Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

In the context of this discussion, pending you understand the discussion, what Trump did was a felony. The statute was posted, twice.
the stat doesn’t apply because he had authority….he had the authority to move any of them and declassif them
Jim Bob, how many times do I have to tell you, that telling me it's not, while I proved you wrong

Ah. There’s another of your numerous fundamental mistakes. You haven’t proved me wrong on a single thing. You’re hopelessly delusional. The words of the statutes have consistently proved you to be wrong. My pleasure to highlight it. 😎
just makes a fool out of you.
Nope. It just exposes you as the idiot you are.
You are the one who continues to look like an idiot here,

Wrong again. Maybe now you’ll see why.
and that isn't going to stop. And I told you why. LOL! You just don't get it do you?
I realize the many defects in your grasp of all these things. It’s not going to stop because you are evidently educably mentally retarded.
There exists no statute that says an ex-president gets to keep them for a while. My God man, you really are losing it here.
There is no statute prohibiting him from continuing to maintain them in his physical possession (at least temporarily) even though they have become the property of the US government. You aren’t losing it. You just never had it.
I maybe dull,
You definitely are.
but boy howdy are you an embarrassingly ignorant nincompoop who just can't stop what you are doing.

I love correcting you. Why would I want to stop? The balance of your claims are just you spouting more of your ignorant stupid lies. What a surprise! 😂
Apparently you don't have enough horse sense to realize you are the Emperor with no clothes. LOL!
You’ve got nothing. And it shows.
Oh, don't you worry your pretty little white shirt about that. He committed a federal crime just by having them at his house. Period!
Nothing has so far been proven....only rampant sppeculation from MSM, just like in the 'good ol' days' betweeen 2016 and 2022.
Doesn't need to be. The illegal crime of stealing them, while accusing the FBI of planting them, then telling us they were his, just proves what a retarded, dishonest, useless, pos he is.
An illegal crime? Lol.

Listen, you pathetic dolt, all crimes are illegal. It’s called tautology. Look it up.

“Stealing” is a legal term. Unlike you, it has meaning. I can’t help that you continue to ignore that meaning.

Trump didn’t accuse the FBI of planting anything.

He hasn’t denied that he had some documents in his home. In fact he was negotiating with the government’s lawyers about them. So your claim that he lied is itself a lie.

You’re a waste of electrons.
'Prosecutorial discretion'....
"Prosecutorial discretion"
Don Trump keeping documents that he was requested, and then subpoenaed to return is 'prosecutorial discretion'??
Are you in the right thread, Dude?


Or you ignore it and then the other side has to try to take you to court......Have you ever heard of this thing called “alternatives?”
I have. I know what some alternatives can be.
One is.....when the party that was subpoenaed to return documents they were not authorized to possess.....well, a federally authorized search warrant to go find 'em and get 'em back is a pretty good alternative to recalcitrance, refusal, and fibbing. IMHO

yes classification can be based on the whim of a president. They can declassify whatever and whenever
But someone other than the fired-guy needs to know about it.....lest it is a de-classification without effect. If no one knows about it....then a de-classification doesn't exits. Duh!
And the "whenever"......must not be ex post facto after the guy has been caught with them.
From a Captain Obvious TED Talk.

First: he declassified the previously classified docs before leaving office.
Prove it.

It is the property of the United States government. That’s much ........ is true. But where it is physically located is another matter. Lots of Presidential documents are not stored in the National Archives. You dope. Period.
Lots of Presidential documents are not removed without authorization and then kept in defiance of the Government's request, or kept in defiance of the Court's subpoena for their return.
Nor are lots of them fibbed about that they don't exist.


And a douche. You’re also a douche.
Oh, Christ on a cracker -----Bripat?
Is that you with your alternate avatar handle?
As if one wasn't enough.....we now have Bripat's doppleganger in avataree Back Again!

"But the fact that they remain with the former President in his physical possession for a while isn’t criminal. In fact, oft times, they end up being physically housed in Presidential libraries. Go figure."
The thing is ---these docs were NOT in a presidential library. They were in a spare storeroom of a golf course.
And, they had been first requested to be returned. Some were, many were not.
And then the Trump teamed fibbed about what they had.
And then a subpoena was issued to compel compliance.
Still, the Trump team dithered, delayed, fibbed.
Then a whistle-blower emerged......and corrected the Trump teams explanation.
A search warrant authorized by a Federal judge ensued.
And here we are.
And the nation is grateful to the whistle-blower with a sense of responsibility and patriotism.

same reason Obama retained over 30 million pages of his presidential papers when he left office. And others.
Whateve documents Obama allegedly retained....were retained at the facility for Obama's future library in Chicago.
Future Presidential Library ....vs......a spare storeroom at a golf course.
Go figger.

None of the documents were classified once the President declassified them.
And, to date, there is zero proof that the 'classified docs' ...were ever....de-classified. Even ex post facto.
Go figger.
"Prosecutorial discretion"
Don Trump keeping documents that he was requested, and then subpoenaed to return is 'prosecutorial discretion'??
Are you in the right thread, Dude?


I have. I know what some alternatives can be.
One is.....when the party that was subpoenaed to return documents they were not authorized to possess.....well, a federally authorized search warrant to go find 'em and get 'em back is a pretty good alternative to recalcitrance, refusal, and fibbing. IMHO

But someone other than the fired-guy needs to know about it.....lest it is a de-classification without effect. If no one knows about it....then a de-classification doesn't exits. Duh!
And the "whenever"......must not be ex post facto after the guy has been caught with them.
From a Captain Obvious TED Talk.

Prove it.

Lots of Presidential documents are not removed without authorization and then kept in defiance of the Government's request, or kept in defiance of the Court's subpoena for their return.
Nor are lots of them fibbed about that they don't exist.


Oh, Christ on a cracker -----Bripat?
Is that you with your alternate avatar handle?
As if one wasn't enough.....we now have Bripat's doppleganger.

The thing is ---these docs were NOT in a presidential library. They were in a spare storeroom of a golf course.
And, they had been first requested to be returned. Some were, many were not.
And then the Trump teamed fibbed about what they had.
And then a subpoena was issued to compel compliance.
Still, the Trump team dithered, delayed, fibbed.
Then a whistle-blower emerged......and corrected the Trump teams explanation.
A search warrant authorized by a Federal judge ensued.
And here we are.
And the nation is grateful to the whistle-blower with a sense of responsibility and patriotism.

Whateve documents Obama allegedly retained....were retained at the facility for Obama's future library in Chicago.
Future Presidential Library ....vs......a spare storeroom at a golf course.
Go figger.

And, to date, there is zero proof that the 'classified docs' ...were ever....de-classified. Even ex post facto.
Go figger.
people did know about it
Chilliconcrap is stuck on stupid.

A search warrant is supposed to be a last resort according to the government’s own handbook for prosecutors. So, chilli is wrong from jump street.

I have zero obligation to prove anything about the declassification. Instead, if the government were silly enough to attempt to prove that the documents “marked” as classified in Trump’s physical possession were still classified, the burden would be in the government to “prove it” and do so beyond a reasonable doubt. See how that works? Cool stuff.
yeah he did. yes classification can be based on the whim of a president. They can declassify whatever and whenever
And then?

Information is not declassified until the paperwork is filed

Where is Trumps paperwork formally declassifying Top Secret information?
That doesn't answer the question about the military grunt. Does he face prosecution for mishandling classified info if he doesn't know it's classified? Hillary successfully used the ignorance defense to dodge a trial, could he?

Well what Comey testified at the time, nobody had ever been prosecuted for that level of breach

So I guess your grunt would have gotten off
And then?

Information is not declassified until the paperwork is filed

Where is Trumps paperwork formally declassifying Top Secret information?
no paperwork has to be filed, no process needed, the president has the absolute authority to declassify anythjng at will
That doesn't answer the question about the military grunt. Does he face prosecution for mishandling classified info if he doesn't know it's classified? Hillary successfully used the ignorance defense to dodge a trial, could he?
If the person mishandles classified documents or discloses information know to be classified, he or she can be prosecuted.
"...... is stuck on stupid."

And, it is evident....poor avataree 'Again' is stuck on ad hominems.
When persuasiveness fails....or is simply lacking....then go full-bore ad hominem.
At least poster 'Again' didn't resort to epithets like "douchebag" as his suspected alter ego or doppleganger so frequently does.

Can we hope for maturity?
Chilliconcrap is stuck on stupid.

A search warrant is supposed to be a last resort according to the government’s own handbook for prosecutors. So, chilli is wrong from jump street.

I have zero obligation to prove anything about the declassification. Instead, if the government were silly enough to attempt to prove that the documents “marked” as classified in Trump’s physical possession were still classified, the burden would be in the government to “prove it” and do so beyond a reasonable doubt. See how that works? Cool stuff.
I can assure you they can prove whether the documents are classified or not
the stat doesn’t apply because he had authority….he had the authority to move any of them and declassif them
You can't move them to your house. Do you understand the English language, and the words written into law? If so, no where does it say they are to be transported to your residency. This is fourth grade level intelligence. You should be able to understand that.
And, it is evident....poor avataree 'Again' is stuck on ad hominems.
When persuasiveness fails....or is simply lacking....then go full-bore ad hominem.
At least poster 'Again' didn't resort to epithets like "douchebag" as his suspected alter ego or doppleganger so frequently does.

Can we hope for maturity?
You box him in and it's ad hominem all the way. He's as predictable as the rest of these Toadies.
no paperwork has to be filed, no process needed, the president has the absolute authority to declassify anythjng at will

How would anybody know.....even people with a need-to-know.....know about it if he didn't inform people?
Poster 'Struth' seems to be suggesting that if a President, or in this case an ex-president, simply thinks it is de-classified.....then it is.

Which, if we think about it, could put America's interests in jeopardy, could put our spies in jeopardy.
See, it's like this good poster Struth....secrets are secret for a reason.
And to make them 'un-secret' requires a rationale, a discipline, a system, a protocol, so that our secrets do not become revealed recklessly, carelessly, or unknowingly.

I am absolutely mildy convinced you understand the importance of secrets to a country like the United States of America.

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