Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Blacks and Brazilians celebrate it
Why was Virginia celebrating two generals that lost the civil war? I'm actually OK with getting rid of the holiday. I'm surprised it took this long. However, I don't care for the removal of statues as they represent history, complete with its mistakes, for all to see. We can't pretend like the Civil War never happened. I just don't think you need a state wide holiday to remember.
This is what you get when democrats gain the majority. Hypocrite democrats don't give a damn about a governor who engaged in blackface and KKK follies in college though.

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
Oh its the "look, we had slaves on our side fighting" defense...

Can you tell me how many black folks escaped the north and went down south to fight on the side of the confederacy???

Any stories of Harriet Tubman types helping freed black men escape to the South because of how much they wanted to fight for the Confederacy?? No?

Look, the North had black soliders too....MORE OF THEM.....
View attachment 305356

and they won ...…and 150 years later, dic suckers like you are still mad

you think farmers knew the intentions of democrats like they had internet access lol

Most of the south had no slaves, they were protecting their land and farms.. your narrative that people cared about slavery is because you are uneducated. And you lie to lie to blacks.. blacks weren’t a thought,, blacks were free, blacks owned slaves.. yoir dumb
Yes, they knew their intentions.....the Confederacy cared about slavery so much that in every state's order of Secession -- they all mentioned maintaining slavery as their core reason for seceding....but dic suckers like you don't like facts -- so you want to pretend that nobody could read or write back then....

Texas Order Of Secession...

"Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquillity and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."

Mississippi Order of Secession

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin."

There is a reason all of these Confederate states kept making slavery their central reason for secession....Maybe you need to go back in time and tell the confederates to stop talking about slavery so much because its making it harder for dic suckers like you to not look stupid by telling the rest of us how the Confederates didn't care about slavery...
Yes democrats mentioned it.. not the people.
Do you like getting slapped around with facts or something? Are you like a masochist or something??

With that dumb ass logic...I suppose when you always bring up the Declaration of Independence -- that wouldn't be what the "people" decided, just something a few colonialists mentioned.....

The same way they had a convention to vote on those documents back during the Revolutionary War days is the same way they held conventions to vote on the Orders of Secession during the Civil War days...

And the only reason dic suckers like you don't worship people who turned traitor and fought on the side of the British -- is because their reason for fighting against America wasn't because they wanted to MAINTAIN SLAVERY....So bringing up Benedict Arnold isn't a wedge issue to use for your goofy ass black vs white, white supremacist porn..........period....
You’re just giving me your opinion.. thank you! But I’m pretty sure free blacks fought for the Confederacy , Asians Latinos, Indians.. that logic would mean they wanted to be slaves lol The ordinary citizens in America back in those times did not want slavery it was only deep rooted Democrats that want to control people like they do today that wanted slavery. View attachment 305503It’s why you people have urban slave plantation’s today
Slavery caused the South to secede

You can take it from there

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much

I don't "hate" them. I just don't think that they need to be honored and glorified.
Interesting read:

Yes, There Were Black Confederates. Here’s Why

The rest you can look up. I'm watching Shawshank for the umpteenth time, so I'm not concentrating on much and it's slowing down my chores.
you think farmers knew the intentions of democrats like they had internet access lol

Most of the south had no slaves, they were protecting their land and farms.. your narrative that people cared about slavery is because you are uneducated. And you lie to lie to blacks.. blacks weren’t a thought,, blacks were free, blacks owned slaves.. yoir dumb
Yes, they knew their intentions.....the Confederacy cared about slavery so much that in every state's order of Secession -- they all mentioned maintaining slavery as their core reason for seceding....but dic suckers like you don't like facts -- so you want to pretend that nobody could read or write back then....

Texas Order Of Secession...

"Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquillity and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time."

Mississippi Order of Secession

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin."

There is a reason all of these Confederate states kept making slavery their central reason for secession....Maybe you need to go back in time and tell the confederates to stop talking about slavery so much because its making it harder for dic suckers like you to not look stupid by telling the rest of us how the Confederates didn't care about slavery...
Yes democrats mentioned it.. not the people.
Do you like getting slapped around with facts or something? Are you like a masochist or something??

With that dumb ass logic...I suppose when you always bring up the Declaration of Independence -- that wouldn't be what the "people" decided, just something a few colonialists mentioned.....

The same way they had a convention to vote on those documents back during the Revolutionary War days is the same way they held conventions to vote on the Orders of Secession during the Civil War days...

And the only reason dic suckers like you don't worship people who turned traitor and fought on the side of the British -- is because their reason for fighting against America wasn't because they wanted to MAINTAIN SLAVERY....So bringing up Benedict Arnold isn't a wedge issue to use for your goofy ass black vs white, white supremacist porn..........period....
You’re just giving me your opinion.. thank you! But I’m pretty sure free blacks fought for the Confederacy , Asians Latinos, Indians.. that logic would mean they wanted to be slaves lol The ordinary citizens in America back in those times did not want slavery it was only deep rooted Democrats that want to control people like they do today that wanted slavery. View attachment 305503It’s why you people have urban slave plantation’s today
Slavery caused the South to secede

You can take it from there
Yes that’s factual history I like facts lol

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?
918AF7EA-A455-425A-9EEC-25E9E415B32E.jpeg 57B67807-9317-4CF7-8729-5E681D0955FC.jpeg 9B09BF09-0782-42C4-B16E-D80CEB82B682.jpeg B1E0E444-26F2-4F39-AD58-A504C7672749.jpeg EA5C7492-8106-43D6-8BE6-20665090436B.jpeg Interesting

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much

I don't "hate" them. I just don't think that they need to be honored and glorified.
Interesting read:

Yes, There Were Black Confederates. Here’s Why

The rest you can look up. I'm watching Shawshank for the umpteenth time, so I'm not concentrating on much and it's slowing down my chores.
Good opinion piece

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?

There is a reason why conservatives have to constantly lie and try to rewrite history as it relates to the civil war.....and that is because, they lost....which is ironically why this effort to rewrite history is called the "Lost Cause strategy" --- and claiming there were black confederates armed soldiers is just the latest effort at rewriting history.....just more fairy tales they tell themselves to make them feel better...they were camp servants....period...

These neo-confederate morons keep forgetting that people COULD WRITE BACK THEN....

"When the war ended, enslaved African Americans serving the Confederate army were liberated. But by the end of the 19th century, they began to play a central role in the lost cause, a narrative white southerners developed as a way to rationalize and romanticize defeat. They argue that the war was never about slavery, that their cause remained just even though they were defeated. What was central to the lost cause was that they believed and maintained that their enslaved people remain loyal to them and the Confederacy until the very end."

Black Confederates: exploding America's most persistent myth

If you ask one of these revisionist confederates to tell you why there were no freed black men from up north "escaping" South to join the confederacy -- they deflect.....because they know its BS...
So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?
View attachment 305522 View attachment 305523 View attachment 305524 View attachment 305525 View attachment 305526 Interesting
Those look like Union Troops
See the blue uniforms and “US” Belt Buckle?
So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?

There is a reason why conservatives have to constantly lie and try to rewrite history as it relates to the civil war.....and that is because, they lost....which is ironically why this effort to rewrite history is called the "Lost Cause strategy" --- and claiming there were black confederates armed soldiers is just the latest effort at rewriting history.....just more fairy tales they tell themselves to make them feel better...they were camp servants....period...

These neo-confederate morons keep forgetting that people COULD WRITE BACK THEN....

"When the war ended, enslaved African Americans serving the Confederate army were liberated. But by the end of the 19th century, they began to play a central role in the lost cause, a narrative white southerners developed as a way to rationalize and romanticize defeat. They argue that the war was never about slavery, that their cause remained just even though they were defeated. What was central to the lost cause was that they believed and maintained that their enslaved people remain loyal to them and the Confederacy until the very end."

Black Confederates: exploding America's most persistent myth

If you ask one of these revisionist confederates to tell you why there were no freed black men from up north "escaping" South to join the confederacy -- they deflect.....because they know its BS...
Nobody is denying with Democrats did to African-Americans
Newsflash...the Confederacy lost. War is over. Let it go. It was the best outcome for the nation.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much
No they didn’t.

They were given shovels but were not trusted with guns
Can someone who is a slave actually volunteer?
View attachment 305522 View attachment 305523 View attachment 305524 View attachment 305525 View attachment 305526 Interesting
Those look like Union Troops
See the blue uniforms and “US” Belt Buckle?
Nope confederacy

So you would rather Virginia have Civil War Generals Day? This would celebrate Grant, Sherman, Hooker, and others, as well as Lee and Jackson.
Celebrate all American history

I don't think that American history needs to be celebrated, which would mean glorifying all of these guys, like all of these statues do. It needs to be examined, thought about, and discussed, warts and all. This is why we have museums, courses, books, and discussion groups.

I live in Virginia, within easy driving distance from Lee's childhood home. All of the monuments and street names seem to be connected to the confederacy. There is no balance. At least Fairfax re-named J.E.B. Stuart High School. It is now Justice High. More fitting and inspiring.
you have a right to your opinion..
The confederacy has a lot of African-American history many African Americans fought for the Confederacy Asians Italians Japanese native Americans why do you hate them so much

I don't "hate" them. I just don't think that they need to be honored and glorified.
Interesting read:

Yes, There Were Black Confederates. Here’s Why

The rest you can look up. I'm watching Shawshank for the umpteenth time, so I'm not concentrating on much and it's slowing down my chores.
Shawshank has been on so many times, some people have memorized the lines. The ending could have been a bit longer. Also when Freeman is on the bus the window is open when you see him and then when you see the bus from the rear, no windows are open.

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