Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

If Trump followed official procedures for storing Top Secret information, he does not have to worry

If he cut corners….he is Fucked
Well Hillary didn’t follow procedures - in fact, she did worse.….she DESTROYED evidence under subpoena - and the FBI said it wasn’t anything deserving of prosecution. So since Garland said the FBI applies justice equally, regardless of political sides, Trump has nothing to worry about.
No he doesnt. As CIC he is the final Classification Authority. Like it or not there has to be "a guy" who has final say on things like this and in this case it's the President.

Yes, the CIC has the final Classification Authority. That does not change what happens after a document is declassified. Unless the CIC changes those rules as well. If you can show us where Trump changed those rules I would be happy to read them.
Unsealed Search Warrant with receipt of items taken shows Trump had:
Top Secret Classified Documents
Confidential Classified Documents
Miscellaneous Secret Documents

Hey Flop Sweat-- -- he was a president. He took a bath in secret documents daily. Every president takes secret documents home pertaining to them. Obumma has millions of them.

The real question then if the gov wants some of them back is:
  1. Who boxed them up and transported them to Trump's home in the first place?
  2. What took the gov two years to realize they were missing?
  3. What happened to the normal process of requesting documents back by subpoena?
  4. Why were the FBI who went to Trump's house the same ones already under investigation for lying to FISA in 2016 helping to try to frame Trump for Russia-Russia?
  5. If they already knew where the documents were, then why did they spend nine hours sniffing Melania's underwear while making others stand outside in 100° heat?
  6. Why did they plan the whole thing to occur while Trump was away out of state?
  7. Why can the Washington Post tell us more about the case than the Attorney General?
Yes, the CIC has the final Classification Authority. That does not change what happens after a document is declassified. Unless the CIC changes those rules as well. If you can show us where Trump changed those rules I would be happy to read them.
I never said any of that and you didn't either.
You keep calling it illegal, so what specifically made it illegal? The warrant was specific enough: Document Viewer : NPR

The warrant allows search and seizure of any documents created during Trump’s ENTIRE four years. That is the type of broad sweeping fishing expeditions disallowed.
Really? Even though we already know Trump had taken illegally 15 boxes of documents he was forced to return and he ignored subpoenas for the rest?
There were additional steps to take before a massive sea, air, and land raid was carried out. The whole thing was such an overreach that it is backfiring. Why didn’t they do the same thing on Hillary’s house? Oh right….Dem double stamdards.
There is an active investigation on Hunter Biden, so does that mean we should ignore the fact Trump has these materials?
The FBI has had in its possession Hunter‘s laptop for more than two years, and lied about it being “Russian disinformation” to help Biden win. And we are supposed to believe that they are conducting a real investigation into Biden’s involvement with Hunter’s selling influence to foreign enemies?
I never said any of that and you didn't either.

Saying "this is declassified" is not the end, it is just the beginning of the process.

I knew a Marine back in Okinawa that got busted down a rank for having a document marked as SECRET in his possession even though the document had been declassified. But since the markings had not been changed he was still in violation of the laws and rules governing classified materials.
Oh. So in your world, the Commander in Chief is beholden to rules that unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats made up.

And where did the unelectable, unaccountable bureaucrats get their authority over the Commander in Chief?

Yes, again in my world the CIC is not a god, they are not above the rules. This is a good thing, this is how it should be.
Yes, again in my world the CIC is not a god, they are not above the rules. This is a good thing, this is how it should be.

Your world is not the United States then. It's not the Constitution. It's not run by We the People, it's run by bureaucrats.

I wonder if you even understand who is supposed to check the CiC?
Summary of the warrant:

- all papers/documents that ever existed from the beginning of time on any topic ever.
Your world is not the United States then. It's not the Constitution. It's not run by We the People, it's run by bureaucrats.

I wonder if you even understand who is supposed to check the CiC?

Yes, my world is the United States, which is why the President is just that a president and and not a god to whom no rules apply.

Congress is supposed to check the CIC, and Congress is who passed the laws on classified materials.
Yes, my world is the United States, which is why the President is just that a president and and not a god to whom no rules apply.

Congress is supposed to check the CIC, and Congress is who passed the laws on classified materials.

Are they laws, or just bureaucratic nonsense?
He's not the President....just sayin'...he gets no protection from the law due to his previous employment~
Those documents were supposedly declassified DURING his term and do not revert back to TS after his term ends. This is such infantile bullshit. The man was privy to huge amounts of the most sensitive intelligence available. He indisputably had the authority to take those docs home and all he had to do to make it legal was UTTER THE WORDS, I'm declassifying this material.
Yes, my world is the United States, which is why the President is just that a president and and not a god to whom no rules apply.

Congress is supposed to check the CIC, and Congress is who passed the laws on classified materials.
Right. You prefer the IRS, DoJ, and FBI (all part of the executive) be like gods when they do your bidding.
No, let’s just make them wait in Mexico. Much easier than an expensive campaign to seek out employers nationwide, where many would slip through the cracks.

It's worked quickly and successfully in other countries.
Those documents were supposedly declassified DURING his term and do not revert back to TS after his term ends. This is such infantile bullshit. The man was privy to huge amounts of the most sensitive intelligence available. He indisputably had the authority to take those docs home and all he had to do to make it legal was UTTER THE WORDS, I'm declassifying this material.

Don't get caught up in Trump's lies. He'll just make a fool of you. Look how he's treated Trump loyalists.

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