Unpopular Opinion: Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees

Yes, it all goes back to forced “diversity”, which is the biggest load of crap the Demcrtats have ever come up with. People should NEVER be hired simply because of their gender and/or race, but our government pushes it and practices it on a daily basis.

Why not? YOu guys keep claiming that those darkies need to stop complaining and get jobs, but then you are fine with employers not hiring them if they don't feel like it. You really can't have it both ways.

the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, of course, but you'll never hear a complaint about that.

Now, yeah, I've seen Affirmative Action hires who were worthless. I've also seen someone hired because he was the Boss' drinking buddy. Had no qualifications for the job beyond that.

People should be hired because they are the best candidate regardless of race and/or gender. It is as simple as that. This ideal can’t be legislated without violating the very premise that is being promoted in the first place.
Since that has not been the case for 245 years and that whites have been the ones hired based on race. Those who oppose diversity want to return to whites only policies.
I wouldn’t fire a person for being a progressive. I refuse to become like them as narrow minded and intolerant as they.
Conservatives are far more narrow minded. Progressives are called narrow minded by conservatives because they don't agree with draconian ideas.

Yeah, like walls and wheels still work. Those kind of draconian ideas.

Progressives are VERY narrow minded. If you don’t agree with them, you are canceled or your opinion is labeled misinformation.
Unpopular Opinion: Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees
No, just hold mandatory consciousness raising sessions where people are shown that how they think should change.
Yes, it all goes back to forced “diversity”, which is the biggest load of crap the Demcrtats have ever come up with. People should NEVER be hired simply because of their gender and/or race, but our government pushes it and practices it on a daily basis.

Why not? YOu guys keep claiming that those darkies need to stop complaining and get jobs, but then you are fine with employers not hiring them if they don't feel like it. You really can't have it both ways.

the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, of course, but you'll never hear a complaint about that.

Now, yeah, I've seen Affirmative Action hires who were worthless. I've also seen someone hired because he was the Boss' drinking buddy. Had no qualifications for the job beyond that.

People should be hired because they are the best candidate regardless of race and/or gender. It is as simple as that. This ideal can’t be legislated without violating the very premise that is being promoted in the first place.
Since that has not been the case for 245 years and that whites have been the ones hired based on race. Those who oppose diversity want to return to whites only policies.

I don’t oppose diversity but I do oppose forced diversity. Would you be ok with us making the NFL or the NBA diverse to a point where it accurately reflected the racial makeup of the US?
I wouldn’t fire a person for being a progressive. I refuse to become like them as narrow minded and intolerant as they.
Conservatives are far more narrow minded. Progressives are called narrow minded by conservatives because they don't agree with draconian ideas.
I don’t agree, first few real conservatives anymore just as there are few liberals. What is left is the extreme right and the extreme left and neither respects either and neither is tolerant of any ideas outside their own. Most Americans are tolerant.
All of my employees know that their politics stop as soon as they step foot on my property. It doesn't matter if you're conservative or liberal, don't bring it into the workplace.


Those who do get reprimanded. Those who do it to the nth degree get fired. No warning, Skippy, you're gone. Big Bob, my 6'7, 345 lb Facilities Manager will show you out.

Unfortunately, last year I showed four people the door. They insisted that their 1st Amendment right superseded my company policy. I assured them it did not. When one of them sued me for wrongful termination, the presiding judge assured her it did not.

I don't like firing people, but I'll do it in a New York minute. My employees know that, if they want to go toe to toe with me, I'm game...

Not me. If people want to discuss politics amongst themselves, have at it, as long as it doesn’t negatively affect their work. I do think it is pretty stupid when businesses have TV’s on and make it a point to have either Fox or CNN on, which is likely to offend some customers. The TV’s should be on a neutral non-news channel. There aren’t any neutral news channels left.

I don't see a reason to even open the door for problems.

There are too many things in this world for people to talk about...
Unfortunately, last year I showed four people the door. They insisted that their 1st Amendment right superseded my company policy. I assured them it did not. When one of them sued me for wrongful termination, the presiding judge assured her it did not.

I don't like firing people, but I'll do it in a New York minute. My employees know that, if they want to go toe to toe with me, I'm game...

Actually, you sound like kind of an awful person to work for. It's nice that we have companies like Glassdoor that give people like you warning labels.

If you fired a person because they were expressing political opinions, but were otherwise good workers, that's kind of on you.

Oh, I have no doubt that you would hate working for me. See, I demand my employees produce quality results, and I just don't believe that's in your wheelhouse.

My employees love me. Yes, I demand a lot, but I also provide a lot. I pay them above the average. Every Friday is "lunch is on the boss" day, where we cater in lunch for my employees. Every employee gets his or her birthday off, with pay. Married folks get the day off on their anniversaries. I match 401K contributions dollar for dollar up to 8% (6% is far more common). Medical/dental/vision insurance plans are in place. Performance bonuses are generous, as are "rewards" for suggesting a plan which, if implemented, makes a process more efficient.

I'll randomly walk around the building and pull people aside and just talk to them. I'll ask them how things are going at work; any concerns. I don't pry, but I'll ask them if there's anything going on in their private life which could affect them at work. If there is, I seek ways where either I, or my company, can help them.

See, I'm the kind of employer who understands that I'm not making money if I have shitty employees. If they're happy, they'll work hard which, in the end, benefits both them and me.

So, yeah, if you're the kind of dunce who's more concerned with whether or not you can spew your tripe about your cause du jour, my companies aren't the place for you. I'm not in business to give chuckleheads like you a place to bitch about having to actually work. If, on the other hand, if you're a mature adult who enjoys being rewarded for your hard work and ingenuity, there are certainly worse places to be...
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Women are still more discriminated against than men of any color

And an employer can hire anyone he wants and you have zero say in the matter.

Well, that's what needs to change. We had a much more prosperous society when we had unions and worker's rights.

And, no racial discrimination is far worse than gender discrimination. I've had lots of women bosses and never a boss who was a person of color.

I once worked for a black woman.

Had no issue with that whatsoever...
It actually makes for a more harmonious work environment.

Does it? I mean, if you want a bunch of zombies who just come in and sit in their cubicles all day and don't interact, I guess so.... not sure anyone would want to work there.

You seem to believe that it's either zombies in cubicles or an all-out employee free for all.

I would have neither in my businesses...
It actually makes for a more harmonious work environment.

Does it? I mean, if you want a bunch of zombies who just come in and sit in their cubicles all day and don't interact, I guess so.... not sure anyone would want to work there.

You seem to believe that it's either zombies in cubicles or an all-out employee free for all.

I would have neither in my businesses...
Joe has to think is the simplest black and white terms. It's the only way he can make sense of the world
It actually makes for a more harmonious work environment.

Does it? I mean, if you want a bunch of zombies who just come in and sit in their cubicles all day and don't interact, I guess so.... not sure anyone would want to work there.

You seem to believe that it's either zombies in cubicles or an all-out employee free for all.

I would have neither in my businesses...
Joe has to think is the simplest black and white terms. It's the only way he can make sense of the world

I suspect that Joe has people who dress him and tie his shoes...
Whether it’s popular or not is irrelevant.

The fact is that such a notion is wrong, reprehensible, and illegal.
No it's not. I mean... Gina Carano...

Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.

You are absolutely welcome to show these posts. Not hard to find.
Her posts were benign. Worded poorly but benign.
That's between you and the insurance company not you and your employer.

I agree... But the funny thing happened at this company. When people started running up insurance bills, they amazingly were downsized despite performance or seniority.

A lawyer told me I had a great case for medical and age discrimination... if I wanted to spend the next few years in court.

People should be hired because they are the best candidate regardless of race and/or gender. It is as simple as that. This ideal can’t be legislated without violating the very premise that is being promoted in the first place.

The problem is, that isn't always the case. Again, I go back to my example of the guy who got hired because he was the boss's drinking buddy. To make room for him, they had to fire one person from purchasing team. Of course, the guy didn't know what he was doing, so the remaining members of the Purchasing Team just got saddled with more work.

Now, to be fair, as a professional Resume writer, I'm at least part of the problem, as hiring often happens not because you are the most qualified, but because you had the sense to hire a really good resume writer who knows all the tricks to get your resume past the applicant tracking software. You then have interview committees (no one hires by one person making the decision anymore). But it often has a lot more factors than "who is the most qualified". More likely to be "who can bullshit his way through an interview" best.

The analogy I like to use is that you would never marry someone after two dates, but we hire people/take jobs after two interviews. It's kind of crazy.

So having some legal protections like diversity in there to protect people from the biases of interviewers... kind of makes sense.
Funny, I have lived in this country for my whole life as has my entire family. None of them were part of unions. My father was the VP of an engineering firm before retiring. He worked his way up after college from project manager all the way up. No unions, no unfair treatment. He was rewarded for his skills and work ethic. Same for me. Imagine that, a place where hard work is rewarded BUT you are held accountable when you do not do your job. Unions do protect workers but to a fault and to the detriment of the company they work for.

Okay. So what's your point? I mean, besides your story of how awesome you supposedly are getting to head possum catcher, the protection of workers should be the first priority.

I mean, we can always go back to the good old days of THIS shit.


Fuck little Timmy's leg! Those child labor laws and workers protections were to the detriment of the company. Got to have our priorities!!!

That's why we have government and unions, to protect workers for THAT sort of shit.
Does it work the other way, Incel Joe?

What if I owned a business, and I wanted to fire an employee because he was an atheist, should I have that right?

What if he's a homosexual or some other form of sick, degenerate sexual pervert?

What if he was spotted, on his own time, at a Black Lies Matter rally?

Good points, all Mormon Bob. Should you be able to fire people for that? I would say if that atheist was annoying his fellow employees by mocking why their Sky Man doesn't exist, that might be a good reason to fire him. I think it's a matter of whether the conduct effects work.

What if I want to fire an employee for no other reason than that he's a pathetic fifty-something-year-old incel who has never been married?

I would wonder why you spend so much time fantasizing about other people's sex lives... I mean, frankly, it sounds like you aren't getting any at home. Probably takes too long to get the Magic Underwear off... the moment kind of passes.

As long as he keeps it on his own time, should an employer have the right to fire someone simply for holding, expressing, and acting in accordance with beliefs that the employer finds disagreeable, or is it only beliefs that •YOU•, Incel Joe, find disagreeable that you think should be valid grounds to fire someone?

Naw, guy, you see, if I fired a Mormon, he'd never know what hit him. He'd never know I think he belongs to a bizarre cult.... Instead, I just start building up a paper file on him, making a record of every time a co-worker complained about him... that's what I'd do.
I don’t oppose diversity but I do oppose forced diversity. Would you be ok with us making the NFL or the NBA diverse to a point where it accurately reflected the racial makeup of the US?

Except no one ever said to do that in the workplaces. I don't think I've worked anywhere, other than the Army, where the diversity reflected what the country looks like.
You seem to believe that it's either zombies in cubicles or an all-out employee free for all.

I would have neither in my businesses...

I would say that if you are monitoring what your employees are talking about and you've had to fire four of them in the last year, then you must run a pretty awful place. Or you really suck at picking employees.
This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.

In my view, unless there's a contract involved, anyone should, legally, be able to fire anyone else for any reason at all. But, in general, it's not good business to be arbitrary or bigoted in such decisions.
Oh, I have no doubt that you would hate working for me. See, I demand my employees produce quality results, and I just don't believe that's in your wheelhouse.

Well, you can believe that, but I've got the rewards and recognitions that say otherwise.

I'll randomly walk around the building and pull people aside and just talk to them. I'll ask them how things are going at work; any concerns. I don't pry, but I'll ask them if there's anything going on in their private life which could affect them at work. If there is, I seek ways where either I, or my company, can help them.

That sounds like you are delving into shit that is none of your business, really. I mean, that sounds kind of intrusive and awful.

So, yeah, if you're the kind of dunce who's more concerned with whether or not you can spew your tripe about your cause du jour, my companies aren't the place for you. I'm not in business to give chuckleheads like you a place to bitch about having to actually work. If, on the other hand, if you're a mature adult who enjoys being rewarded for your hard work and ingenuity, there are certainly worse places to be...

So you fire people for talking about stuff you don't like, and you pry into their private lives... frankly, you'd have made a great boss ... in East Germany.

Now, funny thing, in the last year, I was approached by no less than three former co-workers about opportunities in their company, because they knew the quality of work I did and thought I'd be a good fit. One of them was a former supervisor. Over the course of my career, three former employers have actually expressed interest in whether I would be interested in coming back. (I always say no to these offers because that would be more like going back than going forward.) I get frequent calls from recruiters based on just my LinkedIn profile.

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