Here is the undoctored photo of the Louisiana Native Guard with their UNION officer

View attachment 305531
95E2A953-F54A-488F-BB31-4C3F9FBC9F60.jpeg 27751DAC-4DA0-437F-B4AD-EE2FC1DDB179.jpeg F3D4E609-6F43-478F-9B48-1E6F78A61B04.jpeg
While we are erasing history, shouldn't we also remove any evidence of the 18 US Presidents who owned slaves?
As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...

View attachment 305527

"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....View attachment 305528

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
View attachment 305529 View attachment 305530

Here is the undoctored photo of the Louisiana Native Guard with their UNION officer

View attachment 305531
View attachment 305535 View attachment 305536 View attachment 305537

Still doesn’t show anything

Why don’t you show a record of armed negro soldiers fighting in battle
So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much

I don't "hate" them. I just don't think that they need to be honored and glorified.
Interesting read:

Yes, There Were Black Confederates. Here’s Why

The rest you can look up. I'm watching Shawshank for the umpteenth time, so I'm not concentrating on much and it's slowing down my chores.
Shawshank has been on so many times, some people have memorized the lines. The ending could have been a bit longer. Also when Freeman is on the bus the window is open when you see him and then when you see the bus from the rear, no windows are open.

I've memorized some of it, like Red hoping that the ocean is as blue as it has been in his dreams. The window thing got passed the editors. It happens, just like the Trojans standing under a jet trail.
Seems the voters of Virginia no longer want to celebrate a Confederate holiday
B7A7E2B3-16EE-4DFB-BC7E-F20D5FE7F334.jpeg D14B4D8C-A6A0-471F-8A2A-1950DDDB085D.jpeg
As much as these idiots claim to hate "identity politics" -- they constantly resort to it because they know the facts aint on their side.....so they feel simply showing a picture of black people proves a point...it doesn't.....

Here Jizz...I will add to your photo album...and I will even name the people in the photo...

View attachment 305527

"Sergeant A.M. Chandler of the 44th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Co. F., and Silas Chandler, family slave, with Bowie knives, revolvers, pepper-box, shotgun, and canteen"

Please Jizz….tell me about the battles fought by these black confederate regiments.....I'll wait..

We know all about the battles of these black Union soldiers.....View attachment 305528

--And all black regiments like the Buffalo soldiers are still honored to this day....care to tell me about these all black confederate regiments?? I am sure you white racists cared enough to honor them right??
View attachment 305529 View attachment 305530

Here is the undoctored photo of the Louisiana Native Guard with their UNION officer

View attachment 305531
View attachment 305535 View attachment 305536 View attachment 305537

Still doesn’t show anything

Why don’t you show a record of armed negro soldiers fighting in battle
4D31FDD2-83A3-4F04-8FCC-FF69CE02618B.jpeg 6F650732-B1A9-43B7-913C-5DD1A2BE3806.jpeg 5E29B2E6-7B9D-42EB-8393-DBBF65FAC1F5.jpeg

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