Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Yep, if the documents are declassified, I think we can all agree that he does not have classified documents. :cuckoo: Although anyone can submit a request and possess government documents, the law does not allow anyone to take them, particular if they are original presidential documents.

You are one weird dude. You think Trump declassifying them doesn't mean they are declassified and the person who could declassify them is like anyone writing in and requesting them.

And you still didn't answer the question I asked, what did Trump NOT do that left them classified even though he literally had the power to instantaneously declassify them? Did he need to do an Indian dance? Did he need to rub his stomach three times backwards? How is his having the documents not declassifying them exactly? Did he need to rub your head? What?
Is the following, an indelible trait of Trump Supporters? Do they all think and talk like this poster quoted below? (Just askin')

Is it misogyny?
Is it projection?
Is it inadequacy?
Is it envy?

I dunno.
Am only ask

Chilicothe: Calling me a misogynist! That makes you a misogynist!

Yeah, yeah, I'm rubber and you're glue, stupid fuck

A. ....Below, a sincere respectful query to the poster "Kaz" to explain his position in an above post. (#2119)*
"Is it misogyny?
Is it projection?
Is it inadequacy?
Is it envy?"

B. Poster Kaz's response to that query......while utilizing the communication level he's achieved.

"stupid fuck"
"Stupid people also do not win a presidential election when he is opposed by the leaders of both political parties, most heads of states, most main stream media, academia, celebrities, the intelligence agencies, etc."
Well then, poster Jim....is there a credible argument to be made that it was Don Trump with Vlad Putin, and assorted ballot cheaters that rigged the 2016 election? How else could he have won what with all those who you complain about being against him?

I dunno.
Just askin'.


*Below is the post referenced above.....it is Poster Kaz's contribution to our political discussions on this venue:
Your woman dick looks really big.
Fucking retard
No, your inability to prove your claims is.
Tell you a little secret, Pal.......the clowns on the left here post all kinds of unsubstantiated, unsourced crap daily, yet I can take their comments and find the facts over what they think is the truth.
And post the facts vs their truth, every time.

Your lack of knowledge on issues you think you are up on does not equate to my being responsible for spoon feeding you or anyone else on this forum.

Suck on that for a while.
Tell you a little secret, Pal.......the clowns on the left here post all kinds of unsubstantiated, unsourced crap daily, yet I can take their comments and find the facts over what they think is the truth.
And post the facts vs their truth, every time.

Your lack of knowledge on issues you think you are up on does not equate to my being responsible for spoon feeding you or anyone else on this forum.

Suck on that for a while.


Uh, yeah, that was a pretty lame excuse for why you can't prove your claims. :icon_rolleyes:
More like a good response for your continual lack of knowledge on subjects you attempt to opine on..

Nope, just more excuses for you being unable to prove your claims. The burden to prove claims is on the person making them. A pity you can't.
Freshly planted by our illustrious FBI.
trollboy flopper gets his ass handed to him on a platter,

You are one weird dude. You think Trump declassifying them doesn't mean they are declassified and the person who could declassify them is like anyone writing in and requesting them.

And you still didn't answer the question I asked, what did Trump NOT do that left them classified even though he literally had the power to instantaneously declassify them? Did he need to do an Indian dance? Did he need to rub his stomach three times backwards? How is his having the documents not declassifying them exactly? Did he need to rub your head? What?
HE is indeed fucking weird the fact he thinks the evil organization the FBI which has a long history of planting evidence and long history of corruption is all of a sudden being honest. what drugs is he on? LOL
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
A. ....Below, a sincere respectful query to the poster "Kaz" to explain his position in an above post. (#2119)*

Poster Kaz's response to that query......while utilizing the communication level he's achieved.


Well then, poster Jim....is there a credible argument to be made that it was Don Trump with Vlad Putin, and assorted ballot cheaters that rigged the 2016 election? How else could he have won what with all those who you complain about being against him?

I dunno.
Just askin'.


*Below is the post referenced above.....it is Poster Kaz's contribution to our political discussions on this venue:

Fucking ass. How's your chick dick? Shriveling up and dying, huh?

My fantasy? I'm not the one wearing a gay sex costume. Ridem, Cowboy!!!

You must be since you can't see what other posters are wearing. You can only see what you're wearing. Why you chose to share your twisted fantasies with posters here is beyond me.

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