Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

I am the only one of the two of us who is educated. You are still the fool. And a douche. You’re also a douche. 👍
Educated? Good! Tellus why Trump had the documents then? I'm curious about the educated answer that gives Trump the privilege of committing a felony?
Yes it is. It's a federal crime.

No. Not it’s not.
The statutes are unambiguous.

No. They aren’t; they confuse imbeciles like you, for example.
You are like the chicken with the head cut off because there is no intelligent argument in Trump's favor.
There is no dispute in the real world that you’re still wrong.

Let’s get down to it, you fucking idiot. Cite the exact statute and section that makes the prior President’s ongoing physical possession of such documents a crime. Be very specific. But I know already you won’t. You can’t. That statute doesn’t exist.
Those documents go into the archives, not Trump's home.

Many do end up in the National Archives. That’s fine. But the fact that they remain with the former President in his physical possession for a while isn’t criminal. In fact, oft times, they end up being physically housed in Presidential libraries. Go figure.
Your desperate nonsensical excuses become even more amusing.
I haven’t made any excuses at all; and none that would be nonsensical. I leave nonsense in your experienced hands.
You don’t understand. There are lots of things a moron like you doesn’t understand. The fact that you’re still wrong is rather odd. But not surprising. You are, after all, quite fully retarded. Your shoes are ugly too pussy, but please supply us with more detailed analysis, minus the ugly shoe part?
Zzz. You suck at logic, fallacies in general and ad hominem In particular.

And it shouldn’t go unmentioned that you’re incredibly dull, too.

Since you don’t even understand that Trump’s (then ongoing) physical possession of the documents isn’t criminal, a great deal of your continuing imbecilic commentary at least comes into focus.

Consider getting the basics straight. 👍
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Great counter argument their Jim Bob, minus any existing arguments over the facts and statutes I presented. Now go back into your miserable hole.
You didn’t present any facts. (Being wrong doesn’t qualify, you dope.)

Get your head out of your miserable hole. You urgently need oxygen.
They recovered the documents from his home. Do you have counter evidence to that, or did you just type that, just to type something totally stupid?
The fact that he had documents they wanted isn’t even being debated — except in your petty & insignificant “mind.”

Of course, you’re far too retarded to grasp that it also isn’t the issue.
No. Not it’s not.

No. They aren’t they confuse imbeciles like you? For example.

There is no dispute in the real world that you’re still wrong.

Let’s get down to it, you fucking idiot. Cite the exact statute and section that makes the prior President’s ongoing physical possession of such documents a crime. Be very specific. But I know already you won’t. You can’t. That statute doesn’t exist.

Many do end up in the National Archives. That’s fine. But the fact that they remain with the former President in his physical possession for a while isn’t criminal. In fact, oft times, they end up being physically housed in Presidential libraries. Go figure.

I haven’t made any excuses at all and none that would be nonsensical. I leave nonsense in your experiences hands.

Zzz. You suck at logic, fallacies in general and ad hominem In particular.

And it shouldn’t go unmentioned that you’re incredibly dull, too.

Since you don’t even understand that Trump’s (then ongoing) physical possession of the documents isn’t criminal, a great deal of your continuing imbecilic commentary at least comes into focus.

Consider getting the basics straight. 👍
Jim Bob, how many times do I have to tell you, that telling me it's not, while I proved you wrong just makes a fool out of you. You are the one who continues to look like an idiot here, and that isn't going to stop. And I told you why. LOL! You just don't get it do you?

There exists no statute that says an ex-president gets to keep them for a while. My God man, you really are losing it here.

I maybe dull, but boy howdy are you an embarrassingly ignorant nincompoop who just can't stop what you are doing. Apparently you don't have enough horse sense to realize you are the Emperor with no clothes. LOL!
Criminal! Four boxes of different levels of classified documents, some deeming top secret, lol, definitely going to criminal. This buffoon took sensitive classified material home. I mean I can't stress enough, this is one dumb SOB.
So explain why Hillary got away with putting highly classified email on an unauthorized and improperly secured server. Trump (from what I understand) had the info he had declassified in a locked storage area. Hillary left it on a server that was hacked by enemies of our nation.

They recovered the documents from his home. Do you have counter evidence to that, or did you just type that, just to type something totally stupid?
i never suggested they didn’t. Having documents isn’t a crime.
The fact that he had documents they wanted isn’t even being debated — except in your petty & insignificant “mind.”

Of course, you’re far too retarded to grasp that it also isn’t the issue.
Doesn't need to be. The illegal crime of stealing them, while accusing the FBI of planting them, then telling us they were his, just proves what a retarded, dishonest, useless, pos he is.
i never suggested they didn’t. Having documents isn’t a crime.
In the context of this discussion, pending you understand the discussion, what Trump did was a felony. The statute was posted, twice.
You don’t understand. There are lots of things a moron like you doesn’t understand. The fact that you’re still wrong is rather odd. But not surprising. You are, after all, quite fully retarded.

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

I wish I had a dime for every time you made an idiot of yourself on this forum.

By the way, Trump is his own worst enemy. The documents were planted, before he said they were his. Get it? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

That is where you screwed up!
Educated? Good! Tellus why Trump had the documents then? I'm curious about the educated answer that gives Trump the privilege of committing a felony?
I don’t speak for him. But it is worth noting that he likely had them for the same reason Obama retained over 30 million pages of his presidential papers when he left office. And others.

The fact (which you don’t seem able to grasp) really isn’t difficult. Try thinking for a change. Really! It could help!

Here is the relevant fact: once Trump ceased being President, those papers became the property of the US Government. And sure, they usually end up in the National Archives. Of course, they don’t always. Sometimes they are physically located in the various Presidential Libraries.

There is a reason (let this, too, sail over your pin head) that the government lawyers had been “negotiating” with Trump’s legal team concerning the documents.

You really are a joke.
You don’t understand. There are lots of things a moron like you doesn’t understand. The fact that you’re still wrong is rather odd. But not surprising. You are, after all, quite fully retarded.

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

I wish I had a dime for every time you made an idiot of yourself on this forum.

By the way, Trump is his own worst enemy. The documents were planted, before he said they were his. Get it? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
None of the documents were classified once the President declassified them. You imbecile. Get that? No? Not surprising. You remain a retard.
The FBI will bend over backward to put people in prison.

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.

Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favoured prosecutors in more than 95 per cent of the 268 trials reviewed so far, according to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project, which are assisting the government with the country’s largest post-conviction review of questioned forensic evidence.

The cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death. Of those, 14 have been executed or died in prison, the groups said under an agreement with the government to release results after the review of the first 200 convictions.

The FBI errors alone do not mean there was not other evidence of a convict’s guilt. Defendants and federal and state prosecutors in 46 states and the District of Columbia are being notified to determine whether there are grounds for appeals. Four defendants were previously exonerated.

Legendary Boston mobster Whitey Bulger was killed in prison overnight on Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018.

89-year-old Boston mob boss James ‘Whitey’ Bulger was killed in prison by a ‘fellow inmate with mafia ties’ shortly after he was transferred to a West Virginia federal prison.

Bulger was reportedly wheeled away from security cameras and beaten with a lock in a sock and also had his eyes gouged out.

Sources told The Daily Mail that Whitey Bulger was about to out people in the FBI, specifically FBI officials of the informant program.​


The Boston Globe noted Robert Mueller’s connection with the Whitey Bulger case in an article entitled, “One Lingering Question for FBI Director Robert Mueller.” The Globe said this:

“[Mike] Albano [former Parole Board Member who was threatened by two F.B.I. agents for considering parole for the men imprisoned for a crime they did not commit] was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies. Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset…”

Mueller put people in prison for crimes they did not commit:

“Mueller was the head of the Criminal Division as Assistant U.S. Attorney, then as Acting U.S. Attorney. I could not find any explanation online by Mueller as to why he insisted on keeping the defendants in prison that FBI agents—in the pocket of Whitey Bulger—had framed for a murder they did not commit. Make no mistake: these were not honorable people he had incarcerated. But it was part of a pattern that eventually became quite clear that Mueller was more concerned with convicting and putting people in jail he disliked, even if they were innocent of the charges, than he was with ferreting out the truth,” Gohmert said.

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