Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

LOL...what did Barry have to do with the unemployment rate, JQ? He really didn't have an economic plan to create jobs for the last six years he was in office! He's the guy who had to use "Jobs created or saved" as his go to statistic because despite spending nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus money to create jobs...so few jobs were created that it was a major embarrassment to Obama and his minions!
History will show he did a great job. You were conned.
I find it interesting how intellectually dishonest Republicans are when it comes to how good Obama did.

Is there any question if it were McCain or Romney Republicans would have made the argument that presidents don't have that much to do with the economy.

Or they be bragging about McCain 80 months of job growth.

I remember last year they didn't want to hear about the stock market this year it's all they talk about.

And now the unemployment is 4% but last year it was 20% according to liar Republicans

What's really intellectually dishonest, Sealy..my pointing out that Obama struggled with economic policy throughout his two terms...or your claim that 80 months of tepid job growth, despite spending trillions in stimulus, is an accomplishment?

Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?
History will show he did a great job. You were conned.
I find it interesting how intellectually dishonest Republicans are when it comes to how good Obama did.

Is there any question if it were McCain or Romney Republicans would have made the argument that presidents don't have that much to do with the economy.

Or they be bragging about McCain 80 months of job growth.

I remember last year they didn't want to hear about the stock market this year it's all they talk about.

And now the unemployment is 4% but last year it was 20% according to liar Republicans

What's really intellectually dishonest, Sealy..my pointing out that Obama struggled with economic policy throughout his two terms...or your claim that 80 months of tepid job growth, despite spending trillions in stimulus, is an accomplishment?

Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
The point I made way back in this string was that it's amusing to watch people like you criticize an institution like Harvard for accepting sons and daughters of wealthy contributors when the hundreds of millions of dollars that those contributors donate are what enable places like Harvard to fund scholarships for students that aren't wealthy! It's one more example of how progressive ideology isn't based in the real world but in some fantasy world where endowments "magically" appear!
Whatever! But at least Obama had a recovery. You right wing Republicans are famous for starting depressions and recessions that make recoveries necessary... The important thing is that
a recovery is a ercovery no matter how fast it occurs. Getting credit for a slow recovery is better than getting credit for making one necessary like the repub-lie-cons have a knack for doing.

Whatever! But at least Obama had a recovery.

$9.3 trillion in added debt and all it bought was a weak ass recovery.
9.3 trillion you say? Where did he get the money and what was it spent on?
If you don't know...STFU.

9.3 trillion you say?

The US Treasury says.
Check it out yourself.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
I did...months ago. I came up with about 7.9 trillion that was directly accountable to Obama...The first year budget of an incoming president is set by his predecessor."

"The national debt grew the most dollar-wise during President Obama's two terms. He added $7.917 trillion, a 68 percent increase, in seven years.
What Has Obama Done? 11 Major Accomplishments

I came up with about 7.9 trillion that was directly accountable to Obama...The first year budget of an incoming president is set by his predecessor."

Usually, that would be the case.
This time, in addition to his "stimulus" package, Dems stalled major portions of the 2009 budget so that they could add spending after Bush left office.

The United States federal budget for fiscal year 2009 began as a spending request submitted by President George W. Bush to the 110th Congress. The final resolution written and submitted by the 110th Congress to be forwarded to the President was approved by the House on June 5, 2008.[5] The final spending bills for the budget were not signed into law until March 11, 2009 by President Barack Obama, nearly five and a half months after the fiscal year began

2009 United States federal budget - Wikipedia

Also, to be more precise, $245 billion of the deficit before Bush left office was TARP spending.
Money that was repaid, and spent, during Obama's tenure. The case could be made that Obama was actually responsible for more than $9.5 trillion of the debt.

Sorry I posted the wrong link last night. This one ought to make the 2009 budget anomaly clearer. Obama and Bush apparently shared input in formulating that budget... Apparently Obama couldn't change Bush's input but he did add to it. The author of this link addresses that.
It's a little misleading to hold Obama (or any other president) accountable for the deficit incurred during his first year of office. That's because the previous administration already set the federal budget for that fiscal year.

Before Obama took office, President Bush's last budget (FY 2009) created a deficit of $1.16 trillion. That fiscal year began on October 1, 2008, and continued until September 30, 2009. That means most of that deficit occurred after Obama took office in January. It's not accurate to attribute it to him.

  • FY 2009 - Even though the budget had been approved, Congress added emergency funding to stop the Great Recession. It added the first year's worth of spending from Obama's Economic Stimulus Act to the FY 2009 budget. That $253 billion accrues to Obama.
  • FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.
  • FY 2011 - This budget contributed $1.3 trillion to the debt.
  • FY 2012 - The deficit was $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2013 - This was the first Obama budget where the deficit, $679 billion, was less than $1 trillion. Thank sequestration, which forced a 10 percent cut in spending.
  • FY 2014 - The deficit was $485 billion.
  • FY 2015 - The deficit fell further, to $438 billion.
  • FY 2016 - The deficit is expected to be $600 billion
  • FY 2017 - The deficit is projected to be $441 billion.
When the deficits from all these budgets are added together, President Obama increased the debt by $6.576 trillion.
Last edited:
I find it interesting how intellectually dishonest Republicans are when it comes to how good Obama did.

Is there any question if it were McCain or Romney Republicans would have made the argument that presidents don't have that much to do with the economy.

Or they be bragging about McCain 80 months of job growth.

I remember last year they didn't want to hear about the stock market this year it's all they talk about.

And now the unemployment is 4% but last year it was 20% according to liar Republicans

What's really intellectually dishonest, Sealy..my pointing out that Obama struggled with economic policy throughout his two terms...or your claim that 80 months of tepid job growth, despite spending trillions in stimulus, is an accomplishment?

Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
What's really intellectually dishonest, Sealy..my pointing out that Obama struggled with economic policy throughout his two terms...or your claim that 80 months of tepid job growth, despite spending trillions in stimulus, is an accomplishment?

Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your arguments that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Look in the mirror and you will meet someone more idiotic than I am. I posted 524 because I had to clear up something with another poster. I'm getting around to telling him he's off topic too. And I'm going to end that discussion as well. But since you are a. megalomaniacal bigger asshole than he is I decided to invoke the USMB rule to stay on topic during exchanges with rw. morons like you who use trivial semantics to gain leverage in an off topic debate. The person I was responding to in 524 didn't do that. At least he bought some good argument to the table. All you have done is engage in trivial pursuits.
If you don't like it kiss my arse. :lol:
Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your arguments that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Look in the mirror and you will meet someone more idiotic than I am. I posted 524 because I had to clear up something with another poster. I'm getting around to telling him he's off topic too. And I'm going to end that discussion as well. But since you are a. megalomaniacal bigger asshole than he is I decided to invoke the USMB rule to stay on topic during exchanges with rw. morons like you who use trivial semantics to gain leverage in an off topic debate. The person I was responding to in 524 didn't do that. At least he bought some good argument to the table. All you have done is engage in trivial pursuits.
If you don't like it kiss my arse. :lol:

So it's OK for "you" to go off topic...but you reserve the right to call others on doing so if you don't like the way a debate is going?

Gee, you seem to be "ending" a lot of discussions, JQ! None of which have been going well for you. I love how you claim others use "semantics" against you! I take it that's what you call it when someone points out where you're wrong and you have no credible response? "Kiss my arse" is always a winner though! (eye roll)
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your arguments that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Look in the mirror and you will meet someone more idiotic than I am. I posted 524 because I had to clear up something with another poster. I'm getting around to telling him he's off topic too. And I'm going to end that discussion as well. But since you are a. megalomaniacal bigger asshole than he is I decided to invoke the USMB rule to stay on topic during exchanges with rw. morons like you who use trivial semantics to gain leverage in an off topic debate. The person I was responding to in 524 didn't do that. At least he bought some good argument to the table. All you have done is engage in trivial pursuits.
If you don't like it kiss my arse. :lol:

So it's OK for "you" to go off topic...but you reserve the right to call others on doing so if you don't like the way a debate is going?

Gee, you seem to be "ending" a lot of discussions, JQ! None of which have been going well for you. I love how you claim others use "semantics" against you! I take it that's what you call it when someone points out where you're wrong and you have no credible response? "Kiss my arse" is always a winner though! (eye roll)
If I decide to start an op on recessions
I will invite you to participate. I'm through with discissing it here.
What trillions was that? As far as tepid job growth...the president can do little more than attempt to cajole the business community into hiring by offering incentives or by giving money to the general population to spend. ..when people spend money
the economy booms and hiring ensues.
But since Obama didn't have control of the purse strings, his economic. and job growth aspirations were sevetely limited..

So first you claim job growth as Obama's big accomplishment...but then you turn around and state that a President really has no control over job creation? Did you want to rethink your premise here, JQ?
No, The president really has no direct control over job creation but he gets credit when it happens and he gets derided when the unemployment rate goes up. None of that has anything to do with me, that's just the way it is.

So explain why if Barry has no control over job creation you chose having 80 months of job growth (tepid as was...) as his biggest accomplishment? I'm amused that you don't see that you've basically proven that Obama really didn't have any great success with the economy. What he oversaw was the worst recovery from a recession since FDR's progressive policies extended a recession into The Great Depression!
Where did you see me post I thought Job creation was Obama's biggest accomplishment? His biggest accomplishment was the PPACA. Getting facts straight sure isn't one of your big accomplishments.

Now that i have shown how flawed your reasoning is, let's move on to your next. groundless grievance. We've never had a recession of the magnitude that Obama faced when he came into office except the Great Depression. Obama withstood a test equaled only by the civil war and the Great Depression., I'm glad he was President instead of trump when that happened. No one cares about your trivial recovery statistics. All we care about is that economy recovered, people got jobs and the economy is thriving again... not because of trump but because of Obama.

So Obama's biggest accomplishment was the Affordable Care Act? Here's the big problem with that narrative, JQ...the ACA was set up to fail and sold to the American people by lying to them about what it would do and what it would cost. If THAT is Barry's biggest accomplishment...then it says volumes about how bad of a President he really was.
It is not affordable
You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your arguments that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Look in the mirror and you will meet someone more idiotic than I am. I posted 524 because I had to clear up something with another poster. I'm getting around to telling him he's off topic too. And I'm going to end that discussion as well. But since you are a. megalomaniacal bigger asshole than he is I decided to invoke the USMB rule to stay on topic during exchanges with rw. morons like you who use trivial semantics to gain leverage in an off topic debate. The person I was responding to in 524 didn't do that. At least he bought some good argument to the table. All you have done is engage in trivial pursuits.
If you don't like it kiss my arse. :lol:

So it's OK for "you" to go off topic...but you reserve the right to call others on doing so if you don't like the way a debate is going?

Gee, you seem to be "ending" a lot of discussions, JQ! None of which have been going well for you. I love how you claim others use "semantics" against you! I take it that's what you call it when someone points out where you're wrong and you have no credible response? "Kiss my arse" is always a winner though! (eye roll)
If I decide to start an op on recessions
I will invite you to participate. I'm through with discissing it here.

You were "through" with your very first post about recessions, JQ! It's obvious you know nothing about the topic. I have no idea what you DID study in school but I know for sure that it WASN'T Economics!
Try revisiting the topic of this thread.
That's some you know nothing about.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Look in the mirror and you will meet someone more idiotic than I am. I posted 524 because I had to clear up something with another poster. I'm getting around to telling him he's off topic too. And I'm going to end that discussion as well. But since you are a. megalomaniacal bigger asshole than he is I decided to invoke the USMB rule to stay on topic during exchanges with rw. morons like you who use trivial semantics to gain leverage in an off topic debate. The person I was responding to in 524 didn't do that. At least he bought some good argument to the table. All you have done is engage in trivial pursuits.
If you don't like it kiss my arse. :lol:

So it's OK for "you" to go off topic...but you reserve the right to call others on doing so if you don't like the way a debate is going?

Gee, you seem to be "ending" a lot of discussions, JQ! None of which have been going well for you. I love how you claim others use "semantics" against you! I take it that's what you call it when someone points out where you're wrong and you have no credible response? "Kiss my arse" is always a winner though! (eye roll)
If I decide to start an op on recessions
I will invite you to participate. I'm through with discissing it here.

You were "through" with your very first post about recessions, JQ! It's obvious you know nothing about the topic. I have no idea what you DID study in school but I know for sure that it WASN'T Economics!

Start a thead and find out what I know about economics...specifically about
Recessions and"panics." Hint: a panic. can lead to a recession but a panic is not a recession... Take that with you when you start your thread.
Did you seriously just post that after going "off topic" in the preceding post? What does post #524 have to do with admissions to colleges? You are one of the most idiotic people I've ever run across, JQ! You demand that people stay "on topic" whenever you're getting your ass handed to you in a debate...but happily wander off topic when you think you've got a point to make!

Make up your mind...
Look in the mirror and you will meet someone more idiotic than I am. I posted 524 because I had to clear up something with another poster. I'm getting around to telling him he's off topic too. And I'm going to end that discussion as well. But since you are a. megalomaniacal bigger asshole than he is I decided to invoke the USMB rule to stay on topic during exchanges with rw. morons like you who use trivial semantics to gain leverage in an off topic debate. The person I was responding to in 524 didn't do that. At least he bought some good argument to the table. All you have done is engage in trivial pursuits.
If you don't like it kiss my arse. :lol:

So it's OK for "you" to go off topic...but you reserve the right to call others on doing so if you don't like the way a debate is going?

Gee, you seem to be "ending" a lot of discussions, JQ! None of which have been going well for you. I love how you claim others use "semantics" against you! I take it that's what you call it when someone points out where you're wrong and you have no credible response? "Kiss my arse" is always a winner though! (eye roll)
If I decide to start an op on recessions
I will invite you to participate. I'm through with discissing it here.

You were "through" with your very first post about recessions, JQ! It's obvious you know nothing about the topic. I have no idea what you DID study in school but I know for sure that it WASN'T Economics!

Start a thead and find out what I know about economics...specifically about
Recessions and"panics." Hint: a panic. can lead to a recession but a panic is not a recession... Take that with you when you start your thread.

Why would you want to embarrass yourself with what you obviously don't know about economics, JQ?

The reason economic crises were called panics years ago was because market crashes would cause runs on banks as people panicked thinking they were going to lose all of their savings. We don't tend to have panics now because things like FDIC...so now we refer to economic downturns as recessions.

My point still remains unanswered by you...the US has had a number of recessions that were fully as bad as our last one and in every other one of those except The Great Depression...the economy rebounded quicker than the economy under Barack Obama's guidance. Your claim that he was a great President because of his handling of the economy is rather amusing since he now holds the dubious distinction of overseeing the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!
I find it interesting how intellectually dishonest Republicans are when it comes to how good Obama did.

Is there any question if it were McCain or Romney Republicans would have made the argument that presidents don't have that much to do with the economy.

Or they be bragging about McCain 80 months of job growth.

I remember last year they didn't want to hear about the stock market this year it's all they talk about.

And now the unemployment is 4% but last year it was 20% according to liar Republicans

What's really intellectually dishonest, Sealy..my pointing out that Obama struggled with economic policy throughout his two terms...or your claim that 80 months of tepid job growth, despite spending trillions in stimulus, is an accomplishment?

Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
After driving through a rural white area yesterday I now see how stupid white Americans are brainwashed. No liberal shows. No npr.

Anyways, long story short is I now see the subtle shift conservatives are making. They are now saying the economy is good again.

Even though nothing has changed.

Obama did a great job and Republicans and Trump are going to TRY to take credit
What's really intellectually dishonest, Sealy..my pointing out that Obama struggled with economic policy throughout his two terms...or your claim that 80 months of tepid job growth, despite spending trillions in stimulus, is an accomplishment?

Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
After driving through a rural white area yesterday I now see how stupid white Americans are brainwashed. No liberal shows. No npr.

Anyways, long story short is I now see the subtle shift conservatives are making. They are now saying the economy is good again.

Even though nothing has changed.

Obama did a great job and Republicans and Trump are going to TRY to take credit

OMG, Sealy...you left the safety of a "progressively controlled urban shit hole" and ventured out into the country? Surrounded by "deplorables"? Cut off from NPR? No liberal shows to make you feel good about the progressive agenda? How did you survive? It must have been traumatizing! All those people going to church on Sundays? Saluting the flag? Getting up and going to work in the morning? Those poor "brainwashed" lemmings!!! (eye roll)
You'll need to immerse yourself in some Rachel Maddow and not stop watching until you've recovered from your ordeal, little buddy!
Actually what is intellectually dishonest is not mentioning the republican obstruction Obama faced for 8 years.

Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
After driving through a rural white area yesterday I now see how stupid white Americans are brainwashed. No liberal shows. No npr.

Anyways, long story short is I now see the subtle shift conservatives are making. They are now saying the economy is good again.

Even though nothing has changed.

Obama did a great job and Republicans and Trump are going to TRY to take credit

OMG, Sealy...you left the safety of a "progressively controlled urban shit hole" and ventured out into the country? Surrounded by "deplorables"? Cut off from NPR? No liberal shows to make you feel good about the progressive agenda? How did you survive? It must have been traumatizing! All those people going to church on Sundays? Saluting the flag? Getting up and going to work in the morning? Those poor "brainwashed" lemmings!!! (eye roll)
I do envy them and can understand why they want to keep their way of life. It's a good life.

But the indians wanted to keep their way of life too. How'd that work out for them?

I just find it funny the shift has begun. The right now that they're back in charge are now admitting last year things were fine. Don't say things are better and that the stock market is better than ever. That's not who got you elected. Let's see blue collar Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania wages go up.

PS. There are things Trump is doing that should bring wages up. Let's see if they do. I can be won over.

I actually don't care about the wedge issues we argue over. I agree with liberals but I'm not gay, black, female, Arab or an immigrant. Trump populist shit appeals to guys like me.

I heard Trump should declare he's not running as a Democrat or republican in 2020. That he will work with both parties and cherry pick the best ideas.

I like Trump better than Cruz or rubio
Obama entered office with huge majorities in both the House and Senate. The American people elected Republicans and sent them to Washington in the midterm elections two years later to stop what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi were doing with those huge majorities. What you call Republican "obstruction" was the will of the American voter! Barack Obama lectured his GOP counterparts about elections having consequences when he was elected in 2008. He was entirely correct in that assertion! What's intellectually dishonest is to claim that the elections in 2010 didn't also have consequences! It isn't the GOP that obstructed Barry...it was the American people!
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
After driving through a rural white area yesterday I now see how stupid white Americans are brainwashed. No liberal shows. No npr.

Anyways, long story short is I now see the subtle shift conservatives are making. They are now saying the economy is good again.

Even though nothing has changed.

Obama did a great job and Republicans and Trump are going to TRY to take credit

OMG, Sealy...you left the safety of a "progressively controlled urban shit hole" and ventured out into the country? Surrounded by "deplorables"? Cut off from NPR? No liberal shows to make you feel good about the progressive agenda? How did you survive? It must have been traumatizing! All those people going to church on Sundays? Saluting the flag? Getting up and going to work in the morning? Those poor "brainwashed" lemmings!!! (eye roll)
I do envy them and can understand why they want to keep their way of life. It's a good life.

But the indians wanted to keep their way of life too. How'd that work out for them?

I just find it funny the shift has begun. The right now that they're back in charge are now admitting last year things were fine. Don't say things are better and that the stock market is better than ever. That's not who got you elected. Let's see blue collar Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania wages go up.

PS. There are things Trump is doing that should bring wages up. Let's see if they do. I can be won over.

I actually don't care about the wedge issues we argue over. I agree with liberals but I'm not gay, black, female, Arab or an immigrant. Trump populist shit appeals to guys like me.

I heard Trump should declare he's not running as a Democrat or republican in 2020. That he will work with both parties and cherry pick the best ideas.

I like Trump better than Cruz or rubio

The Indians are pulling down huge bucks from casinos...so they're doing pretty good right now!

Of course things are better now with the economy! It's always going to get better when you replace an administration that disliked the Private Sector with one that likes it!
The Democrats are going to run another Barry clone next time because they can't help themselves. If they can get he or she elected...then progressive policies are going to once again bring the economy to a standstill. Maybe after THAT happens enough people will finally wise up to the fact that liberals have a hard time running governments.
There YOU go again...trolling . You just can't stay on topic can you? What does anything you said have to do with the op?

You're the one who brought up Barry's "accomplishments" in regards to the US economy...I simply blew a big hole right through the middle of your argument that it WAS an accomplishment! So now you don't want to talk about that? Too funny! My guess is you don't want to talk about economics because you've shown that you don't know a thing about the subject!

So what do you want to show you know nothing about next, JQ?
After driving through a rural white area yesterday I now see how stupid white Americans are brainwashed. No liberal shows. No npr.

Anyways, long story short is I now see the subtle shift conservatives are making. They are now saying the economy is good again.

Even though nothing has changed.

Obama did a great job and Republicans and Trump are going to TRY to take credit

OMG, Sealy...you left the safety of a "progressively controlled urban shit hole" and ventured out into the country? Surrounded by "deplorables"? Cut off from NPR? No liberal shows to make you feel good about the progressive agenda? How did you survive? It must have been traumatizing! All those people going to church on Sundays? Saluting the flag? Getting up and going to work in the morning? Those poor "brainwashed" lemmings!!! (eye roll)
I do envy them and can understand why they want to keep their way of life. It's a good life.

But the indians wanted to keep their way of life too. How'd that work out for them?

I just find it funny the shift has begun. The right now that they're back in charge are now admitting last year things were fine. Don't say things are better and that the stock market is better than ever. That's not who got you elected. Let's see blue collar Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania wages go up.

PS. There are things Trump is doing that should bring wages up. Let's see if they do. I can be won over.

I actually don't care about the wedge issues we argue over. I agree with liberals but I'm not gay, black, female, Arab or an immigrant. Trump populist shit appeals to guys like me.

I heard Trump should declare he's not running as a Democrat or republican in 2020. That he will work with both parties and cherry pick the best ideas.

I like Trump better than Cruz or rubio

The Indians are pulling down huge bucks from casinos...so they're doing pretty good right now!

Of course things are better now with the economy! It's always going to get better when you replace an administration that disliked the Private Sector with one that likes it!
Well thank God Trump's championing workers. He's at least saying the right things. The Republicans ignore labor. It's why Trump whipped them too. I'm skeptical and synical but I like Trump better than Rubio jeb or Cruz.

Obama wasn't bad at all. In fact all Trump's doing is carrying his torch. If Trump does better for the middle class I'll commend and admit it. But so far he's only part with Obama.

All the other stuff I'm just giving it back to you hypocrites. Like how much golf vacation and money Trump is doing is worse than Obama's but now you don't care. Do you care about middle class wages going up or was that just politics?

I think you pulled one over on the people. Trump's good for business yes but what about workers?

You know what's funny? I think the wedge issue stuff helps Republicans. Trump and bannon love us divided on race religion and the gays. Remember out of no where Trump announces no tranny's in the military? The timing on that says he wanted to change the subject whatever it was that day but also to stir the pot.

They love us divided. But now Republicans want to cool that shit and be koombaya now that their in charge. I hear them on christian conservative radio admitting things aren't that bad for most of us. I smell the lie is over. Obama did a great job for the poor at least. The people stupidly don't show up for midterms and Hillary clearly wasn't a good candidate in retrospect.

I'm hi can't wait to see what I just wrote

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