Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

None of the documents were classified once the President declassified them. You imbecile. Get that? No? Not surprising. You remain a retard.
I don't care. You've been told that classification is irrelevant. He had them at his home. A grade school child would understand this.
no paperwork has to be filed, no process needed, the president has the absolute authority to declassify anythjng at will
The concept that the president can declassify or classify a document by thinking it or just saying it without taking action is absurd. The whole purpose of the classification system is to make it known to others the security status of a document. If the president does not make it known that the document is declassed then it remains classified.
The concept that the president can declassify or classify a document by thinking it or just saying it without taking action is absurd. The whole purpose of the classification system is make it known to others the security status of a document. If the president does not make it known that the document is declassed then it remains classified.
it’s the law
And, it is evident....poor avataree 'Again' is stuck on ad hominems.
When persuasiveness fails....or is simply lacking....then go full-bore ad hominem.
At least poster 'Again' didn't resort to epithets like "douchebag" as his suspected alter ego or doppleganger so frequently does.

Can we hope for maturity?
No no. You still don’t know what an avatar is. Silly little plodding lump that you are.

And I’m not stuck on ad hominems. It’s just that as you rely on your posturing and preening and poseur pretense, I like to incorporate a little spice into a discussion. Hell. You deserve it. 👍

You also, of course, choose to ignore the points made by intentionally focusing on the trivial. Your usual move. So pathetic of you.

Chilliconcrap can continue to try to deflect. But the points stand all the same.

(Side note: chili con carne means a “chili with meat.” This is as opposed to the more traditional fare, with “beans.” A chiliconcothe, by contrast means “chili with cothe.” And readers will be delighted to learn (or hear again) that “cothe” is the alternative spelling of “coath” and translates roughly into “pestilence” or “disease.” Accordingly, the mediocre poster with the username “Chiliconcothe” literally means “chili with pestilence.” A very apt username!)
The concept that the president can declassify or classify a document by thinking it or just saying it without taking action is absurd.

No. It’s not.
The whole purpose of the classification system is make it known to others the security status of a document.

True as far as that goes, but beside the point. If it’s something the President is doing in the moment (like reading another person in on the secret) all it takes is for him to approve the declassification.
If the president does not make it known that the document is declassed then it remains classified.
If he has a document that was classified and declares that it is now declassified, then it is declassified. He is the executive branch. His say so is all it takes.
I don't care. You've been told that classification is irrelevant.

No. I am telling you that if they were “classified” it might matter. But he had unilateral authority to declassify them while he was still president.
He had them at his home.
Yea. We all know. Thanks for repeating something that isn’t even disputed.
A grade school child would understand this.
Even you understand that he had documents at home.

What you seem incapable of grasping is that it’s of no consequence.
I don’t speak for him. But it is worth noting that he likely had them for the same reason Obama retained over 30 million pages of his presidential papers when he left office. And others.

The fact (which you don’t seem able to grasp) really isn’t difficult. Try thinking for a change. Really! It could help!

Here is the relevant fact: once Trump ceased being President, those papers became the property of the US Government. And sure, they usually end up in the National Archives. Of course, they don’t always. Sometimes they are physically located in the various Presidential Libraries.

There is a reason (let this, too, sail over your pin head) that the government lawyers had been “negotiating” with Trump’s legal team concerning the documents.

You really are a joke.
No, he didn't have them for the same reason, gum ball head, because Obama had "records." "Records" that were put in an archive. Those are not the same as documents.

"Of course they don't always?" When, other than with Trump? Documents don't end up in presidential libraries you idiot.

The government lawyers negotiated with Trump back in June about getting the documents, and he didn't give them all back. I wonder why? He said they were planted there before he said they were his, while saying he has surveillance video. Should be able to prove they were planted right? :laughing0301: But guess what, a funny thing happened. The FBI took four different categories of classified documents with them, Trump claimed were his. Trump admitted to a crime.

Were those documents his, were they planted, does he have surveillance, and why were they illegally at his home?
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No. I am telling you that if they were “classified” it might matter. But he had unilateral authority to declassify them while he was still president.

Yea. We all know. Thanks for repeating something that isn’t even disputed.

Even you understand that he had documents at home.

What you seem incapable of grasping is that it’s of no consequence.
It doesn't matter, and you can leave "might" out of it. And, classification while president, then taking them home, "IS" a federal crime. What part of this do you not understand?

Yea, we all understand he had documents at home doofus. They were there illegally.

A federal crime has consequences.
No, he didn't have them for the same reason, gum ball head, because Obama had "records." "Records" that were put in an archive. Those are not the same as documents.

"Of course they don't always?" When, other than with Trump? Documents don't end up in presidential libraries you idiot.

The government lawyers negotiated with Trump back in June about getting the documents, and he didn't give them all back. I wonder why? He said they were planted there before he said they were his, while saying he has surveillance video. Should be able to prove they were planted right? :laughing0301: But guess what, a funny thing happened. The FBI took four different categories of classified documents with them, Trump claimed were his. Trump admitted to a crime.

Were those documents his, were they planted, does he have surveillance, and why were they illegally at his home?

Trump's lawyers are a witness to the confession by Trump stating the documents were his. That's how we know with 100% accuracy, Trump committed the crime willfully.
From the NYT:
Mr. Philbin tried to help the National Archives retrieve the material, two of the people familiar with the discussions said. But the former president repeatedly resisted entreaties from his advisers.

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“It’s not theirs; it’s mine,” several advisers say Mr. Trump told them.
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"....alternative spelling of “coath” and translates roughly into “pestilence” or “disease."
Ah, poor poster Again, his hostility and ad hominems leak out no matter the subject or the posting.
It is the singular tool in his toolbox.
And he can only use what he has.
And that's relatively OK.
After all, it is the internet. No real harm. No real foul.
And, thankfully, unlike so many other MAGAHats who post here....he is not as reliant on F-bombs and homo-erotic imagery as they are.

But given the mentoring-vibe that my age allows... lemme share this:

"The name Chillicothe comes from the Shawnee Chala·ka·tha (Chillicothe in English), meaning "principal town", because it was the chief settlement of that division (one of five major divisions) of the Shawnee people."

In history, because of pressure of whites on the Ohio country of the 1700's the 'principal town' moved fairly regularly. There were more than a few 'Chillicothes' across Ohio and Indiana as the natives were forced to move away from encroaching settlement.

The name was eventually adopted by whites when they settled various communities in several states. Today, I know of several 'Chillicothes'....Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Texas. There may be more. I haven't really done a Google search.

So, tho the good poster Again, wants to mutate the Shawnee meaning to his own prurient interests.......it remains an original native American word.

Now you know.
Yeah, but you're making the claim he didn't, so what is that based on?

If Trump declassified them, then he didn't have classified documents. I mean duh. Can you feed yourself or does the pretty nurse feed you?
Yep, if the documents are declassified, I think we can all agree that he does not have classified documents. :cuckoo: Although anyone can submit a request and possess government documents, the law does not allow anyone to take them, particular if they are original presidential documents.
No, he didn't have them for the same reason, gum ball head, because Obama had "records." "Records" that were put in an archive. Those are not the same as documents.

"Of course they don't always?" When, other than with Trump? Documents don't end up in presidential libraries you idiot.

The government lawyers negotiated with Trump back in June about getting the documents, and he didn't give them all back. I wonder why? He said they were planted there before he said they were his, while saying he has surveillance video. Should be able to prove they were planted right? :laughing0301: But guess what, a funny thing happened. The FBI took four different categories of classified documents with them, Trump claimed were his. Trump admitted to a crime.

Were those documents his, were they planted, does he have surveillance, and why were they illegally at his home?

haha records? like the 4 Tops?
Trump's lawyers are a witness to the confession by Trump stating the documents were his. That's how we know with 100% accuracy, Trump committed the crime willfully.
He could claim he was so stupid that he didn't understand that the ex-president does not have the same access as a sitting president Or he could claim the Biden's election was phony. He lost 46 times in court with that claim but he might be lucky this time.
No, he didn't have them for the same reason, gum ball head, because Obama had "records." "Records" that were put in an archive. Those are not the same as documents.
Of course, once again, you highlight your own ignorance. Records and documents are used as synonyms, you pontificating ignorant gas bag. Notice the name of the Act?

It is the Presidential Records Act. Does any word seem to jump out at you?

I tell you, dumkoff, you are only good for derisive laughter at your own expense. Please keep posting!
"Of course they don't always?" When, other than with Trump? Documents don't end up in presidential libraries you idiot.
Yes they do, you babbling g asshole. Hey, fuckstick: do you even know what the word “document” means? 😂😂😂😂
The government lawyers negotiated with Trump back in June about getting the documents, and he didn't give them all back.
Yep. And discussions were ongoing. So?
I wonder why?
Because there are many things to which you are not privy. So, keep wondering. :itsok:
He said they were planted there before he said they were his,

He never said any such thing. And if you don’t know that, then you shouldn’t be making such utterly baseless claims. You don’t have clue one about the subject matter.
while saying he has surveillance video.
Yeah. He did say that when the FBI asked to have the surveillance cameras turned off, they declined. 😎
Should be able to prove they were planted right? :laughing0301:
Again, you fucking moron, he never said they did plant anything. You are painfully stupid.
But guess what, a funny thing happened. The FBI took four different categories of classified documents with them, Trump claimed were his. Trump admitted to a crime.

False. The FBI CLAIMED only that some of the documents were “marked” as classified, etc. that’s different than saying they were still classified. You’d understand this if you only had a brain.
Were those documents his, were they planted, does he have surveillance, and why were they illegally at his home?

The documents aren’t his. I don’t believe he said they were his. He didn’t say they were planted. I’m sure he does have surveillance. They weren’t illegally at his home.
He didn't have his people either memorialize that determination or to stamp the documents as "unclassified" as required.

As I said, there is a process that has to be followed, and Trump didn't follow it.

Had he done so, his staff around him would have been aware of it. It would have been put into the presidential records, and the documents would have been marked.

In addition the agency that classified the documents would have been notified of the new classification status of the documents.
Although it is not the procedure for declassing, I think it would be accepted by the courts if he wrote declassified on each document, signed, and dated it and sent a memo to the ISOO. However, when you consider there were documents classified Top Secret/SCI, that would be insane unless he was working for a foreign power. The type of information in these documents are the most secret of secret information such as listings of all covert operation, assets in high level positions in Russia or China, locations and data on all nuclear assets, etc...

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