Unprecedented Disrespect

Liberals could be even more retarded and disrespectful by claiming for years that the President was born in Kenya.

Obama said so in his Bio, are you calling him a LAIR!


You Birthers can't even spell when you lie.

We are calling you a liar.

President Obama has never said he was born in Kenya.

In his own autobiography he said he was born in Hawaii- but Birthers can't be expected post facts when you can lie.
it was in his book. What's that in your hand?

Yep- it was in his own book- that he was born in Hawaii.
On the heels of Colbert's vulgar homophobic, profanity-laced assault on President Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters openly disrespected the sitting President.

"Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man"

Can you imagine if a WHITE female Congresswoman would have said such a thing about President Obama?! The outrage would have been swift and brutal. She would have been called a racist, and the All-In media would have been calling for her to step down from Congress.

Just yesterday Buzzfeed was openly joking about Trump being assassinated ("Somebody's going to assassinate him" followed by laughter).

The disgusting display is not Trump but the completely deranged, un-hinged, 'triggered' liberals who have removed their disguises and have revealed their true selves.

Maxine Waters has demonstrated she can't even tell the difference between CRIMEA and NORTH KOREA; yet she is an expert at one thing: Hate / Disrespect for the current President.

One of the amazing things is that after saying such despicable things like this about President Trump, in the next breath they demand that he work with them.

I got a message for you, Maxine:


Maxine Waters tells pro-choice activists Trump is a ‘disgusting, poor excuse of a man’
A national politician shouldn't be speaking like that about the President in public. I agree with you. But she's right. If she were standing in the front yard watering her grass and said that to me, I'd agree 100%.
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

talking of grungy classless talk.....which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed everything" contards

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place....“I did try and fuck her. She was married,” Trump says....“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says.

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says....“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says....“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

How much class does it take to think you're are entitled to grab women by the pussy because you are a star? Takes a very Classy guy to get caught saying that!

I think the Grabber in Chief should be on the DC sexual predator list!
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing. It's called guy talk, talk between guys about random, nameless females. We know you libs want men neutered, all turned into borderline eunuchs or homos

LOL- one moment you are saying that talking like that is 'grungy classless' and then you are excusing it.

You are a Trumpster.
Liberals could be even more retarded and disrespectful by claiming for years that the President was born in Kenya.

Obama said so in his Bio, are you calling him a LAIR!


You Birthers can't even spell when you lie.

We are calling you a liar.

President Obama has never said he was born in Kenya.

In his own autobiography he said he was born in Hawaii- but Birthers can't be expected post facts when you can lie.
Obama was a fucking nobody when the publishing house sent his "born in Kenya" bio around. All the info came from Obama who was either actually born in Kenya and should never have been President or lied about it and would never have gotten into college

Well that is a nice fantasy that you have created in your head Frankie.

But as you know- Barack Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

The only one we know for certain is lying- is you.
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

How much class does it take to think you're are entitled to grab women by the pussy because you are a star? Takes a very Classy guy to get caught saying that!

I think the Grabber in Chief should be on the DC sexual predator list!
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing. It's called guy talk, talk between guys about random, nameless females. We know you libs want men neutered, all turned into borderline eunuchs or homos

Only those governed by their emotions, and failing to make hay with their brains, can find offense and a lot of it I think is fake

Trying to make hay with an off hand snatch grab comment is another losing lib tactic

Really? So when was the last time you bragged to someone that "...when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"

When was the last time you heard one of your friends brag and say something like that?

What Trump said as a one time generality to one guy about nobody in particular and happened to be recorded is NOTHING compared to Colberts base and specific reference to POTUS with malicious pre planning to millions

So.....Donald Trump saying he can grab a woman by the pussy is nothing compared to Colberts cock remark?

Doesn't your hypocrisy ever make even you laugh?
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

How much class does it take to think you're are entitled to grab women by the pussy because you are a star? Takes a very Classy guy to get caught saying that!

I think the Grabber in Chief should be on the DC sexual predator list!
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing. It's called guy talk, talk between guys about random, nameless females. We know you libs want men neutered, all turned into borderline eunuchs or homos

LOL- one moment you are saying that talking like that is 'grungy classless' and then you are excusing it.

You are a Trumpster.
Different circumstances
If you think one offhand guy talk remark that was supposed to be private is the same thing as the POTUS being called a Putin dick sucker with pre planning for a national audience then you simply are without mental evaluative skills
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing.

No, they don't.

For example I, for one, even as a teenager, never bragged about grabbing women by the pussy.

And fer damn sure I never did it as a rather old adult, to someone I'd just met.

Such Trumplike behavior is typical of tiny-dicked beta males. Confident men don't brag about sexual assaults on women.
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

How much class does it take to think you're are entitled to grab women by the pussy because you are a star? Takes a very Classy guy to get caught saying that!

I think the Grabber in Chief should be on the DC sexual predator list!
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing. It's called guy talk, talk between guys about random, nameless females. We know you libs want men neutered, all turned into borderline eunuchs or homos

Only those governed by their emotions, and failing to make hay with their brains, can find offense and a lot of it I think is fake

Trying to make hay with an off hand snatch grab comment is another losing lib tactic

Really? So when was the last time you bragged to someone that "...when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"

When was the last time you heard one of your friends brag and say something like that?

What Trump said as a one time generality to one guy about nobody in particular and happened to be recorded is NOTHING compared to Colberts base and specific reference to POTUS with malicious pre planning to millions

So.....Donald Trump saying he can grab a woman by the pussy is nothing compared to Colberts cock remark?

Doesn't your hypocrisy ever make even you laugh?
No, the total and complete difference in intent and circumstance is what causes a mental evaluation difference rather than an emotional throw down
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

How much class does it take to think you're are entitled to grab women by the pussy because you are a star? Takes a very Classy guy to get caught saying that!

I think the Grabber in Chief should be on the DC sexual predator list!
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing. It's called guy talk, talk between guys about random, nameless females. We know you libs want men neutered, all turned into borderline eunuchs or homos

LOL- one moment you are saying that talking like that is 'grungy classless' and then you are excusing it.

You are a Trumpster.
Different circumstances
If you think one offhand guy talk remark that was supposed to be private is the same thing as the POTUS being called a Putin dick sucker with pre planning for a national audience then you simply are without mental evaluative skills

Right- in one case Colbert was honest and open about what he said- in the other case Trump thought his 'grungy tasteless' remarks would never be heard by anyone else- he wanted his grungy classless remarks to be said behind the backs of the women he grabbed the pussies of.
It's grungy classless talks which fits right in with the grungy mentality of "I am owed something" liberals

Every Trump opposer resorts to classless emotions instead of classy thinking and acting

Dirt bags in the streets and on TV
Deserve harsh responses
Letterman would have been canned if he said anything nearly that sophomorically distasteful about Obama . And yes libs, even though you don't have any, Class Lives Matter

How much class does it take to think you're are entitled to grab women by the pussy because you are a star? Takes a very Classy guy to get caught saying that!

I think the Grabber in Chief should be on the DC sexual predator list!
It's the dumbest litmus test of all time. 80% of Anerican heterosexual males have said or do say the same thing. It's called guy talk, talk between guys about random, nameless females. We know you libs want men neutered, all turned into borderline eunuchs or homos

LOL- one moment you are saying that talking like that is 'grungy classless' and then you are excusing it.

You are a Trumpster.
Different circumstances
If you think one offhand guy talk remark that was supposed to be private is the same thing as the POTUS being called a Putin dick sucker with pre planning for a national audience then you simply are without mental evaluative skills

Boys will be boys- unless someone calls you a cocksucker.

Then of course that is 'grungy talk'

Its okay to be telling the guys you want to grab their sister pussy- if you do it behind everyone else's back- but heaven forbid you say that one of the guys likes to suck cock.

Very standard contard hypocrisy.
I won't even bother reading the victimhood of hypocrites who thought nothing of giving Mass Disrespect to a fairly popular president; still is and it's killing losers on the "right!" They only want the country to remember Saint Reagan with his secret gov't in the basement making deals with terrorists in Iran and diverting the money to "Freedom Fighters" against the Contras in South American in opposition of the Boland Amendment! No one went to jail, but Republicans can't just feel lucky, they have to persecute any Democratic president to deflect their own inadequacies! Obama kept his poise and didn't lower himself into the sewer where Republicans not only disrespected him, they disrespected the office so the bar has been "so lowered" due to the disgusting behavior or Trump! Not sure there will be any standards from now on! Why should anyone respect "orange face?" He doesn't respect anyone or anything! Screw him and the horse he rode in on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Last edited:
Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere
Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere


As conservative activists call on CBS to #FireColbert, the network reports that The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has just scored its best overnight rating since the week the show premiere in September 2015. Thursday night's episode scored a 2.5 rating, far surpassing NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, which came in at 1.9. According to CBS, this number marked a 19% increase from the previous Thursday and a 32% bump from the same night last year. The host briefly addressed the controversy over his joke, which implied a sexual relationship between President Trump and Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday night's show. While he said he does not "regret" making the joke, Colbert said that if he could do it over, "I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be. Now I’m not going to repeat the phrase, but I just want to say, for the record, life is short, and anybody who expresses their love for another person in their own way, is to me, an American hero."
— Matt Wilstein
This thread is a whinny little plea a desperate petition that Liberals be more "Politically Correct" ....bwuaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH:9:
Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere
Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere


As conservative activists call on CBS to #FireColbert, the network reports that The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has just scored its best overnight rating since the week the show premiere in September 2015. Thursday night's episode scored a 2.5 rating, far surpassing NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, which came in at 1.9. According to CBS, this number marked a 19% increase from the previous Thursday and a 32% bump from the same night last year. The host briefly addressed the controversy over his joke, which implied a sexual relationship between President Trump and Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday night's show. While he said he does not "regret" making the joke, Colbert said that if he could do it over, "I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be. Now I’m not going to repeat the phrase, but I just want to say, for the record, life is short, and anybody who expresses their love for another person in their own way, is to me, an American hero."
— Matt Wilstein
Yes, I don't watch him, but I taped him the night after the comment, to see if he would apologize.
Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere
Stephen Colbert Hits Best Ratings Since 2015 Premiere


As conservative activists call on CBS to #FireColbert, the network reports that The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has just scored its best overnight rating since the week the show premiere in September 2015. Thursday night's episode scored a 2.5 rating, far surpassing NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, which came in at 1.9. According to CBS, this number marked a 19% increase from the previous Thursday and a 32% bump from the same night last year. The host briefly addressed the controversy over his joke, which implied a sexual relationship between President Trump and Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday night's show. While he said he does not "regret" making the joke, Colbert said that if he could do it over, "I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be. Now I’m not going to repeat the phrase, but I just want to say, for the record, life is short, and anybody who expresses their love for another person in their own way, is to me, an American hero."
— Matt Wilstein
Yes, I don't watch him, but I taped him the night after the comment, to see if he would apologize.

When has Trump apologized for ANYTHING? The man's been caught in "bald-faced" lies and makes excuses, deflects, ignores it, and of course insults anyone who dares question him in anyway! :9: :blahblah: :desk: :eusa_boohoo: :fu:

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