Unpopular Opinion: Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees

Definitely. Conservative public should put pressure on Conservative businesses to stop employing Progressives.

As i have mentioned before, most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals active on Social Media have posted something which is a cancellable offense.

Given that Progressives would be happy to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, it is logical that Conservatives should try to cancel Progressives.
Definitely. Conservative public should put pressure on Conservative businesses to stop employing Progressives.

As i have mentioned before, most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals active on Social Media have posted something which is a cancellable offense.

Given that Progressives would be happy to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, it is logical that Conservatives should try to cancel Progressives.
That sounds stupid, yeah they want to be pricks, but why should we?
As i have mentioned before, most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals active on Social Media have posted something which is a cancellable offense.

Given that Progressives would be happy to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, it is logical that Conservatives should try to cancel Progressives.
That sounds stupid, yeah they want to be pricks, but why should we?

I respectfully disagree.
As i have mentioned before, most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals active on Social Media have posted something which is a cancellable offense.

Given that Progressives would be happy to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, it is logical that Conservatives should try to cancel Progressives.
That sounds stupid, yeah they want to be pricks, but why should we?

I respectfully disagree.
Do what you want but kind of hard to win that war
As i have mentioned before, most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals active on Social Media have posted something which is a cancellable offense.

Given that Progressives would be happy to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, it is logical that Conservatives should try to cancel Progressives.

You already have.

Colin Kapernaek
The Dixie Chicks
Sinaed O'Connor
Jane Fonda.

There was that lady who worked for John Edwards who got fired for wishing the Virgin Mary had gotten an abortion.

The real problem isn't that you haven't used this club, the thing is someone pulled this club out of your hands and started beating you with it.
As i have mentioned before, most Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals active on Social Media have posted something which is a cancellable offense.

Given that Progressives would be happy to cancel anyone who disagrees with them, it is logical that Conservatives should try to cancel Progressives.

You already have.

Colin Kapernaek
The Dixie Chicks
Sinaed O'Connor
Jane Fonda.

There was that lady who worked for John Edwards who got fired for wishing the Virgin Mary had gotten an abortion.

The real problem isn't that you haven't used this club, the thing is someone pulled this club out of your hands and started beating you with it.

Hundreds of thousands of Progressives are working for Conservative businesses in small Conservative counties. Yet Conservatives have cancelled only a few people. Conservatives should be aiming for better results.
This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.

The employer is the boss, and if they want to get rid of an employee, they can figure out how to do it without breaking any laws.
It's when they start talking shit about politics and their personal views, that they risk getting hauled off to court ... :thup:

Hundreds of thousands of Progressives are working for Conservative businesses in small Conservative counties. Yet Conservatives have cancelled only a few people. Conservatives should be aiming for better results.

Um, why?

Frankly, firing anyone usually is a hit in morale for the whole company, so it's probably not something anyone should do without a really, really good reason.

I've worked at companies with high attrition rates and low ones. The low ones are usually happier places to work. The are happier places to work even if you don't pay as well.

Now, for all my "Workers of the World" unite attitudes, I do agree, there are some cases where an employee has to be let go. I've had to fire employees, (when I was in supervisory positions, which I'll never do again) because sometimes you have no choice.

Firing someone because they express an opinion you don't like, not a good reason for it.

Now, this is quite different from "Cancel Culture", where these people did something quite public that brought disrepute onto the whole company.
You seem to believe that it's either zombies in cubicles or an all-out employee free for all.

I would have neither in my businesses...

I would say that if you are monitoring what your employees are talking about and you've had to fire four of them in the last year, then you must run a pretty awful place. Or you really suck at picking employees.

Well, what you would say is pretty meaningless, as are you.

My business isn't a place for someone to come air their political grievances one way or another. It's detrimental to business, especially since I don't know the political bent of the people who may enter my business and decide to leave because they don't like the opinion one of my people is expressing.

You wanna' do that shit? Save it for the lunch room when you're off the clock. You do it on the floor, where customers are within earshot, and you're gone. Period. Every single person knows this by the end of the first day of orientation.

And, yeah, four employees out of about 150, some of which who've been with me since I started 15 years ago.

Again, you would never last with me, simply because you think you should be allowed to do as you wish while on the clock, and I that can only have an adverse impact on your work ethic...
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
Nobody is in danger of you firing them pee wee

Aw, how cute. The liberal pretended to be retarded so that he could make a personal attack.

Here the deal, candy. Yes, my career currently is not doing that well. AND, you are a fucking retard.

I would rather has a stalled career, than be a retard like you.

My career could improve. You will always be retarded.
Perhaps the reason for your career stagnation is your inability to use "has" verses "have". Just throwing that out there pee wee.

Nope. And you are still retarded.
Well, you can believe that, but I've got the rewards and recognitions that say otherwise.


That sounds like you are delving into shit that is none of your business, really. I mean, that sounds kind of intrusive and awful.

Not even a little. It's more along the lines of "Hey, Bob, how ya' doing? Everything good?" or "How's the family?"

I'm pretty goddamn good at reading people, and I can tell if someone's not being straight with me. In all the years I've been in business I've never had a single employee say they don't appreciate it.

Especially the guy whose POS car died on him, which put a burden on him and his wife because now they both had to ride the bus to work, while figuring out how to get the kids to school. He was a damn hard worker, but had shitty credit and not a lot in savings. So, instead of letting this guy go because he was constantly 10 or 15 minutes late, my management team and I came up with an award to give him to recognize his hard work, and that came along with a $3,500 check he used towards a car...

So you fire people for talking about stuff you don't like, and you pry into their private lives... frankly, you'd have made a great boss ... in East Germany.

No, I fire people for failing to adhere to company policy...

Now, funny thing, in the last year, I was approached by no less than three former co-workers about opportunities in their company, because they knew the quality of work I did and thought I'd be a good fit. One of them was a former supervisor. Over the course of my career, three former employers have actually expressed interest in whether I would be interested in coming back. (I always say no to these offers because that would be more like going back than going forward.) I get frequent calls from recruiters based on just my LinkedIn profile.

Shit, anyone can write anything in LinkedIn. A good hiring manager takes all of that with a grain of salt.

And maybe your former co-workers share your view of the world, and think they should be able to do as they please.

They wouldn't last with either of my companies, either...
Frankly, firing anyone usually is a hit in morale for the whole company, so it's probably not something anyone should do without a really, really good reason.

Unless that person really, really needs to be fired. Then it can just as easily be a morale booster...
Firing someone because they express an opinion you don't like, not a good reason for it.
Progressives do it all the time. Tens of thousands of people have been fired for saying anything Progressives find offensive.

If you ask the right questions during the interviewing process, it tends to reduce the need to fire them later on.
It also helps to do a background check and social media search on every logical candidate for the position.

If you didn't catch it in the interview process ... The second an employee suggests their politics is more important than the quality of the product or service you are providing, and/or the job you pay them to do, then you have solid grounds on which to show the stupid motherfucker the door.

If you can figure out a way to play it off as a 'safety concern', it will be ten times easier, and the Feds won't say shit ... :thup:

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Frankly, firing anyone usually is a hit in morale for the whole company, so it's probably not something anyone should do without a really, really good reason.

Unless that person really, really needs to be fired. Then it can just as easily be a morale booster...

That reminds me of an idea I had for a consultancy type business. It's a service to instill camaraderie and increase company morale. It's called "Rent an Asshole". The way it works is, the company hires a new employee, touted to be a superstar hire. Unbeknownst to the other employees, the new hire is actually one of our certified assholes. Over the course of several weeks the new "employee" proves to be an arrogant, incompetent jerk. After it's clear everyone is fed up with the jerk, the boss fires them - preferably in a public/humiliating way. And everyone cheers!
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
Nobody is in danger of you firing them pee wee

Aw, how cute. The liberal pretended to be retarded so that he could make a personal attack.

Here the deal, candy. Yes, my career currently is not doing that well. AND, you are a fucking retard.

I would rather has a stalled career, than be a retard like you.

My career could improve. You will always be retarded.
Perhaps the reason for your career stagnation is your inability to use "has" verses "have". Just throwing that out there pee wee.

Nope. And you are still retarded.
You shouldn't begin a sentence with the word "and". I think your illiteracy is holding you back. Your attitude is like your mouth...both suck.
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
Nobody is in danger of you firing them pee wee

Aw, how cute. The liberal pretended to be retarded so that he could make a personal attack.

Here the deal, candy. Yes, my career currently is not doing that well. AND, you are a fucking retard.

I would rather has a stalled career, than be a retard like you.

My career could improve. You will always be retarded.
Perhaps the reason for your career stagnation is your inability to use "has" verses "have". Just throwing that out there pee wee.

Nope. And you are still retarded.
You shouldn't begin a sentence with the word "and". I think your illiteracy is holding you back. Your attitude is like your mouth...both suck.

Yet you are the one that had to pretend to be too stupid too understand my post before you dared even try to challenge it.

My point stands, retard.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
What if I owned a business, and I wanted to fire an employee because he was an atheist, should I have that right?
I would say if that atheist was annoying his fellow employees by mocking why their Sky Man doesn't exist, that might be a good reason to fire him. I think it's a matter of whether the conduct effects work.

You're moving the goalposts. You said that you thought you should have a right to fire an employee, just for being a Mormon. Nothing about dragging his religion into the workplace and bothering others with it.

Should an employer, then, equally have the right to fire someone just for being an atheist? Since you did not include bothering others with his faith in your claimed right to fire a Mormon, it's irrelevant bullshit to bring up similar behavior on the part of an atheist.

What if I want to fire an employee for no other reason than that he's a pathetic fifty-something-year-old incel who has never been married?
I would wonder why you spend so much time fantasizing about other people's sex lives... I mean, frankly, it sounds like you aren't getting any at home. Probably takes too long to get the Magic Underwear off... the moment kind of passes.

That you think that sex is all that marriage is about, all that normal healthy relationships between men and women are about, is a large part of what makes you an incel. Of course, you being a pathetic loser in your late fifties, who has never been married, I wouldn't expect you to understand. Nor for that matter, would I expect you to get the irony of your bizarre fantasies about my sex life as you imagine it; while falsely projecting that behavior on me, when you don't even have a sex life about which I could be fantasizing if I were so inclined.

Naw, guy, you see, if I fired a Mormon, he'd never know what hit him. He'd never know I think he belongs to a bizarre cult.... Instead, I just start building up a paper file on him, making a record of every time a co-worker complained about him... that's what I'd do.

I doubt if anyone is surprised at your admission that you are such a liar and a coward, that you would not have the honesty to even tell the employee you were firing what problem you think you had with him.
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So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
Nobody is in danger of you firing them pee wee

Aw, how cute. The liberal pretended to be retarded so that he could make a personal attack.

Here the deal, candy. Yes, my career currently is not doing that well. AND, you are a fucking retard.

I would rather has a stalled career, than be a retard like you.

My career could improve. You will always be retarded.
Perhaps the reason for your career stagnation is your inability to use "has" verses "have". Just throwing that out there pee wee.

Nope. And you are still retarded.
You shouldn't begin a sentence with the word "and". I think your illiteracy is holding you back. Your attitude is like your mouth...both suck.

Yet you are the one that had to pretend to be too stupid too understand my post before you dared even try to challenge it.

My point stands, retard.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?

The "war"? Yeah buddy....as you post on a message board and confuse yourself for some sort of "warrior". Please post some more about this "war" and make us laugh again.

Your diminishing place in the world and downward spiral into vocational (and likely financial) oblivion is nobody's fault but your own.
Well, what you would say is pretty meaningless, as are you.

yet here you are responding to it.

My business isn't a place for someone to come air their political grievances one way or another. It's detrimental to business, especially since I don't know the political bent of the people who may enter my business and decide to leave because they don't like the opinion one of my people is expressing.

Okay, that's actually a valid point. Frankly, the only person I've ever seen who was loud about his political opinions at work was a Trump supporter... But that's not what you claimed you were doing. You claimed you fired at least four people this year for airing political greivances.

Again, you would never last with me, simply because you think you should be allowed to do as you wish while on the clock, and I that can only have an adverse impact on your work ethic...

Again, guy, I probably wouldn't, because honestly, you sound like the kind of micromanager who makes everyone around him kind of miserable.

Shit, anyone can write anything in LinkedIn. A good hiring manager takes all of that with a grain of salt.

Frankly, I wonder where these "good hiring managers" are. What I've found is that hiring is pretty hit and miss. You pick out the 10 resumes that are best written out of something like 400 you received... and then you make a decision to hire someone based on a couple of hour interviews.

Frankly, in my career, I've maybe seen a handful or so employees where I scratch my head and say, "how did that idiot get hired?" On the other hand, I've seen very few managers I've considered "good", at least in my post-military life. And trust me, I've been around long enough to have seen just about it all. From the Fresh Graduate from college who thinks he can apply management from a textbook to the idiot who got promoted because they had been with the company for years and they gave her a shot a management she wasn't ready for.

I've also had a couple of managers who were really sharp. Unfortunately, those are the ones that don't stay because they move on to the next opportunity. I've had managers who start out really good and then stop giving a crap.

I'm pretty goddamn good at reading people, and I can tell if someone's not being straight with me. In all the years I've been in business I've never had a single employee say they don't appreciate it.

Okay, frankly, I can only judge you by what you write here... and what you write here is you come off like a typical Trump supporter, and an awful human being... but I repeat myself.

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