Unpopular Opinion: Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees

Women are still more discriminated against than men of any color

And an employer can hire anyone he wants and you have zero say in the matter.

Well, that's what needs to change. We had a much more prosperous society when we had unions and worker's rights.

And, no racial discrimination is far worse than gender discrimination. I've had lots of women bosses and never a boss who was a person of color.

Anecdotal therefore meaningless

and no one has a right to be employed by anyone.
Women are still more discriminated against than men of any color

And an employer can hire anyone he wants and you have zero say in the matter.

Well, that's what needs to change. We had a much more prosperous society when we had unions and worker's rights.

And, no racial discrimination is far worse than gender discrimination. I've had lots of women bosses and never a boss who was a person of color.
That just means you are racist and didn’t want to work for a POC.
It is the point.

A work related injury is not the same as an injury that is not work related.

IF it was work related you would have had a workers' comp claim and your care would have been paid for by your employers WC policy.

Nope, you are missing the point altogether. Back when my dad got sick, there really wasn't a clear line drawn between asbestos and cancer.. and if the boss really wanted to push the issue, they probably could have claimed his cancer was due to his smoking.

The reason they didn't cut him loose is they knew the union would raise high-holy hell.
That just means you are racist and didn’t want to work for a POC.

Not at all. I did have POC as my superiors when I was in the service, and had no problem with it.

I wish I had a choice in my bosses, but unfortunately, the sociopaths don't come with labels.
It is the point.

A work related injury is not the same as an injury that is not work related.

IF it was work related you would have had a workers' comp claim and your care would have been paid for by your employers WC policy.

Nope, you are missing the point altogether. Back when my dad got sick, there really wasn't a clear line drawn between asbestos and cancer.. and if the boss really wanted to push the issue, they probably could have claimed his cancer was due to his smoking.

The reason they didn't cut him loose is they knew the union would raise high-holy hell.
it was still a workplace exposure.

no union is going to go to bat for you because you fell on your ass outside of work
That just means you are racist and didn’t want to work for a POC.

Not at all. I did have POC as my superiors when I was in the service, and had no problem with it.

I wish I had a choice in my bosses, but unfortunately, the sociopaths don't come with labels.
So you did have a poc as a boss and lied. Thanks. Tough to keep up with all your lies as you tell so many. JoeB, the perpetual victim. Boo hoo. Of course you know whose fault this is, right Joe? Those pesky Jews....
it was still a workplace exposure.

no union is going to go to bat for you because you fell on your ass outside of work

Again, they shouldn't have to. I paid for insurance. I shouldn't have to fight to get medical treatment when I needed it no matter where I got injured.

You dumb fucks keep fucking over working people, then you wonder why you get politicians like Bernie in there.
So you did have a poc as a boss and lied.

Um, no, a superior officer isn't a boss. I'm sorry you get confused on that point, but explaining it to you would be pointless since you never served.

Now, at the times I was looking for a job, I almost never got interviewed by a POC. Why? They are very rarely in positions of authority to make the hiring decisions. if they were, you probably wouldn't need affirmative action.
it was still a workplace exposure.

no union is going to go to bat for you because you fell on your ass outside of work

Again, they shouldn't have to. I paid for insurance. I shouldn't have to fight to get medical treatment when I needed it no matter where I got injured.

You dumb fucks keep fucking over working people, then you wonder why you get politicians like Bernie in there.
That's between you and the insurance company not you and your employer.

And I have never screwed anyone over. I worked for myself for 30 years and anyone who ever worked for me got exactly what we agreed on for pay.
I wouldn't even hire somebody that indicated they voted for Democrats.

It would make me question their judgement for sure. It would depend on the job to me. If they will be loading tracks all day, probably not an issue. If they would be handling company policy or would be in any management level position, I would be very hesitant, particularly if they were one of these TDS folks who would have voted for Mickey Mouse, and in fact did with Biden/Harris, over Trump. That would be a deal breaker as it shows a complete lack of common sense.

Yes. Anybody that voted for China Joe and The Ho be beaucoup dinky dau.
So you did have a poc as a boss and lied.

Um, no, a superior officer isn't a boss. I'm sorry you get confused on that point, but explaining it to you would be pointless since you never served.

Now, at the times I was looking for a job, I almost never got interviewed by a POC. Why? They are very rarely in positions of authority to make the hiring decisions. if they were, you probably wouldn't need affirmative action.

since blacks are only 12 or 13% of the population you could certainly have never worked for a POC.

That's anecdotal and meaningless.

I think it's funny when racist White people whine about racism
It is the point.

A work related injury is not the same as an injury that is not work related.

IF it was work related you would have had a workers' comp claim and your care would have been paid for by your employers WC policy.

Nope, you are missing the point altogether. Back when my dad got sick, there really wasn't a clear line drawn between asbestos and cancer.. and if the boss really wanted to push the issue, they probably could have claimed his cancer was due to his smoking.

The reason they didn't cut him loose is they knew the union would raise high-holy hell.
Then that's a good thing and the system worked. Sad for your family. I have ZERO problem with Unions that do their job; what I hate with a PASSION are Unions that get taken over by lefty skkkum and rip off the workers while screwing the employers. Sadly, such crap are now MOST Unions.

it was still a workplace exposure.

no union is going to go to bat for you because you fell on your ass outside of work

Again, they shouldn't have to. I paid for insurance. I shouldn't have to fight to get medical treatment when I needed it no matter where I got injured.

You dumb fucks keep fucking over working people, then you wonder why you get politicians like Bernie in there.
The Working eople voted for Trump!! you're talking about Swamp Jockey Biden and his band of Globalists; you know: the ones you voted for you idiot!!!

This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.

I never understood people who air their religion or politics or personal life at work. How stupid can you get?

You are right.... Generally people don't discuss politics at work unless they are sure it is a general consensus that there wouldn't be objections...

While certain things are enshrined in law like gender & racism...

That was one the big things on European Meetings I was was at... you could clearly say Trump lies, everyone would agree and running organisations on false premise is bad management...
Brexit on UK calls were more tricky, but in London Brexit was openly disparaged at meetings... I only knew one person who was proBrexit in London area...Nice guy actually and I hire him when I can... Wouldn't have known it only it came up in the pub... I was running through all the negative comments said about Brexit while he was there...

So talking about politics at work is like talking about bowel movements... Not illegal but best keep to yourself..
The First Amendment just says Congress can't make a law discriminating against you. Now, if I wanted to fire an employee because he just joined the Mormon Cult, I should have every right to do that, because frankly, I wouldn't trust a Mormon as far as I could throw him.

Does it work the other way, Incel Joe?

What if I owned a business, and I wanted to fire an employee because he was an atheist, should I have that right?

What if he's a homosexual or some other form of sick, degenerate sexual pervert?

What if he was spotted, on his own time, at a Black Lies Matter rally?

What if I want to fire an employee for no other reason than that he's a pathetic fifty-something-year-old incel who has never been married?

As long as he keeps it on his own time, should an employer have the right to fire someone simply for holding, expressing, and acting in accordance with beliefs that the employer finds disagreeable, or is it only beliefs that •YOU•, Incel Joe, find disagreeable that you think should be valid grounds to fire someone?
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You live in the wrong country.

It used to be the RIGHT country, that's the point.

Now, my Dad was a union guy, and he had serious health issues in his last years. Mostly because that asbestos he had to work with was really a carcinogen. The union protected his job. They made sure he got good health benefits and my mom was taken care of after he died.

Now, compare that to the treatment I got from my boss after I busted up my knee in 2007, where I was a running fight with Cigna to get treatment and they pretty much got rid of me at the first opporunity. (even though the injury had little effect on my ability to work.)

I'd rather live in a country that looked out for workers instead of employers... wouldn't you? Oh, no, you wouldn't. Because you got the best double wide in the trailer park.

Funny, I have lived in this country for my whole life as has my entire family. None of them were part of unions. My father was the VP of an engineering firm before retiring. He worked his way up after college from project manager all the way up. No unions, no unfair treatment. He was rewarded for his skills and work ethic. Same for me. Imagine that, a place where hard work is rewarded BUT you are held accountable when you do not do your job. Unions do protect workers but to a fault and to the detriment of the company they work for.

If I live in a trailer park, you live in the ghetto. Don’t all folks in big cities live in government housing and ghettos?
Yes, it all goes back to forced “diversity”, which is the biggest load of crap the Demcrtats have ever come up with. People should NEVER be hired simply because of their gender and/or race, but our government pushes it and practices it on a daily basis.

Why not? YOu guys keep claiming that those darkies need to stop complaining and get jobs, but then you are fine with employers not hiring them if they don't feel like it. You really can't have it both ways.

the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, of course, but you'll never hear a complaint about that.

Now, yeah, I've seen Affirmative Action hires who were worthless. I've also seen someone hired because he was the Boss' drinking buddy. Had no qualifications for the job beyond that.

People should be hired because they are the best candidate regardless of race and/or gender. It is as simple as that. This ideal can’t be legislated without violating the very premise that is being promoted in the first place.
I wouldn’t fire a person for being a progressive. I refuse to become like them as narrow minded and intolerant as they.
Conservatives are far more narrow minded. Progressives are called narrow minded by conservatives because they don't agree with draconian ideas.

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